angerfish @ 2003-04-06 11:33:00

(no title)

(Oh yeah... HI! *waves* Am new here...)


delirieuse @ April 6 2003, 08:50:25 UTC

I have a new, powerful, all-consuming love for McGonagall.


angerfish @ April 6 2003, 09:26:10 UTC Re:

Tell me about it... ^^


kat99999 @ April 6 2003, 09:51:12 UTC

Aww wow, that's so cool of McGonnagall! At least the teachers in Hogwarts aren't all bad, like Dean's parents. *glares*

Also, I love your icon!


angerfish @ April 6 2003, 18:10:39 UTC

Also, I love you icon!

*grin* Thanks!


whoyouinvent @ April 6 2003, 10:18:47 UTC

Not only do I now adore McGonagall even more, but Lupin! With the instant volunteer to leave, for his students! Of course, that can't happen at all, at all. Ever. But how sweet is it that he offered? Without any second thought? Aww. And Sirius with the growling. Now, *that* is what we expect from him :-)


delirieuse @ April 6 2003, 10:25:17 UTC

I think that's so what we expect from Lupin too, though. *grins*
