lazy_daze @ 2004-04-18 21:21:00 |
(no title)
Mood: wah, still
M.B. chimes in.
I am probably still way oversensitive but I rankled at the subtle dig, if that is indeed what it is. Hmph. Live thread, though :D although I think it's only an ickle one.
bookwench31 @ April 18 2004, 20:28:39 UTC |
Hmm. The discussion between Narcissa and M.B. over the dangers of "perfume" is interesting. Assuming that perfume is indeed referring to DE activity perhaps.
M.B. certainly seems very protective of Draco.
I can't decide if she's putting in a subtle dig at the Weasleys or at Narcissa and Lucius.
comava @ April 18 2004, 20:29:20 UTC |
I didn't like the dig either, she obviously has less qualms about the incident than Draco does.
Love the Narcissa/MB interaction.
jacay @ April 18 2004, 20:30:29 UTC |
It's obviously a reference to the Weasleys, but I'm not sure that it's a dig. My first and rather irrational thought was that she was saying it must suck to have technically lost two children, and that she would have enough that she wouldn't notice. Which is stupid, because you would notice.
So, instead, I'm going to say I wish I knew what goes through MB's head. :(
sistermagpie @ April 18 2004, 20:32:59 UTC |
I thought the dig was a dig at the Malfoy's insensitivity, not the Weasleys loss. That she was expressing disdain for the Malfoys saying it hurt less to lose a child if you had more than one. Since MB is also talking about her own mother, who pays so little attention to her only child that she doesn't know how old she is or what she does in school, I thought the discuss was all for her "own side."
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 18 2004, 20:35:35 UTC |
Mmmhmmm, I though it could be that too but I'm still all omg *overprotective* *defensive wah* so I think I took it the wrong way at first? Hrm. She's an enigma and no mistake, that's for sure.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 18 2004, 20:39:50 UTC |
Well, I don't think you're wrong to feel that way either. I mean, she's not being warm towards the Weasleys either, just commenting on the idiocy of Slytherin parents, imo. She seems to be staying out of commenting on the Weasleys themselves on the journals.
(parent)bookwench31 @ April 18 2004, 20:40:04 UTC |
Totally understand the protectiveness. I want to take all the Weasleys and just wrap them up in big comfy blankets and not let anything else hurt them.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 18 2004, 20:41:45 UTC |
*wibble* me too. A big fluffy blanket, and them put them in a heavily warded hut and send them to Siberia so no-one can ever harm them again :(((
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 18 2004, 20:43:28 UTC |
Also, what do you make of Draco's saying, "At least somebody understands" about the idea of putting one's self above one's friends? Does that have significance? Could "the friends" refer to Draco's not sticking his neck out for Gryffindors for fear of ending up like George Weasley?
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 18 2004, 20:47:01 UTC |
I don't know, but it's certainly not reassuring :// especially at a time like this, when it seems make or break for Draco choosing his loyalties. Wah. I really want to know what he's thinking - and what he thinks is the safer choice, if he's all about self preservatiom Granted, the side of 'light' doesn't seem very safe at the moment but he's also seen what Voldemort is capable of and that can't be comforting knowing he may be following this kind of person, wah, I dont knowwww.
(parent)vassilissa @ April 19 2004, 02:29:38 UTC |
And then Narcissa replies to say "Oh yes I understand, darling. I understand more than you know."
*freaks the hell out*
bookwench31 @ April 18 2004, 20:51:56 UTC |
I thought so. At least I think it has something to do with his behavior. Narcissa says she understands more then he knows so maybe that's Narcissa saying that she's had to make that choice as well, especially with her friendship with Remus.
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anoushkamalfoy @ April 18 2004, 20:48:44 UTC |
This might be silliness on my part, but could Millicent be suggesting that the Malfoys might lose Draco - lose him to the "good guys"?
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Anonymous @ April 18 2004, 20:41:14 UTC |
well, millicent has a pretty shitty home life, yes? draco and she discussed her mother's obliviousness, et cetera? maybe it was more of a reflection on that.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 18 2004, 20:49:02 UTC |
Hmm, I think the children comment is definitely related to the Weasleys and Lucius' comments about numbers of children and all that.
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ex_lev195 @ April 18 2004, 21:11:38 UTC |
It worries me that Narcissa could be referring to Remus here.
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ex_lev195 @ April 23 2004, 15:57:48 UTC |
...I think I completely fucked the link up on that. *cough* I meant to link to this where Narcissa says: In times of danger, one must often put themselves before their friends.
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greenvarnish @ April 25 2004, 22:39:00 UTC |
Ahhh, I see. It makes you wonder just what's at stake on Narcissa's end that would cause her to make such a statement.
