selene_rain @ 2003-10-27 06:27:00 |
Mood: amused
It seems someone has stolen Draco's socks. Maybe the house elves are tormenting him again?
selene_rain @ October 27 2003, 05:35:27 UTC |
It's nearly November! I know that if my feet are cold, the rest of me is too. The poor thing. Maybe just_harry can keep him warm. ^___^
saffronlie @ October 27 2003, 05:46:32 UTC |
This is so strange. But Draco is so utterly graceless under fire, so it's amusing. He's such a drama queen. Love it.
An edit, because the Powerless head girl comment is not very endearing at all. Less loving of drama queen!Draco. (Fickle, moi?)
notapipe @ October 27 2003, 06:48:43 UTC |
What exactly is the problem with the Head Girl/Boy comment? Is it just its mendacity and the meanness towards Lisa (which I don't quite approve of, myself), or is there something more?
Because it strikes me that there are gender conciousness buttons being pushed, but I don't think they deserve to be pushed. Suppose, for a moment, he were right. Would it be un-endearing? I doubt it. In fact, it would probably inspire a sense that there was an injustice, not on the part of Draco, but on the part of Hogwarts. In fact, noting real power differences between Head Girl and Head Boy might be instructive and a completely reasonable activity, even more so if one is a feminist.
lunadeath02 @ October 27 2003, 10:10:28 UTC |
I need help jogging my memory. Was it Turpin that had that (or still does have) crush on Draco?
(parent)saffronlie @ October 28 2003, 00:15:13 UTC |
My knee-jerk reaction last night was just to go, "ew, misogyny". Having thought about it further, I think my major problem was the outright rudeness, which we have come to expect from Draco, but I thought was especially sharp here. But I also think you and tabiji have something with that it's also an attack on Hogwarts politics. McGonagall's quick "well of course *not*" comment seems to emphasis that reading.
tabiji @ October 27 2003, 15:44:07 UTC |
Hmm. I don't think the Head Girl comment was meant as something sexist. I saw it more as a jab at the way Hogwarts is if he's saying that by Dumbledore allowing the Head Boy's anonymity, the special treatment is giving the illusion that there is something more "special" about the Head Boy.
(parent)girlchild @ October 28 2003, 07:48:24 UTC |
which is interesting really, the last line about dumbledore allowing "special treatment", considering that's similar to his comments about harry.
(parent)tabiji @ October 28 2003, 08:31:04 UTC |
Heheh...Draco is against special treatment for anyone except himself !
(parent)black_dog @ October 27 2003, 05:49:49 UTC |
As much of a drama queen as PS can be, this behavior seems a little over the top. Do you suppose this is meant to be comic relief within the normal bounds of NA, or is it meant to seriously suggest that PS is falling apart under stress? And if so, what's the stress?
(parent)notapipe @ October 27 2003, 06:37:38 UTC |
Actually, have you tried not being able to find your socks? Especially if it's cold out, not finding socks can drive one to madness.
(parent)selene_rain @ October 27 2003, 06:43:57 UTC |
Aha! That must be it, then. Someone has been plotting to drive our dear Draco mad and cold.
Though I'm still partial to the "Brr, it's exceedingly cold without anything to keep the chill away from my little toes! Potter, make yourself useful and keep me warm!" theory.
notapipe @ October 27 2003, 06:56:08 UTC |
So it's like a loud, bratty and enraged version of Pansy's "cold bed" post?
Actually, this comment in said post appears rather suspicious, or at least is an amusing coincidence. Millicent might be up to such an undertaking.
selene_rain @ October 27 2003, 07:43:40 UTC |
Ha. It certainly is a bit of a coincidence. Yes. I think some PS/J_H shipper has and taken them in hopes of driving him into the arms of a warm body. *stupidly hopes*
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hobaggins @ October 27 2003, 08:11:42 UTC |
Actually, re: your comment, I'd like to point out Pansy's response. I didn't much imagine Pansy to not respond with offers of backrubs, muffins and snuggling to keep warm.
deletrius @ October 27 2003, 06:06:08 UTC |
This was by far, the FUNNIEST thing i've read all day.
(parent)xnera @ October 27 2003, 06:17:47 UTC |
I may have to miss lessons today, but it is a sacrifice that must be made.
Oh dear. I'm afraid my conspiring mind suddenly jumped to the idea that Draco arranged this himself so he had an excuse to miss lessons. And then my mind further jumped into wondering just what Draco's involvement in the Death Eater activities is. Now, I like to think that Draco isn't involved at all, because I like my Draco reformed, but we don't really know that he is, do we? Could be that he will use the time away from lessons for nefarious doings. Let's hope those nefarious doings are not DE related and instead involve one bespectacled boy.
selene_rain @ October 27 2003, 06:47:59 UTC |
Aww, so scary and negative. Maybe Dobby just wants to make sock puppets. ^___^
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hobaggins @ October 27 2003, 08:37:51 UTC |
"ALL UR SOCKS R BELONG TO US," said Dobby, eloquently.
(parent)notapipe @ October 27 2003, 06:33:27 UTC |
That reminds me: must do laundry.
Did I ever mention that I live for the turpinol/ps interactions?
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hobaggins @ October 27 2003, 08:14:26 UTC |
Did I ever mention that I live for the turpinol/ps interactions?
notapipe @ October 27 2003, 06:40:46 UTC |
I cannot get over "The Minister of Magic has no time for socks."
