caithion @ 2004-05-01 17:38:00 |
FYI - Lucius
Mood: contemplative
Just to make it clear for everyone who missed out on the fun and games.
Lucius changed this post around 2 hours after he first posted it.
The first post had his current
mood: exhausted.
icon: pleased
music: Samuel Hexber, "Adagio for Strings"
message: It is all over. [Or 'It is finished', memories are hazy...]
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chasingwhispers @ May 1 2004, 08:51:06 UTC WHAT?! |
Holy NEIKMVN3EMT931!!!1!!
Narcissa's... dead? Draco... killed her? As part of his test? Nonononono someone give me another interpretation NOW.
tabiji @ May 1 2004, 09:06:00 UTC Re: WHAT?! |
My first thought was that they were just going to pretend publicly that she's dead and hide her out somewhere. Second thought was that Narcissa was the evil one and Lucius killed her to protect Draco. Next thought was omg what will Draco do/be like without his Mother?
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chasingwhispers @ May 1 2004, 10:07:54 UTC |
Mmm, I'm thinking. (Flee for your lives.)
My first thought was that they were just going to pretend publicly that she's dead and hide her out somewhere.
YES. Yes. *Clings to that theory* That would be perfectly feasible, what with all the little doubts that seemed to start creeping in between Narcissa & Lucius toward the end. They agreed to fake it somehow and Draco's in the loop? (Or maybe somehow he's not. Don't ask me how though. Argh. More angst.)
And I guess this means that last night wasn't the actual Dark Mark ceremony? Just the 'Test' preceding it to see if one is loyal enough?
Hm. Now I'm poking around and just wildly speculating if this here -
I had a rather lovely meeting with an associate in an extravagant medina.
- when thought about in terms of what I found about the city on the net:
Marrakesh provides an experience almost beyond comprehension- the hypnotic power of Dejema-el-Fna, the central square of the city, lives up to its legendary fame as you wander past snake-charmers and acrobats clouded. While in Fez, The crumbling walls of the twisting medieval Medina (city centre) enclose what seems at times to be a living medieval city, complete with apothocaries, carpet-weavers, beggars and thieves.
I'm wondering if Narcissa took a side-trip to one of the apothocaries in nearby Fez to find something that would give her to effect of death for the Test. Crazy shot in the dark, I know, but just a thought.
And then this followed in her post-
My, but how I fancy the palace I saw there! It cannot compare to Malfoy Manor, of course, but it was quite stunning. I do believe it would be a most excellent addition to the properties that Lucius and I own.
- and reminded me how much property all over the world the Malfoy's have, so it could also be pretty simple for Narcissa to hide away in one of those somewhere until things died down... if the whole thing is a fake, of course. *wibble* And if it is, then this calls for some serious reconsideration about the Malfoy's alliances. They're lying to Voldemort. "I do believe that the tide shall soon be changing." - Their alliances could be changing?
Gah. But now I'm finding stuff that makes it seem that Narcissa didn't even know what was to happen on Friday:
I admit to looking forward to Friday; my curiousity is getting the better of me.
And that was only 3 days ago. Unless this is all still part of the hoax, or simply before Lucius told Narcissa? (Or if taken at face value, she really wasn't told at all, gah!)
As always, they are spelled so that no calories are present that might disrupt your perfect figure. Is Lucius just a bastard? Speaking habitually without thinking? In denial? Keeping up appearances so Narcissa or anyone else reading doesn't guess the fate soon to befall his wife? Or secretly planning to make it so that Narcissa doesn't die and will still have a living, breathing body to worry about?
-- And right now I'm searching for it, and can't find it, but I'm sure I read something about a special visitor/guest that Draco would be meeting on Friday? I think everyone assumed this was Voldemort and that's why the 'getting the Mark' theory seemed right. If Voldemort was there to oversee the Test, then the possibilty of the Malfoys successfully pulling off a 'Death-hoax' seems more unlikely. But I guess this depends on the method of sacrifice? I immediately assumed the classic 'Avada Kedavra', but if that was used then a 'Death-Hoax' would be pretty damn near impossible (Narcissa isn't Harry Potter!).
