eponis @ 2003-09-04 14:57:00 |
The saga of Harry and Ron
Mood: amused
It seems they overslept, apparated into the barrier wall, and got stuck!
Malfoy is amused, as am I.
Edit: Also, apparently Draco and Harry will be going together to the next Cannons/Falcons match (theirloveissoquidditch!), but Ron is irritated because Draco is "pretending" even to him.
Edit 2: Also, just so everyone knows, the euphemism for the New N_A is that Draco "goes for both Cannons and Falcons."
adrienneblack @ September 4 2003, 13:04:32 UTC |
I find the image Draco describes far too funny.
Am also amused by Ernie getting them out and that that is the reason why he couldn't get through.
dragynville @ September 4 2003, 13:09:40 UTC |
Am also amused by Ernie getting them out and that that is the reason why he couldn't get through.
Ah, the bitter irony. XD
sistermagpie @ September 4 2003, 14:51:57 UTC |
I loved Ernie's whole post--what a lovely little oddball. I think he liked getting his own house to himself for a day, munching on food and reading Martin the Mad Muggle! I can see him dancing around a la Tom Cruise in "Risky Business."
I'm totally loving the Malfoy/Ron conversation here. Especially Draco's hasty, "Why do you ask?" post. Do you think he was worried he may have snotted himself out of an invitation to go along? Or that somebody was hoping he'd be there? Normally I'd think he was just suspicious but he seems to have thought better of his first response, like it was a little too final, so he left the door open. Geez, first he politely ends a conversation and now he shows a slight ability to moderate his behavior to produce a better result. Baby steps for some, but a giant leap for the boy who throws mud and fake blood on people and doesn't understand what's wrong with that.
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jacay @ September 4 2003, 15:00:06 UTC |
Is it just me, or does it almost seem like Ron almost wants Draco to go?
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Anonymous @ September 4 2003, 15:05:57 UTC |
Definitely not just you. That boy is about as subtle as a brick.
dari_brit @ September 4 2003, 16:01:49 UTC |
Ron is totally a male matchmaker. Brilliant, and cuts to the heart of Ron: even if my best friend's crush is a guy and a git, I still want him to have what I know he wants.
I should have put that in all caps. ^_-
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jacay @ September 4 2003, 16:06:39 UTC |
THAT IS SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!1111111
I love Ron. Yes I do.
serpensortia @ September 4 2003, 16:12:58 UTC |
Ron = <3333333 He's the best.
I'm curious to see if Malfoy will go to match after all this conversation. Course, he wouldn't say "Potter's going so I will", but I wonder if he'll find some reason for going that's subtle enough to not cause suspicion...
Ron's attempts still rock though. Got to love that boy so much. Especially when he's distracted from his task of matchmaking by insults. <3
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ex_orangeglo298 @ September 4 2003, 16:58:16 UTC |
the euphemism for the New N_A is that Draco "goes for both Cannons and Falcons."
Like oysters and snails! (was that it? Someone! Is my Spartacus reference incorrect?!)
annotated_em @ September 4 2003, 19:30:58 UTC |
No, that's exactly it!
Crassus: Antoninus... I like both oysters *and* snails. [subtle leer]
Antoninus: [vroooooooms out the door]
I <333333333333 Spartacus.
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hobaggins @ September 4 2003, 16:58:28 UTC |
wtf is "the New N_A" ??
In other thoughts... thank God that Ron is a bit of an idiot, because otherwise I really don't think we'd ever get a glimpse of what goes on between Harry and Draco.
I actually find the Ron - Draco dynamic one of the most interesting in the game. How many times can Draco really tell Ron to never speak to him in private or public ever again and have it not come to be?
I really like how Ron seems generally good on having Draco around for the last while, and it confuses him so much when Draco doesn't publicly embrace his friendship with Gryffindors
In other thoughts: Harry is still having problems sleeping, isn't he?
wednesday_tea @ September 4 2003, 17:32:49 UTC |
What is your mental deficiency? You can't even follow a row. Send Potter in to argue in your place.
Reaaal subtle, Draco. :D
noirenails @ September 5 2003, 07:23:10 UTC |
:D He's like: "Whine, whine, I want to talk to him so much, whine. Whine."
(parent)anjaliesque @ September 4 2003, 17:33:42 UTC Great euphemism. |
I adore these live threads.
It's marvelous how Draco manages his complicated and yet somehow perfectly explainable style of speech, and Ron misunderstands him, in a perfectly understandable way, but the way he misinterprets things is so wacked out--! <4!
And now- will Potter heed Draco's summons? There's a pause...is Ron- is he- *bites nails*
sistermagpie @ September 4 2003, 18:28:36 UTC |
You know, I know just_harry is TBWL and all, but sometimes I think
potterstinks would be the most effective weapon against Voldemort. Just stick them in the same room, bring up Harry Potter and then watch Draco confuse and irritate the Dark Lord to death. He turns every conversation into an Abbot & Costello routine. The boy is Confundus Personified.
