noirenails @ 2003-09-12 19:52:00 |
Mood: pensive
Is Millicent/Susan going to be a new OTP?
You never know, N_A is full of surprises.
Link is here.
serpensortia @ September 12 2003, 10:04:26 UTC |
No, no, no - surely you mean 'millicint'/susan! ;)
I personally find this heartwarming. Hehehehe....
zorb @ September 12 2003, 10:25:48 UTC |
I think Draco speaks for us all when he says, "Ha ha ha ha ha!"
(parent)noirenails @ September 13 2003, 01:01:28 UTC |
I love Draco so much. Only by using two letters he made me laugh.
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neveth @ September 12 2003, 11:01:48 UTC |
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm worried about God(M.B.). She's not acting like heself.
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neveth @ September 13 2003, 11:51:47 UTC |
! My first gold star! *treasures it* You're not going to continue the Pain of August, are you?!
(parent)tabiji @ September 12 2003, 11:40:07 UTC |
Wow. I'm floored!
I love Draco's amusement at M.B.'s getting in touch with her softer side. Even though he's ribbing her for not being a hardass, he's not discouraging it.
It does make me wonder what's going on with Pansy that M.B. would be stepping so far out of her own circle of friends during an apparent time of crisis...
sistermagpie @ September 12 2003, 11:46:04 UTC |
I'm fascinated too.
I feel like Draco's being his little-brother-self but that M.B. expected it and is just waiting it out. If he really upset her she'd be able to thwack him and shut him up. Instead it's nice to see them chatting about all their non-Slytherin friends. "Oh I'm not going shopping with him and Potter until Saturday..." Oh, Draco, what a pansy thou art become! I love it!
I hope M.B. is feeling okay, though. Well, as okay as someone who is suicidal can feel. I'm with Susan: everyone should be nice to Millicent Bulstrode, DE that she may or may not be.
Hufflepuffs rule.
tabiji @ September 12 2003, 12:07:01 UTC |
Actually in thinking about it, it's not such a stretch...M.B. does have the heart of a Hufflepuff. I bet she'd do most anything for her friends.
I'm not even sure what to make of the suicide reference. (Although Susan's comment, "just one" is a riot!) I want to say that M.B.'s not really serious, and is just feeling particularly miserable at the moment. M.B.'s life is hard, but I'd think she'd have to be glad to be back at school and away from her parents.
snackbreak @ September 12 2003, 15:47:34 UTC |
Yes, yes, and yes.
Also, I am quite amused at this exchange. I love Ernie.
dari_brit @ September 12 2003, 19:31:03 UTC |
I (unsuccessfully) tried to post this same link over on the Millicent graduation thread, but the interpretation continues to apply here:
Draco's been acting squirrelly and nervous, with dreams that point to Death Eaters and nervous tension about being forced to choose a side. Those that have posted before me have a gold star for the comment that Millicent is acting very strangely, and unlike herself, especially in seeking comfort outside the tight Slyth circle. My guess is that the Death Eaters are really ratcheting up the recruitment peer pressure among the Slytherins. Draco and Millicent would certainly be expected to join the DE's-- but the strengthening friendship between them and TBWL is no doubt causing what "should" be a clear path to be a very muddled choice indeed. Millicent's desire to get out of Hogwarts could be connected to a desire to avoid everyday recruitment pressure.
Now, nancyrose, your comment about Pansy is really ringing true for me. I really want to hear what Miss Parkinson has to say for herself about the psychological climate of Slytherin House. We all know how ambitious she is-- I'm sure that she's trying to figure out how to turn the Death Eater opportunity to her future political advantage. Pansy doesn't have NEARLY as close ties to Harry as M.B. and Draco do, so his central position to the issue wouldn't have as large an impact for her. I am very worried that she might have decided to at least outwardly support the Death Eaters, and is pressuring Millicent to acquiesce as well. Because Nancy's absolutely right-- why wouldn't Millicent be reaching out to Pansy? Why hasn't Pansy commented, offering cuddles and baked goods?