(parent)gaski @ April 18 2004, 22:37:39 UTC |
What is this all about? I can't help but take the seven hands as some sort of Weasley-related thing?
Of course the thread just keeps going so I'm not sure if it is of any importance, but it's still slightly off in my mind.
vassilissa @ April 19 2004, 02:33:13 UTC |
Oh, I'm sure it's a Weasley thing.
The way I read it, she was saying in a backhanded way that it would be devastating to lose an *eye* no matter how many you had.
In fact, in this thread, while they mocked and said insensitive things, it looked to me like they were, I'm sorry but I can't think of a better word, processing together. Like Draco didn't want to deal and kept trying to dodge, but Millicent kept dragging him along with her. And while Draco didn't want to talk about it, he didn't want her to stop typing either - he was clinging a bit.
onthehillside @ April 18 2004, 22:51:35 UTC |
M.B.'s warnings to Draco have now officially put me over the edge. I am terrified for Draco's safety, and I don't even understand half of what is going on.
He goes back tomorrow. I just keep repeating that to myself.
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jacay @ April 18 2004, 23:16:35 UTC |
I wasn't sure what you meant for a moment, but then I went back and read through the comments. You're right. First she told him to stop typing, then dropped the remark about losing one of seven hands, and then "If you lost both arms by not listening to me...." and then this, and then she says her mother told her Draco could come right now. She sounds panicked to me, and trying to warn Draco, but she can't because maybe his parents will see? Man, now I'm scared, too.
(parent)onthehillside @ April 18 2004, 23:27:07 UTC |
I'm seriously in panic mode right now. Like, my heart is out of control. Please, Draco. Go to Millicent. Right now.
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jacay @ April 18 2004, 23:41:26 UTC |
M.B. is actually starting to scare me. Man, I wish I knew what's going on.
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Anonymous @ April 19 2004, 01:37:56 UTC |
It is all right to appreciate dead things, Draco.
I will not judge you.
dead things = Voldemort ?
vassilissa @ April 19 2004, 02:35:04 UTC |
I thought dead things = George, i.e. you're allowed to be affected by it too.
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Anonymous @ April 19 2004, 09:13:16 UTC |
I think it's more... ironic (I don't know if it's right word- my non-native speakerness is kicking in), like she was saying `If you are such an idiot to chose Voldemort's side, I will not judge you', not like she was suddenly soft and protective (I'm not saying that she is not protective of Draco).
But you can never be sure with those players, can you?
The only thing I am sure is that she is/was trying to tell him something. All this:
If you lose both your arms by not listening to me
Ain't death grand.
My mum says you can come for tea right now.
And this:
Oh, yes. I've gained new appreciation for puffskeins simply because I've now seen two of them dead.
and MB replyies with
Quick, think of another topic to talk about.
I might be oveanalyzing, but still.
moocow1985 @ April 18 2004, 22:59:54 UTC |
Perhaps I'm just in need of a but of levity but..... Schrodinger's Cat, anyone?
(parent)moocow1985 @ April 18 2004, 23:02:49 UTC |
Also, has anyone else noticed that M.B.'s using her
moocow1985 @ April 18 2004, 23:11:19 UTC |
That was supposed to contain a link to the icon in question. Have no commenting skills today. None at all.
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greenvarnish @ April 23 2004, 06:38:09 UTC |
I had bells going off about that, [Schroedinger's cat,] but I couldn't place a finger on what exactly it was reminding me of.
I'm tempted to go crazy and think of all the Metaphorical Meanings that could be behind that little exchange, but at the same time, lazines tells me it's probably just there for comic relief.
Isn't she using that icon as default for that horrible "wehavefive" journal she made up?
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greenvarnish @ April 23 2004, 06:41:35 UTC |
Well. It helps to read the thread BEFORE commenting. Oy vey, disregard the first and second paragraph.
(parent)wedneswolf @ April 18 2004, 23:08:16 UTC |
I was just going to say that! But I thought perhaps that wasn't an intentional reference and I was just being too geeky. Much loff.
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anoushkamalfoy @ April 18 2004, 23:13:32 UTC |
Geek hat on:
It's to do with uncertainty. Schrodinger described a theoretical cat in a closed box - you don't know what sort of state the cat is in. When you open the box, you find the cat is either dead or alive - but you don't know whether it was originally or whether its state was affected by you opening the box. Scrodinger was a physicist who used this as an analogy for particle spin.
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a_player @ April 18 2004, 23:14:48 UTC |
Well as you can see I did not do that intentionally. *uneducated*
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 19 2004, 00:19:23 UTC |
OMG--I totally thought you did that on purpose!!
(parent)vassilissa @ April 19 2004, 02:36:34 UTC |
Well, it totally worked anyway, and I can see Millicent being geeky in that way.
