shusu @ 2003-12-12 22:37:00 |
it's Friday night...
Mood: eep
Is it time to freak out yet?
Edit Oh thank goodness. Well.... feel free to wibble. As often and as incoherently as you like.
shusu @ December 12 2003, 21:00:03 UTC |
We have a Lupin in our RPG, so I know back then it was the full moon for the next three nights.
...if that makes any kind of tense-sense.
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a_player @ December 12 2003, 21:18:03 UTC |
For the record, I use the lunar calendar for 2003 and not from 1997. It's too time-consuming for me to have to keep looking it up every month, so I far prefer to just look out the window. :-)
Also, full moons don't technically last three days. I go by the night that the moon reaches total fullness, which this month fell on the 6th. In NA, Remus transforms only once a month.
Just wanted to clear up any confusion.
- Remus's player
shusu @ December 12 2003, 21:21:27 UTC |
Ah yes, didn't mean to confuse about the full moons; we have three-day thingies.
Okies, thanks for the info :D
lore @ December 12 2003, 21:02:57 UTC |
YES. It is time to freak the hell out!
love, lore
(Ugh, I know I have nothing intelligent to contribute lately. I really cannot think objectively until Remus is back. I check here to see if there's been any progress too many times a day. Am pathetic. Still <3 other characters; but I'm distracted. Obviously, I think Harry went after Remus. But I know not everything is about him. Really. Am sane normally, promise.)
shusu @ December 12 2003, 21:05:54 UTC |
Please feel free to randomly wibble. It makes me feel normal. Also, my email notification is off.
(parent)lore @ December 12 2003, 21:06:24 UTC |
Bwa! And I started writing that note before there were replies on the game! Ok, so maybe Snape and Sirius are headed out to get Remus and Harry "headed to the library" always means a date with Malfoy,
*more wibbling and feeling rather ridiculous*
love, lore
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Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 21:02:59 UTC |
oh god, he said "I really do need to talk to him when we get back."
khesanh @ December 12 2003, 21:06:15 UTC |
I just read that and was about to post!
Eee! Hopefully it's good news. =\
jiffy_spiffy @ December 12 2003, 21:06:38 UTC |
I know I already commented, but Sirius said "when we get back". Of course, that could mean nothing, but ... ::crosses fingers::
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ December 12 2003, 21:27:22 UTC Re: apropos to nothing |
Thanks, but I didn't make it. ::pets it fondly::
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onewallaway @ December 12 2003, 21:25:17 UTC |
Notice it's Neville who assumes it's "we" is two people - if he's wrong, maybe Snape and Sirius have gotten over their old arguments to rescue Remus together? *hopes*
(parent)lore @ December 12 2003, 21:34:33 UTC |
Which just got screened, probably to keep any random DEs watching the journals from knowing what's up.
*bounces around*
love, lore
Save Mooney!
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Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 21:44:37 UTC |
I just took a screen print of the now screened comments. I can send it to someone if they missed it (though it'll be a huge file - I had to save it in paint). Unless that's a no-no. *glances at player(s)*
onthehillside @ December 12 2003, 21:53:53 UTC |
I already commented on this below, but could you send it my way? Thanks!
(parent)takeonelook @ December 12 2003, 21:56:53 UTC |
Can you send it to me too please?!! Thank you SO much!
(parent)curiouslyjade @ December 12 2003, 21:58:24 UTC |
If it's okay, me, too? Thanks.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 21:59:30 UTC |
Ah, me too and I'd appreciate it so much!<3
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Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 22:02:25 UTC |
I just saved it and it's humongous. Am going to try to resize it or something since I think I'll get a nastygram from the college for trying to send something that big.
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Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 22:10:23 UTC |
Hmmm. I don't seem to have any programs that will resize the image. Is there someone with photoshop that I can send it to who would be willing to make it a more managable size? (it's currently 2,300 KB *cringes*)
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Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 22:12:46 UTC |
I'm the lurker from above. just email me, and i can help.:D
(parent)onthehillside @ December 12 2003, 22:13:14 UTC |
You can use the stretch/skew function under Images. That should work with resizing it.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 22:19:32 UTC |
Ooooh! Brilliant! Much more managable. It's a little small, but it's still readable. I'll send it out now. Don't be surprised by a email.
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Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 22:28:14 UTC |
Hmmm. doc_jekyl and theafiles just bounced. *scratches head*
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Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 22:46:57 UTC |
Going to bed now before I fall over from exhaustion. If anyone else wants the screencap, they'll have to get it from someone else.
Also, orangeontuesday just bounced as well.
Goodnight! *falls over*
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Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 22:25:58 UTC Re: i would be much obliged |
fwd to me too plz?
nancyrose, peeking in for an update!
dr_jekyl @ December 12 2003, 22:21:20 UTC |
Me too, please! Or maybe someone has a website they can put it up at.
doc_jekyl at hotmail.
anoni @ December 12 2003, 22:25:23 UTC |
Oooh, yes, PLEASE. I'm at esoteric_expression@yahoo . Thanks ever so much!
