ungemmed @ 2004-04-17 18:25:00 |
(no title)
Music: Judy Collins - Till There Was You
Relative levelheadedness.
Oh, man. I'm in such denial but the fact that Hermione says so is battering at that. Disbelieving Hannah and the Prophet is one thing but Hermione is speaking so authoritatively....
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:29:41 UTC |
I knooooow!
What makes it worst is that George was one of the most alive characters in NA. Even more so than Fred really.
Oh. no.
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:33:21 UTC |
His origami dragon icon was always one of my favorites. It was so cute. oh no ohno. It can't be.
They've never killed off someone major or loved before. But. That comfort only goes so far. Because this is NA and they love changing the rules on their fans.
It's absolutely horrible the way they were found, too.
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:44:26 UTC |
And Fred's "okay" by comparison but he's really not. You don't recover from things like this and even though he's not as dramatically hurt as the others...
He was always the most sensitive of the three really. The whole "Wales" thing way back when and all. oh no.
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:51:52 UTC |
Oh I know. It was bad enough when Hermione posted because she's practically one of the family and you can't imagine her falling apart over anything because she never does except she is. But oh no.
Especially the first post from wehaveseven.
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:04:05 UTC |
Oh, argh.
And Harry's scar was hurting the other day. He is never going to stop blaming himself... he's always going to feel that he should have known from that and done something about it.
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:10:43 UTC |
Yes. or turn someone's wand into a fish or something.
And ohnoohno. Harry will go after Voldie now and if he does he'll get himself killed. argh no.
shamera @ April 17 2004, 23:43:20 UTC |
That can't be true. O__O That post was on the 12th, and on the 14th Molly checked the shop again. She was in Diagon Alley shopping with Ginny, Hermione, and Ron.
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:54:53 UTC |
It might've been that Harry got the pain because Voldie was thinking about doing it, too. So no dice. It probably was. ::in awe of foreshadowing:: but WAH.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:10:03 UTC |
OMG NO! I didn't think of that. Wah! Why the Weasleys, it's like they're a part of EVERYONE'S family Harry will tear himself up OMG cannot cope! I feel all stretched too thin and wibbly omg.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:11:50 UTC |
That's probably why they did it, because everyone loves the Weasleys.
Including us. WAH!
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:14:07 UTC |
I can't get the idea that Harry will be the next one to die out of my mind. And obviously he can't die, the players couldn't be that sadistic, he couldn't die before he and Draco were nice and happy together except now he might and oh no argh.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:19:11 UTC |
(parent)shamera @ April 17 2004, 23:46:22 UTC |
O_O Harry just CAN'T die!!! *hysterical*
lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:16:48 UTC |
How can anything good happen? How can we be excited over anything when ther's this hanging over us? I don't see it ever happening even if harry and draco snog in public I'll just be all WAH FRED GEROGE CHARLIE WEASLEYS and this is *me* rabid OTPer here but wah NA will never be the same! and fuck i hope harry doesn't do anything stupid i couldn't cope if he did anything to himself oh holy fuck!!! *friends you fellow english wibbler*
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:18:59 UTC |
we can't because GEORGE IS DEAD AND CHARLIE IS NUTTERS AND FRED IS PERMANENTLY SCARRED. argh and I have to go now and I can't but I have to and wah.
(parent)digitalmeowmix2 @ April 17 2004, 23:05:49 UTC |
god stop your gonna make me cry.... this is so wrong....
(parent)lisdelacroix @ April 18 2004, 00:35:24 UTC |
I love Charlie too, and when I would scream and yell at other people for their atrocious typing, I'd find his endearing and cute, and his attitude and character was just so loveable and funny...
And we might never get to see that again, and all I want right now is to see his all lowercase typing and typos and big brother-ness. :(
sapphireglitter @ April 17 2004, 22:35:05 UTC |
*hides under table*
Not George!
Oh no, and they were tortured. What if they go mad?!?
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:36:39 UTC |
Charlie is already off his rocker... oh, please, oh please, he has to recover, even if it looks like it's the same as with the Longbottoms and they haven't ever recovered he has to recover or Seamus can find a cure somehow and then the Longbottoms will be all right too and oh no....
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Anonymous @ April 17 2004, 22:37:09 UTC |
That's a really well written post. Hermione sounds like a person who's really grieving. She feels guilty and its written like she really hasn't slept for a long time. . .I'm impressed. This is being handled really well by the players. (so far)
(parent)comava @ April 17 2004, 23:12:44 UTC |
And I don't know why, but I just love the fact that she's using her "we're still friends" icon.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 22:37:17 UTC |
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:41:08 UTC |
And I'm trying to concentrate on my homework because passing Physics is more important than some stupid RPG I'm not even a part of, right? Except it's not because I have so ridiculously much emotional investment in this. And I can't concentrate and oh no. Not the Weasleys. Why did it have to be the Weasleys?
