xnera @ 2004-05-02 22:36:00 |
(no title)
Mood: anxious
Narcissa is shiny and the aim was off and I am wibbling.
edit: another aim chat going
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ex_lev195 @ May 3 2004, 03:38:46 UTC |
Haha Narcissa the shiny! *cough*
x_x I do not want to know what was supposed to have gotten hit. Even though it was probably Draco.
shamera @ May 3 2004, 03:48:36 UTC |
Maybe the aim was off because Draco refused to be a DE and they were going to hit Draco, but hit Dacey instead. *_* Excuse me while I die because I've been sitting before my computer in an insulated box while the outside temp was over 100 degrees.
sistermagpie @ May 3 2004, 03:56:10 UTC |
Narcissa's post offers more tantalizing details I'm not getting: I assumed the "he" she referred to throughout her post was Lucius, but then I also wondered if there couldn't be a second he. It seems like Lucius.
More importantly, the aim was off?? Whose aim? The snake's aim? At first I thought Draco was alone in the room with Dacey, but actually he just said only he of the three Malfoys was there. So is it Draco who said the aim was off? Or was someone aiming something like a curse to procure a snack for the snake?
I'm getting a sense of Draco and Narcissa rather together on this one, with Lucius slipping a bit. But still they're not entirely together...Draco is making a point of saying he's fine to her as well, which could be defiant or an attempt to be strong. He hasn't responded to her latest post, though for the most part he's been solicitous, assuring her Kiki will be well-trained etc. (Since it's ps there's always a chance he'll be resent the attention she pays the elf in death, especially if it could have been him.)
My first thought on hearing Draco's robes smelled like snake was to think of a boa constrictor who would have wrapped itself around them, but "aim" makes it sound more like a snake that strikes. If the snake was the one who was aiming, that is. ::sigh:: Idkwthigo. Still, I wonder if his leaving them in his rooms was a sign that he really was freaked out. He got scared when Harry spoke to lots of snakes for him after he'd asked him to, so it's hard for me to imagine him almost being eaten by one.
Wonder if Draco knew he was facing a snake: "Look, Potter, could you teach me a little Parseltongue? Just the basic phrases will do, like "Hello, my name is Draco," and "If you eat me you will explode so don't do it."
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Anonymous @ May 3 2004, 04:00:48 UTC |
i'm prolly on crack but i took this
He distressed me. He has for some time although I can never say as much to him. He took Dacey from me.
to kind of indicate voldie.
sistermagpie @ May 3 2004, 04:04:26 UTC |
Yes, that's what I was considering as well, and that her constant use of "he" was so that she could talk about it without saying anything outright.
(parent)xnera @ May 3 2004, 04:21:49 UTC |
Narcissa's post offers more tantalizing details I'm not getting: I assumed the "he" she referred to throughout her post was Lucius, but then I also wondered if there couldn't be a second he. It seems like Lucius.
I think you might be right about this.
It was probably Narcissa's repetition of three olives in her martini that caused my mind to go this way, but I am reminded of "A Song of Ice and Fire", of Dany in the House of the Undying and hearing prophesies in groups of three. A litany of sentences in three, and each sentence was a different prophecy.
So when I read Narcissa's first paragraph, I am thinking about threes:
He has left and that is fine with me. Everyone has left
"Everyone" certainly feels like more than two people.
Draco is back at school. He went to Paris. He went to where only Merlin knows and that is quite all right.
Draco went back to school. Lucius went to Paris. And a third person (voldemort?) went to "Merlin knows where". Since Narcissa says "that is quite all right", I'm guessing she at the least is uncomfortable in his presence, and at the most does not believe or support him anymore, and so wants him away from her.
He distressed me. He has for some time although I can never say as much to him. He took Dacey from me.
I think it's obvious that she's been distressed over Draco, if only because of what he had to face Friday night. There may have been more than that, though.
I think the second sentence here is talking about Lucius. They seem to be having trouble communicating, since they both state that they have been married 19 years and the other does not understand them. So I'm taken this sentence as meaning that Narcissa is not comfortable talking to Lucius about her true feelings and beliefs.
Which leaves the third sentence to be about Voldemort (if that who the third character is). So then Voldemort was in the room, and since he is the one that took Dacey from Narcissa, then it was his aim that was off. I wonder, though, what caused his aim to be off?
I have Kiki but she is not Dacey. She only brought me two olives in my martinis and even though she keeps bringing them to me and I keep telling her that I prefer three and not two she still does not bring me a proper drink.
Interesting that Narcissa's new house elf is named after a friend who may have been killed because she was not a proper DE (right? that was the Kiki business? My memory is hazy). What's even more interesting to me is that the house elf keeps bringing Narcissa drinks with two olives, as if insisting that Narcissa's loyalty only belongs to two people now, not the three that Narcissa prefers. Except who are the two of the three?
blankcanvas @ May 3 2004, 05:02:27 UTC thanks |
Wow! That really makes it all make sense! I didn't even think of it that way.
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Anonymous @ May 3 2004, 05:45:03 UTC |
Wow. That's a good point.
And just extending that vein of thought, this:
She takes entirely too much time when bringing me my martinis and she still is only bringing glasses with two olives and I want THREE and I don't think she's a very loyal sort
Makes me sort of wonder if perhaps Kiki is almost... Narcissa? Like, when she says that the house elf isn't a very loyal sort, maybe she's admitting that's she's not. And obviously this pains her, maybe confuses her, as she is so adamant about having -three-.
catiadoodle @ May 3 2004, 09:17:52 UTC |
Wonder if Draco knew he was facing a snake: "Look, Potter, could you teach me a little Parseltongue? Just the basic phrases will do, like "Hello, my name is Draco," and "If you eat me you will explode so don't do it."