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chasingwhispers @ May 1 2004, 10:08:38 UTC |
But now I'm thinking was it AK? And who did it? If Draco performed it as part of his test, well, is he even strong enough for that darkest level of dark spell? (I'm thinking along the lines of Harry's struggle to cast Crucio on Bellatrix in OotP.)
Then of course, I could be on crack and all this completely useless, especially since I've only picked at bits of the recent Malfoy exchanges, and shied away from the more difficult literary pieces from Lucius, etc., which might very well shed more light on what's happened. So after that meandering speculation I still have no real answers, just more questions. Argh, NA. *Loves it anyway*
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 10:39:36 UTC |
To be able to cast AK Draco would have to mean it, he'd know how to, I'm sure, but actually meaning it enough to cast it properly, on his mother, is stretching it a little to far...
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chasingwhispers @ May 1 2004, 10:42:58 UTC |
Mm, yes exactly. I hope I didn't seem like I meant he could! I don't believe he did. That's why I'm desperately clutching at the random straws above. :)
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 10:50:48 UTC |
Oh, no no! I don't think you meant he could, it's just something that was bugging me earlier when I was trying to theorize and I couldn't see AK being a viable option.
Actually, strange as it sounds, I don't think Narcissa is dead, or faking it. The whole idea just doesn't sit well with me... Not because I don't want to believe it's true, but because I just can't seem to make anything fit.
I've got this strange idea that whatever has happened, it wont actually be as bad and it looks, if that makes any sense?
oconel @ May 1 2004, 13:29:09 UTC |
it wont actually be as bad and it looks
*hopes you're right*
But I'm really afraid Draco has taken the Mark
tabiji @ May 1 2004, 19:07:44 UTC |
Hey...another thought...
There was speculation about the identity of Diana Preveleca...could it be that maybe Narcissa has gone off to make appearances as Diana?
gg_83 @ May 1 2004, 18:33:51 UTC |
In the first link you gave, Narcissa says, "Yes, I have exceeded expectations, have I not? No matter what I truly feel about things, I shall see the situation through to the end. I doubt you could ask as much from anyone else."
That is almost exactly what Jesus says in the garden of Gethsemane in Jesus Christ, Superstar:
"Listen, surely I've exceeded expectations,
Tried for three years,
Seems like thirty
Could you ask as much
From any other man?
"But if I die,
See the saga through
And do the things you ask of me..."
And at the end, he agrees to die.
How could I have missed that reference?
And it happened on Friday. Like Good Friday?
::wibbles more::
I am finding it hard to believe that Narcissa would agree to sacrifice her own life.
Of course, Jesus came back (though not in the musical--the musical ends with the crucifixion).
orpheusinjapan @ May 1 2004, 08:52:55 UTC Thanks for that. Missed the initial post. |
As for the updated version, it got a strong feeling of deja vu. In my book, my main character has to kill his mother to prove his loyalty, above all else, to the boss and the cause.
When I first read Lucius' post, I wondered if maybe Draco was put to the same kind of test. Draco did well and Lucius is saying "poor Narcissa". Of course, I imagine the Malfoys would fake it somehow and this is the public post, but it got me thinking.
orpheusinjapan @ May 1 2004, 09:05:24 UTC Re: Thanks for that. Missed the initial post. |
Has there ever been any mention of Lucius' mother? Maybe he had the same initiation.
Have a feeling our theorizing on bare information is going to go on for a while.
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dry_your_eyes @ May 1 2004, 09:32:45 UTC Re: Thanks for that. Missed the initial post. |
Has there ever been any mention of Lucius' mother? Maybe he had the same initiation.
this was my first thought too. Too bad we don't have much information about DEs and their rituals :/
lazy_daze @ May 1 2004, 09:10:10 UTC |
Gah! If he had to kill his mother...I can't see him being able to cope with that :S we need more information, and *now*.
(parent)xnera @ May 1 2004, 09:26:28 UTC |
So you think Draco had to kill Narcissa? Hmm... *thinks about this*
Lucius first posts "It is over" at around midnight Central time, using his pleased icon. This implies that whatever had been planned for the night had already been accomplished, and that he was happy with the outcome. Furthermore, the music he used ("Adagio for Strings") has been used for funerals, so that implies someone has died.
