dragynville @ 2004-04-11 15:02:00 |
a couple of quick draco thoughts..
Mood: contemplative
Draco says he "didn't sleep out of doors" that last night, throwing the emphasis oddly which seems to suggest he was out of doors, but not sleeping.
And now he's sulking and pouting and hanging out with Sally-Anne Perks at his party. Perhaps because Harry is at the Burrow?
moocow1985 @ April 11 2004, 22:37:41 UTC |
I would also like to know what The Talk she's threatening him with is.
(parent)dragynville @ April 11 2004, 22:55:33 UTC |
I'm rather hoping she was insinuating he was having sex (or on the verge of, at least). With Harry. *grin*
(parent)merlion @ April 11 2004, 23:08:47 UTC |
I'm going to subscribe to this wishful thinking as well.
(parent)jacay @ April 11 2004, 23:26:18 UTC |
I thought it was some reference to a rat biting him, but I have no idea what she would be referring to.
(parent)dragynville @ April 12 2004, 00:22:30 UTC |
Now see, I thought the "Ah" spoke to that because it seemed to me she'd been obliquely asking whether he knew anything about Pettigrew's escape (i.e. Lucius' involvement or not there of, etc.) and he answered 'no' ("why would rats bite me"). I read "The Talk" part as getting back to fishing for information teasing him about the not sleeping in the woods.
But then, I could have it all backasswards. ^^;
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ex_lev195 @ April 11 2004, 23:33:02 UTC |
Of course he didn't sleep out of doors. Why would he do that when he went to meet Zombieharry? =D *cough* [/wishful thinking]
(parent)dragynville @ April 12 2004, 00:23:39 UTC |
Yes, see? That's just what I thought too with his oddly placed italics! *grin*
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faelori @ April 12 2004, 02:58:44 UTC |
I know this is rather OT, but can I just say I adore Draco's icons? :D
The best part of them is, of course, his commentary on each one. ("I ought to have a throne of some sort.")
Of course, my favorite commentary/icon combo of his is the, "I often suffer unfairly."
Okay, that was more than rather OT. Er. Yes.
Anyway, on Draco and Perks, am I the only one who is irritated by this? I suspect I wouldn't be if we could actually, y'know, MEET Perks, but her suspicious lack of a journal makes me dislike her. *sniffs*
vassilissa @ April 12 2004, 04:22:12 UTC |
I'm wondering if Draco's backsliding into the whole 'look at me, I'm het' thing again. Particularly if he's not on good terms with Harry, he might not want to be left both single and known to be gay. It'd be humiliating for him. So I think he might be flirting with Sally Anne as part of that. And I think Millicent thinks the same thing, and is pissed off partly because she's his friend, and also because it might mess things up for her and Pansy. Or at least, that's my current theory.
In line with which, Millicent's reply at the end of this thread could be to his icon, not to the content of his post.
xnera @ April 12 2004, 20:09:50 UTC |
I'm wondering if Draco's backsliding into the whole 'look at me, I'm het' thing again. Particularly if he's not on good terms with Harry, he might not want to be left both single and known to be gay. It'd be humiliating for him.
Oh, I think it's more than that. As Anonymous says below: Draco must know that his Time of Choosing is almost upon him. I see Lucius as pressuring him to get Marked as soon as he out from under the ever-watchful eyes of the Headmaster.
Sally-Anne was a Slytherin, yes? And she now goes to Durmstrang, which has a reputation of producing evil wizards. Furthermore, Draco has let us know that Sally's mother is a Nott, and we know the Nott's are DEs. So, my guess is that Draco is playing at het again not only because it's more socially acceptable for him, but also to give the impression that he is firmly on the side of the DEs.
vassilissa @ April 13 2004, 02:27:11 UTC |
Ah. I hadn't seen that yet, and missed the clue.
In that case, Millicent's 'The Talk' might be about choosing.
BTW, I love Millicent so much.
jukajong @ April 12 2004, 05:42:31 UTC |
Perhaps Seamus's guest was supposed to be Harry? I could totally have seen Seamus bringing Harry along, with Draco being all 'Oh, I see' but half expecting it all along.
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Anonymous @ April 12 2004, 05:50:20 UTC |
I wonder what Draco's parents thought of their son inviting half-blood Gryffindors to his party? It makes me ponder who else was on the guest list.
Millicent also said that Draco was pouty the night of his party--was he missing someone? ^_^
jukajong @ April 12 2004, 06:11:08 UTC |
Hahahaha. Obviously missing Harry. I remember back in the summer when the players did the Q&A and Harry described Draco as 'very very very very frustrating'. That has never been more true!
Speaking of his parents, what the hell is Fudge doing there? Or did Draco invite him to his party? Hahaha. Maybe he's trying to get brownie points with the minister.
