ms_potter @ 2003-08-19 23:11:00 |
Aw, dammit
Mood: wibble!
Harry is missing.
Perhaps he's gone to comfort Draco? -.-
nightflight @ August 19 2003, 20:14:06 UTC |
You beat me by a minute.
We can... only... hope.
::clings to j_h plushie and cries::
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 20:17:24 UTC |
This is not happening.
Hm. I don't think it has that much to do with Draco, more with just the overall of whatever the hell is going on. We haven't seen any posts/comments from Harry, so I think he might of just gotten fed up.
*crosses fingers* please find him, please find him....
sistermagpie @ August 19 2003, 20:20:10 UTC |
I hope he's gone off by himself on purpose, since he said he was going to Lupin's.
Otoh, I hope he's not the mighty Casey that's struck out, taking all the joy in Mudville!!!!
athene_51 @ August 19 2003, 20:20:53 UTC |
I suspect a black hole has developed and is slowly absorbing the players. Soon all that will be left is a vacuum, filled with the sound* of NrAgers wibbling.
Or Harry's with Draco. You know, whatever. I have no idea what's going on.
* Yes, I know there's no sound in a vacuum :)
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hobaggins @ August 19 2003, 20:26:38 UTC |
That is all.
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 20:32:51 UTC |
Erm.. I'm not wibbling.. Yet.
*clutches j_h plushie and looks around desperatly*
Hot, everlasting boylove would be nice. *thinks* *runs to*
undermeyou @ August 19 2003, 20:37:16 UTC |
Ooh, sirius, not now either! Can't watch! ::cover eyes, but peeks::
(parent)dragynville @ August 19 2003, 20:38:03 UTC |
This seems to lend credence to the supposition that Sirius was involved in whatever has Narcissa upset.
Perhaps Harry overheard Remus and Sirius and took off to see Draco or just took off on his own because he's upset..?
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 20:40:11 UTC |
Oh my god, yes Sirius did something..! 0.0
Now if we could just find out what!
imochan @ August 19 2003, 20:43:54 UTC |
HAHAHAHA I LOVE SIRIUS. He used the >:O!!!
And, oh yes, right, they were on a "break". !!!! Break does not equal split. This is actually the least wibbly thing I've heard of yet. However, it does seem to suggest that yes... ergh.... lucius. and :(
imochan @ August 19 2003, 20:46:12 UTC |
Okay, so now the comment's changed to something a little more... controlled. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. <333333 That was a wonderful little spontaneous thing to see, though. I hope I'm not out of line for reporting it. >:D
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Anonymous @ August 19 2003, 20:51:23 UTC |
*whispers* it's ok, we did it for fun... *grins*
~Sirius' player
imochan @ August 19 2003, 20:57:40 UTC |
whew. <3 That was lovely and it made me laugh. Thank you!
(parent)dragynville @ August 19 2003, 20:52:31 UTC |
I can see why Sirius' player changed it. It was rather reminiscent of Ross on Friends. XD
(parent)portkey @ August 19 2003, 20:54:37 UTC |
You need to learn to adhere to the five minute rule, young grasshoppa.
Yeah, so that doesn't quite work when you're older than me. But whatever.
Oh god oh god oh god. I've been not keeping up with NA the last few days because this whole thing is breaking my heart. More than anything the fact that Harry hasn't been talking to Remus just kills me. *sighs*
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 20:48:57 UTC |
I'd say this pretty much confirms a Sirius/Lucius uh.. thing. Ew. XD And I can see why Remus is upset since Sirius has been insisting he hasn't been with Lucius since they've been married and, practically the minute they separate, he's horndogging after THAT MAN.
(parent)dragynville @ August 19 2003, 21:04:06 UTC |
And Sirius may finally learn the consequences of his actions the hard way. *wibble* ;_;
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 19 2003, 20:45:43 UTC |
I still think he and Lucius were caught on their "buisness trip".