Three hours and fifteen minutes later, Lucius edits his post to the text it is now, although originally his mood was "distressed" before changing it to "drained", and his music "Dies Irae" before changing it to "Requiem" (though I gather Dies Irae is part of the Requiem). So this implies either the (a) night's activities hadn't been over yet, and his post earlier was referring to something else; (b) the night's acitivities hadn't been over yet, but are now, and he is displeased with the outcome; or (c) the nighjt's activies were over with at midnight, but something has happened since he first made his post that has upset him. And whatever has happened, it seems to involve Narcissa.
Now, just from the way he's phrased it, I don't feel like Narcissa is dead. I feel like if she was, he would be more incoherent. So maybe he is trying to make everyone think she is dead. Or as someone pointed out in chat, maybe she actually is dead but he saw it coming.
lazy_daze @ May 1 2004, 09:37:00 UTC |
I don't know if he did, I am just flailing wibblingly :D
I would imagine that both posts related to the 'events' but whether the thing that happened to Narcissa that caused him to edit was *part* of the events, like a sacrifice, that happened or as a *result* of the 'events', like, OK I don't know, but. Woe! Unless of course it is all an act, like he is trying to put people off the scent. But why? Or he knew it was coming - but then why the editing? Gah, I suck at analysing and theorising *leaves it to more qualified nragers* I'm here for the emotional reactions :D
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Anonymous @ May 2 2004, 03:38:23 UTC |
"Dies Irae" is the second part of Mozart's "Requiem" R. 626, if you'd like specifics. o.O
(parent)darcourt @ May 2 2004, 08:41:02 UTC |
Well, to be obnoxious and pedantic, he doesn't specifically say whose Requiem he's listening to. I mean, Mozart was decidedly not the only composer to set the Requiem texts... I think most musicians, if someone mentioned the Dies Irae, would assume the person was referring to the original sequence, the medieval chant -- not any composer's rendition. The chant melody actually crops up often in secular classical music, for ironic purposes. The title means "Day of Wrath," a huge contrast with the rest of the Requiem text, which tends to concentrate more on rest and light. So maybe that means something here, the change of focus in the text, along with Lucius' change of mood? I don't know. I'm probably just babbling nonsense.
(parent)shamera @ May 1 2004, 16:35:15 UTC |
I didn't get a screencap of the first version, but I did get a screencap of when he changed the post the first time. (to my knowledge, he changed it twice- although it was within a half hour time span to each other.)
Although- the only difference is his mood: from "distressed" to "drained".
oconel @ May 1 2004, 10:17:38 UTC |
I don't like this at all...
Draco killing Narcissa?
Harry!! Didn't you talk to him???
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 10:25:37 UTC |
I wonder if this has anything to do with Narcissa's plan/suggestion from that dinner in Paris?
(parent)caithion @ May 1 2004, 10:30:13 UTC |
I thought so too, but didn't we find out that it involved Harry somehow?
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 10:32:19 UTC |
My bad then. I haven't been following the nRaged threads very well.
So it's been confirmed that it's to do with Harry? And not just speculation?
vassilissa @ May 2 2004, 03:38:49 UTC |
If Draco had to kill someone important to him to prove his loyalty, maybe Narcissa was suggesting...
Nah. Voldemort would never go for that. He wants to kill Harry himself.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 10:30:54 UTC |
Also, I could be reading too much into this, but Lucius' icon is his default icon. However, unlike in the past where he just chooses 'default', he's chosen the captioned option. So the icon says: Mr. Malfoy.
Could it be that he's emphasizing that he's a mister (hence married) or that he's a Malfoy?
shamera @ May 1 2004, 16:41:00 UTC |
The only problem with that reasoning is that even unmarried people are called "mister" by default- it's just a polite term to use. It can either signify his concern for the "Mrs" (as was stated in the chat yesterday) or it could just be a relative term of detachment. To me, that entire post seems somewhat detached- especially how he barely comments on Narcissa if something had indeed happened to her. He might be using that icon to keep in check with his post- to sound somewhat detached and nonchalant about the whole thing.
