lindra @ 2004-04-23 15:29:00 |
Hmmm. Change of thought?
Mood: *ponders*
Is it just me, or is Harry cutting Draco off?
Because he says this in reply to this comment by potterstinks, and he also says this to Fred, assuring him that 'he'll go now.' I remember Harry cutting Draco off elsewhere, but I can't remember precisely where.
Question: What hold does Harry have over Draco, and why is Draco seemingly obeying him? If you note it, Draco is obeying Harry's commands to shut up, instead of continuing disdainfully like he usually would. Does this point to a change of thought from Draco? Is he being insulting simply because it's expected of him? *ponders*
ETA: Found the one I couldn't remember: here in Molly's post.
nabiki @ April 23 2004, 06:04:38 UTC |
he also backed up arthur / molly when Draco complained about mollys post not being under an LJ cut..I think....
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 06:17:44 UTC |
I suspect it is just because Draco is not talking to Harry so when Harry shows up Draco clams up. Or something like that. Very grade school, yes. But I am no good at the theorizing.
Or maybe it really is just Draco being insulting because it's expected from him. Draco, and I know this is a shock, seems to look out only for himself. If he starts to act differently it wouldn't look so good and he could get into some serious trouble. Maybe something or someone has him spooked. Draco's insulting does seem a bit over the top and fake, now that I think about it. Almost forced. Draco has always been insulting but never quite like this. I think Narcissa did instill some iota of tact in her son.
I wish I could just follow them all around wherever they go. Then I would know what's going on.
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a_player @ April 24 2004, 06:53:00 UTC |
I suspect it is just because Draco is not talking to Harry so when Harry shows up Draco clams up. Or something like that. Very grade school, yes.!
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Anonymous @ April 25 2004, 05:48:08 UTC |
This is so late but...EEEEE! A STAR! THANK YOU! I had a feeling I should have just stuck with the first part! But once I got started it was hard to shut up!
(parent)tabiji @ April 23 2004, 06:22:39 UTC |
I'm probably completely wrong here, but it looks like Draco's trying to get Harry's attention with all these nasty remarks. When he does gets it, Harry is cutting him off, instead of accepting Draco back with open arms. I can't really place Draco's perspective, but he typically has a unique (read: skewed) way of looking at things that places himself in the unfairly suffering victim position. In their fight before Easter, Draco complained that Harry wanted to change him, so maybe Draco is expecting that Harry should still be the one to apologize, but instead, Harry is firmly shutting him down. The hold Harry has might only be that he's not caving, and Draco has the broken nose as a reminder.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 16:08:06 UTC |
For someone who's brother just died, Fred was awfully good natured about it.
What else could he do? He knows ps would have probably just laughed if he'd responded with anger, which would have encouraged ps to be even more of an ass, I suspect.
magickslash @ April 23 2004, 06:25:31 UTC |
But didn't Draco make a couple more comments after Harry told him to shut up?
His posts have really turned me off the character. He's just showing too much nastiness for it all to be his father's bidding. Unless Lucius put him under the Imperius Curse. Didn't that discussion come up earlier?
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 13:23:17 UTC |
Maybe he's always been nasty, but this is being nasty about someone's death, to that person's relatives. That's completely different than just being nasty in general.
(parent)slinkhard @ April 23 2004, 13:25:29 UTC |
I guess I don't really see the difference in being nasty to someone when they're alive and when they're dead. I mean, it's going to hurt *someone* either way.
sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 14:02:29 UTC |
Yeah, I really don't think this is meaner than he's been in the past. It seems meaner, imo, because he now has personal connections to the Weasleys and to Harry. But if this had happened two years ago presumably he'd say just what he is now.
It seems like he's making an effort now to be obnoxious in ways he was holding back before. Remember Harry accused him of letting MB mock the Weasleys so he didn't have to. MB claimed that was not the case. now Draco is going out of his way to mock them. Is he making up for his past squeamishness on the issue?
It does seem like he's making a point to Harry, actually, because remember in the past Harry was the person he always wanted to get to and usually it was Harry and Draco who often ended up fighting-though he doesn't like the Weasleys either. But Draco always knew that taunting the people Harry cared about was the way to get to him. It may be more of the same, but it's far more serious now, so rather than it resulting in their usual screaming matches it's personal. Whatever Draco's doing it seems like Harry thinks he knows what it is, based on comments like, "I think he'll shut up now." It wouldn't be against Draco's character to hurt people (particularly ones he doesn't like to begin with) to make Harry do something about it. Also he is focusing mostly on the idea of Molly not being aware of what was happening, which just doesn't seem like it can be a coincidence given the very very public criticisms of his own mother last year, which often involved comparisons to Molly.
::sigh:: So screwed up. But I am always heartened by the announcement before the Outing: "It is also a decision that I think will ultimately make NA a better roleplay, and potterstinks a better human being." I don't think the point of everything ps' player does is to make Draco a better human being, but s/he does see him as a human being who can become better but sometimes needs an almost shock therapy to do it.
At the same time, looking at that post, I can't help but be amazed at the different reactions to these two things (the outing and this).
slinkhard @ April 23 2004, 14:14:29 UTC |
Stop making insightful posts! You'll put the rest of us to shame ;)
I thought one of the meaner things he said was 'Heard you have a history with that one' re: the Cruciatus to Neville.
But then, Jesus, if we made a list of every nasty thing every character has ever said in canon/the rpg, we could probably top it.
"At the same time, looking at that post, I can't help but be amazed at the different reactions to these two things (the outing and this)."
I'm not sure if I really *get* people who like Draco, and/or ps, but are shocked when he's nasty. Maybe I'm just a natural cynic, but it doesn't really shock me. (The outing *upset* me, but shocking?)
I mean, it's in his character.
If you like the character, you don't have to like/support his worse behaviour (and while I find the insensitivity amusing, I don't condone it, myself); but you have to accept it as part of him.
Perhaps someone can fill me in?
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greenvarnish @ April 23 2004, 08:44:03 UTC |
Haha, ditto! On both accounts! Draco sure seems to be acting like he is.
And jesus, your icon. *STARES*
slinkhard @ April 23 2004, 09:01:23 UTC |
That could work.
Hmm. Clearly this needs careful consideration and research. *shifty eyes* Yes, research, that's it...
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 09:17:11 UTC |
This may have been mentioned before, and I may have mixed the threads up in my head and so forgotten if it has, but I'm having a distinct impression that Draco is having a bit of a panic here. His world, which was never really stable to begin with (ah, I'm remembering the potential staircase metaphor), has been made topsy-turvy with people he actually knows going and getting dead and he can't just go along anymore and must make a decision soon and he's about to leave hogwarts and that has to be, in and of itself, a rather big event to fret over.
So I'm seeing a lot of his comments as him trying to go back to normal and, because of his panic and whatnot, he's not really putting proper effort into it, and he's being especially acerbic and bluntly mean instead of sharp and subtly cruel because he's lost and trying to cling to the familiar.
And as a result, I want to give him a good hug and set him to rights and then smack him upside the head a few times.
And I like to pretend that that's what Harry's gone and done himself.
sistermagpie @ April 24 2004, 01:38:42 UTC |
Though this isn't the first time Harry's broken his nose, and ps has also hit Harry in NA.
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Anonymous @ April 24 2004, 08:52:02 UTC |
is he afraid he will tell dirty little secrets?