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 22:43:56 UTC |
Not the Weasleys. Why did it have to be the Weasleys?
EXACTLY. and why did it have to be the twins? *weeps* I am so empathically sad for Fred, wah. It is nearly midnight here, I can see me getting NO SLEEP omg.
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:47:41 UTC |
It's only quarter to seven here but my family will be dragging me off soon and usually I'd love a bookstore trip but how do I explain to them that GEORGE IS DEAD WAH!
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 22:55:51 UTC |
Yes, in the midlands!! I also have college work to do for monday having procrastinated all hols :D :D how am i going to focus on psychology essaying tomorrow when FRED IS DEAD?!?1
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:01:21 UTC |
Bwahaha! That's exactly the kinda thing I would do :D
And they choose the time perfectly - they know people will have undone holiday work!! And the attack last year was around exam time! So not fair!! *smites the powers that be of NA* wahhhh.
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:06:30 UTC |
Oh man I know. The players are all sadistic fuckers.
(But they are sadistic fuckers who write very well and we love you absolutely so please don't do any more badthings right please?)
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:48:48 UTC |
oh man I can't type anymore. not that I usually can but I have to keep on deleting half of what I write now. but oh no. schoolwork bah cannot think.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:52:36 UTC |
It has to be Polyjuice except Mrs. Weasley couldn't be fooled except she has to be please.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:57:33 UTC |
But it is very comforting denially shit. I like very comforting denially shit. I do not like the idea that GEORGE IS DEAD WAH WIBBLE POOR WEASLEYS.
(parent)pyrae @ April 17 2004, 23:23:02 UTC |
Except they found out on Friday night and Polyjuice doesn't last that long. So much for denial theories. Wah.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 22:41:13 UTC |
I am shaking and I have a twin so this is awful imagining what it would be like omg poor fred! *wibbbbbles* (only characters? pshaw!)
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 17 2004, 22:37:59 UTC |
she sounds so brisk but how impossible must it be for her and all the Weasleys!
*cries for the poor boys*
steph_hime @ April 17 2004, 22:40:04 UTC |
*wishes she could think of something to say*
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Anonymous @ April 17 2004, 22:43:57 UTC |
Did anyone else notice Fred and George's userpictures (http://www.livejournal.com/allpics.bml?user=percyneedsalife) :(
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:50:20 UTC |
no no no cannot think about that. ::cries horribly::
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 22:50:36 UTC |
Fuck no argh wahh! My vocab tonight is reduced to 'no', 'omg' and 'wahh'! I am making twice as many typos as normal *curses shaking fingers*
(parent)pyrae @ April 17 2004, 23:27:33 UTC |
That username is going to be a terrible reminder to Arthur and Molly every time they use it. Oh...
(parent)vassilissa @ April 18 2004, 03:21:33 UTC |
They have seven. They will always have seven. No matter what (well, unless they have any more kids.)
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:46:46 UTC |
Oh. ::cries::
That brings it home in so many ways. You can't be in denial after they delete the userpics somehow.
nightflight @ April 17 2004, 22:49:03 UTC |
I saw that, but then saw that some of their posts were using pictures not there. I think that was just their paid time running out, but. ._.
(parent)xnera @ April 17 2004, 23:32:00 UTC |
Yes, this. Once your paid account expires, you go back to having only three user pictures. And LiveJournal automatically chooses them for you from the ones most commonly used. Also, any old posts/comments you made will keep the userpic used, unless that userpic is deleted and replaced with another.
I see from their allpics page that they now have more than three userpics, some of which are george, so my guess is their paid account time had expired and they just renewed it today.
comava @ April 17 2004, 22:51:44 UTC |
Wah indeed.
Herm's player is fantastic. Love the way she abruptly breaks off and Molly finding them of all people.. well, her Boggart's come true.
hated_and_loved @ April 17 2004, 22:54:43 UTC |
Oh my god. I knew there were going to be casualties of the war eventually, but this is still so SHOCKING and horrible.
Why did they go after Fred and George in the first place? (I'm assuming Charlie was there coincidentally.) And to torture them for days? Did they want some kind of information? About what??
dragynville @ April 17 2004, 22:58:58 UTC |
According to the article, the DEs heard about a twin's (Parvati) prophetic dream before last year's attack, but they went after the wrong set of twins. Don't know how true that is though, it's the Daily Prophet after all.
