eponis @ 2003-09-07 01:12:00 |
Snape is irritated.
Mood: shippy
He and Lupin went to Hogsmeade and wandered around together for longer than Snape planned (awwww!).
Also, the new ghost is still unidentified, but possibly a Hufflepuff.
Am I the only one who wants to know in what "flippant" manner Lilitou has been addressing Snape?
Edit: Incidentally, in case anyone didn't catch it, in Lupin's last entry Snape commented to Narcissa that "Proper behaviour in times of conversation, business matters, and even courtship result in far more lasting situations than the more common, vulgar methods of those around us." Which, coming from Snape and in conjunction with everything, seems like pretty canon confirmation of some level of developing romance.
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handful @ September 6 2003, 23:44:19 UTC |
I still can't believe jadedsirius took down all his icons. That just makes me so sad in the light of all this. Yeah, Remus and Snape are happy, but to picture poor Snuffles in his office... wibble!
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Anonymous @ September 6 2003, 23:54:10 UTC |
I think lupin mentioned that he was teaching lilitou to call him sevvie. heh heh heh.
- Jill
la_trix @ September 7 2003, 01:33:51 UTC |
I will not be so patient the next time.
"Next time," eh?
I love the Snape/Lupin relationship. Lupin needs this, I think: a level head providing comfort in times of crisis; an intellectual equal, complete with snarky conversation and quiet evenings of tea and philosophy. I agree with Narcissa that taking things slow is a very wise idea indeed. Sirius is passion and uncontrollable emotion. I don't think the intense drama of Remus's life in the past few months has done him any good. He needs to slow down; he needs a change.
dari_brit @ September 7 2003, 11:18:02 UTC |
la_trix, you totally beat me to it. "Next time," indeed. ^_^
Actually, this whole post has the feel of little messages to Lupin. The whinging about the length and pointless of the Hogsmeade trip is a case of Snape protesting too much. The "I *know* who you are" bit about Lilitou's flippantness is practically playful. And...maybe I'm the only one who sees it, but how about Snape having much more important things to do than type on here? ^_-
But, time to come clean: yeah, I feel pangs of guilt for Sirius all alone in his office. In fact, I'm distinctly worried that we haven't heard more from him. To say that being thrown over in favor of your old rival must be extraordinarily painful is the understatement of a lifetime. Believe me, I love the Blupin too, and I'm still waiting for the plot twist in which Sirius reveals that the insatiable Lucius-lust was a Dumbledore spying mandate, thereby forcing Remus to choose between Sirius and Severus.
I can always dream, but until then, I'll enjoy the Snupin!
acetal @ September 7 2003, 04:33:39 UTC |
Well, five of the six students who died were Hufflepuffs. But obviously that's just what they want us to think.
It's most probably Soblessa so that they can twist the knife. But then again, it'd be much harder to write about the poor Hufflepuffs that nobody cares about, and Nocturne Alley is known for its plot twists and quality of writing.
Go Hufflepuff!
lazy_daze @ September 7 2003, 06:15:31 UTC |
*squees with you* I like the idea of Sevvie/Lupin!! Sirius/Remus is so, like, yesterday. *also runs* :D
(parent)redbowties @ September 7 2003, 12:39:49 UTC Just a tad off topic.. |
Although, I am happy about the Lupin/Sevvie relationship. They aren't my otp but I'm all for what makes Remmie happy ^_^
My off topic-ness is concerning your icon! It's smashing btw, but I'm at a loss.
I know that Audrey was Faramir...but who was Hedwig? And the old lady?? 0_o;
redbowties @ September 7 2003, 14:19:55 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
I thought the old lady looked like Gandalf. But, no way, Hedwig is played by Hugo?!?!
(parent)redbowties @ September 7 2003, 14:34:14 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
Ooooh..it looks just like Hedwig from Hedwig and the Angry Inch..I guess that's a compliment to Hugo..
I *really* want to see that movie, have you seen it??
