moocow1985 @ 2004-04-18 20:19:00

*bares teeth*
Mood: Hmmm

purestblood updates.

Some of the wording of this post is very strange.

Times like this certainly illustrate ... the impermanence of mortality.
The secret is to find out why such things are happening and then strive to emulate the behaviours that would cause such evil to be.

It's the impermanence and the emulate that really catch me.

re-ETA: I think it should work now. Am still new at the eljay thing.


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:25:06 UTC

For me, it's the "I always love a good meal after a job well done." He can't mean the the obvious, I don't think; it's been too long. What has he done recently?


jacay @ April 19 2004, 00:31:23 UTC

Terrifyingly, he mentions duck. Since I recently went through Weasley icons, I could help but notice that this icon mentions ducks. Duck l'orange. Orange is the Weasley color. I don't like what I'm implying.


jacay @ April 19 2004, 00:32:18 UTC

Er, the keywords for the duck icon are Ask about a duck & you'll look like one.


dragynville @ April 19 2004, 00:36:53 UTC

Mm.. but he says for the past few days right before that.


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:39:39 UTC

Oh, yes, I missed that until just a moment ago. So it probably is the obvious.

Urge to bitch-slap renewed.


onthehillside @ April 19 2004, 00:43:02 UTC

I hold the right regardless.


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:55:00 UTC



dragynville @ April 19 2004, 00:44:36 UTC

Urge to bitch-slap renewed.

Yes, very much so.

(And props to Looshie's player, talk about the ebil..!)


dragynville @ April 19 2004, 00:30:50 UTC

Can't wrap my brain around the and then strive to emulate the behaviours that would cause such evil to be. :\

And can't get over the I've had a craving for duck a l'orange for the past few days. I always love a good meal after a job well done. It's so callous. o_o


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:35:54 UTC

Those lines, next to what jacay pointed out above, are making me both nervous (at the implications) and upset (at the likely-intended callousness). Though, to be frank, I probably shouldn't be all that surprised.


dragynville @ April 19 2004, 00:38:23 UTC

Definitely not surprised. The whole 'dinner in Paris' thing has a rather horrifyingly celebratory air about it.


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:42:18 UTC

For Lucius and Narcissa, at least. I'm wondering if "Shall I send you the inevitable remains of my dinner when I don't finish it?" is simply implying it will be a large meal because of how fancy the restaurant is, or if he means he has no appetite. The French, I believe, tend towards lighter meals, don't they? Or am I way off?


dragynville @ April 19 2004, 00:46:36 UTC

I was thinking 'no appetite' too. Not sure. Expensive restaurants tend toward small portions, or is that just an American thing?


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:50:57 UTC

I've always been taught that, culturally, a restaurant in Paris would have smaller portions (it was never quite explained why--maybe the food is richer?), but I think a sophisticated place also suggests several courses, so it could still be possible to have leftovers.

But I also like the idea that Draco's not really interested in a celebration, and all his cruel banter with M.B. has been a show for his parents' sakes.


dragynville @ April 19 2004, 00:55:31 UTC

Personally, I wish he'd just tell Lucius to go f*ck himself and move in with Harry. But, I suppose, we have to wait and see where the players take them. XD


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:58:28 UTC

That's sort of the masochistic enjoyment of NA. =D


comava @ April 19 2004, 13:44:45 UTC

I very much agree with the first part and reluctantly with the second.


shopfront @ Deleted Deleted



pyrae @ April 19 2004, 01:48:12 UTC

That's more than my French teacher ever said--she came from Belgium, but she mostly just talked about how they didn't eat as much and bought bread every day.

A large number of small courses leaves the question of how fillng the meal will be fairly open, but Draco says it's inevitable that he will have leftovers. Hmm.


sistermagpie @ April 19 2004, 01:25:43 UTC

I figured Draco was just naturally a picky eater and the kind of person who never finishes their meals in a restaurant--French cooking isn't light be definition. I thought he was just referring to the way family dinners with his family usually went.

Also, I thought the comment about vigilance might be for somebody like Lupin, Sirius and the Weasleys who think caring about somebody means they will be able to protect them. Lucius' own philosophy about Draco is probably something like the opposite--he watches what goes on rather than getting emotional.


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 01:45:26 UTC

I did mean "light" in that the meals are smaller, not that they're unfilling. He could very well mean nothing by the comment. I'm curious, though--has he said before that he rarely finishes family dinners? I've missed that, I think.

