hobaggins @ 2003-08-24 05:43:00 |
Snape, watching over Lupin, "the blasted fishwife"
Mood: chipper
Snape has posted from Lupin's new bachelor pad. He drugg'd him up, but he's starting to arise. One more stop on his journey, with Lilitou by his side.
Edit'd to add:
POST TITLE: Headlong through your paper sky.
Hey, hey- let's keep the unhappy faces to a minimum, let's practice some sort of Eastern religion that would have us NOT make unhappy faces all up in my post. It throws the karma off (if that makes any sense. If it doesn't, simply change it to something else in your mind that does, and stop with the negative energy/confusing emoticons)
peccavium @ August 24 2003, 02:50:49 UTC |
Severus has heard our anguished cries, and he has mocked them-
This post's title takes its name from Dorothy Parker's...
When my eyes are weeds,
And my lips are petals, spinning
Down the wind that has beginning
Where the crumpled beeches start
In a fringe of salty reeds;
When my arms are elder-bushes,
And the rangy lilac pushes
Upward, upward through my heart;
Summer, do your worst!
Light your tinsel moon, and call on
Your performing stars to fall on
Headlong through your paper sky;
Nevermore shall I be cursed
By a flushed and amorous slattern,
With her dusty laces' pattern
Trailing, as she straggles by.
eponis @ August 24 2003, 03:11:19 UTC |
Beyond the "August" choice, which still absolutely cracks me up . . .
It's interesting that he chose a poem that's about resisting feelings of love - but that he quoted the line that's not about resistance, but about the onslaught of attraction.
eponis @ August 24 2003, 02:54:23 UTC |
Amused observations:
- Snape wasn't done with his travels, which means he came back specifically to look after Lupin.
- He's staying indefinitely.
- There's only one bed. Is Snape, then, sleeping in the armchair?
- He describes the state of the bed, alone of all the furniture.
- Acquiring a bed was "foresight." Does this imply that a bed will be needed in the future?
More seriously: "Truly, only madness would have brought me here to this place. I am not well at all." This feels like a break from Snape's exasperated, detatched tone, into something more serious, more personal. I really wonder whether this is his way of saying that it's unwise for him to be around Lupin at the moment - he's interested, and Lupin is at an extremely emotionally needy point, but getting together would be extremely foolish.
I wonder, though. Not only did Sirius sleep with Lucius, he seemed fairly unapologetic - giving, to some degree, tacit permission for Remus to do likewise. Snape has commented that he's more mature than that, but between the confined (and bare) conditions, Remus's loneliness and neediness, and Snape's feelings for him, it really wouldn't surprise me if something happened. At any rate, Snape does seem very aware of that potential.
tabiji @ August 24 2003, 03:10:10 UTC |
Truly, only madness would have brought me here to this place. I am not well at all.
That line really hit me, and I totally see it like you do. If Sev truly cares for Remus as much as it seems, he's got to be so torn right now...between wanting Remus so badly and not wanting to be just a rebound fling.
peccavium @ August 24 2003, 03:11:47 UTC oh reeeeally? |
Further amused observations:
-His mood is "indifferent"
Which, from scrolling back through a couple of pages of his personal lj, is decidedly odd. Indifferent, he says? I beg to differ.
*loves Severus*
dragynville @ August 24 2003, 07:17:45 UTC |
As for the bed comments, I think Snape was being sarcastic because Remus didn't aquire much at all for his flat.
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childofatlantis @ August 24 2003, 04:37:17 UTC ... ;_; |
Someone has probably already spotted this, although I've tried to check back as far as I can, but lupercus has changed his profile to include this:
Because your voice was at my side
I gave him pain,
Because within my hand I held
Your hand again.
There is no word nor any sign
Can make amend -
He is a stranger to me now
Who was my friend.
nightflight @ August 24 2003, 08:14:28 UTC Re: ... ;_; |
I don't know if this is new or not, but somehow I don't remember the Words section of his LJ being this:
For the present stalks abroad
Like the past and its wronged again
Whimper and are ignored,
And the truth cannot be hid;
Somebody chose their pain,
What needn't have happened did.
