frances_potter @ 2003-04-07 13:52:00 |
(no title)
Is there something going on between Draco and Hermione? Arguing like this is just sooo often a sign of secret longing *g*
delfeus @ April 7 2003, 07:39:20 UTC |
Yuck! No het! Yuck!
But this:
Do not be nice to me, I am after your son's money.
*howls with laughter*
I love M.B!
kat99999 @ April 7 2003, 08:11:38 UTC |
Do not be nice to me, I am after your son's money.
*was just about to comment on this* Millicent is like my hero. lmao *giggles*
milenalupin @ April 7 2003, 12:15:41 UTC |
Bwah. She's not.
She's shamelessly cheating on boot_boy and leaving poor Terry heartbroken.
How can she?
*weeps silently for poor Terry, in the hope that his eyeliner doesn't take any harm*
kat99999 @ April 7 2003, 12:46:03 UTC Re: |
*wibbles* In all the confusion, I have shamelessly let slip my love for Terry/M.B. *hangs head in shame*
Love Terry's eyeliner. *giggle* At least if he and M.B. don't work out, he could perhaps have a torrid affair with cosmetics!
kat99999 @ April 7 2003, 12:59:08 UTC Re: |
Heeh, and she could definately provide alcohol to help him drown his sorrows. Could be a new perfect match!
(parent)kat99999 @ April 7 2003, 13:07:59 UTC Re: |
*shudders* I feel we must move onto the H/D love. Although have rather had a lot of that today, finishing off fics and stuff. Actually it's been a BIG DracoLove day today, I have about three Draco projects to finish. One done.. two to go. *cough*
*squees over just_harry and potterstinks instead*
milenalupin @ April 7 2003, 13:16:33 UTC Re: |
If just there was anything to squee about!!!
kat99999 @ April 7 2003, 13:39:05 UTC Re: |
Awww, pouting makes me sad. *consoles with cookies and um... mental images of H/D* Any help?
(parent)milenalupin @ April 7 2003, 13:48:27 UTC Re: |
Not really, but thanks for trying.
*pokes JH and PS* - You could be of help, you two...
delfeus @ April 8 2003, 02:55:34 UTC |
Harry would look good in eyeliner... if potterstinks continues to ignore him maybe he should play with Terry?
kat99999 @ April 8 2003, 07:43:45 UTC Re: |
Oooh Harry in eyeliner. *urges him to embrace his cosmetic side*
(parent)xnera @ April 7 2003, 07:53:03 UTC |
Draco/Hermione? How about Draco/Ron? They've been at each other's throats much more than Draco/Hermione have. Let's not forget the tomato ears, shall we?
And there's even clues from other players! lupercus: I too was proud of Ron for volunteering his assistance. </i>The boy is a natural with dragons.</i> (italics mine)
And la_pensee, here: The two of you are far too adorable when you fight.
hunin_munin @ April 7 2003, 11:14:04 UTC Draco/Herm?? | Like he would ever lower himself to.... Ugh! *goes off muttering* EW!
(parent)milenalupin @ April 7 2003, 12:32:32 UTC |
In the undying words of queerasjohn - Ewww, het!!
Except for the Interhouse-Cross-Generation, maybe. Arthur Weasley/Pansy P., anyone?
* S M I R K S *
sistermagpie @ April 7 2003, 13:53:59 UTC |
delfeus @ April 8 2003, 02:57:33 UTC |
You mean the Draco. Draco. Draco. ? I must agree. What I wouldn't give to see that...
(parent)milenalupin @ April 7 2003, 13:37:44 UTC Re: |
Then all these cookies were at least good for a creative sugar rush. *grins*
sistermagpie @ April 7 2003, 18:36:51 UTC |
Oh my god, how cute is this? I mean cute in a very manly, heterosexual way, of course.
We'll see who wins Millicent!
p.s. LJ is not letting me link to Terry's post first.
hunin_munin @ April 8 2003, 06:25:07 UTC |
Why thank you Mr. Weasley for that informative post. Having fun with the emoticons?