windtear @ 2003-09-05 19:12:00 |
Mood: cheerful
A lovely long post about her holiday, and her parents' subtle attempt at matchmaking. Apparently it didn't take this time. Wait till the next one....
But what really impresses me is that Parvati appears to have finally twigged that rail thin doesn't equal beautiful. Part of the problem with Lavender has been that her best friend has been egging her on. Now... we'll see. But I'm hopeful. If Parvati has taken up eating again, maybe we can get Lavender at least onto soup.
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Anonymous @ September 5 2003, 08:26:17 UTC |
How do you think why the girl wants to give up Divination?
(parent)sistermagpie @ September 5 2003, 08:42:16 UTC |
It's because she was freaked out by her one actual prediction of the future, the dream she had about rocks and fish before the attack on Hogwarts.
I hope Parvati can help Lavender. I loved her stories of the summer--it sounds like she had a good time and was able to stretch her wings a bit hanging out with new people. Lavender was stuck at home with nothing but her own obsessions.
Also, eating disorders really aren't just about thinking rail thin is pretty. It's a mental disorder with psychological issues that go beyond trying achieve a certain body type. Parvati's gotten a healthier attitude about beauty in general but that's not all this is about for Lavender. Anorexia, a lot of the time, is about making yourself unattractive to men, not attractive to them. Lavender doesn't want a woman's body, she wants a little girl's body.
mira_nevlome @ September 5 2003, 18:50:28 UTC |
It's because she was freaked out by her one actual prediction of the future, the dream she had about rocks and fish before the attack on Hogwarts.
That's something that I haven't thought of, but then again, I'm looking at Parvati quitting Divination from a different view. To me, it seems as if she's avoiding Trelawney more so than Divination itself. As we've seen, Trelawney has been going out and getting drunk frequently. I know that a lot of Indian cultures do not drink, or like it, due to their religion/beliefs/whatever. I can only speculate of course, but maybe Paravati doesn't want to be around someone who drinks, especially if that person is someone who she looks up to.
Just a thought.
quixotic_sense @ September 6 2003, 00:35:59 UTC |
But Trelawney and Hooch started spending time together only very recently. Parvati spent most of the latter part of her holidays in India and seemed to have made up her mind before that -- otherwise she wouldn't have responded so empathically to Aunt Pritha. If she is avoiding Trelawney, I think it has more to do with Parvati wanting to avoid being questioned. Parvati may also now think that Trelawney is a fraud: if Trelawney was as powerful a Seer as Parvati used to believe, why didn't she predict the attack?
I think Parvati is afraid. "With great powers come great reponsibilities" as the Spiderman tagline goes. I don't think Parvati considers herself able to shoulder the responsibility of precognition, especially when the significance what she Saw only became clear after what happened. People died in the attack. She may have even known some of them. Parvati must have felt awful, not only because she realised that she Sees terrible as well as happy futures, but also because she couldn't warn people in time.
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Anonymous @ September 5 2003, 09:14:16 UTC |
And Draco told Lavender that she was fat. Way to encourage an anorexic.
I think that's one of the cruelest things he's done, because anorexia is a horrible disease.
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Anonymous @ September 6 2003, 07:31:14 UTC |
Interestingly, Neville has stepped in a couple of times, telling Lavender to ignore him. That's a bit unusual. Neville generally avoids all confrontation of any kind with Malfoy.
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chasingwhispers @ September 5 2003, 14:11:47 UTC |
Hmm, now is Draco just causing aggravation for the hell of it, or has Lavender really done something to provoke him?
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chasingwhispers @ September 5 2003, 14:16:46 UTC |
*Clears throat & smirks*
To the first one, apparently not.
dragynville @ September 5 2003, 14:32:12 UTC |
This is what I want to know about too. Was it something that actually happened, or is it just something that Draco perceived as being against him? Also, when did it happen? *in the dark*
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jacay @ September 5 2003, 14:42:03 UTC |
It could be that Lavender actually did insult him, and that what she said was true, and now Draco's trying to cover it up by saying that what really happened was something trivial or something like that.
Just another one of my stupid theories.
sistermagpie @ September 6 2003, 12:46:23 UTC |
I was trying to figure out if Lavender commented on Colin's "I hate Draco" post but I couldn't find it. Draco got back at Parvati for her Death Card post, but I can't remember anything specific Lavender did. I do lean towards thinking ps is talking about something real, though. God knows he remembers everything anyone's ever done to him and it doesn't seem like he'd make up something Lavender did to him. JMO.
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Anonymous @ September 6 2003, 14:37:56 UTC |
Oh wait. Not the Colin post part. The real part. Well, I pulled that off well.
(parent)sistermagpie @ September 6 2003, 15:26:28 UTC |
Gotcha! ::racks brain to imagine what it was...::
I mean, he warned her she would pay back in 2002...
He's been consistently suggesting she lose weight since last year too. Gryffindor boldness gets the attention, but patient Slytherin cunning is a scary thing.
anjaliesque @ September 5 2003, 16:45:49 UTC |
I want to go on and on about how much I love this post, but I don't know where to begin. It's like being back in Sri Lanka. The names are so familiar, doing traditional dancing improv-style is a great deal of fun, I definitely have that carved wooden chest, riding an elephant through marshes with a lotus hat is sublime, and she is so completely right about saris and how they make you feel. <3!
(parent)anjaliesque @ September 5 2003, 17:12:59 UTC A flower for you. |
Here if it doesn't show up. :))
luna_lg @ September 5 2003, 19:07:57 UTC Re: A flower for you. |
EXTREME lovely!!!
angerfish @ September 5 2003, 20:22:53 UTC |
Ahhh... I love saris.
I like the dancing, too. I was learning this one style called Kathak back in spring, but I'm not sure if it's in Sri Lanka...