I love Pansy, and her ambitiousness and Weasley-schmoozing and baking and classiness, so I am hoping in my heart of hearts that she's just been busy, and that there are no troubles between her and Millicent over Light and Dark...
flickerflare @ September 13 2003, 02:38:04 UTC |
i don't know why the death eaters would want to recruite the slytherins, though. they're children really, and i don't know -- why would millicent be expected to join?? i haven't been following NA for as long as most people, are her parents death eaters? i know there's not anything in the books but it could be different in NA.
i'm not sure why everyone thinks draco is having death eater problems right now, i'm really confused. i know he slept through class but i thought that was because peeves knocked him out of bed. but i thought draco was listening to the match on the radio because he wanted to hear if the cannons won for harry. or maybe because he wanted to know if the tornados won so he could brag, i'm not sure, but i didn't think it was because he thought there would be a death eater attack. draco hasn't ever really been that aware of things at all in NA, and i'm not sure that he ever would be.
i don't think millicent's problem has to do with death eaters though. she sounds pissed off at draco, probably because he was making fun of her about the hufflepuffs, but she seemed embarassed about the hufflepuffs before that. and her conversation with susan in her entry sounded like she was trying to scare susan off and just went along with it, not like she was really reaching out.
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Anonymous @ September 13 2003, 03:23:34 UTC |
well i just woke up [-( and i gave a violently positive star to her [-(
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Anonymous @ September 13 2003, 03:31:28 UTC |
Well, I just woke up as well, but I like to be specific.
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Anonymous @ September 13 2003, 03:17:52 UTC |
i don't know why the death eaters would want to recruite the slytherins, though. they're children really,
i thought that was because peeves knocked him out of bed.
or maybe because he wanted to know if the tornados won so he could brag, i'm not sure, but i didn't think it was because he thought there would be a death eater attack. draco hasn't ever really been that aware of things at all in NA, and i'm not sure that he ever would be.
she sounds pissed off at draco
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hobaggins @ September 12 2003, 12:10:25 UTC |
Fond memories of Susan/M.B.
Did anyone else get a really strange feeling reading the PS/MB interaction...... when MB brought up Finnigan, and maybe this is because I'm a Pansy/MB shipper, it felt like Draco was reprimanding MB for seeing someone else... and MB was all "Finnagan" in his face. Am falling asleep and need to go see Once Upon a Time in Mexico and thusly am completely inarticulate... but did anyone get that feeling????
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hobaggins @ September 12 2003, 13:12:13 UTC |
No.... no no no...
I think MB's accusing Draco of Finnigin-ing it up, in response to Draco's mockery.... which I saw as sort of a raised eyebrow type situation... possibly raised eyebrow because of (OTP!!) MB/Pansy
sistermagpie @ September 12 2003, 13:23:51 UTC |
I thought it was that she tried to get him with the fact that HE was being a little Gryffindor by running after Potter and when Draco dismissed that she hit him with his second little friend outside Slytherin. I mean, the boy has tea and plays paper dolls with Gryffindors and he's laughing at her having lunch with Susan? The nerve!;-)
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Anonymous @ September 12 2003, 15:23:04 UTC XD |
Fond memories of Susan/M.B.
Their little date reminded me of a comment Draco made in that thread (which is now deleted) in which he claimed Millicent walked into the common room one night swinging a pink bra over her head and bragging, "I rattled me some bones. Susan Bones."
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hobaggins @ September 12 2003, 15:24:47 UTC Re: XD |
Oh shit that wasn't there anymore?? That's why I posted that link. Ahahahhhahahaa.. I'm such an idiot, I didn't bother to reread the thread once I found it
(parent)sistermagpie @ September 12 2003, 14:27:47 UTC |
Okay, now I'm totally picturing M.B. played by Frances the Badger in "Bread and Jam for Frances" and that whole series. M.B. is adorable. I can just see her putting one over on her friend Thelma with that tea set ("A Bargain for Frances").
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Anonymous @ September 12 2003, 15:31:28 UTC |
Stereotype me.
I insist.
This's too good to be true.
*snickers madly*
angerfish @ September 12 2003, 18:02:01 UTC |
Aw... So surprising. And so cute (whatever's going on here)! *really likes*
Worried about MB, though...
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Anonymous @ September 12 2003, 18:12:51 UTC |
You lot caught the part where Draco mentioned that Harry visited M.B. in the hospital after/during a concussion (M.B.'s)? Does that have anything to do with this?
Agreeing with everyone else on how half-hearted and atypical M.B. is sounding.
bookofjude @ September 12 2003, 19:58:05 UTC |
Does anyone think that something might've happened to make her acting so strangely... like, her being pressured into becomming a Death Eater? :-? *worries on M.B.*
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fourscore @ September 13 2003, 01:29:11 UTC |
If it was about Deatheaters, why would she be joking about the fact that she may or may not be one...?