Poor Ron. What a pal. It's threads like these that make me frustrated that Draco isn't quasi-friends with Ron in canon.
dari_brit @ September 4 2003, 19:56:27 UTC |
I TOTALLY agree with you there, Magpie. More Ron/Draco interaction, because the snark, the one-sided wordplay, and the ALL CAPS are so endearing on both sides!
(parent)black_dog @ September 4 2003, 20:01:07 UTC |
But I think Draco and Ron, in particular, have a very special ability to drive each other crazy. Nobody gets PS immediately on the defensive quite the way Ron does. I love the way Ron has this really whacked combination of obviousness and subtlety and wink-and-a-nod that corresponds to no known human strategy for being discreet. So Draco drops hints, and denies things that are said too explicitly, and loses his mind trying to figure out Ron's exact tone, and gets paranoid and concedes nothing unless Ron spells it out. Which drives Ron crazy, because, after all, he's trying to be discreet here!
Deploying my mad NrAger interpretive skillz here, I'm sensing there's been a fight or some difference between Harry and PS in the background, and Ron is trying to patch things up. I think you're right about the "Why do you ask" post, PS was a little to slow to pick up on Ron's hint. In effect PS is saying, I'd rather take him to something that means more to the two of us, like a Cannons/Falcons game. And by the time he figures out he might do both, Ron has ruined, it, "stomped all over it with his abnormally large feet."
I think I'm in love with PS in full-pout mode. "NEVER SPEAK TO ME IN PUBLIC AGAIN OR PRIVATE FOR THAT MATTER OR THROUGH TELEPATHY." He won't go see Harry in the library because "Now I don't want to." Poor PS, his pride is so on the line, here, for whatever reason.
But I actually think Ron comes off best, for once, in this thread. He's making a sensible suggestion and PS is the one who screwed it up. And I think he's put his finger on PS cowardice -- "you have a serious problem . . . I'm not even joking." I like the fact that Ron refuses to fetch Harry for him. He can't help PS if PS won't help himself -- PS needs to get off his butt and approach Harry himself.
Now the only question is, what did JH and PS fight about?
sistermagpie @ September 4 2003, 20:32:39 UTC |
Oh, I think Ron almost always comes across well in his interactions with ps because he's the honest one. Underneath all of ps' bluster he usually is the one who's being strange. Ron is misguided, but pretty straightforward. I love how ps starts talking about taking Hermione out like Ron's suggesting that.
I admit I felt for ps with his "stomped over it with your abnormally large feet" comment. That seemed like the most honest post of the thread for him. Ron gets him so rattled he not only yells (after just coming himself down) but admits to planning to attend a match with Harry for months and throws a small tantrum over Ron ruining something he was looking forward to.
So why's Ron the one asking Draco if he's coming? Are ps and Harry at some sort of impasse where both of them is insisting the other make the first move? Did Draco say something obnoxious about Harry's flat or problems getting to school? Did Draco get offended at something Harry refuses to take the blame for?
Ron and Draco are so painfully alike in some ways...I mean, they both basically have the same idea here. Ron gets tickets and thinks, "Hey hey, Malfoy, something you and Harry can do together!" Malfoy probably sees Ron's idea as a less-perfect version of his own--it's not the Falcons and Ron will be there too. But he still wants to go. But he doesn't want to be left out either.
Poor Ron. I wonder if Malfoy is the only person who's driving him crazy here. Malfoy's refusing to go to Harry in the library, but Harry's not been replying to Draco either. He's in the library with Hermione, which is a little odd for Harry.
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jacay @ September 4 2003, 20:53:01 UTC |
Maybe they didn't really have a fight at all, but they're both doing the little "I'm a pansy so I'm going to go get my friend to hint that maybe I kind of sort of might like this guy a little and might want to do something with him." You know, what little girls do all the time. Only with guys.
That would explain why Harry is in the library with Hermione. Honestly, who would want to be available when your friend is doing something this embarassing for you? And it's in a public place, so if Draco wanted to find Harry, it wouldn't be hard to do.
If this is the case, though, Harry really should have chosen someone better to do this for him. Still, better for us. I almost couldn't contain the insane love I have for N_A while crazily refreshing that page over and over.
noirenails @ September 5 2003, 23:39:34 UTC |
I don't know if this has anything to do with Harry being in library, but...
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Anonymous @ September 5 2003, 23:45:21 UTC |
what?? i dont think so, that's a whole day later.
(parent)noirenails @ September 6 2003, 00:29:15 UTC |
Yeah, that's what I thought too but let's just say I'm the biggest hopeful HP/DM shipper in the world. And bored.
(parent)monkiedude @ September 4 2003, 23:32:50 UTC |
And of course, my mind's in the gutter, but might it have to do with Ron calling PS "sorethroat"?
(parent)peccavium @ September 6 2003, 17:42:29 UTC |
yes, someone sweep monkiedude out of the gutter, stat!
I think this is in reference to Draco's shouting. As in "I AM A POT CALLING A KETTLE BLACK".
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Anonymous @ September 5 2003, 04:22:25 UTC |
But I think Draco and Ron, in particular, have a very special ability to drive each other crazy.
Hahahahahhaha like whoa.