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 19 2003, 20:42:14 UTC |
They have a missing kid and they pick now to place blame?!?!?! How is that helping? Isn't making sure Harry (a person who has a history of getting into extremely dangerous situations) is safe more important right now? Not that I think he's in danger but THEY DON'T KNOW HE ISN'T!!!! What is wrong with them?!?!
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 20:45:09 UTC |
*wibbling sets in*
I'd break out the cookies now, but this just going to get worse. Probably.
OK, it got worse as I was typing. *grabs cookies* *and remus plushie*
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 20:51:20 UTC |
I'm eating cookies, and hoping for more fight. Maybe they'll actually say something specific about it finally. *sighs* *waits* cookie?
(parent)selene_rain @ August 19 2003, 23:33:36 UTC |
The only cookies we have in the house are "fructose sweetened" and taste like ass. Damn these diabetics! Don't they know I need real cookies in a time like this?!
(parent)zorb @ August 19 2003, 20:35:38 UTC |
Mutual hurt-comfort! Yes! It must be so!
*crosses fingers, toes, arms, legs, hair*
imochan @ August 19 2003, 20:40:40 UTC |
BEST EVER. Despite the wibblies, I just have to express the eternal love I have for N_A right now. hahahahaha, this is going to be SO GOOD. I'm bringing out the high-quality microwave popcorn. Someone get me a comfy chair.
nightflight @ August 19 2003, 20:42:21 UTC |
Care to share any of the popcorn? ::watery eyes:: I am out of food. ~_~
(parent)imochan @ August 19 2003, 20:45:12 UTC |
Only if you promise to share the comfy chair. I need snugglies. ;_; Will share popcorn for body heat. >:D
(parent)nightflight @ August 19 2003, 20:47:45 UTC |
Oh, I will definitely take you up on THAT deal! =D ::snugglies up to you::
(parent)imochan @ August 19 2003, 20:47:45 UTC |
YAY! Methinks chair should turn into comfy couch. notapipe, can you get on this when you have a chance? >:D
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 21:01:54 UTC |
Hey, is there a n_a chat on AIM that you know of? Or anything for that matter?
zorb @ August 19 2003, 20:42:53 UTC |
Haha, seriously, dude. Looks like it's going to be a refreshing kind of night, hm?
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 21:09:40 UTC *grins* |
"You utter git"
Anyone else notice he's calling Sirius the same thing Snape has been calling him?
WOOO! *joins in wibble-age and hopefully popcorn*
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 21:13:52 UTC Re: *grins* |
I think that's indicative of just how upset Remus is. And now Sirius is saying "my godson"..! Remus is right, he is an utter git. >.
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 21:16:02 UTC Re: *grins* |
I noticed that. o_O crikey. this is intense.
*waiting most anxiously for next "fix"*
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 21:19:25 UTC Re: *grins* |
It reminds me of his I rushed home for this? comment. Sometimes Sirius doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. xp
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 21:22:56 UTC Re: *grins* |
precisely. he really doesn't. it seems like they're both turning their fear for Harry into anger at one another. Completely misdirected emotion on both of their parts. And the sad thing is that, as much as we want to find out more, in the N_A time frame, it would be MOST CRUCIAL for them to get their arses off the computers and go find him.
Which means... o_O nothing for us for a while. If they're looking for Harry, I mean. Arrgh. I can't decide which I want them to do more; go off and look for Harry, or bleed their lives onto N_A for our benefit.
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 21:29:00 UTC Re: *grins* |
I can't decide which I want them to do more; go off and look for Harry, or bleed their lives onto N_A for our benefit.
It's so true! XD
Yes, I too think they'll have to go off for a while to keep integrity and realism. Unless Harry should post and let them know he's ok before they leave. That is if he is ok and if he's near a comp and if he's over his anger enough to care.. hmm, looks like it'll be a while. XD
blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 21:32:32 UTC Re: *grins* |
grrr. arrgh. *gets out lawn chair and watches the Sirius star instead. It's more consistent*
Kidding. *grabs snacks and hovers at the fringes, waiting for the slightest sign of movement on N_A*
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 21:35:45 UTC Re: *grins* |
*grabs the pizza combos and orange cream soda and joins you at the fringe* o_o
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 21:38:04 UTC Re: *grins* |
*sells T-shirts for smut*
blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 21:51:56 UTC Re: *grins* |
What? You don't want a T-shirt?
