kat99999 @ 2004-04-22 23:38:00 |
Mood: wibbly
Fred makes a quick appearance.
My goodness, that made me wibble like a crazy person. *wails*
hated_and_loved @ April 22 2004, 22:44:58 UTC |
I certainly didn't expect any comments from Fred for a long, long time ...
(parent)kat99999 @ April 22 2004, 22:50:57 UTC |
Me either! And he is being all brave and lovely and ohwah. </3
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Anonymous @ April 22 2004, 22:51:14 UTC |
he also talks with Molly here. (http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaveseven/14506.html?thread=180394#t180394)
(parent)greenapricot @ April 22 2004, 23:23:05 UTC |
His last comment just kills me "We're sorry, Mum."
He says we. But there is no we anymore. WAH.
sistermagpie @ April 22 2004, 23:31:20 UTC |
Oh god, that's exactly what I thought. We're sorry mum. Poor Fred.
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 00:08:41 UTC |
Thank you for pointing that out. That is officially the most painful exchange I've seen yet. I'm just numb now.
(parent)frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 00:30:27 UTC |
Its as if Molly is torn between being really angry with Fred and wanting to hug him.
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 00:33:38 UTC |
yes. Or blaming herself for not doing something when she saw the clock was stuck.
(parent)moocow1985 @ April 23 2004, 01:59:34 UTC |
The I thought it was stuck just broke my heart. Again.
(parent)tabiji @ April 23 2004, 01:41:42 UTC |
"We thought we might put ourselves in hospital for something and we didn't want you to look at the clock and know if we did and we never did what we were going to do anyway and if we hadn't charmed the clock you would've looked at it and known and it's our fault. It's my fault. It was my idea."
Augh. Poor Fred. The "we" right up until he starts blaming himself, then it's "I". :((
What were they up to that could have landed them in the hospital? Previous nraged thread about Lucius' hints about the attack imply that it wasn't random or an accident.
I'm interested to know how much Fred can actually recall from this (but I suppose Memory Charms would modify that). It's interesing too that we haven't yet heard from Percy or Snape. Hmm.
small_rodent @ April 23 2004, 03:37:03 UTC |
So far I've been assuming that Snape is doing Phoenix Order things to try to find out why the attack on the Weasleys happened, and that he's smart enough not to let on his role in things. *coughluciuscough* I don't have any theories about Percy, though.
(parent)tabiji @ April 23 2004, 04:37:28 UTC |
Okay, I'm a terrible person. I'm torn between going "Oh God, Draco, STOP IT!" or just giggling at how dedicated he is in his tormenting.
hermione_like @ April 23 2004, 04:42:02 UTC |
I know, right? I think his "It's your funeral" did it for me in the "Stop it!" department though lol. (But I do <3 Draco's player *g*)
(parent)tabiji @ April 23 2004, 04:52:15 UTC |
Hahaha, oh man, "It's your funeral" was what made me bust out laughing. It's just so over-the-top!
(parent)hated_and_loved @ April 23 2004, 04:45:00 UTC |
GOOD SHOW, FRED! I like that he doesn't give Draco the satisfaction of adding to his grief.
(parent)tabiji @ April 23 2004, 05:01:35 UTC |
Fred is damn impressive.
I want a "your mum is a frigid slag" icon now.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 05:04:11 UTC |
I'm sorry, but I really hate Draco now. He's just crossing the line too much for me. I almost wish that something terrible would happen to him. I don't think that I'll ever be able to like his character again on here.
(parent)tabiji @ April 23 2004, 05:16:36 UTC |
*hugs distraught nrager*
I know. It's breaking my heart to have to hate him like this. I don't want to, but I do. I'm trying and trying to understand where his head is right now. It's severely fucked my OTP, not to mention that my entire take on all of NA has been tipped onto its side. :(
eleveninches @ April 23 2004, 05:21:07 UTC |
Well, it wasn't like he wasn't an asshole before.
(parent)tabiji @ April 23 2004, 05:25:45 UTC |
Very true, but this is asshole on a whole new level so denial doesn't work anymore.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 13:17:30 UTC |
Maybe, but not like this. Being so callous about someone's death to the person's brother and parents is a whole different level.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 14:45:54 UTC |
Not really. I think he's had this in him all along. It's the opportunity that's new here, not Draco's attitude, imo.