(parent)moocow1985 @ April 18 2004, 23:15:06 UTC |
Take a look here.
Also in my google search, I found this and I'm not entirely sure what to make of it.
Are you M.B.'s player and so this was a coincedence?
moocow1985 @ April 18 2004, 23:17:35 UTC |
*shrugs* That's too bad. This is what you get for being too geeky for your own good.
I love M.B. She's one of my favorites. You rock my socks, man!
moocow1985 @ April 18 2004, 23:23:27 UTC |
Again with the being completely off topic. But I just noticed that the a_player interests are "nocturne alley", "nraged", and "skiing". Skiing? That seems very random.
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jacay @ April 18 2004, 23:20:33 UTC |
Um. Someone brought this up a few days ago, but where is Snape? Shouldn't he be here? Somewhere? Sirius hasn't said anything, either, for a while, but people have talked a little about him. No one has even mentioned Snape. ?
(parent)woo2step @ April 19 2004, 00:08:58 UTC |
I mean, no, no one has brought him up in ages. I definitely noticed and I'm worried. And a little bit sad(der).
dr_jekyl @ April 19 2004, 10:46:17 UTC |
I think I was the one who brought it up, but no-one else seemed to care up until now so I let it drop...
I don't think Snape has posted, commented or even been referred to (except to say he was supposedly going on that camping trip) for over two weeks. It's like he's fallen off the edge of the map. He *must* have been at the camp, or someone would have noticed his absence, but I think it's rather unlike him not to be posting about how put-out he is by Dumbledore's latest hare-brained scheme. Or not to be making snarky comments about the present Remus/Sirius love-in, or the present state of panic in the wizarding world. Or, for that matter, exchanging cryptic comments with Lucius.
I think he might be off doing something of a rather clandestine nature... Hope he's safe...
dr_jekyl @ April 19 2004, 10:58:32 UTC |
Sorry, make that three weeks since his last post/comment.
And is it just me or is hating yemen a new interest? I don't remember ever seeing it before...
moocow1985 @ April 19 2004, 14:23:37 UTC |
I think that's been there for a while. I think. I seem to remember it from last summer, but I don't check info pages very often.
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greenvarnish @ April 23 2004, 06:47:04 UTC |
I have the last line from this one stuck in my head. Especially in hindsight, after all that's happened. As though it were an omen of sorts.
I think Yemen's been there since he has to do that whole 'round-the-world thing a while back.
moocow1985 @ April 18 2004, 23:52:02 UTC |
I saw it before it got deleted and I think it was the same as this this.
But in case that disappears too:
You know what they say, if you do not have seven pairs of eyes, do not have seven kids.
It was no surprise they never saw that coming.
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jacay @ April 18 2004, 23:52:21 UTC |
They fixed it. It was basically just Millicent's revised comment, only she said something like "It's nobody's fault they never saw it coming."
(parent)chinae @ April 18 2004, 23:53:55 UTC |
Thank you.
You know I know the characters aren't real but I really feel anxious about Draco.
pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:06:19 UTC |
There have actually been several deleted and hastily replaced posts (yes, I've been F5'ing frantically), but I think all of them are just the players choosing to rephrase ever so slightly.
(parent)moocow1985 @ April 19 2004, 00:12:50 UTC |
The new account has posted a comment. Where?
moocow1985 @ April 19 2004, 00:13:59 UTC |
Nevermind. I found it. Had mistooken it for M.B's regular account.
(parent)pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:14:18 UTC |
pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:13:49 UTC |
Was just about to mention that.
And see the LJ itself? Mentions 'wehadseven' twice. It's both wordplays.
I feel ill.
vassilissa @ April 19 2004, 02:42:42 UTC |
Hello, this is the Denial Brigade reporting for duty.
Yeah, it's tasteless and brutal, but Millicent's sense of humour always is blacker than black. Draco himself is 'delightfully dark,' but she has him beat every time.
And I think she needs her sense of humour right now to cope with this. She can't be feeling what the Weasleys, Patils, and Hermione and Seamus are feeling right now, but she's still had a former schoolmate horribly murdered in circumstances involving people she has ties to. So she's sure to be shocked and grieving and generally affected by it too, and people don't always react, um, appropriately when that happens.
I sound like arithmantra, don't I.
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jacay @ April 19 2004, 03:29:05 UTC |
You know, I don't see it as tasteless and brutal. I see it as MB trying to send a message to Draco. Like, I don't know what. But it doesn't seem like she's laughing at the Weasleys, to me. I could see this from two angles, actually: a) stupid Weasleys, how couldn't they see this? and b) Draco, your parent/s just destroyed your classmate's family. Doesn't this scare you?