All right... how about I turn it around and sell smut for T-shirts of N_A lurve, hm?
Would that work?
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 22:02:11 UTC Re: *grins* |
No, but I might consider a tanktop. I am a California girl, after all. XD
Personally, I suspect they've timed this so they can take a break to watch QE. XD
blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 22:04:22 UTC Re: *grins* |
The true conspiracy emerges.
*gives you a tanktop for free*
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 22:06:29 UTC Re: *grins* |
w00t! Does that make me an honorary Hufflepuff? XD
Thanks! *wears it with wibbly pride*
blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 22:10:36 UTC Re: *grins* |
lol. naw. I don't have the authority for that.
actually, if you look closely, the tanktop reads:
"I was eating junk food when the shit when down on N_A"
^_~ It's a modern classic, I tell ya.
*munches on popcorn*
blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 22:20:09 UTC Re: *grins* |
WENT down. Not when down.
Bah. Can you tell I'm distracted by my anxiousness for Harry and Draco and Sirius and Remus?
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 22:33:48 UTC Re: *grins* |
Yup, and I can't blame you either as I am too.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 19 2003, 21:29:48 UTC Re: *grins* |
Find Harry!
They need to put their anger aside until Harry is found. He is most the important thing in their lives.
He is also the only thing holding them together but now that might be null and void.
babytyggeryss @ August 19 2003, 21:16:29 UTC Re: *grins* |
It's the same word but the emotion behind it is very different.
I think this calls for more smut. Tonight, I'll have one eye on NA and the other will be drinking up lots of hot, happy smut.
blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 21:18:30 UTC Re: *grins* |
Lol. Oh, I recognize the difference. I was more amused by the fact that the inflection was the same. Ditto on the need for smut. WAH.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 19 2003, 21:25:05 UTC Re: *grins* |
I think Remus's wording show the influence that Snape has had in his life.
It would be sweet, but considering the facts, it's more bitter-sweet than anything.
athene_51 @ August 19 2003, 21:11:44 UTC |
I'm off to search for my godson.
Ouch! Is the "my" emphasized on purpose, to hurt Remus? Or am I reading too much into this?
Also: wah!
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 21:16:53 UTC |
Yes, I very much think so, otherwise there'd be no point to it, Remus certainly knows who Harry is.
(parent)dragynville @ August 19 2003, 21:24:42 UTC |
err.. that's yes to the first question (and a no to the second).
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 19 2003, 21:19:49 UTC |
No, I think you are right.
It's an spiteful thing to do, considering the level of feelings Remus has for Harry.
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 21:47:32 UTC |
I believe we're all reading into it just enough.
(parent)lunadeath02 @ August 19 2003, 21:35:22 UTC |
Oh, and I don't know if this is connected or not but...
Draco is also missing.
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 07:47:59 UTC Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!? |
Okay, I'm a bit of a newbie here, but I've read up on ALL the NA archives.
*jaw drops as she re-reads the post* GODS!!! If it ain't the yaoi thing comin' out at last, then I think Voldemort--and quit whimpering, whoever it is--finally decided to a)try and kill Harry once again, and b) force Draco to become a Death Eater like his father.
Why would I say that? Well, why did Lucius suddenly had to go on a "business" trip to London in the middle of his family vacation? I am VERY sure that it's not because of Sirius. (sorry, sirius/lucius peeps!) I mean, we're talking about one of Voldie-Moldie's head minions here!
Oh, and the Voldie-Moldie thing was thought up by kawaiigami, a LJ user that I know IRL.
zionsstarfish @ August 19 2003, 21:37:08 UTC Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
Okay, anyone want to guess where he is and what he's doing? He's been gone since this morning. Poor thing, he's finally had enough.
