theantimodel @ 2003-08-28 18:29:00 |
"Your lips and hands of welcome"
Narcissa has posted. It sounds like she's met up with some Gypsies, and she mentioned the town of Sighisoara, which is in Romania. I think the King and Emperor she is refering to is the gypsy King and the Romanian Emperor.
Also, take a look at her icons they're really pretty.
[EDIT] Snape is back at Hogwarts early. He reports a new ghost, perhaps it is one of the kids that didn't survive The Attack?
zorb @ August 28 2003, 19:07:07 UTC |
Narcissa among the Gypsies, how perfect! I wonder what the bad Dracula memories are. *tries to remember if that was mentioned before in NA*
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Anonymous @ August 28 2003, 19:28:45 UTC |
I think it had to do with the pimp cane. It's probably in those Q&A surveys but I am too lazy to go through the links. *grin*
(parent)la_trix @ August 28 2003, 19:34:11 UTC |
Yes, the cane used to belong to Count Vlad; Narcissa bought it for Lucius when they toured the castle as a newly affianced couple. Here's the link.
(parent)bsafemydeers @ August 28 2003, 19:15:13 UTC |
Wasn't there some scary sex thing where she called Lucius her Dark Vlad or something? I was scared, anyway.
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 28 2003, 19:44:51 UTC |
Charlie comments, doubtless the gypsies are near or in Romania. Perhaps even natives.
And oh my... See wehaveseven's new userpic "dragon tamer extraordinaire!" :O!! <333
theantimodel @ August 28 2003, 19:48:31 UTC |
Good lawd, that man should be outlawed!
Narcissa did mention that they'd be in a Romanian village tomorrow so I'm assuming that she's already in Romania making her way there.
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hobaggins @ August 28 2003, 20:10:25 UTC |
I hadn't put that connection together. We need like... an US Weekly of NA. I need to know my gossip better. An US Weekly, and then maybe, Time.
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hobaggins @ August 28 2003, 20:33:27 UTC |
On the US Weekly front, Snapes new default icon is unbelievably hawt.
And on the Time front, I wonder if that new ghost could be Soblessa, and if so, what affect this will have on the colin__creevey front. I feel so bad for Colin.....
dragynville @ August 28 2003, 20:51:44 UTC |
I'm particularly fond of his 'deep in thought' icon. Very sexay! (I'm also quite fond of 'calculating'. *smirk*)
(parent)arborwin @ August 28 2003, 21:08:50 UTC |
Yesss, the new Snape icons are gorgeous.
Heee. I love the "content" one.
dari_brit @ August 28 2003, 21:34:32 UTC |
I read "content" as in, like, "contains explicit content." Let's just say that I dashed over to Snape's pics to see what userpic could possibly capture THAT Snape-mood!
No explicit content, but I'm still thrilled with the pic. ^_^
snowballjane @ August 29 2003, 03:30:01 UTC |
The content icon is very yummy.
But also - eeeeep! What a change this summer has wrought! That potions_master could even expect to be content enough to use that icon...
serpensortia @ August 29 2003, 04:16:13 UTC |
*cries* He's got rid of his sarcastic icon! I had a deep love for that icon...the new ones are nice though (but they're just not the same without the sarcasm).
(parent)peccavium @ August 29 2003, 04:31:11 UTC options |
Let's examine a list of our options for who the ghost may be.
It would be even more wrenching, I think, if the ghost weren't Soblessa. We know from canon experience that when someone we love dies, the possibility that they will come back in spectral form is a comforting one. Even if it shouldn't be.
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hobaggins @ August 28 2003, 20:51:47 UTC |
I fucking hate this format for comments, how do I link to a particular comment thread?
ANYWAY, my point is, as a I-read-too-into-things NrAger Class 1 type, Lupin said "As you wish" when he replied to Snape. (And his knew icons, #lust#)
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Anonymous @ August 28 2003, 20:59:18 UTC |
Lucius also said that to Narcissa the other day when he asked her to have lunch. -_-
(parent)theantimodel @ August 28 2003, 21:14:23 UTC |
I too, hate this comments format, S2 sucks d00d.
(parent)zorb @ August 28 2003, 23:11:49 UTC |
S2 is evil. It may have pretty colors, but it's completely impractical. *loathes*
(parent)dari_brit @ August 28 2003, 21:29:00 UTC "When is a cuppa just a cuppa?" or "How Narcissa Got Her Groove Back" |
I am sure that I am just overanalyzing an proposed chat between friendly aquaintances...and besides, Charlie's gay anyway...
But wouldn't it be awesome to have some hot, hot Narcissa/Charlie lovin' on the fly? See how Lucius felt about a little of his own medicine...and wouldn't those Malfoy/Weasley dynamics be fabulous?
Apologies all: yes, I am a dramawhore. But seriously, I would love to see Narcissa have a passionate fling with SOMEONE on this impromptu trip. It would be total character development, not only in the sense of a blonde_narcissa mid-life crisis, but in the sense that it would be a vehicle to explore various different issues.
As I mentioned, Lucius jealousy would rock my socks, and would represent character development for him as well. Narcissa would get a chance to explore her passionate nature (dark Vlador, anyone?) with someone unentangled with the Malfoy power games. Love isn't discussed half as much as sex within the Malfoy family-- Narcissa taking walks in the rain and sharing spaghetti with a (younger?) lover might be an entirely new thing for her.
To bring in parallelism, this might point the way towards D/H and a further exploration of love having more weight than society, power, money or what have you?
All massive overanalyzation, I'm sure-- but then again, I *am* a "card-carrying" member of nraged.
peccavium @ August 29 2003, 00:46:45 UTC Narcissa gets her groove back, solo. |
I feel that Narcissa's recent strength of character is owed almost entirely to the fact that she is not merely a sexual being any longer. While she and Charlie having a fly-by romance would be just the stuff that Weasley men* are made of (sorry, you lot, 'tis true), I don't think Narcissa is cut from that cloth. I love her for it.
She's too classy for an affair. If anything, it would be character devolvement, rather than character developement.
* disregarding the fact they're mostly gay/involved, and that Charlie would not be the man for the job
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idlewind @ August 29 2003, 15:45:18 UTC Re: "When is a cuppa just a cuppa?" or "How Narcissa Got Her Groove Back" |
See, I'm hoping for Charlie introducing Bill and Narcissa. Because I think it would be very, very funny if Narcissa became a Weasley. Plus, there would be drama! intrigue! family angst! It's all very Romeo and Juliet, only, you know, no dying. Hopefully.
Also, is it weird that when I found out Uma is leaving her husband (supposedly for an affair) I thought she was taking her cues from Narcissa? They do share a face, afterall. hee
eft @ August 29 2003, 04:09:48 UTC |
I think the ghost is one of the kids, and that brought me up short. The rest of the post kind of went over my head after that, to be honest.
He's not really hitting anyone over the head with a reminder of the tragedy, but it's definitely there, and I have to wonder how the students and teachers alike will deal with being back at Hogwarts, where they can't really pretend that nothing happened. Not that they are, but... it's harder to forget something when you're right there.
And I'm making no sense. Sorry!