tropes @ 2003-03-27 09:45:00 |
(no title)
Mood: quixotic
Ok, first topic of discussion:
(First of all, hey, I'm Josephine. Wee!)blushcrush just mentioned in
nocturne_alley that she and Ron had a long talk. Do you think they talked about Cho? Ron seemed awfully calm...
bookshop @ March 27 2003, 07:07:45 UTC |
Yeah, I thought she probably had to explain to Ron about the lesbian jokes Draco had been making and that was why she was so grateful to him for taking it so well. Which is really surprising, since I can't imagine him taking it as well that Harry's also gay.
*pictures knight_to_h3 having an "IS EVERYBODY GAY?" Joan Cusack moment from In and Out*
tropes @ March 27 2003, 07:12:30 UTC |
Well, I was just so glad to read that they'd actually gotten somewhere. They've been pining quietly for months. Silly girls.
Yeah, if Ron hears Harry coming out, I think that not even Dumbledore will be able to contain the explosion. Maybe that's when Lupin's trying to avoid right now.
bookshop @ March 27 2003, 07:15:54 UTC |
Yes, it was the classic "silently wasted opportunity" scenario. Well done, though. Awww, they're so sweet. I really like Cho, especially! <333
You don't think Remus would try to, er, *warn* Ron about Harry or anything, do you? o.O
tropes @ March 27 2003, 07:27:08 UTC |
Oh god. That would be disastrous. Let's hope Lupin is a bit smarter than that.
(parent)sistermagpie @ March 27 2003, 08:29:36 UTC |
It's Dumbledore's got the right idea. When Ron starts going on about making Malfoy stay away from Harry he just offers him more sweets. Preferably the kind that makes his mouth stick together.
I love how Remus and Sirius are so clueless. Happily taunting Malfoy about liking boys and not realizing how hard they're making things for Harry. Harry's got a little timid squirrel here he's trying to coax into his hand and his godfathers keep making big, sudden noises (YOU LIKE BOYS!) that'll scare them away.
milenalupin @ March 27 2003, 10:22:28 UTC |
Little timid squirrel? - More like angry corned ferret.
(parent)sistermagpie @ March 27 2003, 17:22:43 UTC |
Oh, good point. Poor Harry. This just may get even worse before it gets better.
(parent)cirakaite @ March 27 2003, 07:20:26 UTC |
If she tried explaining that, I think Ron missed the point . . . *g*
Poor ickle Ron *pats*. He is going to explode.
bookshop @ March 27 2003, 07:23:40 UTC |
o.O I know, I just saw that!!! Hahahaha, just when I was about to suspect Ron of acting mature!!!!
Forget poor Ron! Poor Ginny!!!
conversant @ March 27 2003, 07:21:57 UTC |
The calm has ended. Ron's just posted. Poor Ginny. She's going to wish she'd kept her mouth shut. Ron's all about the Ginny love, by the way. Did you catch his chronicle of her private freckles?
(parent)tropes @ March 27 2003, 07:28:49 UTC |
I know, it was too cute! I loved the spirited exchange of baby pictures from a few months ago. Theirloveissoplatonic!
(parent)darklites @ March 27 2003, 08:15:35 UTC |
Well, at least Harry has something to hold onto. :D
greenapricot @ March 27 2003, 08:35:20 UTC |
I have a feeling that comment is going to come back and bite Ron on his little freckled ass.