Perhaps this all ties in with Draco's odd behaviour with Sally-Anne. Didn't Draco apply for Minister of Magic after he outed Harry? Hmmm.
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Anonymous @ April 12 2004, 06:55:15 UTC |
I think Fudge is one of those "parent-invited" guests. Having him there enforces the front of respectability the Malfoys work so hard to preserve.
(parent)dragynville @ April 12 2004, 07:09:33 UTC |
I think that's why he's so arsed about Seamus bringing Dean. It would be natural for him to have expected it, after all, since Seamus is always the one to drag Harry along on their outings. And it would have been a way for him to manuever Harry's attendance without having to settle their differences at the time (when they were fighting). A sort of invitation loophole.
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Anonymous @ April 12 2004, 07:14:38 UTC |
He sent out the invitations way (http://www.livejournal.com/users/potterstinks/34785.html) before they were fighting though.
(parent)dragynville @ April 12 2004, 07:22:39 UTC |
Well, call it a reinvitation loophole then because Harry undoubtably would have decided not to attend during the fight.
That is, if he ever did decide to go in the first place. He may not have wanted to at all because of the whole 'Lucius is a big fat DE' thing. (Not to mention the Lucius and Sirius fling-thing that broke up his happy home.) So perhaps Draco was hoping Seamus' attendance would make Harry feel comfortable/safe enough to attend with him?
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Anonymous @ April 12 2004, 07:25:14 UTC |
But why would Harry decide to go if he wasn't ever invited...? >.>
(parent)dragynville @ April 12 2004, 07:39:01 UTC |
mmm.. I meant that perhaps he was invited, but declined.
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Anonymous @ April 12 2004, 06:07:34 UTC |
I look forward to Draco's post-party post. He's sure to mention some of the people who attended and if there are people who His Father wouldn't approve of, it might show some more growth on his part.
His owl to Narcissa regarding what he presents wanted never showed, or at least not to my knowledge. Personally, I found that odd as he is usually on top of things like that, as he is A Good Son.
Draco must know that his Time of Choosing is almost upon him. I see Lucius as pressuring him to get Marked as soon as he out from under the ever-watchful eyes of the Headmaster.
Will he continue the Malfoy tradition of Money, Power, Blood, and Politics or will he turn away from all that is familiar?
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jacay @ April 12 2004, 06:26:15 UTC |
I want to know whether he'll mention Harry. Even just a couple words about him could reveal a lot. Hmm.
(parent)dragynville @ April 12 2004, 07:12:17 UTC |
I think that probably harks back to when they were fighting and he was hoping Seamus would bring Harry.
(parent)oconel @ April 12 2004, 07:30:14 UTC |
I thought the invitations were sent before the fight. Maybe he didn't want Harry at the Manor?
(parent)dragynville @ April 12 2004, 07:42:31 UTC |
Yes, that's possible because it could potentially have been a very bad idea for both of them. But what was he sulking about and why was he so upset about Seamus bringing Dean?
(parent)oconel @ April 12 2004, 07:50:09 UTC |
Because he NEVER says what he wants and expect that everybody would read his mind. I hope Draco one of these days will have to say what he thinks for once. He's runing out of time.
(parent)dragynville @ April 12 2004, 07:51:59 UTC |
I hope Draco one of these days will have to say what he thinks for once.
Two thumbs up to that.
sistermagpie @ April 12 2004, 13:50:04 UTC |
Actually, I suspect Draco may also just have been being a prick about it.:-)
I mean, I can't guess what goes on in his mind, and he has seen Harry and his father go at it so he may have thought it better to keep them apart, but it's just as likely this was some attempt to make it clear he still doesn't consider Harry or Ron his friends. Seeing that Draco really likes Harry, it's only logical he should do elaborately insulting things to him, like not inviting him to his party. Perhaps he was hoping Harry would demand to be invited to show he really wanted to attend?
shamera @ April 13 2004, 05:56:27 UTC |
That's actually the conclusion I came to as well. ^_^; That Draco was actually subtly trying to keep Harry away because of 1, his reputation with his father and with the Death Eaters and 2, he doesn't want Harry anywhere near places where DEs can easily kidnap/kill/main/hurt him. I even think that Harry understood that because he never really commented about it. He didn't invite Harry as a show to his father that no, they aren't *that* close, and he might have been hoping for Seamus to bring Harry as well. :D
Besides, I don't know if Remus and Sirius would have wanted Harry to attend such an potentially dangerous situation even if it was Draco's party and Fudge was there (but then, what would Fudge have been able to do??). Maybe that's just my opinion.
onthehillside @ April 12 2004, 12:16:53 UTC |
Wow, Dean really held his own with M.B. They should talk more often.