Though I do think there's more going on here-he's doing what he's doing for a reason.
tabiji @ April 25 2004, 08:21:39 UTC |
It's the opportunity that's new here, not Draco's attitude, imo
That probably is the case, but seeing it still puts Draco on a different level of ugly. For example: I loathe my mother-in-law and I insult her mercilessly at every opportunity...however, if one of her relatives died I would hold my tongue out of respect for the deceased and the rest of the surviving family, (even the others that I detest). It's a line that you just don't cross.
Seeing that Draco can cross that line and not care that it hurts the Weasleys (and Harry) is causing a lot of us to have to mentally adjust our entire perception of ps. He hasn't actually mellowed, he hasn't really matured, and he still doesn't care about anyone but himself.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2004, 14:57:12 UTC |
It's a line that you just don't cross.
Just to put it in context of NA, Draco made fun of Harry's mother here as well, before they were friends. I remember once Harry angrily telling him, "You shut up--you don't know my mother." And Draco replying, "Neither do you, Potter. Ha ha ha!" It was a rare hit for ps.
Seeing that Draco can cross that line and not care that it hurts the Weasleys (and Harry) is causing a lot of us to have to mentally adjust our entire perception of ps. He hasn't actually mellowed, he hasn't really matured, and he still doesn't care about anyone but himself.
That's too all-or-nothing for me. I think he has matured (we've seen his behavior change over the past year) and he can care about people besides himself (he's shown concern for Harry and some others). This is not to dismiss what he's doing now as being as bad as it is, and I do think that yes we should re-evaluate what we thought of him if this comes as a shock because clearly we were wrong! But to a true view of his personality has to encompass both this ps and the one who's shown glimmerings of good qualities. Why does this incident bring out the ps of 2 years ago so completely? That's what I'd like to know!
tabiji @ April 25 2004, 18:04:12 UTC |
Draco made fun of Harry's mother here as well, before they were friends.
Well yes, exactly, before. That was quite a while ago.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2004, 18:11:37 UTC |
But.. isn't that the point Draco's been making all along? That Harry/people expected him to change for Harry and he hasn't?
(parent)tabiji @ April 25 2004, 18:36:00 UTC :-? |
I just woke up so maybe it's me. I'm reading this as "he hasn't changed", which is what I'd sort of said.
I need to stop reading nraged when I'm barely coherent.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2004, 18:51:41 UTC |
Oh yes, I do understand the distinction you're making--and I agree with it. Just always remembered that line.:-)
(parent)eleveninches @ April 23 2004, 22:42:36 UTC |
He makes fun of Harry's mum all the time in canon, man.
(parent)tabiji @ April 25 2004, 08:39:35 UTC |
Yea, but since Harry and Draco weren't having Clinton sex in canon it's not unreasonable to have thought there could have been other changes as well.
(parent)hermione_like @ April 23 2004, 05:28:00 UTC |
Speaking of Harry and Draco, this makes me wonder if Harry somehow privately told Draco to back off?
(parent)oconel @ April 23 2004, 05:39:31 UTC |
Yes, that's what I thought. And I wonder why Harry says.
I think he'll leave now.
Is he apologuzing because there's still some kind of "bond" between them? Why does Harry say "Sorry" when it was Malfoy the one being nasty?
tabiji @ April 23 2004, 05:43:07 UTC |
Harry's comment to Draco.
I think it's just a general "sorry he's such a prick" sort of apology.
sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 14:46:29 UTC |
I wondered if Harry felt Draco was doing this, to a certain extent, to get at him?
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 24 2004, 04:43:00 UTC |
True--makes me wonder if it worked at all, like if Harry agreed to something off-screen so that Draco would stop commenting. He didn't comment to Ginny--or at least, not yet.
(parent)divinelight @ April 23 2004, 05:54:56 UTC |
Harry seems to have taken it upon himself to control Draco... This isn't the first time he's shown up in someone else's journal to defend them from Draco either.