hepcatpixie @ 2003-11-16 00:40:00 |
(no title)
Mood: distressed
Our suspicions have been confirmed. It wasn't a very good breakthrough after all.
Why is Snape yelling at Lupin? Oh, this is awful.
jenicomprispas @ November 15 2003, 21:49:23 UTC |
The question on my mind is: Is he snapping at Remus because he's enraged and wants to focus on being enraged, or does the "I will not talk to you right now" mean that his anger has something to do with Remus? He's said it twice now.
Also: Wibble.
hepcatpixie @ November 15 2003, 21:54:00 UTC |
I don't think it has anything to do with Remus, really. It might be he's just panicked. I sometimes get the same way when I'm freaked out over something really really bad. But I'm not sure. It could be anything.
jenicomprispas @ November 15 2003, 21:58:25 UTC |
Oh my god, it's moving so fast tonight...Remus' post to Dumbledore is timestamped one minute after Snape told him to get lost. WIBBLE.
(parent)redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:00:33 UTC |
Ah. This is horrible! And Sirius seems to know something, why isn't anyone stopping Remus!?
(parent)jenicomprispas @ November 15 2003, 22:03:08 UTC |
I think they're trying to prevent Herminone from being eaten or something. It does seem like Sirius knows something. Both about where Remus might be going and why Snape is freaking out. Hopefully Remus isn't leaving like..Now.
(parent)redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:05:59 UTC |
Yeah. Snape does seem like he might throttle her..
I still think someone needs to be on the "save Remus" task force..where's Seamus, or Harry? Someone!
jenicomprispas @ November 15 2003, 22:14:46 UTC |
*gestures emphatically* Go! Save him, little Irish Wonder!
(parent)redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:19:01 UTC |
Yes, quickly Seamus, run! And drag Harry down while you are at it!
(parent)jenicomprispas @ November 15 2003, 22:21:14 UTC |
Ah. It looks like Sirius saw him. And is not trying to disuade him too much. We still have no idea what the mission is...it could be something not-too-terrible. *enjoys little state of denial, thanks very much*
(parent)redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:23:44 UTC |
Well, he might just be getting started! And he does have Hermione to think about!
But, look! Remus threatened Snape! BlupinBlupin...and he goes and gets Dumbledore. Yes, Dumbledore will sort this whole thing out. *wibbles all the same.*
snape_a_day @ November 15 2003, 22:05:58 UTC |
Has there been any indication of what Dumbledore asked him to do? I'm a bit lost.
*wibbles manically*
redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:14:22 UTC |
No clue, maybe a mission? Ah, they should keep us more clued in!
(parent)jenicomprispas @ November 15 2003, 22:12:28 UTC |
Does it seem a bit...sinister? to anyone else? Am I reading too far into Snape's behavior? He seems a bit more violent than I've seen before. I'm glad Sirius told Hermione not to go.
(parent)jenicomprispas @ November 15 2003, 22:24:30 UTC |
And now even Remus is snapping at him. *freaks out, runs in circles*
samenashi @ November 15 2003, 22:29:14 UTC |
I SO would not want to be in Hermione's shoes right now!
And thank you! <3
anoni @ November 15 2003, 22:38:04 UTC |
I'll insert a :wibble: to stay on topic, but what I really want to say is:
OMG I adore your icons. ::drool::
samenashi @ November 15 2003, 22:41:15 UTC |
HAHA, THANK YOU! <3 I love B/J so much.
And I think I'm going to die from curiosity. *REFRESHES MADLY*
anoni @ November 15 2003, 22:51:29 UTC |
Getting friends obsessed with QAF is amazingly fun. XD
And... yes. ^^;
athene_51 @ November 15 2003, 22:21:43 UTC |
Snape seems really, really offended by Black's choice of words. Hmmm.
lunatic - adj (informal) - insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon.
Ah, NA. I never know what's going on but I'm always willing to jump to conclusions.
redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:25:56 UTC |
He just like, totally insulted Remus, and he called him "werewolf" what's wrong with him???
jenicomprispas @ November 15 2003, 22:28:53 UTC |
Yeah. And that bit about "YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH JUST AS I DO" and seeing who can curse/wave a wand faster? So not in the cool.
(parent)redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:36:20 UTC |
'in the cool' haha, that amused me.
And now Remus is going down! And Siri is getting the map, and FINALLY someone is getting Harry. Jeezle Petes.
jenicomprispas @ November 15 2003, 22:41:56 UTC |
:D Too much Buffy.
