anjaliesque @ 2003-04-07 21:53:00 |
The angst!
Mood: riveted
The honor of the fair lady Millie is at stake in a glorious Wizard’s Duel between two strapping young men. Who shall be thrust into the gunnysack first by our delicate blossom? I bite my nails in apprehension.
sistermagpie @ April 7 2003, 19:33:51 UTC |
Oh. My. God. I kiss the boot of Terry Boot. Potterstinks catapults back into the social scene like a rocket!
Poor Dean.
So wait, Saturday? Does this mean they won't go to Hogsmeade? Can Draco where his nice shoes to the duel? And who will his second be? Crabbe? Goyle? A mystery man in a mask? I shall be dreaming of it until Saturday.
anjaliesque @ April 7 2003, 19:39:39 UTC Re: |
*cackles* I love your mystery man. Surely Draco would rather go to a duel with that dashing man on his arm -as his second, I mean- than Hogsmeade with gunnysack-armed Millicent, and this is surely a much better occasion to wear the nice shoes. To show off for his second, of course. Perhaps he might compete with Terry for overall prettiness, partaking of eyeshadow and lipstick.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 7 2003, 20:19:03 UTC |
I predict whoever doesn't call her Millie will be the one to win her.
Then they can tie Draco down and put the eyeliner on him. Because I'd love to see that boy in eyeliner. And once it's on the Mystery Man can swing in on a rope, scoop up ps and swoop him away to the Astronomy Tower. Yes, that's the way it should go.
anjaliesque @ April 7 2003, 20:24:26 UTC Re: |
Pansy and M.B. have done everything from bananas to grapefruit to Spellotape to a rental bakery, why not make-up? Surely that must be next on the agenda. And then there's no way the Mystery Man can resist.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 8 2003, 04:20:46 UTC |
Mystery Man? Hate to be the one to break it to you, but PS chose another knight in a shining armour for his second.
But, honestly, Sir Cadogan? - He's either extremely self-assured, or really, really desperate.
If it isn't all a hoax to hide the true identity of his second before the match, that is.
delfeus @ April 8 2003, 04:57:01 UTC |
I was just going to point out that. *howls with laughter*
Maybe he just wants to show Terry how sure he is of winning...
I like Sir Cadogan. :D But maybe that's just a codename for his real knight in shining armour?
milenalupin @ April 8 2003, 06:14:21 UTC |
true sneakiness, worth of a Slytherin. 10 points to Mr. Malfoy. *nods appreciating*
(parent)non_inferno @ April 7 2003, 20:31:04 UTC |
boot_boy has lovely handwriting, if not somewhat girly. Experience with eye-liner must do wonders for dexterity.
Not only that, but he is such a poet. 'Stratospheres of debasement', 'tawdry protestations of false devotion'. Bless his poor wounded soul.
anjaliesque @ April 7 2003, 20:53:02 UTC |
My hear breaks for him. *ships Terry/Millie, marvels both that it's het and that it rhymes*
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 7 2003, 21:02:42 UTC |
My favorite is "I blame you. You and your gunnysack."
(parent)non_inferno @ April 7 2003, 21:19:42 UTC |
Yes, he has such a way with words. Usually, you see the word 'gunnysack' and think 'yay, gunnysack', but when he says it, it really strikes a chord. More like 'Gunnysack, woe.' Like a dagger straight through the heart.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 7 2003, 21:24:30 UTC |
Yes! When I read that I, too, blame the gunnysack.
(parent)seekercho @ April 8 2003, 01:11:19 UTC |
Considering it was mine to begin with, you probably should.
hunin_munin @ April 8 2003, 01:32:46 UTC |
Now, now, don't fight you both need to save you energy.
Personally, I'm rooting for Boot. One just hopes the mascara doesn't get in your eyes, dear.
milenalupin @ April 8 2003, 04:13:25 UTC |
Terry's definitely in a better position when it comes to hiding black eyes.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 8 2003, 06:17:10 UTC |
"He" as in boot_boy or as in
potterstinks, dear Parvati?
Your prediction is, as every good prediction, a bit... ambiguous.
divineparvati @ April 8 2003, 06:19:34 UTC |
Terry cannot win. I will be Devastated. And I still have his Trousers.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 8 2003, 13:21:10 UTC |
Well, if indeed you have his Trousers, he might be having a handicap.
But Draco will have one as well, then - it's called distraction.
Anyway, this certainly explains why petitemillicent is so keen on the duel.
anjaliesque @ April 8 2003, 14:19:54 UTC |
Oh yes, Draco will certainly be distracted. At least, we all wish he would be, and that it would prove something about him. *wibbles*