I mean... "poor, poor Narcissa" and "what will we do without her" doesn't really sound like the terms that a once doting husband would use if his wife were dead (or even just gone). He might be keeping up the statements by appearing as "Mr. Malfoy", the respectable and unapproachable high-up of the Ministry and wizarding society in general. Or he could be "Mr. Malfoy", the husband to Mrs. Malfoy.
*shrugs* I don't know. But I personally think that it's detachment.
lazy_daze @ May 1 2004, 10:31:50 UTC |
Hmmm! I didn't think of that, although I supose it's kinda obvious ;D
maybe the idea of a hoaxed death was the idea? If indeed the death is hoaxed, which is probably just wishful thinking :> and how does Harry have anything to do with it? There hasn't been any indication of Harry-involvement in anything yet though :-? and maybe the Paris-suggestion had nothing to do with the events of tonight anyway?
pengolodh_sc @ May 1 2004, 12:12:32 UTC |
If there was a hoaxed death, Lucius may have decided the first post was too cheerful to be plausible and edited it (this being planned all the time from the player's side just to rile our nerves a little, of course).
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 11:29:30 UTC |
Is it possible that Draco didn't kill Narcissa, but that someone else did? Lucius saying Draco did well "all things considered" would fit in with that.
(parent)divinelight @ May 1 2004, 12:04:52 UTC |
If Lucius is drained, do you think he might be the one who killed Narcissa? If that is what happened....
And apparently, something similar happened to him.
Maybe the idea here is just to make Draco think his mother is dead and test his loyalty that way, but in reality she isn't even harmed!!! Ok, my imagination can go on with these theories forever.
Oh, why did I decide to check NA before I left to take the SAT?! How am I supposed to score high now??
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 12:35:32 UTC |
Hm. I read it as emotionally drained. And drained from all the planning, anxiety, etc. Maybe?
As for Lucius killing Narcissa, that's possible, though didn't he sort of make that comparison between how Draco held up and how Lucius himself didn't hold up as well that age? Guh. I'm confusing myself.
G'luck on your SAT!
divinelight @ May 1 2004, 18:14:24 UTC |
Haha. Yes, making think only of what Draco might be going through right now.
Thanks for the optimism!!!
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 12:16:18 UTC |
Y'all ever think that the Players don't think these things through nearly so deeply, and wind up getting their best ideas from the nraged conspiracy theorists?
portkey @ May 1 2004, 13:16:41 UTC |
Hahahaha, that would be hilariously perturbing. And devious.
Not to mention hilarious.
Thank you for a laugh, o' anonymous one!
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 12:32:25 UTC |
So I was reading this post ( again - about Narcissa going to Morocco and ending up somewhere in the States.
I was wondering if it's possible that she might have intentionally gone to America? Because just say the whole death-hoax theory is true, she wouldn't very well hide out in one of the Malfoy's already established Estates would she...?
firewalkwithme @ May 1 2004, 15:55:23 UTC |
I'm just commenting to laugh at your icon. That's great.
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adolfa @ May 1 2004, 13:14:19 UTC |
I kind of wish at this point that Draco just had to pick out his first pair of socks without assistance or something. Narcissa could be duly upset at his choice of basic white (as opposed to Lucius's more colourful penguin print back in the '70s)?
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jacay @ May 1 2004, 14:22:44 UTC |
AHAHAHA! The secret behind the DE initiation is finally out, and Draco performed splendidly.
(parent)vassilissa @ May 2 2004, 03:41:16 UTC |
And the DEs stole all his socks in preparation for it, months ago.
anjenue @ May 1 2004, 13:43:54 UTC |
Lucius has never been willing to share anything quite so private with the rest of N_A. Why would he be willing to do so now?
And the way he phrased it makes it sound very much like a cover.
Of course, he could also be referring to the fact that he and Draco are both DEs now and Narcissa is not, so poor Narcissa, what are we going to do without her meaning the two of us without including her.
(sorry. am v. tired. coherence factor=null)
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jacay @ May 1 2004, 14:21:58 UTC |
Maybe he's saying Draco is now a DE and Narcissa is dead or whatever because she didn't want him to be.