(Yes...but I'm sure it will end up back in HP Land, as most conversations I have do xD)
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Anonymous @ September 7 2003, 19:18:44 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
This is more than a tad off-topic now. Time to take it to e-mail!
(parent)redbowties @ September 7 2003, 19:21:16 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
If you say so..but, since it's about Hugo Weaving, who was in Lotr, and Orlando Bloom was in lotr and he was also in Black Hawk Down, and Jason Isaacs was in Black Hawk Down, and he's Lucius in Harry Potter..it's not that off topic..it's just..eventually going to get back to the former topic.
Like now!
What do you think of Lupin/Snape, I'm a Sirius/Remus shipper myself..^^;
selene_rain @ September 8 2003, 05:03:22 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
I totally agree. I'd rather see Blupin than Snupin, but I just want them all to be as happy as possible. Snupin is great, because I think Sevvie would be good for Remus, and massive joy for Sev having someone to love. But I still wibble helplessly for Sirius.
(parent)redbowties @ September 8 2003, 16:31:16 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
Exactly! But, I really think we could stop the wibbling for Siri if we just shoved all three of them into a closet!! Then they'd have to work it out!! With mass cuddling in the process!!
There has been a lot of solutions with closets lately..lol
selene_rain @ September 8 2003, 22:43:20 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
Hey, I am all for closet solutions. Especially the ways you've been suggesting we use them. Yummy. But yes, I think the three of them locked up together would do everyone bit of good. Hmmm. Yes, I'm also all for SNACKIN.
(parent)luna_lg @ September 9 2003, 05:12:05 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
It seems that the idea of shoving them into a closet/small room, locking the door, and hope that they get smart is more and more like the ONLY option left to MAKE them forgive and forget. *sighs* Teachers...
(parent)selene_rain @ September 9 2003, 22:15:10 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
*sigh* I am so terribly wibbly about this whole thing. I have opinions about the talk Sirius and Remus had, but am too confused and torn and wibbly to articulate them at all.
(parent)redbowties @ September 9 2003, 15:13:37 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
haha, yes! ::Writes down suggestions.:: I saw we get a small closet..like..um..which small closet shall we use?
(parent)selene_rain @ September 9 2003, 22:32:57 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
Heehee, does it matter? *grin* As long as there is snackin, anywhere will work. Although, I am prepared to offer up my closet to the cause.
(parent)redbowties @ September 10 2003, 17:02:35 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
haha, you are right, it doesn't matter!
xD okay, my closet has many other people in it anyway..
selene_rain @ September 10 2003, 18:35:59 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
Who is in your closet? Mine is evistatingly empty (of sexy men). It's a deal.
(parent)redbowties @ September 10 2003, 18:36:56 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
Well, Harry and Draco are camping out in my closet because JKR can't see the light..
But I have faith that N_A will..there is a lot of tension..tehe
selene_rain @ September 10 2003, 18:38:27 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
Here's hoping! *crosses everything that can be crossed*
(parent)redbowties @ September 10 2003, 18:40:12 UTC Re: Just a tad off topic.. |
::runs to the closet and makes them cross their fingers too:: they want their love to be known!!
(parent)snowballjane @ September 7 2003, 06:56:50 UTC |
Given that no other character has mentioned the ghost I was just wondering...
Can anyone else see the ghost but Snape? Is it a personal haunting? Is he imagining it? Is it an incredibly sick practical joke?
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Anonymous @ September 7 2003, 07:03:47 UTC |
I just think it's just wrong for Lupin and Snape to be getting together so soon after Sirius. And then to sort of flaunt it in the journals? That's not right.
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jacay @ September 7 2003, 07:38:02 UTC |
I don't think they're flaunting it. After all, Lupin did try to be subtle, even if it didn't work. And anyway, it really looks like they're just friends, doesn't it? There's been no actual confirmation from either Severus or Remus.
And I think things were strained between Remus and Sirius before their breakup anyway. Remus seems to be a calm, levelheaded sort of guy, and like fauxwen said, Sirius is passionate and emotional. There will always be problems between such different people.
