hobaggins @ 2003-10-01 21:48:00 |
+10 scene points for Snape
Mood: amused
Snape community posts and takes points off of various Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. And he's some new icons. Boot!
And Colin is speaking. Good.
EDIT: I had a bad link up....
merlion @ October 1 2003, 21:46:38 UTC |
Snape has a *contented* icon. Perhaps he had it before, but still, in light of the possible direction his friendship with Lupin is going, I can't help but wonder. Although, I really can't imagine WHEN he would ever feel contented. This could be interesting.
(parent)dragynville @ October 1 2003, 22:17:09 UTC |
Professor Snape's patented hangover cure.
*death by snark!squee* Love the lack of bias in that last one! XD
saffronlie @ October 2 2003, 00:37:17 UTC |
Now really, he ought to learn not to take out his embarrassment on the students. We've all posted while inebriated before, it's nothing to be ashamed of, honestly, potions_master. :p
luna_lg @ October 2 2003, 09:44:34 UTC |
...okay, so he's done that before, but that was for a very good reason--Malfoy was being a jerk. Now...daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, that must be one helluva hangover! >
sistermagpie @ October 2 2003, 09:59:40 UTC |
I'm looking all over here and can't find it...where did he take points from Malfoy?
(parent)luna_lg @ October 2 2003, 10:28:53 UTC |
Last link in dragonvyle's post. I'm sorry if I screwed up the name!!! ^^;;;
(parent)luna_lg @ October 2 2003, 10:34:47 UTC |
Sorry, false alarm--he's actually AWARDING points. ^^;;;
(parent)zorb @ October 1 2003, 22:19:29 UTC |
I'm leaning heavily towards Dean as Head Boy after this post. No wonder he's so tired, trying to secretly fulfill his duties and be a normal student at the same time! Now as to why he'd hide it...that I don't yet know.
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hobaggins @ October 2 2003, 03:19:13 UTC |
black_dog had some ideas, but as the "Maybe Dean murdered Boot and refuses to announce his position as head boy as penance for his terrible actions" theory has been disproved..... I am no longer willing to bet on any of those options.
jenicomprispas @ October 1 2003, 22:43:21 UTC |
Lupin has a few new icons too. The 'come on get happy' one scares me a bit. *Will feel dumb if this has already been pointed out*
(parent)anatidae @ October 1 2003, 23:09:44 UTC |
Haha, I never noticed his new icons, so the comment was not completely gone to waste, even if it was already pointed out.
:)) I'm much on the border-love.
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hobaggins @ October 2 2003, 11:51:52 UTC |
She was talking to me. Cause I said "Boot!" in the post. She was chastising me is all.
(parent)redbowties @ October 2 2003, 12:34:11 UTC |
I figured as much..but I was wondering why she wasn't happy..at least he's being mentioned, right?
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hobaggins @ October 2 2003, 14:29:37 UTC |
Becuase I said Boot in a post about Snape. She was just joking. We know each other Out of NrAged...
The point of the matter is: I get the joke.
redbowties @ October 3 2003, 07:34:02 UTC |
^^; yay
::extremely embarrassed, hops off into a corner.::
therealycats @ October 2 2003, 08:00:25 UTC Awww... |
Fifteen points from Ernie Macmillan, so that he does not feel left out.
Sevvy-Poo, always thinking of others!
luna_lg @ October 2 2003, 09:46:48 UTC Re: Awww... |
I think it was more like a way for Snape to spare himself of Ernie making conspiracy theories right on the spot.
(parent)luna_lg @ October 2 2003, 10:34:03 UTC |
Taking dragynville's post into account (finally got the name right)--
From Gryffendore: 90 points taken away.
From Ravenclaw: 55 points taken away.
From Hufflepuff: 25 points taken away.
And I apologize for the false alarm up above. I thought Snape was taking points away from Draco, not rewarding him. My bad.