merlion @ 2003-10-25 15:17:00 |
Mystery Revealed!
Harry's snake Hulk was Snape's SISTER.
redbowties @ October 25 2003, 14:04:06 UTC |
I know, I read. Interesting development. I didn’t even know he had a sister…
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Anonymous @ October 25 2003, 16:06:42 UTC |
Entire entry for that day: 25th, July:
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chasingwhispers @ October 26 2003, 01:03:49 UTC |
Agreed. And hello. :D
Do you think this is actually over? Sev seems to think so:
She did not seem interested in the usual reunion nonsense, which is all very well and good. It relieves me from the duty of long goodbyes, as I do not expect the mercy of the Wizengamot. It is not likely that my sister will again see the light of day.
But why would NA set this all up only to end it here? Unless it's just extra angst for Sev to try and pretend he doesn't care about. (Mmm... I'm such a sadist.) Oh! But this could have consequences:
I guarantee you that I would be much less disenchanted with my mother's profession had I seen a knut of the profits. Unfortunately, the Emersende fortune was left in my sister's name, and as I am not aware of her location I am unable to access any of the gold, at all. More's the pity, as I would no longer be forced to educate mindless little numbskulls for a fraction of my worth.
So now that Sev does know her location does this mean he'll be rich?! And therefore no longer be forced to educate mindless little numbskulls for a fraction of my worth...?
Ah, but Sev can't quit Hogwarts. He needs it. He's just in denial. *Whistles*
anjaliesque @ October 25 2003, 14:14:10 UTC Like taking a cattle-prod to a dead forum... |
(parent)luna_lg @ October 25 2003, 14:19:56 UTC |
Well, he DID mention that he had a fellow Death Eater for a sister...but he never said what happened to her.
Now, though, we know. Poor Sevvie...
caten @ October 25 2003, 14:30:20 UTC |
But he must care, it's his sisiter. Poor Snape, hiding his feelings like that, but that last sentance proved me right; he doesn't want to talk about it...
(parent)girlchild @ October 25 2003, 14:37:16 UTC |
Don't you just feel like going, "Hey mister! She's my sister!!"
(parent)whoyouinvent @ October 25 2003, 16:58:11 UTC |
I do now!
(and the rest of the scene continues in my head)
snowballjane @ October 25 2003, 15:25:58 UTC |
His mood is 'cold'. Aw! I think someone's warming presence may be needed.
(parent)dari_brit @ October 25 2003, 17:53:13 UTC |
I agree entirely...there needs to be some Lupin commentage!
So, what does this mean in the greater Death Eater picture? Was this a purposeful plan, or merely a coincidence?
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hezzabeth @ October 25 2003, 17:28:13 UTC |
Nancy actually guessed this around three days ago, but still WOW.
tabiji @ October 26 2003, 10:30:44 UTC Re: whee! |
I don't think it how fishing for compliments doesn't really count...they don't mean anything if you have to dig for 'em yourself.
Hmmm, okay....I'll be twatty instead. Heh!
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jacay @ October 25 2003, 18:32:35 UTC |
OMG! Let's write slash! Or whatever! Bestiality is, like, so cool!
(parent)luna_lg @ October 25 2003, 18:45:16 UTC |
oO @_@ are either lacking WAAAAAY too much on sleep...or the most perverted people I know...
(parent)noirenails @ October 26 2003, 00:08:40 UTC |
*steals paint and paints 'BEASTIALITY 4EVA!!1' everywhere*
girlchild @ October 25 2003, 20:55:08 UTC |
it'd be het, if it were hulk/harry!
[[and then, four hundred slashers chime in to say, "EEEEWW, HET!"]]
tabiji @ October 26 2003, 00:21:47 UTC |
Ahahaha! What does it say that we'd be more shocked and disgusted at het than at beastiesex ?
(parent)girlchild @ October 26 2003, 06:00:58 UTC |
not very good things, i should suspect. but then, we're all mad here. i'm mad, you're mad, she's mad...
(parent)saffronlie @ October 25 2003, 20:00:07 UTC |
Sirius and Lupin did the spell together, just like old times, only not. Aww. Waah. An argument can be made either way for this incident representing the death or resurrection of Blupin. :::Blupin flag gives a half-hearted flutter, then falls limp:::
(parent)saffronlie @ October 26 2003, 17:35:01 UTC |
Well, I suppose the three of them in a room together is a start. Sort of... I think we have to face up to the fact that NA!Blupin and NA!Snackin are dead, or at least will be dormant for a very long time. :::sniffle:::
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ October 26 2003, 18:02:22 UTC |
Anyone think that the 'green-haired woman' was Tonks?
(parent)luna_lg @ October 28 2003, 04:42:38 UTC |
Only those who read OoTP did so.
Still, I immediately realized that it was her, yes.
petitesl @ October 26 2003, 22:42:12 UTC |
Didn't Sev give the snake to Sirius to give to Harry in the first place though? Or did he just give it to Sirius. I wonder why he didn't recognize her then.