(parent)dragynville @ April 17 2004, 23:03:47 UTC |
They should get the Patil twins to somewhere safe, just in case.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:07:39 UTC |
I agree. Though you have to wonder how safe anyplace is, now.
(parent)hated_and_loved @ April 17 2004, 23:09:34 UTC |
Thanks. I had only read Hermione's post when I posted that comment, and hadn't looked at the article yet.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:59:35 UTC |
Someone theorized that they might have stumbled onto some useful discovery.
Another theory is that as far as psychological damage goes they're pretty good (iow absofuckinglutely horrible) targets.
wednesday_tea @ April 17 2004, 22:54:59 UTC |
MOLLY FOUND THEM?? *has flashbacks to boggart scene from OOTP* *wibbles*
They can't kill of characters, right? oh dear, oh dear.
zorb @ April 17 2004, 23:01:13 UTC |
Freakin'-a. Both of the RPG-verses I follow are full of death today. *is depressed*
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ April 18 2004, 06:25:55 UTC |
I feel your pain. First TIN, now NA ...
This is too much.
mamadeb @ April 18 2004, 13:46:54 UTC |
I was off my computer for all of Friday night until late Saturday. First thing I did was check my RPGs...
I was still crying for George when I came to TIN.
I was afraid to check the others.
jiffy_spiffy @ April 18 2004, 13:59:24 UTC |
I know! You go away for a day or two, and all hell breaks loose.
I know ... I wish you good luck for your other RPGs :S
mamadeb @ April 18 2004, 14:10:11 UTC |
Actually, the others were quiet or good things happened - one of which was painful because the good thing happened to the Weasleys and then there was a post by the twins.
jiffy_spiffy @ April 19 2004, 05:54:39 UTC |
I'm only in NA and TWT/TIN, and I already get confused - I couldn't imagine any more *g* I can't keep it straight in my head - "I thought Ron was with Pansy! Hold on, isn't Percy dead?!" It's very annoying ;)
(parent)mamadeb @ April 19 2004, 13:09:39 UTC |
It's just alternate universes...
BTW. Didn't it almost seem as though TIN!Arthur was consoling NA!Arthur? He even used the line about burying a child. Of course, he *has*...
jiffy_spiffy @ April 19 2004, 13:32:39 UTC |
Yes! I thought the same thing, it was sort of uncanny! I almost suspected TIN!Arthur was an NA fan *g*
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Anonymous @ April 17 2004, 23:01:55 UTC |
From [Bad username: wehaveseven"]'s post (http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaveseven/13864.html?mode=reply) from the 14th:
I've had to lock up the shop for the twins, I went to see them yesterday and they were out as usual, left it unlocked, irresponsible as usual!
That had to have happened before Charlie showed up, otherwise how would he have gotten in? But oh. Poor Molly. Poor all of them :(
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Anonymous @ April 17 2004, 23:07:29 UTC |
wouldn't it have to have happened after? as he couldn't have gotten in after molly locked up?
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Anonymous @ April 17 2004, 23:11:39 UTC |
well, if they were really out, then came back, then Charlie showed up. It'd depend on whether or not he'd gone to Diagon before the Burrow, I'd guess. And, if Molly were in the shop after Charlie had already arrived and his bags were found there, wouldn't she have seen them?
Either way, she'd have to be hating herself right now.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2004, 23:13:49 UTC |
i imagine they weren't really out because i suspect this was planned at the point that post was written and that's why that was mentioned.
i know, i feel so awful for her. i keep thinking of her boggart in OotP, too and the way she was just too hysterical to even pull off a ridikulus.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2004, 23:17:32 UTC |
off-topic from this horror, but still horrific...
This is their 7th year, right? In the RPG? Were they planning to continue the game after 7th year ended? I mean, it's set up around the premise of computers at school and required use, so, if they're not in school anymore, what's the point?
I guess I'm asking could this be leading up to some grand "finale"?
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:20:51 UTC |
argh but it will probably be a grand finale where EVERYONE DIES and what's so grand about that?
hated_and_loved @ April 17 2004, 23:22:04 UTC |
I'm not sure about the original "life-expectancy" of NA, or what the players think about continuing, but it would be possible to reason out a plot where the characters keep posting on their journals.
But there's definitely going to be some serious grand-finale type stuff coming up even if the game doesn't end, I think ...
lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:30:46 UTC |
I'm pretty sure it's been said somewhere it will end as the school year ends? Although have no idea where i heard it or if it's valid, but i think that would work, though, although life without NA = WAH, i think it needs to end and end on a high note instead of petering out :-?
