dragynville @ 2004-02-09 22:16:00 |
snape knows the skinny..
Mood: amused
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (i.e. Operation Teamwork Nightmare has officially begun.) XD
And.. Make breakfast in bed for someone of your gender. I And.. passwords to the common rooms have been disabled omigodyes! XD
liasantana @ February 10 2004, 06:34:34 UTC |
Let Professor Trelawney read your fortune.
I love how that's classified as a good deed. :D And Sirius co-charge of the project! Heee.
Can't wait until the good deeds start. *rubs hands together in glee*
dragynville @ February 10 2004, 17:53:28 UTC Re: |
Thank you! It's the first mini-movie icon I ever made (and my favorite). :D
(parent)onthehillside @ February 10 2004, 06:38:51 UTC |
All of the passwords to the common rooms have been disabled for the week so that you and your partners may visit freely with each other, Merlin help us all.
That was my favorite line. My clueless roommate nearly had a heart attack I made so much noise.
dragynville @ February 10 2004, 06:43:04 UTC Re: |
LOL, I'm rather fond of this one also.. :D
all the pairs who are of suitable age will go to Hogsmeade together for a Valentine's Day celebration at the Three Broomsticks, unless of course you are wise enough to fake a sudden attack of full-body paralysis or death.
onthehillside @ February 10 2004, 07:34:32 UTC Re: |
I think that the entire thing should just be immortalized somehow. It is classic.
(parent)oconel @ February 10 2004, 08:24:02 UTC |
I can imagine everybody complaining about their breakfasts...
nabiki @ February 10 2004, 10:07:35 UTC |
I love this whole thing...I had lost NA for a while, but they've brought me screaming and squeeing and wimpering back ;p
(parent)dragynville @ February 10 2004, 17:57:31 UTC Re: |
It is bound for disaster! *grins* (I need some sort of leering icon, LOL!)
(parent)![]() |
zing_och @ February 10 2004, 13:37:51 UTC |
Draco's already planning good deeds, it seems ...
(parent)feraltigerlily @ February 10 2004, 14:02:34 UTC |
My favorite was this one:
Hug a teacher. (At your peril.)
Also, poor a_slytherin, who is all but prevented from taking part in one of the approved good deeds. I refer, of course, to:
Make breakfast in bed for someone of your gender.
sistermagpie @ February 10 2004, 15:01:22 UTC |
I love that the Snape/Black pairing is saved until Friday. It's like on soaps where all hell has to break loose right before the weekend.
What I also love: pairs of suitable age will be going to Hogsmeade for V-day. Note that Harry will therefore be going to Hogsmeade on V-day with Justin, who has never really gotten over his homophobia. Yes, I think Dumbledore had something in mind there.
In general, applause to NA for all the interesting pairings. Some of them seem to be brilliant in a subtle way, but they didn't avoid more obvious pairings when those were better, just for oddness' sake. I feel like everybody is going to get a chance to shine here. In fact, now that we know what all the objects are, I want to applaud them too. Everybody seems to have chosen exactly the right thing for their character. Nothing felt contrived either for humor or for sympathy, and just as with the pairings it seems like there was a lot of subtle brilliance along with taking the obvious thing when it was there in canon(like the Invisibilty Cloak and Crookshanks).
This is what's so great about NA--that the characters are so real the smallest bit of information is exciting.
hated_and_loved @ February 10 2004, 17:23:52 UTC Re: |
Oh, right! It's good of you to remind me about Justin's homophobia; I was wondering why Harry was partnered with him of all people. Ernie was also showed his homophobia after the outing, as I recall, but when Harry transfigured Voldemort's wand, he decided Harry was all right, after all (the "in your fish, motherfucker" post, wasn't it?), but I don't believe I saw that kind of acceptance from Justin.
And now they have a "date" on Valentine's Day! Though I'm anticipating the Snape/Black interaction more ... that promises to be very interesting.
dragynville @ February 10 2004, 18:13:06 UTC Re: |
The pairings are very interesting.. some have something in common, some have 'history', some are opposites.. I can't wait to see what happens there.
Nothing felt contrived
Yes, exactly. I liked that some were canon (i. cloak) and some were NA (golf clubs and xmas card) and all were interesting touches to, and insights into, the characters.
hermione_like @ February 11 2004, 00:20:09 UTC Re: |
*giggles* I burst out laughing at that. :D