I can't explain why.
serpensortia @ October 27 2003, 10:34:03 UTC |
<3333333 Percy. I just about died from the joy of seeing him enter the conversation. The Minister of Magic has no time for socks...but Percy apparently does! XD
(parent)hermione_like @ October 27 2003, 22:17:08 UTC |
Ditto! I just love Percy anyways so I always like seeing him ener a conversation. :)
(parent)dragynville @ October 27 2003, 07:05:59 UTC |
Have I ever mentioned how much I love "ps's" word choices? Inquisitions! XD XD
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hobaggins @ October 27 2003, 08:19:14 UTC |
I'd like to point out Narcissa's signature when addressing Sinistra. It seems she hasn't lost all of her recently found strength and willpower when she returned to Looshie's arms.
Hm. I want to see Draco refer to his mother and see if she's His Mother again.
onthehillside @ October 27 2003, 10:13:49 UTC |
I wonder if this isn't some sort of reference to canon? The HP Lexicon has a good essay on the importance of socks in the stories. I've never really been able to come to any real conclusion to why socks are important in HP, just that they are.
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hobaggins @ October 27 2003, 13:32:01 UTC |
If NA really and truly does mean to symbolize the fact that Draco's freedom and chance for redemption have been stolen (ahahaha and Narcissa is shipping replacements posthaste) then I give up.
blankcanvas @ October 27 2003, 15:48:13 UTC |
Finally some fun in NA!
(And I lovelovelove Draco's ALL CAPS!)
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Anonymous @ October 27 2003, 16:50:01 UTC |
What if Harry is responsible for this little trick?
He has his father's I.C., he may know the Slytherin password, and only someone with inmate knowledge would know that Draco places a pair of socks under his duvet--I assume he does this to have a warm pair to put on in the mornings. This theory falls apart if Harry and Draco aren't close enough to know the password of the other and have some experience with the other's sleeping habits.
Whoever did this knows Draco very well.
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jacay @ October 29 2003, 17:10:22 UTC Re: Accusation! |
I suspect Blaise Zabini!
He did steal Harry's golf book that one time. Perhaps he's a kleptomaniac.
sistermagpie @ October 27 2003, 18:33:14 UTC |
Oh my god. How much do I love this? I feel Draco's socks? That's awful!!! I can't decide what I love most:
That Draco keeps socks under his duvet. And in his trunk. And on his nighttable. Sock fetish much?
That today he's going to wear loafers with no socks; Carson Kressley would approve.
Lisa having to deal with this. I girl should be getting some serious extra credit for having to be both Head Boy and Girl.
Percy telling us "The Minister of Magic's got no time for socks." There's a life lesson in there. Or an icon.
Narcissa giving Draco a chance to pretend to be clever.
But my most favorite, for some reason, is the way he yells through the whole post but pauses briefly to speak to His Father in a respectful tone.
black_dog @ October 28 2003, 03:05:25 UTC |
Narcissa giving Draco a chance to pretend to be clever.
I love the way his parents both indulge and appease him here. He's being their baby again, and they are completely sure-footed in how to deal with that. And I love the way he gradually calms down as they mollify and flatter him.
Maybe I'm too anal, and should just sit back and enjoy a silly post. But I can't restrain the theory-mad NrAger side of me: I'm thinking that the whole thing feels a bit like a regression for Draco, and I'm wondering what's up with that.
Loved your observation about sock fetishes. You know, I just noticed one remark: "I NO LONGER HAVE THE SOCKS THAT I WORE TO BED LAST NIGHT." That suggests a rather intimate theft, doesn't it?
I'd love to think it's JH's doing, but it sounds more like an MB/Pansy thing, and there's also precedent for suspecting Peeves. And what about those house-elves?
Other things to love: Percy, in all his incarnations. Especially when he misunderstands Sinistra's sarcasm. And Seamus' late entry about Italian sandals and a pedicure.
sistermagpie @ October 28 2003, 09:57:44 UTC |
Yes, my favorite theft was the socks he was wearing. Mostly because there's something very funny about Draco sleeping in socks (his feet do get cold, I know--pureblood probably means poor circulation). His bed's the same height; maybe this is just phase two of the gaslighting.
Yes, love love Seamus. I'm expecting Draco to come back with a detailed explanation of how he already gives himself/gets regular pedicures.
The theme for Draco this year appears to be "sleep." The strangest things happen to him whenever he does it and he does it a lot!
dari_brit @ October 27 2003, 21:19:45 UTC I'll just come right out and say it... |
Am I the only one who keeps hearing "sex" for "socks?"
Yes, yes, I know it doesn't check out, especially with Narcissa owling replacements tout suite (squick), but I just can't get past the possibilities of a substituted post with two brilliant lines that go something like this:
"A Malfoy cannot be expected to go sexless. This is an absolute outrage."
Believe me, I KNOW that it doesn't check out. I know. But wouldn't we all like to see this as as PS plea for more time with J_H?
onthehillside @ October 27 2003, 22:25:40 UTC Re: I'll just come right out and say it... |
(parent)noirenails @ October 27 2003, 22:56:43 UTC Re: I'll just come right out and say it... |
OMFG XD Splendid.