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:33:00 UTC |
Well it had better be a fucking high note instead of more people DYING.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:36:33 UTC |
I know, it would kill me for ever if it ended in tragedy like harry dying or something wah :( :( i want happiness, but of course, as of tonight, THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN :o
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:40:05 UTC |
Well, i don't really want it to end, cause I am such a fangirl of it and sooo addicted, but, i just think it would keep the integrity of it - it would be difficult, possibly,to keep it as good and realistic and everything that's so great about NA when they're not at school anymore, at least most of the the primary characters. and anyway, the whole thingis a school project, so supposedly it ends when their school time does, ah, i dunno, whatever happens it will be handled beautifully, i'm sure. if a bit darm angstily >:O Wahhh!
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:42:34 UTC |
I know what you mean. It'll be hard to.... have much interaction after they all graduate, and without Ron and Draco for example pissing each other off quite so daily what's the point?
At the same time I want it to go on forever and ever with everyone ALIVE.
hated_and_loved @ April 17 2004, 23:53:13 UTC |
See, I've shopped around other RPGs, and I've haven't seen another one even approach the NA players' level of plot and characterization. I have no doubt that if they were to continue after school, they'd be able to continue making it believable, intriguing, and most of all, a lot of fun. :)
(parent)vassilissa @ April 18 2004, 03:25:18 UTC |
I want it to end, not go on like a soap on TV until it gets all worn out and people wish it would. And I want characters to die, because if they can't die then you don't care so much about them.
But WAH.
shamera @ April 17 2004, 23:36:37 UTC |
*panics* It's going to end?
But even so, it shouldn't end with death... T__T
lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:41:41 UTC |
I'm not sure!! i just think it might :-? but i so agree, it needs to end with some modicum of happiness, dammit, is that too much to ask???!
(parent)pornography @ April 18 2004, 00:35:41 UTC |
If it ends in death I dont know what I'm going to do. That's just to awful to even think about. *wibbles* Unless, of course, it's Voldemort's death and he dies in an extremely slow and painful way.
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greenvarnish @ April 19 2004, 03:03:51 UTC |
Ditto for Lucius. Especially considering the way he's been parading about lately with his posts. His mockery of the Weasleys [I see his posts/comments to Narcissa and Draco as mockery, anyway] is so so low...grrr!
(parent)shamera @ April 17 2004, 23:32:48 UTC |
Don't think the angel's ugly, per say, but the look on its face really doesn't suit this somber mood. It looks too... happy. T__T
pyrae @ April 17 2004, 23:31:43 UTC |
I'm just happy (as happy as I can be right now, anyway) that she didn't decorate the post with twenty thousand other animations. I think, as you say, this single angel is the best she can do.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:31:37 UTC |
Do you know what I just thought of? How is Percy going to react to this? At once he's the uber-Ministry member and they are going to have a standard Ministry reaction to this--Such a Shame Really But This Is What Happens and There Can't Be Any Threat--but at the same time he's a Weasley. I have a feeling he's going to be terrifically conflicted soon and I really wonder which way his loyalties will fall ultimately.
Which could be interesting, because I can't shake a gut feeling that the Ministry is not lily-white when it comes to DE involvement.
shamera @ April 17 2004, 23:34:43 UTC |
OMG, I really hope that Percy doesn't count this off like the Ministry would. If there's anything good to come out of this, it should be Percy learning the flaws of the Ministry.
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:35:41 UTC |
I know. But when you look at OotP!Percy you have to wonder. Argh. NA couldn't be quite that cruel, could it?
...it could be actually. Damn.
shamera @ April 17 2004, 23:37:36 UTC |
But...but...but... T__T *cries* It's his younger brother!!
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:44:49 UTC |
I'm actually not sure because they have Rita Skeeter and she's virulently anti-everyone. But in canon at times they have seemed like Ministry tools. I certainly think that they're moreso in NA.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:50:17 UTC |
OMG yes! How is he going to defend the ministry getting his dead brother's name wrong??
(parent)nightflight @ April 17 2004, 23:38:45 UTC |
I am sure someone else mentioned this and I didn't see, but ::SLAUGHTERS::.
That is all.
wednesday_tea @ April 17 2004, 23:41:52 UTC |
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:55:07 UTC |
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 23:48:51 UTC |
pyrae @ April 17 2004, 23:57:41 UTC |
I really hope he's using it for Lucius' sake and not because he's actually considering following in his footsteps.
I don't know if I can take this much longer. Must...find...distraction...
lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 23:57:44 UTC |
I hate it when DE issues come up involving Lucius and Draco - the idea of Draco being involved with something like this and being like his father is horrible, but Draco's always so agreeing and obedient and omg he doesn't really agree with all this does he??? *wibbles further*
(parent)ungemmed @ April 18 2004, 00:00:10 UTC |
aaack how is Harry going to react to whatever Draco winds up doing?
