ms_potter @ 2003-08-22 18:30:00 |
(no title)
Mood: drat!
Cho's mum saw Harry this morning!.
Sadly, her mum didn't know he was missing, so he got away. Cho promises to sit on him the next time she sees him. :D :D
merlion @ August 22 2003, 15:40:17 UTC |
But he looked good and was being very responsible about picking up his school supplies.
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 15:42:57 UTC | you think..he just wants to be left alone? And he is upset about all the fighting going on with the parents?
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 17:08:27 UTC |
Why does he seem so much more worried than Sirius?
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 17:11:20 UTC |
You know. I have no idea..he's posting like a ..well, like a mother that's lost her son really..I bet it's because he can't think of anywhere else to look and so he's at home fretting..and Siri is probably still out there running around aimlessly shouting "HARRY POTTER! HARRY! WHERE ARE YOU!?"
Someone should tell him to look in Diagon Alley..Lupin should owl him..
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 17:13:40 UTC |
Yes, I imagine that may be the case. Maybe Sirius is so busy searching that he hasn't the time for heart-breaking posts. It still feels... strange.
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 17:16:09 UTC |
Yeah..I know..especially when he says stuff like this.
As a side note, you so totally have to be my friend! lol. I'm such a nerd, I'm bored and fretting so I'm randomly reading user-infos, and you seem like an uber spiffy person!! Friends?
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 17:18:24 UTC |
Gah! So true. Siri *grumble* I don't know.
Yeah. Friends. Hehe, you said "uber spiffy" which is so totally cool. Yay.
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 17:20:30 UTC |
bleh. If only Harry would have told someone! He could still hide out, but tell people that he wants to be left alone so we don't worry sick that he's dead or something?!!?!
Yay!! Adding you! ^_^
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 17:25:03 UTC |
Right. But then Harry has never told anyone anything. He always rushes off to do whatever it is he's suddenly decided was a good idea and never tells anyone that he should. *grumble*Gryff*grumble*
*added you*
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 17:26:17 UTC |
Grr, you are right..he's got that hot head of his..the irrational thinking that always gets him into trouble!!
It was just that kind of thinking that got you-know-who killed in Ottp.
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 17:28:57 UTC |
::wibbles as well:: I just thought of something horrible..
We haven't heard from Sirius in awhile..what if he, having the same hot head as Harry..went and did something stupid..::gasps and covers her hands with her mouth.:: Oh..noooo..this could get serious!
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 17:32:14 UTC |
No no no! Stop it, stop it right now. Today is a wibble-free zone. No death theories today! Grr.
On a totally non-related note: I am going to sleep. I am beyond exhausted. It was lovely getting to know you a bit today, and I will talk to you again soon. Have a good evening/night, depending on time zone.
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 17:49:53 UTC |
aaaah. I feel compelled to point out the fact that I put "ottp" instead of "ootp" ><; shame on me!
(parent)therealycats @ August 22 2003, 19:28:09 UTC |
I'm gonna get hounded for this, but I don't care :p
Maybe because Remus (much as I love him) seems like a drama queen? :$ I'm not saying that he shouldn't be concerned by any means; he has every reason to be. don't know.
saffronlie will kill me for saying that :p
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 19:44:26 UTC |
Well, of course he is! He is gay! lol, but seriously (tehe) he's like a parent to Harry, and he's frantic because his kid's missing. I mean, if you were a parent, wouldn't you be freaking out if your son was Harry freaking Potter and he just ran away?!
(parent)therealycats @ August 22 2003, 19:47:41 UTC |
Absolutely! But Sirius is gay too, you see, so I don't know that sexuality can be a determining factor in this case :D lol!
No, he has every right to be upset and worried, and so does Sirius...but just going through my NA filter it looks like every other post is Remus saying "HARRY COME HOME!" (like Lassie! :D) But I'm sure Sirius is just as upset as Remus and he's not doing that. *shrug* I dunno.
"Come on now! It's telly time! Timmy's down the bloody well and if you make me miss it I'll-"
"You'll what? Lick me to death?"
*see, it's funny because Timmy is on Passions AND Lassie :D*
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 19:51:01 UTC |
hmmm. You've got a point..why isn't Siri all hysteric drama queen?!
Did you see the post after Cho's that Siri posted?
therealycats @ August 22 2003, 19:53:00 UTC |
Yeah! So see! He's know...hmm... one hit me...
Maybe Remus is trying to play an "I love him more than you do!" game? I dunno...just a thought...
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 19:55:11 UTC |
oooooh...that kinda makes an odd way...
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 19:58:49 UTC |
hmmm, yeah..
Wish we had more information though..and I wish they were working together!!
Power cuddles would help with Remus' frantic queen thing!! ::pout::
therealycats @ August 22 2003, 20:00:15 UTC |
Yes, but they're both being bitches right now. Hrmph. Insensitive bastards. THINK OF THE FANGIRLS!!!! :'(
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 20:01:11 UTC |
Well, I think we know what we have to do!