Ah, yes. I wasn't even considering Lupin and Sirius.


a_player @ April 19 2004, 02:01:40 UTC

I figured Draco was just naturally a picky eater and the kind of person who never finishes their meals in a restaurant--French cooking isn't light be definition.

Er, which is not saying the other part is wrong. Not having written it I have no idea, haha.


sistermagpie @ April 19 2004, 02:06:18 UTC

Heh. I am exactly like Draco in this case, so that seemed the best possibility.


a_player @ April 19 2004, 02:14:38 UTC

I am also, albeit not with the same foods. Possibly Draco is pickier.


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 02:06:59 UTC

Hee, so I'm just overreaching again. Thanks!


hachi_08 @ April 19 2004, 03:03:49 UTC

French cooking isn't light be definition.

Unless, of course, you're Fleur, who finds British food too 'eavy.


vassilissa @ April 19 2004, 07:38:45 UTC

Oh, in comparison with traditional British food, sure it's light. Almost anything would be. Stodge and fat with a little protein and some vegetables boiled until all the vitamins have run away to mummy. But I don't think Narcissa would have traditional British food in the house even if Draco could stomach it.


vassilissa @ April 19 2004, 02:47:16 UTC

If I remember correctly, small portions but lots and lots of courses. Like, a seperate course for each vegetable.

The actual ingredients simply cooked so you can get the pure flavour, but with very rich sauces.


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 02:49:14 UTC

Sounds about right, yes, though I couldn't confirm. It would seem it's all just down to Draco's pickiness.


jacay @ April 19 2004, 00:42:13 UTC

It's been edited. It now says and then strive not to emulate the behaviours that would cause such evil to be. That makes more sense is a little less creepy now.


moocow1985 @ April 19 2004, 00:44:28 UTC

*likes thinking it was just a typo*


jacay @ April 19 2004, 00:47:06 UTC

He keeps adding more. It probably was, but the additions are interesting.


moocow1985 @ April 19 2004, 00:54:38 UTC

That whole bit of philosopy wasn't there before.


pyrae @ April 19 2004, 00:57:14 UTC

Was "Not all of us are as astute as we proclaim ourselves to be; or is it simply that one mistakes caring for constant vigilance?" something added, or there originally? I didn't notice it before. Now I'm wondering (probably out of paranoia) if he's referring just to the Weasleys or also to Draco's claim that he's usually more attentive to the invisible staircase's disappearances.


moocow1985 @ April 19 2004, 00:58:22 UTC

I didn't notice it either. I think it's new.


Anonymous @ April 19 2004, 00:54:44 UTC

It was a typo. I'm on painkillers now and then.
Alas, I am not shiny.



vassilissa @ April 19 2004, 02:49:29 UTC

If you were, at a time like this, it would be more terrifying than you already are, and I think that's impossible.


dragynville @ April 19 2004, 00:50:11 UTC

Oh good because I couldn't make any sense out of it before and thought maybe I was just dumb. XD

Less creepy sounding, but more heartless because he's implying that the victims are the ones at fault.


magickslash @ April 19 2004, 06:35:39 UTC

I am passionately hating the entire Malfoy clan right now.


magickslash @ April 19 2004, 06:49:20 UTC

And loving Remus even more passionately. I hope he's able to make a more coherent post soon.


pokethegeek @ April 19 2004, 11:12:25 UTC

wibble yet anyone? (I just overslept by 5 hours. Bear that in mind)


vassilissa @ April 19 2004, 11:43:26 UTC


Nothing seems to be happening, which is good, because the players have jobs and uni and eating and sleeping too, and I should go home and eat and do homework and nurse my cold; but bad because when's Seamus going to update about Charlie, and what's happening to Draco? and why couldn't I have stuck with getting addicted to series/books that were already complete so I could read them in one go?


pokethegeek @ April 19 2004, 12:04:15 UTC

My point, my point. I'm just sitting here waiting for things to happen, people to update and yeahyeahyeah. Since I overslept I have no classes and NOTHING to do. Oh, by the way I've been wondering - do you know any male nrangers?Is the a girls only thing? Hm. I'm so bored.


sistermagpie @ April 19 2004, 16:01:13 UTC

black_dog is a guy. And quite manly. As is notapipe I think.:-)


pokethegeek @ April 19 2004, 16:04:02 UTC

thank you (: [Off topic: my friend Rasmus is fasinated by Nraged but scared by the thought of 509 geeky females. Now I know that we are infact 2 male geeks. ]


Anonymous @ April 19 2004, 19:51:51 UTC

notapipe and blackdog at least, probably some others too