(parent)anjenue @ May 1 2004, 16:03:25 UTC |
I do remember Narcissa saying that she was prepared to play her part though. If she knew what was coming, somehow I doubt she would have been so willing to participate and then suddenly refused to go through with it. That doesn't seem like Narcissa.
If Narcissa was dead, I'm certain Lucius would have made a post with more of a mournful tone. He's always shown to be a very doting and careful husband on N_A, so if she was dead, he would say more than "My poor, poor Narcissa". He'd be expected to make some sort of actual acknowledgment of the fact, and to show public mourning. And Lucius is very good at doing what is expected of him, at least on the surface.
(On a side note...isn't today Narcissa's birthday?)
small_rodent @ May 1 2004, 22:36:09 UTC |
Yes, I agree... there's something a little too cavalier in how he says poor Narcissa, as though he's only going through the motions of being upset to upset others. Especially after how the entire Weasley family broke down, and how upset he was when Narcissa left him to go find herself last year, this just doesn't seem genuine to me.
(parent)black_dog @ May 1 2004, 15:29:23 UTC |
Hahaha I LOVE Lucius! <3 <3 <3
OK, let's try this on:
Narcissa, as we know, is a rather high-maintenance wife to Lucius, and perhaps as well a high-maintenance employee to her "employer." Independent streak, sharp toungue, complicated loyalties, tendency to act out, and all that. Yet, she seems "untouchable," so we can only suspect that she either is too intelligent and valuable to simply discard, or knows where too many bodies are buried.
So, how does an exasperated right-hand-of-the-Dark-Lord actually contrive to bring about her downfall? Perhaps by drawing her out into a completely untenable position with Voldemort, luring her into a contrived "conspiracy" against him, so that she overreaches, is exposed, and V has no choice but to execute her?
Who, after all, could the audience have been for Lucius' extravagant soliloquies over the past week? They certainly would not normally have helped him with Voldemort; it is hard to read them as reassuring to any co-conspirator who values discretion; and they were utterly lost on Draco. So perhaps, their purpose was to convince Narcissa that Lucius was faltering, losing control of himself, so that she decided it was time to step up, declare her loyalties, and take him in hand.
I won't even try to guess the specific scenario that played out, but I suspect Narcissa expected to be the one making a post mourning Lucius. The levels of cross and double-cross are potentially kind of amazing to contemplate, though. What would Draco's role have been? I really can't imagine him killing Narcissa, at least knowingly. Maybe he was supposed to show his filial piety by stepping up when Lucius was in danger, but he behaved in a way that inadvertantly exposed Narcissa? If he was manipulated into an ugly role in all this, I think he may even recoil from Lucius and it may be time for some major introspection on his part.
Actually, I hope I'm totally wrong. I hope Lucius is just talking about a bachelor weekend with Draco while Narcissa takes a short resting vacation. I would hate so badly to lose either of these characters, or the interaction between them.
anjenue @ May 1 2004, 16:08:23 UTC |
Oooh, I love this. If you're right, then...that just seems so perfect somehow. (Well, not perfect, because Narcissa would be dead, but you know.) If not...then I hope the N_A version of what happened is as good.
(parent)conversant @ May 1 2004, 17:01:10 UTC |
I hope Lucius is just talking about a bachelor weekend with Draco while Narcissa takes a short resting vacation.
I've finally caught up with all that's been said whilst I was off dining and then sleeping soundly last night. You've hit quite close to my preferred reading of the posts...
There was, you see, a large costume party last night hosted by the Malfoys to celebrate Walpurgis Night to which only the very best sort were invited (not M.B. or Pansy, mind you, which is why Pansy's mum left town when it became clear that a Parkinson invitation would not be forthcoming).
Voldemort, as guest of honour, was asked to judge the costumes and award fabulous prizes to the winners.
It was decided over dinner in Paris that Lucius and Draco should go as Jesus and Judas. Her own proposal having been rejected, Narcissa took longer in determining her costume and suffer rather a lot of stress and worry over the matter; however, after much research (into Goblin fighters and Moroccan harem girls) she settled on something fabulously exotic, which she chose to keep secret. At the same time, she dedicated herself to helping Lucius and Draco with their fancy dress, spending a great deal of time over the past two weeks preparing the Malfoy contingent with props and costumes purchased from the very best shops in the world.