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 21:44:28 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
WOO! See? See? I know I've asked this before, but DAMN, do I want a Where's Harry icon?
Hmm... I can't see either Draco running to anyone else's homes... So maybe the two of them have gone off to wander the streets of London together? Or maybe they're just on the Knight Bus as we speak?
They MIGHT not be together, but the timing just seems to suggest otherwise. Ack. Loving the suspense.
zionsstarfish @ August 19 2003, 21:51:10 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
Maybe he's with Draco... in light of what he's likely pieced together, Harry might take out some of his frustrations on Draco, in some kind of funky anger transference. Towel rack? Hmm, I wonder what the chances are of both of them ending up a little scraped and bloodied... and *not* in the wibblesquee kind of way. LOL. (maybe after ;))
Harry seems like a solitary sulker though. He's going to be hard to catch, as he can Apparate now. I doubt he's gone to Hogwarts, or the Burrow. Maybe he's gone to Knockturn Alley O_o
zorb @ August 19 2003, 21:55:31 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
*slaps on Clue hat*
Harry, in a pub, with Draco.
zionsstarfish @ August 19 2003, 21:58:45 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
Hmm, I will see you that scenario and raise you this:
Harry, in a pub, with Draco. Draco, in the pub bathroom, making disgusted comments about alcohol, holding Harry's head while he pukes.
Awwwwwwwww. it's lurrrve.
zorb @ August 19 2003, 22:01:47 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
...and then Draco breaks the toilet paper holder. ^^
(parent)zionsstarfish @ August 19 2003, 22:03:42 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
LOL! Yes... amid protests of its shoddy construction and materials.
(parent)lunadeath02 @ August 19 2003, 22:04:47 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
well, this shows that draco's gone missing too. Didn't Draco say in the Q&A post that he spends most of his time with Millicent? And if she doesn't know where he is....
My guess is that he and Harry Apparated somewhere. perhaps he went to Draco and they said to hell with all this crap and left. both parents are going to have to start realizing that they're all acting like idiots.
there was a movie about that somewhere, wasn't there? the parents acting like morons so the kids took off? i don't remember.
zionsstarfish @ August 19 2003, 22:10:16 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
Yeah. Maybe they went to Cannes and are spending the night in Draco's enormous estate. All of Harry's so-called homes are now very uninviting: he nearly got killed at Hogwarts, he doesn't feel welcome with Remus (all the not-talking), he's vanished from Dogear Wryde (all the not-talking with Sirius) and he's definitely not going back to #4. I can't think of anywhere else Harry would feel safe to go.
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 21:57:59 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
Yup. I suggested they were roaming the streets of London, too. If they're not together, they would surely meet up for a bit and then part - if only by accident. I just can't think of another place, other than the streets, that either would go to.
*sigh* Too bad Snape's away. I think it'd be quite amusing for Snape to find Harry and then drag him back by the ears, or something to that effect.
la_trix @ August 19 2003, 22:38:21 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
Harry might take out some of his frustrations on Draco, in some kind of funky anger transference.
I completely agree. It might seem logical that the two of them have, er, "run away together," but it's just as likely that the two may end up fighting about this. Sirius didn't just cheat on Remus (I'm assuming here), he cheated with Draco's father. While Harry might equally blame Remus, Sirius, and Lucius in this situation, Draco could place all the blame on Sirius in some attempt to redeem His Father. I see the potential for H/D fracturing over this.
zionsstarfish @ August 19 2003, 22:42:19 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
Yeah. I do think, though, the anger wouldn't last long between the two of them. That they're friends, and still are friends despite what's gone on between them (and around them), tells me they've been able to see the other as a complete and separate person, different from their parents (or their guardians). It's encouraging that maybe their relationship, whatever it is, might just be the only one that survives August. <--non-jinxy cross-outs!
babytyggeryss @ August 19 2003, 21:59:24 UTC Re: Where's Harry? *slaps striped shirt and hat on him* |
I'm surprised Harry has lasted this long without doing something as drastic as running away.
