kievstar @ 2004-02-09 17:34:00 |
(no title)
Mood: excited
Let's sum up a bit
Hermione- cat
Snape- cat
Filch- cat
Black- Harry's postcard
Parvati- elephant
Harry- Invisibility Cloak
Draco- WAH!!! GOLF!!!!!!!!
Lavander- doesn't know
Minevra- brooch
Neville- gardening tools
Ernie- sneakoscope?
Ron- chess set
Dean-hair (hahahaha! I totally agree with Harry here)
Luna- glasses
Queenie Greengrass-unicorn
Pancy- locked wood box
Lisa- note about jumpers
Seamus- watch
Terry- A TOY!!!
Sibyll- tarot cards
Susan Bones- locket for fillings with Justin's photo
Colin- photo
M.B.- badge saying "badge" (yeah, Draco ALWAYS had his great skills!!! Do you feel the love?)
Vector- journal
Justin- snitch
So people left:
Lavander, Crabbe, Blase, Ginny, Padma, Goyle, Hanna, Mandy, Hooch, Dumbledore (?)
Other things we have: bible, box of chocolate
laurac0re @ February 9 2004, 15:43:33 UTC |
could the wooden box that Ron has be Millicent's trunk?
(parent)divinelight @ February 9 2004, 15:46:20 UTC |
Now how do I tell my teachers I didn't do my homework because I was reading NA?
I'm about to leave for my next class! Woe! I won't get to check back in until 7:30ish tonight!
kievstar @ February 9 2004, 15:47:55 UTC Re: |
Oh my god! Poor girl! I'd kill if someone tryed moving me now!!!
(parent)that_one_chick @ February 9 2004, 16:02:57 UTC |
What if harry's is his cloak? That would be a bit troublesome.
(parent)kievstar @ February 9 2004, 16:03:54 UTC Re: |
you CAN see it when it's not on, so not so troublesome at all.
(parent)that_one_chick @ February 9 2004, 16:05:46 UTC Re: |
Well, I meant if no one else is suppose to know about it. Unless there was something that happened before my comming into contact with this group?
(parent)pegkerr @ February 9 2004, 18:19:59 UTC Re: |
Oh, no! It probably is his cloak! He said whatever-it-was belonged to his dad.
(parent)beadgalsarita @ February 9 2004, 16:10:49 UTC hummm... |
no matter how 'cutsey' it may be, I'm not terribly convinced that draco is harry's most prized posession. I doubt harry could even consider a human being a posession, which I'm guessing is a requirement for the item to be taken. My money's with the previous idea of his item being his invisibility cloak.
kievstar @ February 9 2004, 16:16:16 UTC Re: hummm... |
which I'm guessing is a requirement for the item to be taken
But lots of them didn't even think before that this item could be their prized-possesion. Harry doesn't know himself what it is.
But you surely have some points
beadgalsarita @ February 9 2004, 16:32:13 UTC Re: hummm... |
But lots of them didn't even think before that this item could be their prized-possesion
wether or not you consciously proclaim something to be your prized posession, it still is.
I think the problem with harry is that he just dosen't think in terms of posessions. If he dosen't use it on a day to day basis, i.e. glasses, clothes, etc., I doubt it even occurs to him that it exists until the moment where he needs it.
that_one_chick @ February 9 2004, 16:19:41 UTC Re: hummm... |
Plus said item is supposed to 'go up in smoke' if it's not claimed. If this is true, and Harry doesn't figure it out, what happens to Draco. Theoreticly of course. Humm indeed!
(parent)that_one_chick @ February 9 2004, 16:26:12 UTC |
No, I don't think so. If for some reason this is the case, I'm sure Dumbledore would have known before hand. Or there is probably a plan in place if someone dissapears. Or maby there isn't, and it's supposed to drum up some drama. (like there isn't enough already?!)
(parent)dr_jekyl @ February 9 2004, 16:20:17 UTC Re: hummm... |
I don't know... I thought what Luna lost were her rose-coloured glasses, which really only exist in the metaphorical sense. It wasn't actually a posession (just as cats, as any cat owner will tell you, are by no means possessions - they just put up with you).
(parent)that_one_chick @ February 9 2004, 16:21:59 UTC Re: hummm... |
That's true enough, so really I suppose it is possible. :)
(parent)beadgalsarita @ February 9 2004, 16:27:46 UTC Re: hummm... |
as any cat owner will tell you, are by no means possessions
ahh, but the point is..if your cat decided to live with the neighbors would your first thought be "Oh well, I can see that s/he has move on" or "please return my cat."
sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 16:41:23 UTC Re: hummm... |
Good possibility. If a human were Harry's most prized possession (and I rather doubt it would be because then everybody would consider people their most prized possessions and there might be a whole lot of parents gone missing) why would it be ps? Why not Ron (as in GoF) or Sirius or Remus?
Meanwhile, am I to understand that ps has found himself with a bit of parchment or a jumper and a piece of parchment? And if he has gotten the parchment, does this mean Draco's partner could be the mysterious Head Boy?
morganmuffle @ February 9 2004, 16:46:41 UTC |
Have we seen that note before? I was trying to remember... maybe if Harry and Draco really are partners it's a note Draco sent to Harry (which would be very like Harry).
(parent)sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 16:58:43 UTC Re: |
I don't know if we've seen it...