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ December 12 2003, 22:29:44 UTC | if you wouldn't mind. Much obliged.
(parent)petitesl @ December 12 2003, 23:10:26 UTC |
Yahoo. Not Hotmail. Yahoo. *Headdesk*
saffronlie @ December 12 2003, 22:51:19 UTC | if you'd be so kind. Thanks muchly!
(parent)anatidae @ December 12 2003, 22:55:21 UTC |
:-? If it is perfectly fine, and if you are still hanging around, I would love a copy. please. Thanks!
(parent)magickslash @ December 13 2003, 00:06:42 UTC |
And me! Please? I'm at
(parent)ekaterinn @ December 13 2003, 00:11:19 UTC |
*is late* Me too, please, with Lupin on top?
(parent)![]() |
dry_your_eyes @ December 13 2003, 02:04:36 UTC please?! |
and me! and me! (i wonder how late I am...)
kitaoroshi @ December 13 2003, 02:40:35 UTC delurk |
Ack! me and my lovley timing! ;_;
Could you send a copy to Thanks muchs!
darththalia @ December 13 2003, 07:54:35 UTC |
Lisa, have you had any luck with the screen prints? If you want, I have a web site with unlimited downloads that could host them. if you want to talk about it. If you're just e-mailing them, I'd love to see them.
(parent)luna_lg @ December 13 2003, 14:25:46 UTC |
I would like one!
...yes, I'm in college. You can stop fainting now.
tabiji @ December 15 2003, 12:26:14 UTC Here's the screencap of the (now) screened comments |
In case you missed it:
Thank you <3! to onthehillside and Lisa (hey Lisa, do you want a code?)
jiffy_spiffy @ December 12 2003, 21:45:07 UTC |
Oh, good thing we got in early then.
I think I'm going to squee! I want my Remus back, damnit!
bubblebee @ December 12 2003, 21:48:02 UTC |
/me grabs you and squees
I HATE YOU ! !! !! !
jiffy_spiffy @ December 12 2003, 22:03:57 UTC |
I saw you commenting and I just laughed, because N_A has claimed another victim! C'mon, admit it, you're glad I got you hooked! *g*
bubblebee @ December 12 2003, 22:21:56 UTC |
Yes.... well.....
HEheeh, yesterday, when I met saffronlie we were talking about NA and how you know, no one knows who the players are. And I pointed to the woman that was sitting at the table next to us and I said "you never know... that could be Remus's player!"
jiffy_spiffy @ December 13 2003, 02:36:02 UTC |
... Heeey, maybe. ::narrows eyes:: Did you interrigate her? Ask where she's been and just when the hell is she going to get back together with Sirius? *g*
jiffy_spiffy @ December 13 2003, 04:06:43 UTC |
Well, that's probably a good thing. They'd probably have asked you to leave the restaurant if you'd started yelling about Death Eaters and Sirius, hehe.
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Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 21:21:31 UTC |
damnit sirius for giving us nothing to go on....
(parent)lore @ December 12 2003, 22:21:01 UTC |
Uh, what is Snape doing commenting in Hooch's post when he should be off saving Remus?
Cover post to make it seems like he's sitting at home on Friday night instead of Saving Mooney?
love, lore
bubblebee @ December 12 2003, 22:23:18 UTC |
Maybe Sirus is just going off by himself, and when he refers to "we", he meant just him and Remus?
lore @ December 12 2003, 22:26:02 UTC |
Shhhhhh! I'm still in denial about the Snape/Lupin fallout. Also have a little bit of S/S/R in me. Snape must be helping, I just know it. ;)
(parent)bubblebee @ December 12 2003, 22:29:09 UTC |
Ahh, see I am uneducated when it comes to past troubles between people, because I've only been roped into this horrible wonderful RPG in the past..... three weeks or so. Maybe not even that long. :)
Heheh,well if you have faith!!
dr_jekyl @ December 12 2003, 22:25:07 UTC |
It must be that...
Ohhh... Live Harry in the Sirius</s> posts! He has no better idea of what's going on than we do, the poor boy.
lore @ December 12 2003, 22:29:41 UTC |
Can I just say I <3333 you? We're always on the same page, even though we do not know each other. Plus...Coolest. NA. Icon. Evah!
love, lore
dr_jekyl @ December 12 2003, 22:36:47 UTC |
The admiration is mutual, let me assure you!
And thanks for the iconage praise! I was reading through the archives and came across that post and I just had to do it. People are welcome to steal my icons if they want.
zionsstarfish @ December 12 2003, 22:23:52 UTC |
Waah, j_h!! Will someone just grab him and sit on him and pet him so he calms down?
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Anonymous @ December 12 2003, 22:34:04 UTC |
the poor boy might just have a conniption if Sirius doesnt get back soon.
(parent)lore @ December 12 2003, 23:38:06 UTC |
Huzzah! My mind is my own again!!
*hugs and smooches NA*
love, lore
charolastra_ @ December 13 2003, 07:32:31 UTC |
Eee! Finally I can relax somewhat again! *also hugs NA*