chasingwhispers @ 2003-12-27 08:18:00 |
(no title)
Mood: hungover ;)
just_harry posts!
vassilissa @ December 27 2003, 00:24:45 UTC |
Percy's response was weird. He had his 'not impressed' icon. I wonder if something's happening.
(parent)vassilissa @ December 27 2003, 00:25:05 UTC |
Weirder than just because it's Percy writing, I mean.
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chasingwhispers @ December 27 2003, 00:58:19 UTC |
I know what you mean. Percy asking about whether Harry was coming to Burrow felt a bit strained... and Harry replied with 'sincerely'. Is he just gently mocking Percy's formality or might there be some distance there? Ho hum. And I'm sure Harry won't appreciate hearing about this. Is Percy being his usual obtuse sense or is there some real spite in mentioning it? it seems to put you on a pedestal sounds annoyed to me. But Percy did use his 'a pleasant mood' icon though, so maybe I'm completely over-analysing!
... Ah, no, Harry wasn't interested. Poor boy makes me wibble. <3
sistermagpie @ December 27 2003, 08:48:06 UTC |
Right, and Harry's post just says, Oh, and we saw Percy too." I could believe they maybe had a little bit of weirdness when they were together somehow. It just sounded like there was something to that seeing Percy idea.
Poor Harry--people are using him as a Christmas icon? That would make anybody uncomfortable.
black_dog @ December 27 2003, 18:19:11 UTC |
Well, Ginny says he was coming up from Knockturn Alley, and holding a bunch of keys, and looking preoccupied and mysterious.
I wonder -- just a wild guess -- if there are hard feelings about the Ministry's role, or non-role, in rescuing Remus?
On another matter -- PS really doesn't like being teased, does he? I love the way Ron basks in the chance to be silly with Harry and make jokes about Malfoy. Do you think Harry's being colder to PS here, or just indulging in ordinary teasing that, for some reason, PS is sensitive to?
tabiji @ December 27 2003, 19:37:25 UTC |
I wonder if Draco's touchy here because Harry's BS'ing with Ron when he should be sending Draco's gift?
I've been sort of waiting for a Draco rant since the broken library date when Harry went to DW. Maybe Draco's getting tired of feeling like he's not a priority for Harry?
black_dog @ December 27 2003, 20:31:58 UTC |
Not just failing to send it -- but actually making fun of it, this gift that Draco went to such pains to buy privately, without anyone's advice, and that he seems shy about actually giving Harry.
It definitely feels like PS is less of a priority for Harry, doesn't it? I wonder, again, if the whole Remus/DE incident has clarified some things for Harry, made him skeptical of the possibilities with PS. And PS may be getting tired of it, but does he dare make an issue of it, bring it to a head? The answer would depend on the depth of his own feelings for Harry, and those remain a mystery.
sistermagpie @ December 27 2003, 21:14:32 UTC |
Yeah, I do wonder what's going on here, because presumably ps did get something for Harry? Or could he not think of the right thing and that's why it's late? Or maybe it's something he has to give him in person...this could lead to something pretty interesting if ps has actually gotten him something quite nice but Harry "ruins it" (as ps has things ruined for him) by acting the wrong way about the whole thing.
I don't know...I do get a little bit of a vibe here. ps makes his joke about tardiness and Harry pointedly says he was sitting by a bedside in St. Mungo's. I wonder if that made Draco feel uncomfortable and if he's in general feeling weird about the whole thing. Harry seems a little manic. I think the idea of somebody getting their drinks poisoned with silver may be freaking him out. Making jokes about Draco's possible present may be some serious whistling in the dark.
I mean, Harry's almost riffing on ps and his present is almost aggressive. Maybe he's just blowing off steam because he's been stressed, but it still sounds a little manic, as I said. Call me weird, but something about that, "That wouldn't be fair, Ron. Let's pretend he crochets instead," struck me as pretty taunting. Something about the constant talking about "he" meaning ps. It's not like Harry to make fun of somebody else to a third party in public. Presumably Harry must be knowing ps is reading this and is choosing his words accordingly. He may be trying to draw ps out in some way. I would say he wanted his company, but perhaps knows this incident makes that difficult?
He just seems really high strung with the constant hilarity about the nose cosy etc. j_h has had a lot of funny conversations but this isn't usually his style--he's usually more deadpan. Actually, this is more ps' style. It's not that Harry sounds like him, just that he's taking control of the conversation, turning things on their heads (I thought you said there was no excuse for any tardiness...), spinning stories with other people (Once he said he was macrameing...).
It just definitely sounds like Harry's edginess has not gone away. I think ps may be feeling a little freaked out by his tone here.
zionsstarfish @ December 27 2003, 22:43:13 UTC |
I think j_h is edgy because of this, and the fish on his jumper... could be some of his anxiety spilling over.
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a_player @ December 28 2003, 00:51:52 UTC |
spinning stories with other people (Once he said he was macrameing...).
Oh but Draco did say that once! I think it might have been on LJ but I'm not sure.