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Anonymous @ September 7 2003, 09:23:11 UTC |
I think when you start to throw around words like "courtship," that's flaunting it. Even if there is nothing going on, there is an assumption that there is. I don't think he was being subtle at all. I think he wanted it to look like he was, but I don't think it was subtle at all.
I'm not saying whether Sirius and Remus should be together or not, I just think it's too soon for Remus to be hanging around Snape so much. And if Remus or Snape ever actually get together in public, I'll always see it as a rebound relationship, because it was just too soon.
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jacay @ September 7 2003, 10:31:54 UTC |
And if Remus or Snape ever actually get together in public, I'll always see it as a rebound relationship, because it was just too soon.
That's probably why Remus has decided to take it slow. I think if he really wanted to flaunt it, he could find better ways to do so--like that thing with Harry and the Atta Boy memory. But I also think that they could definitely have been more discreet. However, if they hadn't had that conversation out in the open-ish like that, then we wouldn't know what had happened, would we?
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jacay @ September 7 2003, 14:09:25 UTC |
No, no, I mean in Remus's conversation with Narcissa when she suggested they take it slow. Right here. It's not like they've actually done anything together that good friends wouldn't do.
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Anonymous @ September 7 2003, 14:30:42 UTC |
That the question of taking it slow or not is even brought up means it's already pretty much in motion.
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jacay @ September 7 2003, 17:09:54 UTC |
True, but those two options were brought up, and Lupin did chose to take it slow, which at the very least means that he won't be rushing into this relationship. And that leaves plenty of opportunity for something to go wrong--Snape might not even want a relationship, for all we know, although I think that's highly unlikely.
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Anonymous @ September 7 2003, 18:15:46 UTC |
Agreed, and as soon as Sirius began SPEAKING to Lucius at Dumbledore`s birthday party, Remus immediately started on Snape.
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Anonymous @ September 7 2003, 19:02:45 UTC |
Double word. SB/RL wasn't even over yet, and Remus was already looking for something new. I think Lupin is too co-dependent, and should take some time being alone for awhile. It's too soon for such a flirtation with Snape.
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Anonymous @ September 7 2003, 20:05:54 UTC |
Triple word. That's been my impression through this whole thing. Sirius was on his way out as soon as he spoke to Lucius. The only way this could have gone faster was if they'd actually changed the locks at Dogear before Sirius came home from his trip.
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jacay @ September 8 2003, 15:00:13 UTC |
True. But I can't help but that think that Remus only ever treated Snape as a friend. And I like to think that he isn't going to go rushing into an actual relationship any time soon.
bsafemydeers @ September 7 2003, 13:58:52 UTC |
I don't really think the word courtship was thrown around. Unless I missed a post of "courtship, courtship, I love courtship, and even more I like to court the emotionally wounded!" Which could be. I'm slow like that. XD
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Anonymous @ September 7 2003, 19:07:50 UTC |
"Proper behaviour in times of conversation, business matters, and even courtship result in far more lasting situations than the more common, vulgar methods of those around us."
If there is nothing go on, or the possibilty of something happening, why even post something like that? What place does it have other than everyone assuming that there is something going on? And I think that's flaunting it to Sirius, who can read all of this.
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jumperkid @ September 7 2003, 08:04:52 UTC Blupin! |
While I completely side with Lupin, I have such love for Sirius (except when he strays a little too far into asshole-land) that I can't help feeling bad for him. Not to say that he's not getting his just desserts. I can't quite get used yet to the idea of Snupin. Maybe I'll get to like it eventually.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ September 7 2003, 09:18:35 UTC |
Wahh... I miss Sirius/Remus. *Cries* But I'll probably get used to this eventually, if that's where the players are going. ;_;
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Anonymous @ September 7 2003, 10:38:40 UTC |
I love Sirius but I suppose that players so wonderful like in NA can make me love just anything...