Okay, something is definetly off with Snape...I mean more than just anger-management problems. Wasn't there a thing when he first found out that Hermione had botched a potion where he was missing memories? Or something odd like that...What happened there? Did we find out? And is it connected? *goes digging back a few posts*
redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:52:51 UTC |
Ah, report back what you find! I was looking around; in her orginal post, Hermione seemed to make it off as she mentioned it before, so where's the post?
saffronlie @ November 15 2003, 22:23:59 UTC |
MY NERVES!! Gaah! Too much wibble and too much scary anger. :::head explodes::: Something is rotten in the castle of Hogwarts (since the HP franchise is so into Shakespeare these days, and all).
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Anonymous @ November 15 2003, 22:31:19 UTC |
I guess I don't get that if Hermione messed something up so bad, why is it only being noticed now? That doesn't make sense to me.
(parent)redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:43:21 UTC |
Oh no, I just thought a horrible thought. What would make Snape freak out about the moon and not want Remus to come near him?
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Anonymous @ November 15 2003, 22:44:36 UTC |
But Hermione's mistake happened awhile ago. If it had something to do with the moon, I think the mistake would have been realized before this.
(parent)redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:46:26 UTC |
Hm. Right, jumping to conclusions, not good. But, what if it's slow acting, like, whatever she brewed started to slowly counteract the wolfsbane potion, you know how he was doing research and whatnot..
(parent)bookofjude @ November 15 2003, 22:48:22 UTC |
*headdesk* Didn't read your earlier comment.
Omg wibble.
redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:49:53 UTC |
ha, it's okay, and I'm probably wrong, but maybe on the right track?
alfdjs, Remus went in!! He's IN! IN the room with the notes, he probably knows what all this is about! TELL US WHAT IS WRONG REMUS!
bookofjude @ November 15 2003, 22:50:48 UTC |
OMG WAH. *wails and wonders why there are no NrAgers on AIM*
(parent)redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:54:21 UTC |
I am on AIM! But I am also on privacy, we should make a chat and wibble collectively.
This is HORRIBLE, it's like, August, but November! November, Month of botched Potions and Enraged Potions Masters.
redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:58:07 UTC |
I second that motion, we should wibble in groups.
(parent)aquagia @ November 15 2003, 23:41:04 UTC |
Oh god!! What is going on?!
I was gone for one night, blast it all, and look what happens. THIS IS WHY WE DON'T HAVE NICE THINGS.
I hate November.
WibbleChat? Where?
samenashi @ November 15 2003, 22:46:20 UTC |
!!!:O :O :O!!!
redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:47:40 UTC |
I know! I was like "BE CAREFUL REMUS! MY HEART IS WITH YOU!" ahh...ahhh...
(parent)samenashi @ November 15 2003, 22:51:19 UTC |
(parent)redbowties @ November 15 2003, 22:55:27 UTC |
Yo tambien! Refreshing here, refreshing there...THIS IS INSANE!
(parent)lupinus_bicolor @ November 15 2003, 22:45:17 UTC |
I think Slytherin gets the 'excellant use of icons' award...snape is really killing me- that comment about black and hermione...that was really low.
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Anonymous @ November 15 2003, 22:48:50 UTC |
oh my god, yeah it was.
What the HELL is going on???!!
lupinus_bicolor @ November 15 2003, 22:53:59 UTC |
I have absolutely no idea..but the suspense is doing serious damage to my brain.
(parent)mayzelle @ November 15 2003, 22:57:56 UTC |
And we'll probably have to wait until Lupin is done in Snape's office to get any more information. And who knows how long that's going to be! Wah!
(parent)lupinus_bicolor @ November 15 2003, 23:00:32 UTC |
you're probably right... or we'll have to wait until they get out of the infirmary...whichever comes first...
(parent)lupinus_bicolor @ November 15 2003, 22:54:43 UTC |
*snerk* yeah but...remus didn't think it was very funny!
(parent)therealycats @ November 15 2003, 22:55:19 UTC |
Well...that's because he wants Sirius' hands down HIS skirt :D
(parent)lupinus_bicolor @ November 15 2003, 22:57:12 UTC |
yeah...i'm wondering what exactly is happening right now...wondering if this is going to be one of those 'snape finally goes over the edge and shags remus senseless' things. Trauma does funny things to people.
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Anonymous @ November 15 2003, 22:57:25 UTC |
oh my god, why isn't anything happening?!??!!
They'll make us wait hours, I know it. Damn them!!