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 20:03:20 UTC |
Well, we have two choices:
Lock them in a closet and FORCE them to cuddle each other because they are afraid of the dark (for some reason they are :B)
Cuddle them ourselves!
therealycats @ August 22 2003, 20:04:25 UTC |
Oh! Ok!
*cuddles the canines*
*separates self from canines*
*shoves canines in a closet (hmm...regression? :\) and forces them to cuddle each other*
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 20:05:35 UTC |
teeeeeeeeheee! =D!!
::Locks door:: And you aren't coming out until you've made up!!
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 20:07:55 UTC |
I hope so..
If it doesn't we need to come up with a plan B..and how are we going to get the rest of the marriages that August screwed up back together?
::Beams and puts her hands on her hips.::
The Wizarding World needs our help. The-boy-who-lived has run off, so it's up to us: The Fangirls of Nraged to make everything sunny and bright again!
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 20:34:14 UTC |
Do do do!! ::Soars around and thinks of ways to get Mrs. Weasley to come in and make a proper pot of tea::
(parent)luna_lg @ August 24 2003, 15:11:36 UTC |
Hmmmmmmmmm...that might be quite difficult to do...but not impossible! ^^
Now, if only they would just open up the role for Luna Lovegood...
therealycats @ August 22 2003, 19:57:46 UTC |
see, Sirius with the whole "my godson" thing, and now Remus with the frantic queenie bit...HMMMMM!
selene_rain @ August 23 2003, 15:14:44 UTC |
Yeah, I totally understand that. He seems much more the type to angst aloud than Sirius does.
(parent)primroseburrows @ August 22 2003, 19:52:04 UTC |
I think they both are worried. Remus is just more vocal. He's more a man of words than Sirius.
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 20:00:00 UTC |
Yeah, that's probably more along the lines of it.. and Sirius' is probably too busy pacing to sit down and type something that resembles words..
(parent)selene_rain @ August 23 2003, 15:15:57 UTC |
I agree. I see him being more vocal where Sirius seems more of a "do now, think later" kind of guy. He's probably too busy out running around and searching.
(parent)aeiriz @ August 22 2003, 18:12:12 UTC Lurker! |
yes, but what are they fighting about.
I wanna know! *whines*
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 19:42:54 UTC Re: Lurker! |
Hold On, I'll type it all
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 19:57:32 UTC Re: Lurker! |
Okay, the Weasleys are fighting because Mrs. Weasley thinks Arthur doesn't love her.
The Malfoy's are fighting because Lucius and Sirius met for drinks and it's implied that something more than just that happened (I think)
And Remus and Sirius for the same reason except it happened at Dumbledore's party..
aeiriz @ August 23 2003, 09:08:22 UTC Re: Lurker! |
Yes, but when Lupin and Black were bickering overlosing Harry Lupin says something to the extent of 'He must have found out what you've done, Jackass!'
I wanna know what that is, lol. But then again - don't we all?
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:51:18 UTC Re: Lurker! |
lmao, "He must have found out what you've done, Jackass!" haha, that amused me.
Yes, we all
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deadnealsociety @ August 22 2003, 15:46:00 UTC |
Well, we know he isn't dead.
Poor Remus. Reading his posts always make me want to cry.
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ms_potter @ August 22 2003, 18:05:37 UTC |
Well, we know he isn't dead.
LOL. Now that's optimism!
lazy_daze @ August 22 2003, 15:49:10 UTC |
It's something, though! He's OK! As of this mornng at least. Seems to rule out any 'kidnapped by Voldie' theories and strengthens the 'ran away as could not take the R/S ANGST' theories, though :))
(parent)non_inferno @ August 22 2003, 19:40:13 UTC |
But it doesn't rule out any of the 'Cho's mom is Voldemort' theories. Harry may not be as safe as we'd like to think he is.
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Anonymous @ August 22 2003, 15:49:30 UTC |
He buys his school supplies alone... :`( Poor thing.
There will be no fight between Remus and Sirius about it.
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cacklebang @ August 22 2003, 15:51:56 UTC |
Awww.. C'mon! Where's the Cho-love here, people!? I heart Cho very much indeed.
(parent)merlion @ August 22 2003, 15:56:35 UTC |
Yes. Isn't she darling?
And she said she'll sit on him. Seems almost Weasley-esque.
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 16:28:36 UTC |
tehe, they are so cute. And, I've grown fond of Cho! I hadn't really liked her too much in the canon, but she's grown on me!
I think my fondness started when she said this
noirenails @ August 23 2003, 06:43:11 UTC |
Cho in canon (and in most of the fanfics) is so friggin' annoying little bitch I want to slap her. But N_A Cho is ultracool and lesbian. I've noticed she always somehow cheers me up. And she's quite Weasley-ish.
(parent)redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:45:03 UTC |
Yes. Maybe that's what I like about her..she's graduated I maybe, she's just, grown up? And I like her better grown up..
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Anonymous @ August 22 2003, 18:14:21 UTC |
Sirius responses (