(parent)anjenue @ September 12 2003, 20:02:34 UTC |
I'm wondering one of two things...her talk of menopause and stuff makes me think that
a) she's pregnant?
b) she's been betrothed to someone and is expected to produce an heir?
Either of these reasons would be enough to make her want to commit suicide, and to want to hit menopause...*shrugs* I feel horrible for her. And of course, she has to go on talking in good old M.B. fashion and never really reveal how she feels in a heartfelt way. Acerbic to the end.
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Anonymous @ September 12 2003, 20:37:22 UTC |
On 25th of August, Draco talked to Millicent at Pansy's house. M.B. asked Draco to ask for some sanitary napkin from Pansy. It's only 3 weeks, so probably should not be pregnancy.
sistermagpie @ September 12 2003, 21:48:33 UTC |
But she does tell Susan she wants to talk about her "blood clots from two weeks back." And she's wishing for menopause, which women have been known to do when they're having a particularly bad period...though I know when I am I'm not usually up for company or lunch.
We figured M.B. just got her period while Draco was there, but she may have been having some serious medical problems. (Miscarriage is an obvious choice if she's hem...the word that starts with hem that I can not spell but means she was bleeding a lot.) Or it could be another medical problem...if she had an abortion I think it could cause bleeding too.
Other conditions could cause it too. I'd think she'd go to the infirmary if she didn't know what the problem was herself and want to hide it. Perhaps a doctor really did tell her it was too late meaning she couldn't have children? That possibility kind of breaks my heart. If that was it then this is one of those times I wish Draco wasn't so clueless--he is her friend underneath it all, and I think he'd want her to feel better.
But maybe I should just stop throwing out every problem known to the female reproductive system here...Narcissa wasn't pregnant, remember, but she was ill.
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Anonymous @ September 12 2003, 22:48:44 UTC |
Yes, most of us thought Narcissa was going to have mini!Draco. Hehehe.
But if it's some kind of medical problem, why did she choose to talk to Susan instead of her best friend, Pansy? This sort of thing 's very personal and confidential, why choosing to talk to a not-so-close, non-Slytherin friend? And where is Pansy?
And if something (miscarriage, I don't know) happened 2 weeks ago, she 'd have taken care of it before coming back to school.
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Anonymous @ September 12 2003, 23:11:54 UTC |
And also on 30th of August, Draco mentioned M.B.'s period again. She seemed fine then.
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Anonymous @ September 13 2003, 03:10:20 UTC |
Just a second star from a different player to mention that there will never be a pregnancy in NA, ever.
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Anonymous @ September 13 2003, 03:24:26 UTC |
We'll have to ask Pigwidgeon and get back to you. :-?
(parent)sistermagpie @ September 13 2003, 15:46:50 UTC |
That's the word!
My spelling was so hopeless spellcheck wouldn't even suggest it to me!
sistermagpie @ September 12 2003, 20:31:00 UTC |
Pregnancy, or some kind of thing like that, had crossed my mind too...Draco obviously being the last person she'd want to speak to about that.
But would she really post something about that on the journals? Scratch that. It's a huge deal for M.B. to post anything like this on the journals. The scariest line in the conversation to me was, "Just don't."
So her line to ps about "what kind of friend would I be...?" is that a dig at Draco for being disappointed in everything she does? Or someone else for treating her that way? Draco is so utterly clueless here but I don't feel like he's being malicious on purpose--bratty, but no malicious. It seems like in the beginning she's more sensitive saying, "Just don't," and "DRACO," then she tries to get into the jibes with the stuff about Harry and Seamus, then drops out with her comment about the kind of friend she'd be, which is kind of sad. I don't feel like Draco's the one who's upset her, though, more like she just doesn't want to deal with him right now...?
I have no idea what's going on, but perhaps M.B. wants to spend time with someone who's straightforward? Susan might not know her well but if she says she's sympathetic she is sympathetic.
flickerflare @ September 13 2003, 02:39:34 UTC |
i agree, it sounds like it was a dig at draco but i can't really figure out what it means. draco makes fun of millicent a lot, but she makes fun of him too, so it can't be that. hmm.
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jacay @ September 13 2003, 08:54:09 UTC |
Having been very wrong in the past (every time I made a hypothesis, in fact), I'm not so sure I should actually post my thoughts, but...well.
It sounds to me that, with all of her comments about friends and such, she's been betrayed. She's seeking out friends outside of the Slytherin circle, and going on about how she wants to leave (so that then she'd be away from the person who betrayed her?).