Remus tell us what has happened before we explode!!!
mouser882 @ November 15 2003, 23:20:07 UTC |
To delurk for just a minute..
Everyone is talking in some chat now and I'll never know what conclusions you came to!! Why aren't they saying anything else :(
moonlitpages @ November 15 2003, 23:34:20 UTC de-lurks |
I am up late and bored with some free time- and thought I would weigh in though I haven't posted in ages. I had a thought- which is probably very much off, but eh. According to Snape's entry, Hermione's mix-up occurred sometime in April:
It appears the daft child sneaked into my laboratory after-hours in April of last term to brew a wit-sharpening potion to further her incessant studying.
And it was May first that Snape turned Remus into a woman http://www.livejournal.com/users/luperc
dragynville @ November 15 2003, 23:42:02 UTC Re: de-lurks |
Omigod, mpreg? XD XD XD XD *falls over*
(parent)moonlitpages @ November 15 2003, 23:44:03 UTC Re: de-lurks |
*dies* oh lords, I hope not. I was just grasping at straws. Now I have visions of a pregnant male werewolf running around, and will likely have nightmares, thank you ;-P
(parent)dragynville @ November 16 2003, 00:20:05 UTC Re: de-lurks |
Well, at least it would get him out of whatever it is that Dumbledore wants. XD XD XD
(parent)moonlitpages @ November 16 2003, 01:06:40 UTC Re: de-lurks |
Unless what he wanted was to send Lupin on maternity leave ;-)
(parent)woo2step @ November 15 2003, 23:44:20 UTC I just pray that it's not mpreg. ::horrified:: |
That is brilliant.
However, how in the world can NA manage to connect these two events? Heck, I'm still in mind-boggled mode attempting to figure what scenarios could have possibly gotten Snape into such a rage.
In any case, that's definitely something to think about.
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Anonymous @ November 15 2003, 23:49:49 UTC Re: I just pray that it's not mpreg. ::horrified:: |
There is not, nor will there EVER, be mpreg in NA.
- Lupin's utterly horrified player
moonlitpages @ November 15 2003, 23:51:25 UTC Re: I just pray that it's not mpreg. ::horrified:: |
Oh thank god. That really, really wasn't where I was going with that idea, and will likely spend the night cowering under my chair now. Thank you *laughs*
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dry_your_eyes @ November 15 2003, 23:57:07 UTC Re: I just pray that it's not mpreg. ::horrified:: |
oh THANK YOU! can't imagine how relieved I am~!!
(parent)woo2step @ November 15 2003, 23:57:57 UTC |
Not to imply that I WANT mpreg in NA, but ...
That comment just invites sadistic minds to consider it, don't you think?
I'm going to have nightmares.
luna_lg @ November 16 2003, 07:20:55 UTC |
Same here...and headaches...and I haven't even gotten ready for work yet.
BTW...nice icon! ;) XD
woo2step @ November 17 2003, 18:11:54 UTC |
Oh, I wish!
Thank you, though! It's one of my favourites. :)
vassilissa @ November 15 2003, 23:58:42 UTC Re: I just pray that it's not mpreg. ::horrified:: |
(parent)aquagia @ November 15 2003, 23:52:07 UTC |
You know, I can't figure this out.
The only thing I can think of that would make Snape freak out so bad is something concerning his missions with spying on Voldie.
If something interferes with that kind of activity(thought I'm not sure how a potion would do this).
That seems like the only thing he would get so upset about.
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dry_your_eyes @ November 15 2003, 23:58:59 UTC |
maybe it is connected with Snape's mission. after all we still don't know anything about it (and i doubt we will). But I suspect it's somehow about Remus too
(parent)wednesday_tea @ November 16 2003, 00:16:36 UTC |
That's a good idea, I hadn't thought of that.
NA once again KILLS ME HELPPPPP. :((
noirenails @ November 16 2003, 00:24:29 UTC |
Ahem. I'm dying and metaphorically banging my head to the nearest wall.
(parent)zorb @ November 16 2003, 00:36:52 UTC |
I <3 YOU, NA!
beadgalsarita @ November 16 2003, 00:48:18 UTC Humm... |
I went looking through some old posts of Snape's regarding the botched potion and noticed a few things:
First of all, Snape has becoming more and more bi-polar in his behavior towards lupin.