However, my memory has been unreliable lately, so... ;_; anyway.
selene_rain @ August 24 2003, 08:39:29 UTC Re: ... ;_; |
Okay, that sounds really bad. However, am I just too tired to think straight, or is that not about Sirius at all? It sounds to me like it's saying "I had a friend whom I ditched because I was with you, and I feel bad about it"? Sounds more likely to be Snape than Sirius, really, and not terribly wibble-worthy. What am I missing?
(parent)dari_brit @ August 24 2003, 10:57:24 UTC poetry relevance |
Not being a poetry buff, I'm not sure from what larger work this comes from, the context of these two verses,or their relation to each other... but they seem to be very relevant to N_A, if in slightly different ways:
"Because your voice was at my side
I gave him pain,
Because within my hand I held
Your hand again."
It sounds to me as if Remus is saying that Sirius's influence over him (due to their relationship) caused him to give Snape pain. If you relate this back to the Marauders, specifically "Snape's Worst Memory" from OotP, it really works! I am particularly reminded of Remus's refusal to tease Snape, but failure to stop the others...
"There is no word nor any sign
Can make amend -
He is a stranger to me now
Who was my friend."
This seems pretty clear-- we are again rockin' the August-angst, and I am again bemoaning the lack of S/R. While Snape/Lupin holds its own lure, the Marauder-love will always hold a special place in my heart.
selene_rain @ August 24 2003, 05:27:47 UTC |
This post is just full of clues as to how Sevvie is dealing with being at Remus's side. At the very least, it's terrible subconscious innuendo, at most, some sort of code he's developed. For goodness' sake, he talks about things "becom[ing] lodged in his fundament," that "he never saw it coming," and even says that he "must go and see to him, preferably using something very large." Be strong, Snapey.
In all seriousness, my heart bleeds for dear Sev. I know what it's like, attending to someone you have feelings for, and loving them in two very different ways and trying not to let one ruin the other. This is never easy, and I hope for the best for him.
dari_brit @ August 24 2003, 11:19:17 UTC |
That's a 10-4 on the innuendo; the mention of "seeing to Lupin, preferably with a large, heavy, blunt object" caused me to emit an audible "guh." ^_^
As far as the subconscious goes, though, that brings up an interesting point:
Part of Snape's complexity for me is that he seems to know himself VERY well on some levels (minds out of the gutter, please) but that his difficulty with and disdain for relationships with others often seems to keep him from being able to use that knowledge. Basically, he knows how he would react in certain situations, his weaknesses and strengths, etc...but he refuses to enter into situations of personal exchange, where his self-knowledge could give him the upper hand and quite a lot of insight.
This probably points to a huge dichotomy between his rational and emotional minds, which should be NO surprise whatsoever. But within N_A, it often seems that he must lie to himself and confuse himself into doing what he really wants to do. For instance, the enormous lupercus/
potions_master drunken debauch would never have happened in Snape had not allowed himself to get drunk in their presence. It's a paradox: Snape should know himself well enough to know when his judgement is impaired, and not to let his guard down around those two; but he gets drunk in their company and the rest is history.
Earlier, in the huge comment thread where lupercus,
purest_blood and
jaded_black each took a turn at discussing the situation, Snape showed up to defend Lupin, even after Lucius's insinuations. Lupin chides him for not using his famous restraint, and there is a sexual-tension drenched exchange about the extent of Sevvie's restraint. Again, he allows himself to be drawn into the situation in defiance of previously established boundaries.
Finally, Snape has apparently set up housekeeping with Lupin, feigning "indifference" and pleading insanity as a blind for actions that he believes will lead to increased tension and temptation. He knows himself well enough to understand that this is a dramatic move, but cannot resist either the situation OR the innuendo.
