lunadeath02 @ 2003-09-21 19:15:00 |
(no title)
Mood: contemplative
I am surprised no one has mentioned this yet:
Draco's getting a bit cheeky with his mother. He must really be fed up with her about something.
blankcanvas @ September 21 2003, 17:43:15 UTC |
I noticed that too. But... I was waiting for someone else to say why because I don't know. Sister Magpie, where are you?
(parent)sistermagpie @ September 21 2003, 21:02:31 UTC |
You called...?:D
I thought Draco's post was pretty straightforward. He doesn't know about the scene with Sirius. Draco's made it clear for a while that he thinks Narcissa's constantly creating dramas.
On this trip she got mendhi tattoos, travelled with gypsies, went to Burning Man and met with her personal actualization guru. It sounds like a "finding herself" journey to me. I think the point of his post is to reiterate he does not take her trip seriously. In retrospect it's a very good thing Draco didn't break with Lucius at her insistance. He'd hardly be forgiven the way Narcissa has been.
I'm torn about how he feels about Lucius, who has been consistent as usual during this time. He stayed at the Manor, they ate together a lot, he brought Draco to the train station. Narcissa has now come back and is undoing some of the things they did together. I wonder if Draco sees that as symbolic, that he was just a fill-in for Narcissa and so the things he and Lucius did together get torn up when her majesty comes home again. His latest post to Lucius does negative in that he's actually turning down a present...but I can't help but think he's just making it very clear he does not wear leather. Especially leather trousers.:-)
muggleangel @ September 21 2003, 17:50:48 UTC |
However, that was one of his funniest entries ever. I think I'll memory it.
(parent)divinelight @ September 22 2003, 15:28:14 UTC |
Just had to say how much I love your icon. Especially since I have one exactly like it that my best friend made. :)
(parent)muggleangel @ September 22 2003, 15:35:43 UTC |
This has so made my day.
Inspired by Cassie Claire, no?
divinelight @ September 22 2003, 16:15:06 UTC |
Who else? :) Of course. That little fic had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to cry.
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hezzabeth @ September 21 2003, 17:55:22 UTC |
I personally think that Draco's angry at his mother for the wrong reasons. I mean his only currently hearing Looshie's side of what really happened. I personally don't think that what Narcissa did was wrong , yes she probably knows that her husbands cheated on her before but this time it effects a friend she cares about pretty deelpy.
And ack I am so ranting.
akutenshi2007 @ September 21 2003, 18:24:08 UTC |
Narcissa certainly noticed.
I think that he's still annoyed with the fact that she left the Malfoys, that she had the nerve to break the family. Lucius's trysts don't directly affect Draco, but Narcissa leaving brought the whole thing up to his face and he doesn't like that so he shuns his mother and her radical action.
Personally I think that Narcissa's leaving was good for all of them. But this new entry, something isn't right. Its gone back to the old way far too quickly. Lucius has already started to seemingly patronize Narcissa. Something has to get him to break that cycle, nothing will be better if its not.
black_dog @ September 21 2003, 20:06:25 UTC |
Actually, I can see Draco feeling very bitter right now toward both his parents.
When they were fighting, Narcissa and Lucius both made overtures to Draco and went out of their way to bond with him. Narcissa took him aside in Italy to make her appeal for him to break with Lucius; Lucius took him back to England for some quality bonding time.
And Draco was gratified by it. He really does want the love and regard of both his parents. He praised his father to the skies in one post. He unbent with Narcissa and had a civil conversation and exchanged long letters.
And he also seems to have done some soul-searching of his own -- about the DEs, for instance. I have to assume that his long exchange with Narcissa meant he took some of what she said seriously, at least to mull over.
And now that Narcissa and Lucius are back together, what happens? Both treat Draco like a fifth wheel again. Lucius is mocking him about his sexuality again, in his post about buying Draco some leather goods. Narcissa, faced with a perfectly understandable rebuke, has no patience anymore with his "cheek."
What is Draco supposed to think about all this? First, that each of his parents was willing to destroy his own (PS') relationship with the other as part of a game they themselves weren't even willing to play to the end. What if he had decided to make a more definitive break with one of them, where would he be now? Second, that the love and regard they both showered on him for a while was a sham, just a tactic in their own rivalry. Finally, that their true feelings for him are really pretty offhand, once he's no longer an object of competition between them.
Draco's got to be furious, and badly hurt. He's been played, brutally, by both of them. I don't see how he can trust either of them, at this point, or pretend to hold them in regard if he has any self-respect at all.
I really, really hope that this will be a breakthrough insight for Draco, that it will teach him more to stand on his own feet. He has Harry as a sort of example, after all, of how you can simply step out of the role of being an object tossed back and forth in someone else's competition, of how you can assert your independence and redefine important relationships on your own terms. I hope PS can stand up for himself and refuse to continue playing his parents' game.
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Anonymous @ September 22 2003, 07:06:27 UTC |
Oh, my! I really didn't think that the suggestion about the leather was mockery, but now that you mention it - what a cruel dig!
(parent)black_dog @ September 22 2003, 14:56:25 UTC |
I don't know, I guess with Lucius, I work on the assumption that if it sounds like a dig or a double-entendre, it probably is meant to be one. And also that the remark is carefully constructed so that, if pressed, he could deny any insinuation.
(parent)luna_lg @ September 22 2003, 16:47:34 UTC |
Not sure if all of that is true, buuuuut...I honestly feel that unless BOTH of them try and be REAL parents, Draco's gonna just break one day and go either beserk, or simply rebellious.
Unfortunately, only Narcissa could do that. Lucius, on the other hand...well, let's just say that I'm waiting for him to ultimately wind up in Azkaban--AFTER they replace the dementers with something equally great for guard duty.