(parent)petitesl @ September 7 2003, 13:12:01 UTC Bronte |
Has anyone else noticed the similarities between Remus/Sirius/Sevvie and Wuthering Heights? (Heathcliff being Sirius, Catherine being Remus, Edgar being Sevvie) For example,
Heathcliff and Catherine would wander the moors as young children like the Marauders would wander during the full moon. Sirius and Heathcliff both in some ways represent the wild and passionate and reckless sides of nature (dogs = animals = nature) and bring that out in Remus/Catherine. Severus and Edgar both represent civilization and society -- Severus had been talking about the formality, tradition and proper behavior in courtship. Remus is like Catherine in that he definitely has a passionate side (he is a werewolf) and is torn between that and his more level headed, responsible side that's brought out by Severus. Thoughts?
saphywaphy @ September 7 2003, 14:50:52 UTC Re: Bronte |
I totally agree with that! It's rather eerie, actually, but I liked Wuthering Heights anyway XD.
In addition to what was said earlier, Sirius and Snape have the same kind of rivalry that Heathcliff and Edgar had, and it's fairly apparent that they would go to obscene lengths just to display their dislike of one another, but try to stem it off when Remus begs them to (as Catherine did, insisting that Edgar and Heathcliff try to at least be civil to one another.) Also, Remus was as torn apart by the conflict as Catherine was when it became quite chaotic. Heathcliff also had a lot of emotional 'baggage' around him, as Sirius had, and both had their demons and consciences that were at war much of the time.
dragynville @ September 7 2003, 13:24:10 UTC |
I was all about the Blupin until Sirius went off the deep end. Now, mind you, Sirius did make sure that Harry had a new oddfather before he completely self-destructed and shoved both of them out of his life. However, that doesn't change the fact that he 'dallied' with Lucius, a man whom he decked just a year ago for making threats about Harry.
As for the Snupin, I just want Remus to be happy and loved. He deserves a little love in his life, a little stability and acceptance after the life he's had. It would have been gorgeous if Sirius could have given him that, but he couldn't. And they're at completely different stages in life: while Remus is ready for the quieter life of an adult, Sirius is still trying to have his wild youth.
And yes, Sirius deserves love too, but he needs to solve his problems first. He's clearly incapable of maintaining a stable, healthy relationship with anyone right now.
petitesl @ September 7 2003, 16:02:40 UTC |
agreeance, but i'll never love the snupin as much as i loved the blupin.
(parent)dragynville @ September 7 2003, 17:30:04 UTC |
Oh, I know. There's a kind of beautiful poetic rightness to Blupin when it works: the last of the marauders finding love with each other and giving Harry a family. But this Professor Snape makes Snupin both a joy and worthwhile.
(parent)tabiji @ September 7 2003, 23:36:43 UTC |
Yea, but if anyone can do it, it's NA. I never even gave much though to Sirius/Remus until NA, and now it's like canon to me. As much as I'm mourning the S/R, I already see so much wonderful potential with Remus/Severus, which I never, ever would have imagined.
Until NA, I really couldn't find much to like about Snape, but because of NA's potions_master, now I positively adore him. I see him now as this tragic tortured type of soul, who has been burned by the cards that life has dealt him, and is bitter because of it...
...in watching the interaction between Snape and Lupin over time, to me it seems that Snape is really mellowing. Somehow Remus seems to (slowly) be bringing out the best in Sevvie.
As for Remus, it's hard to say yet. The RL/SS interaction doesn't seem to have the same smouldering passion that S/R had (at least not yet), but it does seem to have more of a seriousness and stability to it. Their cautiousness gives me the wibbly impression that when they do get together, it will be for the long haul.
*hoists up brand new RL/SS flag* I'm convinced!
primroseburrows @ September 8 2003, 06:03:48 UTC |
Oh, I love this new pairing. We might still see some S/R at the end of the day, but until Sirius gets right with his Demons or something, Remus doesn't need to deal with all the chaos. *hugs Sirius, but still waves R/Sev banner*