I'm probably overanalyzing-- but then again, this *is* N_A!!!
selene_rain @ August 24 2003, 11:36:26 UTC |
No, I totally agree with you. That was a very well thought-out and soundly put together argument, and I don't see much arguing with it. There is little doubt that all comes down to the dichotomy between rational and emotional minds, in all parts of this issue. I think Sevvie is the best example of it.
This latest development, however, with Snape taking up house with Remus, has me quite worried. I want Sev to be happy, I really do, but at the price of further ruining Sirius and Remus's relationship? Is that even possible? Would Remus perhaps be happier with Sev? I don't know. I just hope they all figure all of that out before something tragic happens accidentally.
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Anonymous @ August 24 2003, 13:00:26 UTC |
Earlier, in the huge comment thread where lupercus, blonde_narcissa, purest_blood and jaded_black each took a turn at discussing the situation,
Any chance you could link me to this? I'm not sure I got to it.
peccavium @ August 24 2003, 13:24:11 UTC |
Helful linking is our way at NrAged.
Battle Royale
Is this the one?
peccavium @ August 24 2003, 13:27:53 UTC errata |
And no, helful was not a clever wordplay. It was idiocy.
In retrospect, however, seems very apt.
dari_brit @ August 24 2003, 14:35:55 UTC |
Sure is, though "The Tite Street Rumble" might be an even more appropriate name. ^_-
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Anonymous @ August 25 2003, 02:43:48 UTC |
Erm, could you please link "the enormous lupercus/jaded_sirius/potions_master drunken debauch" too? i have no idea what that refers to. *n00b*
(parent)therealycats @ August 24 2003, 08:32:25 UTC |
You've all probably already noticed this, but didn't Remus used to have Sirius listed as one of his interests? It's not now :( Also, he had had a link to Sirius's journal in his, and it's gone now too :(
Damn queens. :'(
therealycats @ August 24 2003, 14:26:20 UTC |
Oy! So he does! I didn't look at that! :o
I like the Harry/wolf icon :p Ehehe...yeah, that is Dan...er....Harry, I mean. Heeee.
Sidenote: The icon he's using for "calm"...ok, now THAT is attractive...so why does he remind me of the Duke from Moulin Rouge in the one picture we have of him in costume? Waaaaaaaaah!
anoni @ August 25 2003, 03:08:59 UTC |
This is rather OT but I thought I'd ask - has anyone kept an archive of the user icons of the various NA characters over the year(s)? I know about the iconned map for Snape, but that's about it. If someone has done anything of the sort, can you provide a link or something? Please? ^^
(parent)therealycats @ August 25 2003, 05:13:27 UTC |
Well, I had another comparison in mind, a sort of criminal to be exact, but I don't think it's quite appropriate...besides, the Duke is guilty of the same sort of crime, so I think the snivvling idiot fits it well :D
I hope, *hope* that the one picture we have of them in character like that is an extreme example of the worst they'll look. If not...my poor BLUPIN. :'(
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childofatlantis @ August 25 2003, 09:34:00 UTC |
Heh... that picture is my favourite of all time, I think. *points at own icon* ^_^
(parent)therealycats @ August 25 2003, 09:36:00 UTC |
Yes! That's the best one I've seen of him. I've been trying to find a good verson of that one so I can make a BLUPIN icon, and the only one I've gotten is pretty grainy :s There aren't too many readily available Thewlis pictures that Google's giving me at the moment!
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childofatlantis @ August 25 2003, 09:38:07 UTC |
Yes, it's unfortunately a scan from a magazine, I think, and is thus very poor quality. BLUPIN is possibly the best word EVER, btw.
(parent)therealycats @ August 25 2003, 09:39:07 UTC |
Thank you :D I created it the other night. As far as I know. I've never heard it before. Ehehehe.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 24 2003, 12:37:41 UTC |
yes, save for the angst of the entry, i laughed at snape's... snapeness.
(parent)serpensortia @ August 24 2003, 15:38:44 UTC |
His 'sarcastic' icon alone was enough to make me grin. There's just something about it that's funny.