He also seems to have been getting very worried about the potion as of last thursday.
and then in his last personal journal post he states:
"I will test it again. This cannot be right. I cannot have"
In my reading of that the "I cannot have" is what really has me thinking. It appears to me that he has contracted some sort of illness/condition and he places the blame at Hermione's door. I can't begin to fathom what it may be, but this definitely leaves some things to think about.
purplelavender @ November 16 2003, 01:01:35 UTC Re: Humm... |
In my reading of that the "I cannot have" is what really has me thinking. It appears to me that he has contracted some sort of illness/condition and he places the blame at Hermione's door. I can't begin to fathom what it may be, but this definitely leaves some things to think about.
You know this idea could be close to the truth, the I can not have could be a bit of denile.
he might be going thru the stages people go thru when something major happens.
first is Shock
then Anger
then Denile
then I think it's ignoring it, or excepting it.. I cant remeber them all.
I know blaming it on others is a big one, cause my brother did that when he got sick.
oh gawd, I wont wibble. well I"ll try not too, I just hope something happens soon so I wont miss it when I move soon and have no net access.
orimornie @ November 16 2003, 01:04:05 UTC Re: Humm... |
That makes the most sense to me.
Especially considering he couldn't remember when the potion brewing happened in April...
beadgalsarita @ November 16 2003, 01:12:33 UTC Re: Humm... |
what leads me to believe that it's an illness/condition is basically the lack of a period after "I cannot have" implying that it is an incomplete thought. Snape is a meticulous writer and always has correct spelling, punctuation, grammer, et.al. and the failure to place the period at the end of that statement implies that he did not write down the complete thought.
It's times like these that I wish a complete encyclopedia of magical herbs and their properties existed, since looking into the effects of elderwood on the human body would possibly be very enlightening.
beadgalsarita @ November 16 2003, 01:19:52 UTC Re: Humm... |
humm..have done a cursory search on elderwood. It seems that elderwood should never be burned b/c it will bring a curse upon the purson that does such.
"Elderwood, the Lady’s tree, burn it not or cursed you’ll be" from the The Wiccan Rede
"Burning elder wood is dangerous since it invites the Devil." from Faeiries and their Favorite Plants
interesting indeed.
orimornie @ November 16 2003, 01:21:51 UTC Re: Humm... |
I took the "I cannot have" to mean something happened and he was shocked, as in "I cannot have made that mistake" or something along those lines.
But your explaination makes much more sense...
Then again, as my dirty mind just put it... what happened that night that he doesn't remember? "I cannot have. . . "
bookofjude @ November 16 2003, 02:15:43 UTC Re: Humm... |
"I will test it again. This cannot be right. I cannot have" boobs?
(parent)purplelavender @ November 16 2003, 02:51:20 UTC Re: Humm... |
hehehehehe.... oh that's too funny.
purplelavender @ November 16 2003, 00:51:14 UTC |
damn it's gone quiet, since Hermione made her last post.. Grrrrr...
nabiki @ November 16 2003, 00:56:29 UTC |
leave it to NA to make us totally crazy and leave us at a suspenseful place without any resolution!!! @*$&*(@#&(
ahh but i love it
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tymbrimi @ November 16 2003, 01:47:18 UTC Question: |
Okay, one thing that has always confused me about NA is how literally we're supposed to take the time stamps on the comments/posts.
Because if they mean something, Lupin posted "I'll do it" one minute after Snape said "Go away Lupin go away." O_O
Even if times don't mean anything, I really can't see Lupin's sudden agreement as unrelated to this big drama...
*theorises wildly*
I'm usually just an awed lurker around here. I need to sleep and now I'm on an NA induced adrenaline high lol
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 16 2003, 06:25:16 UTC Re: Question: |
um i think most of the time we're not supposed to take the timestamsp into consideration.. that was brought up in another post somewhere...
(parent)lazy_daze @ November 16 2003, 01:48:58 UTC |
Oh my holy hell, what on earth is GOING ON? Oh god am seriously wibbling right about now. Snape has utterly lost it, Lupin is taking this WAY seriously which means it doesn't seem like it's just Snape overreacting, and in the middle of all this potion debacle Lupin has accepted what appears to be a dangerous mission - was this propmted by something to do with the potion? Or is it separate? Oh, NA, you are killing me *hates* *loves*
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tymbrimi @ November 16 2003, 01:58:53 UTC |
*points to her comment above*
We are totally on the same wavelength my friend. I was wibbling all alone here and wondering why nobody was mentioning this!
I'm just hoping it wasn't a "I'll do it, because there is no longer any reason for me not to" kind of acceptance. I don't want Lupin and Snape's relationship to be overrun by their sense of duty either.
