tabiji @ 2004-04-27 03:23:00 |
Mood: blank
Everything you ever wanted to know about Iceland, but were afraid to ask
It appears that Goyle is very much wanting to talk to Draco. All these Iceland facts are making me wonder even more about Nott's fascination with Iceland. Hmmm.
*ICELAND's biggest import is tourists.
*IF YOU WERE ICELANDISH... you would be called "Draco Luciusson".
*Over forty percent export is fish, followed by over twenty percent broomsticks, ten percent thin-bottomed cauldrons and eight percent aluminum.
*About the same number of Muggles visited ICELAND from the UK as from the USA. However, twice the number of British wizards visited as compared to the number of USA wizards and Chinese wizards combined.
*ICELAND was the first country to legalize abortion in 1935. I don't know what that is, but it sounds fascinating.
*ICELANDISH is the twelfth most popular internet language, and is the fourteenth most popular language for wizardly business deals.
*ICELANDISH wizard directories are arranged by first name.
*Helga Vanriksdottier, the inventor of Cockroach Clusters came from ICELAND.
*ICELAND Muggles drink more cola than anywhere else. ICELAND wizards drink more fire whiskey then any other country.
*ICELAND has no army, navy, or air force. It does have a Coast Guard.
*Of the two hundred and eighty thousand who live in ICELAND, ninety thousand are wizards! Highest rate of wizards-to-Muggles in all of Europe.
windtear @ April 27 2004, 07:38:17 UTC |
So if I were Icelandish, I'd have a 9:19 (slightly less than one in three) chance of being a witch? Good to know. Voldemort should move to Iceland.
BTW, hurrah for Iceland being a bastion of women's rights!
tabiji @ April 27 2004, 08:28:15 UTC |
Maybe he already has? (Interesting that there's no army there! ). Voldie's SOMEWHERE, why not use Iceland as his HQ? Maybe that's why Nott's gone on and on about it? Because he's been there, or is planning to go? Maybe Goyle knows this and he's trying to send a "signal" to Draco to warn him? Maybe Goyle's scared 'cause he's going to be assessed/presented to Voldie and/or the DE's too? Maybe Goyle's involved and he's trying to get Draco signed up and in on the plan? Maybe "Iceland" is a codeword for sex?
Maybe I have too much speculation in my head? :))
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nyxforsythe @ April 27 2004, 09:14:32 UTC |
Rereads post using "sex" instead of "Iceland" *giggles* I support this theory!!
(parent)gg_83 @ April 27 2004, 15:56:41 UTC |
*About the same number of Muggles visited SEX from the UK as from the USA. However, twice the number of British wizards visited as compared to the number of USA wizards and Chinese wizards combined.
* SEX is the twelfth most popular internet language, and is the fourteenth most popular language for wizardly business deals.
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hezzabeth @ April 27 2004, 12:07:36 UTC |
I have no idea why but I have a funny feeling Nott's not as evil as we've made him out to be.
(parent)nabiki @ April 27 2004, 07:46:51 UTC |
I'm so confused about iceland.
But its good to see Goyle studying :>
gg_83 @ April 27 2004, 15:54:56 UTC |
I'm guessing it has more to do with this entry, especially considering Goyle's comment toward the bottom.
Goyle's not fat, he's just...robust. Aww.
sistermagpie @ April 27 2004, 16:06:56 UTC |
Seriously, is Goyle campaigning to be my most lovable character? Because he's doing a good job of it. I love it when C&G interact with the other Slytherins.
Well done, Goyle.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2004, 18:12:37 UTC |
Oooh. I hadn't noticed Draco's reply to Goyle's comment. He's surprisingly... nice, but he's using one of his public-face type icons. Hmm.
Goddammit Harry, just TALK TO DRACO. NOW.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2004, 19:59:44 UTC |
Enough with the sweet Goyle stuff. He's shouting at Luna about his spelling in the "ottograff" post! He is being very threatening! Not fun!!
sistermagpie @ April 27 2004, 20:34:27 UTC |
The "sweet Goyle" stuff is meant to be taken with a grain of salt, I think, given that his way of being a pal is offering to break a girl's arm. Regardless, Crabbe and Goyle have both, I think, been known to act like this--which one was it who claimed one of the Hufflepuff girls was a bully? Now Goyle's hurt over having his spelling made fun of.
(parent)dr_jekyl @ April 28 2004, 04:32:37 UTC |
I was wondering that too, but the CIA World Factbook says the climate is actually remarkably temperate, and we know that Durmstrang is somewhere rather cold.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 28 2004, 14:28:26 UTC |
I think Durmstrang's in the Black Forest or something.
But Goyle's post suggests that Iceland is a place where wizards are in the majority and that the culture is somehow finer because of it. I wondered if Iceland wasn't sort of a symbol for Purebloods, so putting up the flag is like putting up...I don't know what the equivalent would be. But part of a general interest in Pureblood superiority. That also makes me wonder if Nott's beard was any kind of symbol, like that it's traditional wizard-wear.
sistermagpie @ April 28 2004, 17:53:37 UTC |
Or perhaps, continuing that thought, Nott just wants to run away to Iceland to get away from all the crazy people. Would he want Draco to come with? He slept in the first-year dorm to get away from him, but seems to be able to sleep nearby to him now.:-)