It's mostly just this Pansy comment that made me think of betrayal, or something like it.
flickerflare @ September 13 2003, 09:01:45 UTC |
i wonder if it has anything to do with pansy's absence lately. she hasn't been around for awhile?
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jacay @ September 13 2003, 09:04:58 UTC |
I'm not sure, but I guess the reason M.B.'s seeking out different company could actually just be that she's lonely and Pansy hasn't been around much.
(parent)flickerflare @ September 13 2003, 09:08:58 UTC |
i miss pansy! bizarro theory: millicent is madly in love with draco and jealous of harry. alright, not really, but that would be weird as hell.
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jacay @ September 13 2003, 09:16:27 UTC |
...or madly in love with Harry and jealous of Draco?
sistermagpie @ September 13 2003, 16:05:45 UTC |
I know what you mean about being wrong but you figure, well, let's throw it out there anyway!
I get that feeling about M.B. feeling badly about her friends too. The most obvious interpretation of her first post is, "I'm ready to get away from these people now." Pansy and Draco seem the most obvious choices for people she's sick of.
She's annoyed at Draco, but we don't know whether he was the sole inspiration for the first post or if he's just part of the problem and irritates her more as the threads go on. When Susan asks if something's wrong M.B. says yes and then references her blood clots...a test to see if she's as annoying as Draco about things like this? Just repeating Draco's words because they annoy her so much?
Then she seems slightly horrified that she made her date with Susan and Draco swoops in to humiliate her about it. She stands her ground, though making her own wry comments about having lunch with dreamcatcher's lovers.
M.B. was "not herself" in that thread and she's also pissed off at Draco, but she can be pissed at ps and still be herself. So it seems like there's something personal to M.B. here...Draco could be the cause of it but Pansy does seem a good candidate too.
I keep thinking of the last time they fought. It seemed like M.B. saw Draco as more of the dupe there, like she was mad at him but saw Pansy as the true brains behind the betrayal. Protecting Draco from his own stupidity is kind of a pattern with M.B.:-) Draco's teasing on that thread sounded clueless to me, like he didn't know exactly how annoying he was being--I mean, he was trying to annoy, but he didn't seem to be picking up on M.B. being really mad. In the past when he has picked up on real animosity from her he's started with his enraged icons and gotten mad back. Here it's like he's still having fun, M.B. refrains from saying anything truly hurtful to him and she even references his own jokes about herself later which makes it seem like she still keeping the connection with ps open. This is the happiest we've even seen ps in a while, making fun of M.B. and Susan.
In summary, I have no clue but you don't sound crazy to me!
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jacay @ September 13 2003, 20:36:58 UTC |
M.B. was "not herself" in that thread and she's also pissed off at Draco, but she can be pissed at ps and still be herself. So it seems like there's something personal to M.B. here...Draco could be the cause of it but Pansy does seem a good candidate too.
That and the lesbian comment really kind of got me thinking. And...well. I don't think Draco would be gay-bashing anyone, since he's going shopping with two gay people, but yeah, Pansy might have unintentionally said something.... I don't really know Pansy very well, though, so I'm definitely not sure and this is all very sketchy in my mind anyway.
But the image of M.B. walking into the common room, waving a pink bra overhead still lingers....
wolfgangmozart @ September 12 2003, 20:38:09 UTC |
This is actually the same thing I thought--Is she pregnant? I was thinking about her insistence on talking about the blood clots. *cringe*
...but by whom, if this were so? Someone we know?
Or I hope there's not another sinister side to that. As in, this was a byproduct of some Death Eater initiation rite... *more cringing*
tabiji @ September 13 2003, 02:54:32 UTC |
She was with Terry Boot in April/May. She could have been a few months pregnant in August.
I'm just desperately hoping that she didn't suffer through a miscarriage and that the "female talk" was a diversion or cover for something else.
Whatever's going on, she said she wants "to go" vs. saying she "wants to go home". It sounds like whatever the problem is, it's at Hogwarts.
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Anonymous @ September 13 2003, 02:58:12 UTC |
When you leave school in Britain, you 'leave', you don't graduate. Graduation isn't a word used here. We just leave school, so if someone is saying they want to leave, it means, to Americans, that they want to graduate. People who have left school are often called school-leavers. ;)
(parent)sistermagpie @ September 13 2003, 06:27:34 UTC |
So to review...
None of the Slytherins are being pressured by DEs. But wouldn't the possibility be a given for some of them (the boys)? Draco did have lunch with some and was freaked out by it. Narcissa seems to have been telling him he'd have to start making some decisions. Weren't most of the DEs young when they joined? They leave school and become adults this old would one have to be? The Potters were pretty young when this happened...wasn't Snape probably already out of the DEs back then? Draco's dad obviously is one. Draco would at least choose who he was going to associate with, wouldn't he?
