redbowties @ 2003-08-20 18:15:00 |
(no title)
Mood: enthralled
Hi! I'm new, well yes and no. See, I've been floating and reading for awhile, but it just didn't occur to me to join..silly me.
So, I have, yay! And, just let me say: I am addicted. How could I not be?
Anyway, as all of us must be, I'm worried about our dear boy-who-lived. Where has he gone off to?
=\ I hope he hasn't gotten snatched by the Dark Sirius' post where he asks Harry to come home so he can start making dinner, Remus replies and says "This is your fault" (Link here) and then they go on to talk about how Harry's not blind and he can read the posts...I think they are referring to this, but I am not sure..can someone clear this up for me?
Much appreciated.
non_inferno @ August 20 2003, 18:52:07 UTC |
Country music! Ha, ha!
I'm assuming that Harry on one of the major continents, but this might not be so. I have no idea about the rest. And I'm really always this helpful.
non_inferno @ August 20 2003, 18:55:25 UTC |
I forgot an 'is', and I feel compelled to point it out.
(parent)redbowties @ August 20 2003, 20:45:51 UTC |
lmao. I <3 country music.
I think that he's run away, in hopes that Remus and Sirius will get back together..I might have heard of some cases like this where when someones parents split up and the kid runs away or gets in mortal peril so that they show they still care but he does this subconciously or something...=\
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 19:02:55 UTC Yo, fellow newcomer! |
Yes, I'm still new here. ;_; Meh...if only I could get a livejournal...
Anyway, I'm honestly hoping that Voldemort hasn't gotten to Harry, either. Or young Malfoy, for that matter. After all, the latter's of age, and the Dark Lord could ALWAYS use new recruits...
Maybe Lucius' "business" trip wasn't ORIGINALLY to spend time with Sirius? What if it was to meet up with his master and tell him that his son is "ready" to become a fellow Death Eater?!
O_O ...meep! Hunin, I need a hug right 'bout now...
babytyggeryss @ August 20 2003, 19:08:02 UTC Re: Yo, fellow newcomer! |
I doubt it's Voldemort. In canon, he attacks in the spring when school is drawing to a close.
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 19:10:33 UTC Re: Yo, fellow newcomer! |
In canon, yes. But this ISN'T canon. This is FANON. In other words, Snake-Face can attack whenever he wants to.
OO;;; ...okay, now I'm starting to freak out. HUNIN! HUG!!! X(
hunin_munin @ August 20 2003, 23:00:18 UTC Re: Yo, fellow newcomer! |
... You are getting your hug germs all over me. And I offered you a livejournal code. Offer still stands.
(parent)luna_lg @ August 21 2003, 07:23:48 UTC Re: Yo, fellow newcomer! |
Sorry, hunin--'bout the germs, I mean. ^^;;;
hunin_munin @ August 21 2003, 11:33:16 UTC Re: Yo, fellow newcomer! |
Did you say 'snake-face' earlier?
(parent)redbowties @ August 20 2003, 20:47:51 UTC Re: Yo, fellow newcomer! |
Yeah, that does make sense, but still, since it's canon and they all don't know's foolish of Harry to run off when Voldie's still out there..
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 19:17:08 UTC Re: Yo, fellow newcomer! |
PLEASE!!! I'm tired of Diaryland!
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ashh @ August 20 2003, 19:18:55 UTC Re: Yo, fellow newcomer! |
E-mail me: ashh (at) I'll send you one.
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 19:24:58 UTC Re: Yo, fellow newcomer! |
Sending email--bloody Outlook actin' up, so using college email. *sighs* look for lmfitz2, k?