It definitely looks like Dumbledore's been careful about who got what, trying to bring enemies together, like Seamus and Terry and Sirius and Snape. Other times it may be more random--like Queenie and Dean. (LOL!)
M.B. seems to have maybe Susan's? They had that brief friendship from before.
I'm seriously wondering if Ron doesn't have Pansy's thing--or maybe even Draco's, just because a box that can't be opened seems very appropriate for either of them, because they so closely guard their real selves. It reminds me of ps's box in a way. Ron associates it with money, though I doubt that's what's inside. But ps's note doesn't seem to be Ron's I don't I'm for now guessing that Ron and Pansy are partners.
If that note was written to Harry then Draco would recognize it, would he? Unless he doesn't understand the significance of it so doesn't remember writing it. You'd think he'd recongize the handwriting, though.
Since Harry and Draco seem to have worked out their own problems, maybe it belongs to Colin.:-(
sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 17:01:10 UTC Re: |
Kay, scratch that. Luna and Colin are partners, and the box is quite possibly M.B.'s. I knew it had to be a Slytherin's!:-)
(parent)sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 17:05:44 UTC Re: |
Scratch that again. It is Pansy's.
*smugly gives gold star to self.* :-D
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a_player @ February 9 2004, 17:08:10 UTC Re: |
Haha! If you want a gold star I have something to star. *goes to other thread*
(parent)lazy_daze @ February 9 2004, 16:59:28 UTC |
Loks like M.B has Ron's chess set and he has her box! Ha!! Live threads everywhere, I am dying from excitement.
(parent)adrienneblack @ February 9 2004, 17:10:51 UTC Re: |
*Dies laughing*
Ron is so wonderfully dense.
adrienneblack @ February 9 2004, 21:24:44 UTC Re: |
*Loves Ron and M.B.*
Hehe, this is so much fun.
that_one_chick @ February 9 2004, 17:34:01 UTC Re: |
Right? Except he dind't burn down the building. yet
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Anonymous @ February 9 2004, 18:06:33 UTC |
LOL, this is the greatest thing!!!
I'm in the library at school and i'm cracking up!!
Oh god, I love NA
morganmuffle @ February 9 2004, 18:19:37 UTC |
You're doing a good job of keeping this list updated! Seamus' thing is a pocket watch though (family heirloom I believe).
I'm now thinking Harry's thing could be the Invisibility Cloak... something of his father's he just sadi.
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Anonymous @ February 9 2004, 18:28:05 UTC |
We have a near-confirm on the invisibility cloak (
(parent)aquagia @ February 9 2004, 18:47:10 UTC |
I really want to know who the Bible belongs to. I'm just waiting for it to be someone ridiculous, i.e. Blaise. Or maybe Goyle.
And good ole Dumble doesn't seem to me minding about the caretake of these items, does he? Considering Terry already broke Seamus's watch, and he in turn "accidentally" ripped off Bongo's tail. I think that everyone has a right to be nervous.
aquagia @ February 9 2004, 18:50:54 UTC Re: |
Also, as I reply to myself: Do you think M.B.s edit of "If you do not give them back you will not be able to sleep at night." is a clue to what it is? Or just a random threat?
(parent)that_one_chick @ February 9 2004, 20:22:10 UTC |
Ee! Not a blanket! An Invisibility Cloak! :3
He thinks it's a blanket! *cute*
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ex_lev195 @ February 9 2004, 20:33:32 UTC Re: |
That made his chest disappear. Well, Harry'll have a fun time explaining that one.
(parent)onthehillside @ February 9 2004, 21:02:00 UTC Re: |
This made me laugh so hard. Bad person indeed!
(parent)trowa @ February 9 2004, 20:14:44 UTC |
could the empty box of chocolates perhaps belong to Lavender, what with her previous eating disorder and all?
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onewallaway @ February 9 2004, 20:16:29 UTC |
I thought that at first, too, but she says it's not.
(parent)sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 21:21:08 UTC Re: |
Though she could be lying, since this has something to do with food. Lavender made a big point of saying nothing of hers was missing, so she may just be denying it and letting it go up in smoke.
Which was be a sucky thing to do to Neville, and might bring some things to a head there.
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onewallaway @ February 9 2004, 21:41:29 UTC Re: |
That would be very interesting - wasn't he the one who was trying to confront her about it? Hopefully Lisa will be able to help him.
Hmm... so far all the pairs are from different houses. Is this a policy, or just a coincidence?
onthehillside @ February 9 2004, 21:56:37 UTC Re: |
Yesterday Snape posted an entry that Dumbledore's goal for this was "to foster a spirit of brotherhood among the school's four houses". I think that it is a policy thing.
(parent)sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 21:58:44 UTC Re: |
Ah--good point. I had wondered if that made sense, after all, since Lavender and Neville already know each other.
(parent)kievstar @ February 9 2004, 22:03:22 UTC Re: |
And I thought that partners had to be enmies or at least don't like each other, which is not the case with Neville and Lav
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chasingwhispers @ February 9 2004, 23:19:00 UTC |
I'm thinking maybe Crabbe or Goyle. They love to eat, right?
(parent)vassilissa @ February 10 2004, 04:45:39 UTC |
I didn't think you wanted them makes me want to cry.