dari_brit @ 2003-10-22 20:02:00 |
(no title)
Mood: analytical
blonde_narcissa has updated for the first time in a while, considering Sinistra's comment that "every time you load the community, it's all Narcissa."
There definitely has been a rapprochement between her and Lucius, with Lucius' most dramatic gesture of returning the ring. Narcissa's manner towards him still seems a bit off, though: she mentions that the anniversary gifts were delivered by house-elf, rather than in person. Actually, all throughout the post, she seems to be trying very hard (perhaps glossing over tough feelings?), as with the time she stood gazing at the ring not mattering, and with all wounds being completely healed. She speaks of the words of her wedding vow being *embedded* into her mind and soul...which is an word with interesting connotations.
Lastly, and most worryingly, we get a reminder that Narcissa is still a Malfoy, and the Malfoys are still on the same side as they ever have been. Howlers from Voldie would be a good band name!
Does anyone else think that the increased DE activity has something to do with Harry's snake and the mysterious "she" that Remus and Severus have been speaking of?
redbowties @ October 22 2003, 17:28:04 UTC |
I painstakingly read through that post as well, and I agree with you..it does seem rather odd that she just..stood there, and didn't move, and then.. forgave him.
I sort of brushed it off as just, Narcissa-"husband knows best"-ness, but.. now I'm not so sure..
You think that Voldie sent a howler? How creepy.
Isn't Hulk a boy? Maybe it's the ghost..but, what spell can you preform on a ghost? Or maybe they are talking about a person! I'm jumping to conclusions..and I'm pleasently puzzled. I hadn't gone back to that post as I got distracted with CAPS LOCK DAY xD that was so funny. Haha, 'Stapler' haha.
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hobaggins @ October 22 2003, 17:36:54 UTC |
ALSO: Lucius business trip, I'd guess was DE related? Any other takers?
I don't know any other way to read Narcissa having a "business associate" than to read in a DE sense. What business is she in, after all.
It makes me think a little that while I am extensively creeped out at Sirius' relationship with Lucius, Remus relationship with Narcissa could be viewed with much the same light (minus the sex). She is the wife of a DE, and her post here makes it sound as if she's involved in a lot more than I had really thought about. If she's meetings with associates as well. Hn. None of these relationships bode well for Harry in any case. Connections with the Malfoys just aren't safe and it makes me all jittery and nervous and is interrupting my OTP zen.
redbowties @ October 22 2003, 17:42:10 UTC |
I'm bored and lurking, and therefore responding.
That's what I thought, (referring to Narcissa/Remus) when Remus initially started accusing Sirius of just talking to Lucius. Since, we have no actual confirmation of 'sex' they could have just been talking, and that was the fight. Remus has tea with Narcissa all the time, yet he is perfectly fine? That's odd. And, Remus is bi, not gay, so ... makes me think that it's a little hypocritical..=/
Maybe that Draco will have enough sense to not want to be a DE and then protect Harry with everything and lots of snogging will ensue! ::hopes::
redbowties @ October 22 2003, 17:51:48 UTC |
Isn't he? ...I'll go look...I thought that I read that somewhere..but, I could be wrong...
(parent)redbowties @ October 22 2003, 17:54:48 UTC |
Yesssssssssss...I found it! ^_^
"This is not unusual, you will find that our dear Mr. Lupin also prefers both genders."
Sevvy says it here
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hobaggins @ October 22 2003, 19:41:46 UTC |
Personally I feel that Sirius probably cheated on Remus.
But, ah, I don't think that Remus would have cheated with Narcissa. Not even a little bit. And is this personal bias on how I see the characters? YES. ABSOLUTELY. But isn't that the point? That we meet the characters and get to know them and express what we think they'd do and think from what we learn of their personalities.
redbowties @ October 23 2003, 15:19:03 UTC |
I agree with you there, I'm just saying, that it's not a factfact, therefore Remus could have overreacted.
I don't think he would have either, he was already kinda flirting w/Severus at this point..not very much, but it was a small growing attraction. I'm only saying that we don't have the facts, and so anything could have really happened.
I'm not sure how but, I'm on Sirius' side, sort of. In a twisted way, it all rounds out to: Sirius might not have actually done anything, therefore he is not the guilty party, feel sorry for Sirius!
And I've forgotten the original question so I'm going to slink away now..^^;
takeonelook @ October 23 2003, 18:53:22 UTC |
I agree with you on the Sirius thing. The way I always saw it was that Sirius and Lucius were only talking at the party and Remus overreacted. At least, I think that's what Sirius said, that they were only talking. And it's not like Remus could expect him to have no contact with Lucius. Remus being friends with Narcissa makes that kind of difficult. He didn't sleep with Lucius until later, after Remus was already mad at him. This, of course, doesn't excuse his behavior, but I think it definately prompted it. And I guess since I'm kinda on Sirius' side that's why I'm not for the Snape/Remus. Especially since it always seemed to me like Remus was a little too ready to head right off to Snape.
(parent)dari_brit @ October 23 2003, 14:50:42 UTC |
Good point, hobaggins. A Malfoy is a Malfoy is a Malfoy...until they prove otherwise, or snog
just_harry sufficiently. ^_^
la_trix @ October 22 2003, 20:30:52 UTC |
Wow, dari_brit, I really think you're onto something. I didn't realize it the first time I read her entry, but with a second read, the whole thing sounds awfully suspicious.
It seems like Narcissa was honestly trying to work things out with Lucius, but that they had a LOT of talking to do before things would be resolved. Suddenly, it seems like things are back to the way they were before her "awakening." She's even back on track with the DE cause, which I find really upsetting.