Lucius, for his own part, bent himself to the task of preparing for his role in serious method-acting style, poring over old tomes of poetry and steeping himself in the music best suited to his characterisation. Narcissa, too, gave much attention to her role, but sadly undermined her effort when she began the pre-party an hour or two too early.
In the end, Lucius & Draco, the dastardly divine duo, won the prize; their audacious impiety was, after all, well-calculated to appeal to the judge.
"Poor, poor Narcissa" has had to be content with the second prize -- and a smugly pleased husband, which can, really be very irking. No hostess should have to lose top honours at her own soiree.
It was, it seems, quite a disappointment for her, although the all-expenses trip to the spa of her choice is a consolation prize likely to salve the sting of coming second. To her credit, she managed to keep a stiff upper lip throughout the remainder of the evening, and Lucius thought it safe to post about his triumph. However, as soon as the last guest was safely out the door, Narcissa huffed off to soothe her battered ego with a bit of sun and a great deal of pampering by attractive cabana boys. Lucius then amended his post to appeal to her sense of being needed and missed in hopes that Narcissa's recuperation will not require an extended retirement from the Manor.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 17:29:45 UTC |
Hah! I like it! Although, why would Lucius dress as Jesus and Draco as Judas? And what does this have to do with Harry as per their conversation in France? (Perhaps they wanted to do a costume with/about/including him.
I'm ready to beleive almost anything, especially since there has been nothing telling yet today, and I've been checking obsessively every 20 minutes.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 17:32:03 UTC |
(same anonymous) This also would fit with Narcissa's comment about "playing her part" even though some may think she was "miscast"!
(parent)black_dog @ May 1 2004, 22:29:13 UTC |
*um, not in the "dig a hole and bury me" sense*
What's brilliant about this, you know, is that it fits the evidence as well as any of the other theories on the table.
sistermagpie @ May 2 2004, 00:05:46 UTC |
Reporting from Notaclueland here, having finally got to check the ljs.
One thing I think is interesting is Lupin's post about letting things happen in front of them, after his challenge to Lucius about what had happened to Narcissa. Lucius careful responses make me wonder if both Malfoys are not still completely in control and things have gone exactly the way both of them planned.
I mean, I know I shouldn't try to figure things out through behind the scenes stuff but Narcissa's such a great character and we've so few possible villains! I'd hate to lose her! And Lucius' reply to Lupin, where he says basically, "But why should you care what happened to her? I thought you didn't like her?" after Narcissa had warned Lupin he wasn't looking at all sides of sounds like Lucius is really enjoying Lupin's horror here. (Also, if they decided to go with some plan of Narcissa's involving Harry, it seems like that's just a great way to effect that family, given that both Lupin and Harry have rejected their friends. Don't ask me exactly how, though.)
Of course, had he killed Narcissa he'd be enjoying it too, but the two of them seemed very in sync lately and they do seem to really love each other. So my guess is that whatever happened tonight was Narcissa's plan (Lucius has been letting her take the lead recently). Others had suggested that the posts referring to Jesus etc. had to do with someone pretending to be dead. There was also talk of "playing roles," especially from Narcissa. So she could either play the role of Christ in being sacrificed literally or she's taken on that role as pretend. Or perhaps she's not dead or pretending to be. But the fact that her default icon is mourning makes me think whatever happened she planned on happening. Unless, of course, she planned on killing someone else and got killed instead. (But that in cognito icon is intriguing too.) Remember Lucius' death card doesn't refer to physical death but the death of an old life.
It just almost seems like it's too obvious for them to be talking about an intiation for Draco--which we certainly know doesn't have to involve killing one's mother as didn't Barty Crouch have a mother? Plus, frankly, I just can't imagine how Draco could do such a thing, at least wittingly. Look at how adamant he was about not breaking Lavender's arm on purpose. If Narcissa were pretending to be dead, I also wonder if the two of them would trust Draco to be able to play his own part correctly. So if she is faking a death, it's possible Draco thinks she's really dead. Would he be able to play Quidditch? I don't think he's all that callous--he may have a troubled relationship with her but he did comfort her at Dogear when she was so upset and I took that to be genuine, if awkward. Matricide is something I'd think of along the lines of Voldemort himself, not Draco who attacks ankles with his cane.