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 19 2004, 09:50:24 UTC |
*latches on* I so agree with this, I can't bear to think M.B. is truly amused by it - what with all the subtle warning of Draco and the way she seems almost panicked in asking him to hers and all that (omg I am so worried for him) I hope think it is, as someone said, her way of trying to force Draco to face up to it, plus a kind of cover up of how she's feeling by using such hideous humour
anjaliesque @ April 19 2004, 00:42:28 UTC oh, i'm a little late. *points to above comment* |
Apparently, this is how bored M.B. is.
pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:44:21 UTC Re: oh, i'm a little late. *points to above comment* |
Actually, I think M.B. did use her scar icon a few times before she made the new account.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 19 2004, 01:04:50 UTC |
Ah yes, I see that now! *facepalm* Ah well, at least she only uses it regularly with the new account. :))
(parent)pyrae @ April 19 2004, 01:09:07 UTC |
I rather hope she doesn't use the new account at all now that her thread with Draco seems to have died. I hate to think how others must react to it when they finally notice (if they do, anyway). :/
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 19 2004, 01:48:14 UTC |
Hmm, I just realized that petitemillicent has
wehavefive friended so she could post with that account on her own post. Otherwise, N_A and all of the characters restrict posting only to friends. So she wouldn't be able to post anywhere with
wehavefive except in her
petitemillicent entries, unless someone else friended the new account. I wonder if anyone will? *prepares punishing lightning bolts*
pyrae @ April 19 2004, 01:54:18 UTC |
I can't see anyone doing so except perhaps potterstinks. I suppose it depends on whether the account was made purely because
petitemillicent was bored and she found it humorous at the time, or if she intends it for future digs as well.
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Anonymous @ April 19 2004, 14:14:18 UTC |
First time poster... I couldn't help but be struck by the language in the M.B. thread. I know some of these topics have been discussed before, but bear with me!
Just read it all... don't quite know what to make of it. My first thought was that M.B. was trying to call Draco's attention to the Weasley tragedy... make him acknowledge their loss. The line where she says,
"It is all right to appreciate dead things, Draco. I will not judge you.", seemed to be telling him it was okay to mourn. Or at least that he didn't have to pretend around her.
I think that despite her dark humor, her intent is not to be offensive, but to show that she too recognizes the weight and sorrow of what had happened. (Maybe I'm just being hopeful here...) Anyways, in Draco's Easter post, he makes a point of staying uninvolved in the whole mess. M.B. is forcing him to talk about it. Quite powerfully, at times. The exchange where he says, "Well, I do hate to say I told you so", she responds with "Do it anyways". When he shies away from openly saying so, she responds with the "wehavefive" journal, taunting him with "What is stopping you?" She is in essence forcing him to respond seriously, one way or another, albeit in a rather shocking manner. Of course, she then proceeds to switch topics and back away, so I honestly walked away form the whole exchange rather confused about her intent.
I thought the most interesting part of the entire exchange, however, was Lucius' final comment. He remarks on her cleverness, and for the life of me I couldn't tell if he was praising her wit or warning her for going too far. Depending on which way you interpret the dialogue, M.B. is either trying to send a message to Draco, (of what I'm not sure), or joke rather cruelly about the Weaslys. Lucius' comment works for both interpretations. Ack! Just me blathering away. Anyways, I don't see her using the journal as a dig, but as... I don't know... her own way of dealing with loss and death.
quixotic_sense @ April 19 2004, 14:11:56 UTC |
You're not the only one whose feathers were ruffled. The thing with wehavefive was appalling. I did interpret it as a dig at the Weasleys -- M.B. is an interesting character, but she's not precisely fluffy kittens and hearts, y'know? She's not a nice person. It makes her entertaining to watch from a distance, but it's not impossible that I'd feel differently about her if I know her personally.
Oh god. Ginny responds.
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Anonymous @ April 19 2004, 14:24:47 UTC |
::shudders:: Ooooh! I get the impression she won't take this too well. (same Anonymous)
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 19 2004, 16:04:58 UTC |
Yes, and her comment about the Weasley's father being "broken" was the harshest thing yet, imo.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 19 2004, 16:07:25 UTC |
Ack, yes, that was horrible :/ I did not respond well to that.
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Anonymous @ April 19 2004, 20:26:27 UTC |
::confused:: What did we get right? That it was a deliberate dig at the Weasleys?
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a_player @ April 19 2004, 20:27:51 UTC |
I did interpret it as a dig at the Weasleys -- M.B. is an interesting character, but she's not precisely fluffy kittens and hearts, y'know? She's not a nice person. It makes her entertaining to watch from a distance, but it's not impossible that I'd feel differently about her if I know her personally.