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 18 2004, 00:04:00 UTC |
I know!!! it's like a choice between the two and i remeber, possibly during th Q&As, Draco saying he wouldn't hesitate to choose his father over harry. i hope that's fucking changed - i hope draco, seeing how much this will affect harry, will change his mind - how can he mindlessly follow his father?? after his? 'accomplished' indeed!!!! *big black ball of hate*
(parent)ungemmed @ April 18 2004, 00:06:26 UTC |
Except that after the recent fight and Draco's repeated insistence that he wouldn't change himself for Harry.... oh no.
Maybe the fact that it's DEATH and INSANITY and DEATH might jolt Draco into having some decency. I really hope so.
hated_and_loved @ April 18 2004, 00:04:36 UTC |
I think Draco's always known it would be incredibly dangerous to disobey his Father in Voldemort-related matters, and this whole Weasley situation can only have made that clearer. I don't believe this is the catalyst for Draco to take a stand against him, either. I'll bet he's even more afraid than he was before, and will continue to appear obedient. For now.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 18 2004, 00:08:50 UTC |
That's a good point--that if it's not enough to jolt Draco out of his quasi-complacency (it's not complacency at all but it looks like it sometimes) it'll probably only cement his father's hold over him. WAH
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 18 2004, 00:14:16 UTC |
Hopefully it's all building up like a pressure cooker (you expect decent similes in a time of such stress??) and something will be the last straw, possibly something directly affecting harry - and he'll denounce his father and fall in love with harry and come over to the side of light in a blaze of glory :DD! That comment started off well meaning and degenerated into my private NA fantasies *sigh* :P but if we can't dream at a time like this when can we?
(parent)hated_and_loved @ April 18 2004, 00:19:05 UTC |
I agree. I certainly don't think he's eager to become a Death Eater, but the longer Draco waits, the harder it's going to be to get out.
When will he decide he doesn't want to be a part of death and torture? When they make him cast his first Cruciatus on a person? Or an Avada Kedavra? When Voldemort burns a Dark Mark onto his arm? When Harry is killed? It'll already be too late. He needs to get out before any of this happens, but I think he might be too afraid.
ungemmed @ April 18 2004, 02:28:21 UTC |
That's it exactly. But the thing about Draco is he's at heart a wishful thinker. He's not going to want to think about the ultimate repercussions of siding with his father. I don't think he has the stomach to commit those kinds of atrocities but he'll block out the idea that he might have to commit them in the future. He'll only see the immediate implications: his father's horrible anger if he sides with Harry and the Weasleys.
I actually wouldn't put to high a chance on Draco surviving if he decides to defy his father. Lucius doesn't precisely seem the filial-affection "I disagree but won't stand in your way" type. But wah! I want Draco to get out. And enter something like witness protectionish. And be required to "pose" as Harry's boyfriend as part of said identity protection.
hated_and_loved @ April 18 2004, 03:21:21 UTC |
And it won't ease his fears to have this latest brutal reminder that no one is safe from the Death Eaters, not entirely. They got to the Weasleys, a family who's thisclose to Harry-The-Hero-Potter without anyone even noticing that something was wrong for days. I'm sure it seems like if Lucius wants him dead, then he'll be dead, just like that. Of course I want him to get out from under the influence of his father, but there aren't any guarantees of his safety if he does. I think it will take something huge, something that really hits home for him, for Draco to willingly put himself in danger.
Maybe if Millicent or Pansy gets hurt? Or Harry?
vassilissa @ April 18 2004, 03:32:16 UTC |
I actually wouldn't put to high a chance on Draco surviving if he decides to defy his father.
Me either:
Certainly we'd be at a loss were we to lose Draco, with no replacement in store.
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corrupteddreams @ April 18 2004, 00:17:59 UTC |
OMG! I was just thinking...
does anyone think this is what Harry had a nightmare about a few days ago?!
darththalia @ April 18 2004, 02:16:16 UTC |
Yeah. It was Monday Remus posted that. Molly said (on Wednesday) that she locked up the shop on Tuesday, so the attack must have happened on Monday. Damn. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I sure wasn't expecting this.
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chasingwhispers @ April 18 2004, 00:31:13 UTC |
Holy f**k! Last time I leave the computer alone for a day. Jesus.
(parent)kitaoroshi @ April 18 2004, 03:51:34 UTC O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O |
Go to bed and the next morning this sort of thing happens
Wah! Why why why?! Not the Weasleys!
::still in shock::