If he'd been marked surely they'd just be able to check him when he got back to school? And aren't DEs supposed to be secret? Perhaps WN involves a ceremony older than the DE initiation. Maybe Purebloods go through it as a kind of coming of age and that's what Lucius is referring to...LOL! Suddenly I'm wondering if Draco's been circumcized. Good luck playing today if he has!;-P
sistermagpie @ May 2 2004, 00:08:25 UTC |
Oh, and regarding some of Lucius' posts, Madam Butterfly killed herself for her child...Nanki-poo pretended to be executed.
(parent)black_dog @ May 2 2004, 00:54:17 UTC |
Suddenly I'm wondering if Draco's been circumcized. Good luck playing today if he has!;-P
Oh I don't think any possible death for Lucius or Narcissa would necessarily have anything to do with an "initiation ritual" for Draco, or even anything necessarily to do with Draco. It would be purely a scheme on Lucius and/or Narcissa's part, one against the other, that somehow made use of the ceremony and the personalities who were present.
But anyway, I wrote the comment on a possible Lucius-Narcissa double-cross before seeing Lupin's reply, and now, of course, I'm wondering, too, if there isn't an additional level. For all Lupin's disappointment with Narcissa, I can't imagine all his feelings of friendship for her were extinguished in that single conversation. And he must remember how she put herself out to protect him when he had been captured by DE's. So is the game, here, to draw Lupin into doing something reckless, if he thinks Narcissa has been killed? And following Lupin, Harry?
The potential levels of treachery baffle any sort of speculation right now. (Although if we come up with enough different theories, one of them might be close!) I think I'm going to wait to toss another one into the ring until we've seen info on some of the stuff we at least ought to straightforwardly know about -- e.g. whether Draco came back to play Quidditch, what his mood seemed like.
But that doesn't stop me from loving this.
vassilissa @ May 2 2004, 03:46:39 UTC |
what his mood seemed like.
*goes to see a bookie about 'enraged'*
black_dog @ May 2 2004, 05:08:34 UTC |
Ha! Depending on the odds I could get, I might be tempted to bet against you, just because of the singularity of this whole situation.
This is perhaps a sign of how disoriented I'm feeling.
anjaliesque @ May 1 2004, 16:56:01 UTC |
How very Lucius to mention first his son, then himself, and lastly Narcissa.
Out of curiosity, when did Narcissa's "I mourn." icon become her default? Was it in light of recent events among the Weasley family, during which she used it quite a lot, or was it...just now?
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ex_lev195 @ May 1 2004, 18:23:44 UTC |
I'm pretty sure that's recent--before her default icon was the "Inspired." one. But mourning herself would be a little difficult...
(parent)small_rodent @ May 1 2004, 22:27:01 UTC |
Also, if you look at the bottom, there's an unidentified icon of Narcissa in disguise with dyed hair and sunglasses. I'd say that it definitely looks like she's gone into hiding...
(parent)jupistrahan @ May 1 2004, 20:07:22 UTC |
I got a sudden flash of "it all fits together" after reading Lucius's post. Voldemort wants Draco brought into his fold, and to prove that he's worthy, he had to perform the unforgivable curses (or whatever they're called). THe subject matter, to prove that Draco could use them at will on anyone he so desired (or V desired) was that he had to use them on his own parents. Lucius is exhausted because Draco used Crucio on him. Narcissa got Avada Kadavra. Draco passed his tests.
*downright bawls*
nabiki @ May 1 2004, 22:03:50 UTC |
I also noticed that though Draco Malfoy is listed as one of his interests, Narcissa Malfoy isn't...I'm not sure if it has always been this way, but it'd be interesting (and sad!) if he's just removed it, if she's been "removed"....
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adolfa @ May 2 2004, 01:43:09 UTC |
No, it's always been like that. Early in the game (when the journal was created obv.) he was involved with Snape, and I don't think he's really updated his info since then, so that's why...
(parent)nabiki @ May 2 2004, 09:30:31 UTC |
Ok good, It'd be rather cruel to remove her if she'd just died!@