dragynville @ 2003-11-08 05:29:00 |
Mood: amused
Draco wants to know why Harry is getting more sock offers than him. Lucius wants to know why Draco has Harry's socks at all.
And the Weasley's make an appearance.
deletrius @ November 8 2003, 07:45:27 UTC |
amazing, simply amazing.
By the way, this is completely OT, but has anyone seen this?
Snape...PROTECTING them. I <3 Snape.
caten @ November 8 2003, 07:51:47 UTC |
But what scene is that, I can't remember him protecting them..
(parent)peccavium @ November 8 2003, 20:53:25 UTC |
If it's what they say, about Snape protecting the trio from Lupin, then it's our first evidence of total abandonment of canon. The first time we see Lupin transformed is after everyone's walking from the Weeping Willow to the school, with Snape mobilicorporised and Pettrigrew captured.
Something's fucked up.
But it's not like I'm bitter.
deletrius @ November 8 2003, 08:09:34 UTC |
I'm hearing its in Snapes version of what happened in the Shrieking Shack, and then he goes on to say he was protecting them from Lupin. It's not in the book of course, but anything with Snape is ok with me.
(parent)deerlike @ November 8 2003, 15:27:16 UTC |
Hahaha, you have to love wehaveseven! Especially those icons. XD
As for Draco, I think his sock-tantrums are endearing, in an "I-can-pout-over-my-missing-socks-if-I-b
dragynville @ November 9 2003, 00:09:45 UTC |
There are no words. Massive <3's to Seamus' player! :D
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Anonymous @ November 9 2003, 15:49:53 UTC |
I compared them side-by-side with the head boy's notes. I don't think its him
(parent)onthehillside @ November 9 2003, 19:09:13 UTC |
I don't either. At least I don't want it to be him.
That would be scary.
redbowties @ November 8 2003, 22:02:24 UTC Seamus is indignant! |
Seems that Malfoy forgot Seamus’ offer and it didn’t make him too happy! Then Draco somewhat apologizes and they organize something for tomorrow with Harry and Ron! Draco ismajestically annoyed that Harry and Ron would want alone time. Oh the slash.
(parent)redbowties @ November 8 2003, 22:04:14 UTC Re: Seamus is indignant! |
er, the is and the 'majestically annoyed' ran together. ::grumblegrumble::
(parent)dragynville @ November 9 2003, 00:08:19 UTC Re: Seamus is indignant! |
They will now forever be known to me as 'Destiny's Tot' and 'Blondie'. XD XD XD
And though he nixed Ron, I notice he made it clear that Harry is to be included. <33333333
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hobaggins @ November 9 2003, 08:07:23 UTC Re: Seamus is indignant! |
We still don't know what happened back in the day between Harry and Seamus. There was something... and I can't even remember what it was now. Some reason Harry didn't want to go to Dogear Wryde because Seamus was there... I can't remember what else there was related to it. Have to ask tabiji, maybe. And there was the huge Tea Party Debacle with the "Draco Malfoy is not my boyfriend" bit which clearly was full up of more than meets the eye.
Ahm, So yeah, I think it would be a big deal if Draco was hanging out with Seamus w/out Potter. A lot bigger than we'd think to note.
tabiji @ November 11 2003, 02:16:51 UTC Re: Seamus is indignant! |
We never did find out exactly what all that was about. Of course, I've already told you that, but this was a good opportunity to flash this icon.
(parent)redbowties @ November 9 2003, 08:10:18 UTC Re: Seamus is indignant! |
haha, Draco is so funny. He and Seamus really do play off each other. If it wasn't Harry/Draco it would so be Seamus/Draco. lol.
eeee..that's so cute. I love Draco's last comment, he was laughing! ^^;
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hobaggins @ November 9 2003, 08:12:36 UTC |
I'm still wondering if there must've been more to Dean's suspicions, if there was more to all his "fucking Malfoy!"
Hmmm... but yeah, the biggest thing was that Harry didn't want to go to Dogear Wryde because Seamus was there, and I am completely lost as to why I know that. I'm pretty sure there was stuff backing that up, but I haven't thought about it in soooooo long that I'm completely lost.
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hobaggins @ November 9 2003, 08:08:23 UTC :--------!!! |