Do you think it could be some kind of Imperius by way of wedding ring?
petitesl @ October 22 2003, 21:55:51 UTC |
Do you think it could be some kind of Imperius by way of wedding ring?
That is a really really interesting idea. But don't you think she would know that there was a imperius on it? I mean she had taken it off once, you'd think she'd notice a difference. Would Narcissa willingly submit herself to that? shudder.
la_trix @ October 22 2003, 22:30:41 UTC |
I don't think she'd notice unless she did some sort of curse detection on the ring before she touched it, which isn't likely at all. It was her own ring, after all, and even knowing what Lucius is capable of, I doubt she'd suspect he'd turn on her in that way.
I figure the curse would begin to work as soon as she touched it. In theory, anyway.
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hobaggins @ October 22 2003, 22:44:31 UTC |
I feel bad. It's just a total nod to why potterstinks was very much in doubt of her being serious about "finding herself." All the respect she worked for for herself will probably be erased in a lot of peoples minds for just going back to Lucius, even if she does do things differently.
dari_brit @ October 23 2003, 14:56:07 UTC |
That would be SO creepy and devious...and possible! It especially rings clear with her sudden desire to contact her "business associate." I mean, yes, it could be just her going back into Malfoy lock-step out of genuine rapprochement...but what would Lucius like more than to have Narcissa back in her place, with things back to normal.
I don't want to believe it, with all the touching drunk!morose!Lucius moments we had when Narcissa was off a voyage of self-discovery. I'll be the first to admit that sad, inebriated Lucius definitely got to my squishy center. BUT...if he really has pulled the Imperius trick after all that, it would be soooo slick and a total burn to us. (player kudos in any case!)
luna_lg @ October 23 2003, 16:00:31 UTC |
Hmmmmm...let me see...ah, yes! I remember various examples of Eastern magical arts thru anime (aka Japanese animation), and it appears that, if you have the will and just two hands, you can do all sorts of magic. Also, you can put some very serious spells on a lot of stuff, mainly talismans and "ofuda"--aka, the paper thing Sailor Mars use to banish evil; that's what ALL Japanese priests use for such a purpose, BTW.
Anyway, the idea of enchanting an item isn't new--rather, it's quite old. But to have enough power to enchant an item with a VERY strong spell--and I assume that the Imperius Spell is quite strong--that takes lots of strength for a Western magic-user. If Lucius can pull that off, not only does it shows that, yes, he is still a Death-Eater at heart...but also that he's possible one of the most powerful of Voldemort's *ignore squeaks of terror* followers.
luna_lg @ October 23 2003, 16:02:26 UTC |
And yes, I do imply that it's a bit more difficult for a Western magic-user to ingrain a powerful spell into an item than it is for an Eastern one. At least, that's what it seems to me.
(parent)la_trix @ October 23 2003, 17:28:02 UTC |
This wouldn't be the first time we've seen ordinary objects imbued with magic in the HP-verse, both innocuous (Portkeys) and evil (the cursed opal necklace at Borgin & Burkes in CoS), but we haven't seen it happen (IIRC).
Cursing an object does seem like it would involve a bit more work than cursing a person directly from your wand; you'd probably have to know some fancy incantations in addition to the spell itself, but I don't doubt that Lucius knows his stuff. He's definitely got the capability of pulling this off.
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jacay @ October 23 2003, 17:17:49 UTC |
Did anybody else think this entry was unusually boring? I mean, Snape's and Draco's entries are usually long, and they're also full of fun, snarky comments, but this one was all about Narcissa's wedding gifts. I was tempted to not read it until I realized, This is NA! You can't not read one of the entries.
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Anonymous @ October 23 2003, 18:38:20 UTC |
That's really harsh. I personally didn't think it was boring at all. It gave insight into what's been going on with the Malfoys and telling us that Lucius and Narcissa have reconciled. It also alludes to the fact that her 'business associate' - who she'd been avoiding (http://www.livejournal.com/users/jadedsirius/12909.html?thread=91245#t91245) for some time now - is upset with her. Whomever the supervisor/business associate is (and my money's on Voldie) he is pretty hacked off with her and whatever was in the howler has prompted her to go see him again. I think this entry is definitely NOT boring and QUITE important in laying the groundwork for some possible plots we might see coming up in NA soon.
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jacay @ October 24 2003, 15:45:43 UTC |
That's true. It was important and it was very well written, but at the moment I have about the same attitude toward Narcissa and Lucius as Hooch does. I realize that there's really no other way for Narcissa to announce that she and Lucius have reconciled, but I've never been a big fan of Narcissa and Lucius anyway. All I'm saying is, while this entry was important and well written, it was also a tad boring--for me, anyway. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
(parent)small_rodent @ October 24 2003, 05:28:45 UTC |
Awwwwwwwwwwww. They're so cute!
*ahem* So, now to the microscope.
Does anyone think that it's interesting that she posted the second post in the community journal? When I read it, I thought it looked like a post much more appropriate to her private journal, especially since she tends to be very aware of her audience (during spats and such), and this is a very private moment she's describing. Which makes me think, was there something in the post that she wanted to be sure that everyone saw? My theory was that she's trying to put things back the way they were before, in the eyes of the others at least, so that she and Lucius can avoid any more public scandal than they've already courted, but there's enough interesting tidbits in here that there might be something else.
This may simply be a certain amount of showing off, but you would think that they would have had enough of that with their public anniversary exchanges. By the way, does anyone think it's interesting that they both gave each other places? My first thought was that they were places where each of them could go if they needed privacy (suggesting that they knew that the marriage needed a little work, but that this might prevent any more long journeys). But now I'm wondering if this will have something to do with the big plot.. specifically, I'm wondering if Lucius will use the private island as a death eater base.