Also, Sirius's "are you sure?" definitely implies this cannot be taken back. Hopefully it wasn't an emotional decision...
catiadoodle @ November 16 2003, 01:58:44 UTC |
Mmmm... I don't understand...
So Hermione brewed some potion is Snape's lab, and Snape or somebody else polyjuiced as Snape, caught her, right?
So Hermione went back to her dormitory before she could drink the potion, right? And anyway she probably wouldn't have drunk it since she knew she had made a mistake.
So my question is: Why would Snape drink this potion? He probably understood that it went wrong and was not a wit sharpening potion just by looking at its color or something, just as Hermione probably did... He knows better than to try on himself an unknown potion, doesn't he?
So was it really Snape? Because there's this whole memory loss thing to consider too: Snape has no recollection of this incident. Then again, this could be an effect of the mysterious potion...
Anyway, admitting that Snape did drink the potion, could it be possible that its effects on him allowed in some way the Voldemort attack in June? Or maybe it just resulted in Snape losing a part of his abilities (and thus turning Lupin in a woman...)
I'm at a loss.
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asciian @ November 16 2003, 03:40:07 UTC |
I would assume that, in her state, Hermione wouldn't have known that she had made a mistake until she'd slept, woken up, and thought about it.
My assumption was that the potion had some sort of effect of making things happen as Hermione wanted them - she obviously wouldn't have wanted Snape to take the point off Gryffindor?
If this is true (and it's a long shot), then could it be responsible for other things?
I don't wibble, but I'm interested to know what's going on ;)
ekaterinn @ November 16 2003, 09:36:30 UTC |
Ah! Someone finally said this! That what I was wondering too...Snape shouldn't have just drank an unknown potion...if he did, this is all his fault (whether he did it back in April or now). But maybe the potion is strong enough that just the fumes off of it had an effect? After all, Snape did lose his memory for that night in April...
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jacay @ November 16 2003, 11:11:24 UTC |
Maybe Snape stored it somewhere and thought it was something else when he drank it? Or maybe he gave it to someone else? Or maybe someone else drank it and it somehow affected him? I don't know.
(parent)petitesl @ November 16 2003, 11:34:27 UTC |
Could he have mixed it up with the wolfsbane somehow? You'd think he'd be able to differentiate between a wit sharpening potion and wolfsbane. Well, they do both start with w...
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Anonymous @ November 16 2003, 03:02:24 UTC |
Now MacGonagall has posted and told Snape off. WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL US WHAT THE F**K IS GOING ON?!?
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jacay @ November 16 2003, 11:13:06 UTC Re: Bi-Polar? Someone called me? |
Vamire Snape? What? But your idea about the icons is very interesting. Maybe he's not so much disappearing as turning into something else, and not necessarily a vampire. With that lunatic comment, I almost thought it was something about a werewolf.
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jacay @ November 16 2003, 17:10:02 UTC Re: Bi-Polar? Someone called me? |
Then again, this is NA, and there was Snupin for a time, even if it's over now....
(parent)dr_jekyl @ November 16 2003, 08:41:46 UTC Latecoming Wibblage |
Gah! I don't check up for a day and this happens... whatever the hell this is in the first place!
On the other hand, Dumbledore via McGonagall has told Snape to appologize (snort) for his 'outlandish' behaviour like that will happen. Surely it couldn't have been that bad then... could it?
My immediate thought was that Snape has managed to contract lycanthropy something, or been altered in some other way as others have said... Then I concocted a crackpot theory it occured to me that Hermione botched a wit-sharpening potion, something that I'm guessing affects your mental state (not an intelligence boost, but a clearing of the head). If the mystery potion hadn't been altered too much from its base (and given that the changes made were accidental, it's likely the MP is very similar to the WSP), I'm guessing the Mystery Potion affects the ingestor/inhalor's mental state quite negatively. Perhaps it works like an Oblivate, or creates a highly altered mental state.
Then again, Snape said Lupin could come down and *see* for himself, which implies that the effect of the potion is visible. Ah, what do I know. Wish they'd hurry up and give us some more clues already!
dari_brit @ November 16 2003, 14:48:26 UTC |
"This is Ground Control to Major Dari-Brit, aboard the good ship Nocturne Alley...can you tell us about the conditions up there?"
"This is Major Dari-Brit to Ground Control...yes, all the planets of our solar system appear to be shaking and emitting loud, high pitched keening. We may be witness to the first UNIVERSAL WIBBLE."