M.B. is mad at Draco, but did that happen during the thread because of his being annoying or was she annoyed at him to begin with? (Disappointed in just about everything he does.) We don't know much what has been going on with the two of them. Is she annoyed that he's too focused on his new friends and that's why she brought it up, or was that just an obvious retort to his Hufflepuff jabs?
Draco was listening to the game to find out who won. He did seem subdued about it, presumably because he didn't get to go. Is Draco's general off-ness really all Harry related? That just seems strange to me, that he'd be that obvious about wanting to go to the game. Or that he wouldn't be lashing out more flamboyantly over it in an "I didn't want to go" way. It seemed to me more that he's generally feeling out of sorts and so that colors his reaction to everything. It just seems weird for me to think that somebody who cloaked any positive feelings he ever had for Harry in disdain for so long would change this drastically without something else bothering him.
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Anonymous @ September 13 2003, 07:34:34 UTC |
who cloaked any positive feelings he ever had for Harry in disdain for so long would change this drastically without something else bothering him.
sistermagpie @ September 13 2003, 15:38:25 UTC |
Thank you! Feeling much better now. Don't know what's going on, but loving the Slytherins so far, whatever is going on with each of them!
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Anonymous @ September 13 2003, 08:44:54 UTC |
Thank you very very very much Magpie. =)
--not a player, just someone feeling poked for overanalyzation in the wrong direction!
sistermagpie @ September 13 2003, 15:41:46 UTC |
Thanks--I know what you mean. I tend to like to hare off on any possibility, even those I don't really believe, because I could so easily be wrong. But it's all too easy for a misunderstanding to get taken as truth when you say it out loud!
(parent)black_dog @ September 13 2003, 20:31:02 UTC |
Just a random and general thought, that might relate to both Draco and Millicent. I'm wondering what it must feel like to be back at Hogwarts for the first time since the attack. It's something we acknowledge rationally as readers but I wonder if we make full allowance for how forcibly it's got to be striking all these characters. After all, seven of their classmates were killed, and a whole bunch were injured, with some of them still suffering. There was really no public closure over the incident -- they all went home directly for the summer, there doesn't seem to be any commemoration going on, and no one but Seamus really seems to be talking about it much or connecting it explicitly with his own melancholy. Dumbledore, of all things, wants to throw a party for some reason. So here they are, getting back into the familiar routine, but it must feel pretty raw. I'm not sure I'd blame anyone for being a little off.
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jacay @ September 13 2003, 20:40:06 UTC |
Wow. Never really thought of that. And with the ghost having appeared in the dungeons, the whole incident was probably brought back up in their minds.
(parent)black_dog @ September 13 2003, 21:20:39 UTC |
Well, just running with the thought, a bit, everybody seems a bit weird about coming back to Hogwarts:
--Harry and Ron overslept and apparated in a rush, so they got stuck.
--Ernie was running late and missed the train, and was only too happy to take an excuse to stay away an extra day.
--Neville was ready to stay away from school to take care of his Gran, although other relatives were in a better position to do that.
--Turpin originally "forgot" to mention that she was Head Girl.
--Parvati talks about India and seems very detatched from being back at Hogwarts.
--Draco wrote an unusually long, rambling letter about how unimpressed he was to be back at the castle.
--Millicent is ready to leave.
Nobody's talking about last June -- everybody's talking about school routines and, obsessively, about Quidditch.
There are some exceptions: Seamus and to an extent Ginny. Among the teachers, Sybill and Snape allude to what happened but only Remus really gets into it in any depth in his talk with Seamus. No coincidence, I think, that Seamus and Remus seem like the mentally healthiest of all the characters. And even between them, it's kind of indirect.
I just find it kind of odd, all this silence about the past June, about the coming war. And an unassimilated shock, and angst without focus, could be behind some of the acting-up.
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jacay @ September 13 2003, 21:39:12 UTC |
I don't think they're going to start talking about it until they're forced to, like if something bad happens and they're forced to shake themselves out of denial (or whatever) and take action.
(parent)luna_lg @ September 14 2003, 05:56:24 UTC |
Sadly...that's the only way I think they'll EVER talk about it...
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notyourchoirgrl @ September 13 2003, 14:15:24 UTC obvious newbie |
I believe it's hemorraghia. And hi, NA!