The poor dear.
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 22:35:12 UTC |
Sirius hasn't found him yet. o_o *wibbles galore*
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 19 2003, 22:55:11 UTC |
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
saphywaphy @ August 19 2003, 23:15:52 UTC |
Am honored - sorry, spilled on keyboard earlier so typing is hard and choppy w/ copy+paste.
(parent)el_erzulie @ August 20 2003, 00:29:43 UTC |
:O Can I too?! That is sodding... wit at its peak!
... still recovering from shock. Too funny.
noirenails @ August 20 2003, 03:07:14 UTC |
It's adorable but it scares the hell out of me. He seems so cheery it's not natural.
(parent)el_erzulie @ August 20 2003, 00:25:00 UTC |
Er. Is it just me or does Draco seem jealous? Come on, he's using that... angry'ish icon...
That's such a sweet thought, I hope he is! *bounce* Either way I'm sure he's fine. RIGHT?
saffronlie @ August 20 2003, 05:41:45 UTC |
Don't worry, Harry's here with me.
Oh, wait, that's that wishful thinking thing again. Damn.
sistermagpie @ August 20 2003, 06:45:49 UTC |
Usually I'm hesitatant to assume when Harry's missing when he's with Draco, but I wouldn't be surprised. If he's gotten sick of this he really might want to hang out with someone he doesn't feel that much pressure around who's just going to want to do stupid things or talk about things not related to the situation.
We don't know that Draco's missing yet, I guess, but it would fit the pattern to have frantic "Where's Harry?" posts while the Malfoys took a while to absorb that their kid was missing (hey, it's a big villa). The last time Draco posted wasn't he annoyed about his parents having this very public fight on the journals? And on the chat Harry seemed to be feeling annoyed at his parents too--Lupin especially. It would be a pretty normal thing for both of them to want to go off by themselves, whether together or individually, and the Cannes estate actually might be a logical place to sleep.
blue_lightning @ August 20 2003, 08:07:55 UTC |
The Cannes estate! Of course!
Say... if the both of them are in there, and it's a Malfoy's home, then surely there are wards to keep others out, if need be? Could it be possible that they'd barricade themselves off from the world for the rest of the summer?
zionsstarfish @ August 20 2003, 09:36:12 UTC |
Yeah, I was thinking the Cannes estate as well, err... somewhere up there in the frantic posts. Just because of how unwelcoming all of Harry's 'homes' are at the moment. Even Hogwarts must seem foreboding, as he nearly died there.
I'm not too worried about him yet. I don't think he's the type to deliberately make people worry about him but I do think he needs time to himself. I'll give him a day or so of silence before breaking out the Rescue Mission badges o_O
Imagine if Draco pops up someplace and he has no idea where Harry is either. meep!
la_trix @ August 20 2003, 11:18:56 UTC |
The last time Draco went missing, no one even noticed he was gone:
... I ended up spending the entirety of the weekend alone in a theatre with a head of lettuce. No one even bothered to look for me. I could have been lying in a gutter and no one bothered to notice until everyone else was rounded up.
Even so, I don't think we should assume Draco is missing right now. It would be possible for him to quietly drop out of Lucius and Narcissa's sight for a while, but Millicent would surely post something more if she couldn't find him anywhere, wouldn't she?
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lunar_dancer @ August 20 2003, 15:51:56 UTC |
Well, Draco has appeared here so Millicent has had some contact with him.
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 09:16:45 UTC |
Maybe Millicent and Pansy collected their favorite Gryffindor as well as Ron's favorite Slytherin? Or maybe Harry's just decided to hide until Sirius and Remus make up. Force them to combine efforts to find him and whatnot.
(parent)la_trix @ August 20 2003, 10:22:15 UTC |
Just like the Parent Trap! ;)
Too bad, then, that Harry's disappearance has made S/R relations worse.