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Anonymous @ December 28 2003, 00:59:48 UTC |
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a_player @ December 28 2003, 01:05:45 UTC |
I don't have it! :( He was being sarcastic though.
(parent)sistermagpie @ December 28 2003, 11:32:41 UTC |
You know, I think it was. It's definitely something he would say...sarcastically. (Though I'm with Harry--who knows what secret macrame plantholders he might have made!)
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a_player @ December 28 2003, 11:34:23 UTC |
*laughs!* I honestly can't remember if it was on LJ or offscreen in an RP session, but I definitely know it was said. Sadly I'm of no help pointing to it, though I do know he recently informed Millicent that he was weaving, also. It's all very craft-themed.
(parent)sistermagpie @ December 28 2003, 12:53:22 UTC |
Ah! And he also recently mentioned glitter!
I've got it. ps is making a portrait of Harry in macaroni, isn't he? I'm right, aren't I? Oh, Harry is going to rue the day he joked about this!
black_dog @ December 28 2003, 06:51:53 UTC |
Hey, just FYI, I replied to this on hobaggins' thread about the Harry/Ron conversation (with a link back here), because I thought the subject deserved its own thread.
(parent)vassilissa @ December 28 2003, 21:22:56 UTC |
I'll guess at ordinary teasing that hit PS on a raw spot.
I think maybe this hasn't been a good Christmas for PS. He's pissy at His Mother, too. Maybe he wants attention and doesn't know how to ask for it?
It's more childish than he's been in quite a while. Maybe that's what's come of his reflecting on adulthood.
dragynville @ December 27 2003, 00:39:17 UTC |
Did anybody ever figure out what Draco got Harry for xmas?
(parent)kievstar @ December 27 2003, 01:18:20 UTC |
Why, oh why didn't Draco give nragers an opportunity to play 20 questions?
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hobaggins @ December 27 2003, 01:27:06 UTC |
nraged would have fucked up their opportunity anyway.
"Was it sex?"
"Was it anal sex?"
"Was it oral sex?"
"Was it whipped cream?"
"Was it hot fudge?"
"Was it butterscotch?"
"Was it caramel?"
vassilissa @ December 27 2003, 01:37:29 UTC |
He brought out the menacing glare.
I think I hear jingle bells ringing.
vassilissa @ December 27 2003, 01:40:12 UTC |
I think Lisa heard devilzzz in the last post saying she wanted PS/J_H 'shags' for Christmas. ;-)
(parent)notapipe @ December 27 2003, 01:43:12 UTC |
Hmmm. I would reject this because of the "literally" but I figure that's probably not going to score any agreement.
I am, wondering, however, what exactly you can make with a rug besides bits of peices of rug. Or coverings for shit.
vassilissa @ December 27 2003, 01:46:59 UTC |
Well, I was joking, but I'm not sure what else you could make with it either. The possibilities don't sound like great gift ideas.
A poncho?
Pot-holders, placemats?
A one-person flying carpet?
Those things you put under furniture legs to stop them denting the carpet?
notapipe @ December 27 2003, 01:49:09 UTC |
Well, that was one of the fronts I would fail to get agreement on.
Maybe a really bad wig?
A shitty stuffed animal?
A hat? shewearshatstoo you know.
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hobaggins @ December 27 2003, 13:44:17 UTC |
A nest! Oh man I want a rug-nest.
You know, pipe, the sun is setting here and I just woke recently. :-//////// This isn't a good sign for the rest of vacation. AND DON'T LISTEN TO MY VOICE POST. I POSTED IT AT LIKE SIX THIRTY. -.-
notapipe @ December 27 2003, 01:41:11 UTC |
Bookstore geekery! It goes without saying that it makes me want to fuck both of them right now, so I'll get on with the question. What is Hay-on-Wye? Will anyone who knows the Isle explain this to me?
(parent)mayhap @ December 27 2003, 01:53:53 UTC |
It's basically a town in Wales which is full of bookshops and has a fabulous literary festival as well. I've never been, but I have a friend I'm dead jealous of who has.
(parent)notapipe @ December 27 2003, 02:15:46 UTC |
Inspired by the explanation of Lupin's condition and I'm too lazy to make into a coherent comment from the IM log.
I hate Keats: que
FightsLikeACow: you know tht guy who is suing about the silver balls that you have for christmas cookies?
FightsLikeACow: HE MUST BE
FightsLikeACow: otherwise, WHY THE FUCK WOU?LD HE CARE?
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hobaggins @ December 27 2003, 13:45:24 UTC |
You don't even say that that is me. Not that I feel you should be giving out my AIM, but still.
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Anonymous @ December 27 2003, 11:42:02 UTC |
Were some comments by turpinol nds missgranger deleted?
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chasingwhispers @ December 27 2003, 11:46:14 UTC |
I think you're right... It was definitely a longer conversation earlier. Perhaps LJ is playing up? Odd.
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a_player @ December 27 2003, 12:09:59 UTC |
I think it must be LJ, we haven't deleted anything.