Well, it would certainly fit with the "because it's you". And to answer to your comment in another thread:
Narcissa brought up the Chamber of Secrets too--could this be a snake in Malfoy Manor somehow? It sounds like Lucius faced it at Draco's age, which could refer to Voldemort's snake but since Narcissa is bringing up Edward maybe it's a Malfoy thing.
The events of Friday night being only a Malfoy thing might be confirmed here when Lucius tells M.B. "I don't imagine you'd be very interested in any "fancy meetings" that might take place at the Manor. You are a welcome guest, as always, but you are not a Malfoy."
dragynville @ May 3 2004, 04:02:12 UTC |
Did they ever actually say that it was Draco who was going to be tested? Because perhaps it was a test of Lucius' loyalty instead?
(parent)dragynville @ May 3 2004, 04:20:14 UTC |
Nagini was also in book 4, she kept circling the gravestone that Harry was tied to.
(parent)dari_brit @ May 3 2004, 04:27:59 UTC |
That's what I read it as....*wibbles immensely* Oh, man, talk about choosing loyalties...
(parent)caithion @ May 3 2004, 04:31:53 UTC |
It certainly sounds like some kind of seperation between them. And what is this "I never wanted you to try, you know"?
(parent)hated_and_loved @ May 3 2004, 04:33:51 UTC |
Maybe that he shouldn't have to try so hard for them to be happy? That it isn't supposed to be this hard?
(parent)rain206 @ May 3 2004, 04:36:14 UTC |
and if he hadn't went about wanting to prove a point I'd still have Dacey and he shouldn't have come here in the first place so if its arrangements you want...
from this comment
That *has* to be Voldemort. But what point was he trying to prove?
xnera @ May 3 2004, 04:43:11 UTC |
Hmm. Actually, the "proving a point" sounds an awful lot like Draco to me. I am unsure though if the "he shouldn't have come here in the first place" is referring to Draco (he should have stayed at school and not been put through the trial?) or Voldemort.
Something about this particular post is getting to me, but I'm not sure what. I just suddenly had this strong deja vu. And yeah, I know Narcissa and Lucius almost got separated before, but I'm not sure that's what's triggering my feeling.
And I'm also feeling like the Malfoy parents are publicly making a scene to get everyone's attention off of something else, but what, I don't know. And again, I'm not sure why I feel like this, other than I do. *shurg*
And I really need some water. *drinks some*
rain206 @ May 3 2004, 04:46:47 UTC |
Maybe Draco was trying to prove that he was loyal to Voldemort? Perhaps he killed Dacey to prove his loyalty. Or fed her to Nagini to prove his loyalty, and got in over his head.
As for publicly making a scene, that hadn't occurred to me but it makes a lot of sense. Narcissa has always pointed rather frequently, but the Malfoys have been making tons of posts lately, especially Lucius. It does seem off.
oconel @ May 3 2004, 07:42:58 UTC |
Maybe Draco was trying to prove that he was loyal to Voldemort?
I agree. I think he had to kill someone dear to his family (in this case to his mother).
sistermagpie @ May 3 2004, 13:58:42 UTC |
It just doesn't seem like Draco was the one proving the point here. It seems like Narcissa is accusing Lucius of putting Draco in danger and Draco seems a little peeved at Lucius as well. Draco made the distinction between a snack and a choice, which sounded to me like he was saying that he thought the whole thing was just kind of barbaric. So, like, even if Draco had pushed Dacey at a big snake he'd be saying, "It was hardly a choice, I just didn't want to get eaten myself."
When Lucius suggested it could have been Draco so he should think it a good thing, Draco was "alarmed, yet composed" and pointed out that wouldn't have made the same point...which makes it seem like killing Draco would not perhaps have made a point to Draco, or made the correct point to Lucius (that V *could* get Draco if he wanted?). Or, if this is Voldemort, perhaps he was making a point about lesser creatures being food, so killing a Pureblood would not have been the point.
So in general, it seems like whatever happened to Dacey Draco is not taking responsibility for it in terms of his making a point. If it was a case of Draco just saving himself it still wouldn't come down to Draco's killing Dacey on purpose.
But that does leave the question of why this point was being made--it could have been in response to Draco's being insolent, or perhaps Voldemort or whoever would just do that to demonstrate power no matter what. Seems pretty IC for a guy who felt the need to duel with Harry in GoF.
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_cosmic_dancer @ May 3 2004, 14:08:17 UTC |
It wasn't enough for him to just be a presence was it he had to galivant around and no amount of nervous chatter betwixt Tinka and I could drown out the sound I remember from so long ago when it rang merrily through the land as they overpowered those who felt differently and I could feel the energy I know you could as well I don't think I've ever been so frightened I thought something went horribly wrong and if it did would not be able to forgive myself and I am just as tired of that as I am of your trying when you never had to do so as you are my heart but I suppose that doesn't matter now so I will expect an owl of some sort tomorrow is that all right Lucius?
I'm getting the feeling that Draco and Dacey weren't a choice to be fed to Nagini. It seems like shes talking about the killing curse here or is that just me? Maybe the he in question which I think we're assuming is LV tried to scare Draco somehow with killing something in front of him and the something turned out to be the houseelf?
frozen_jelly @ May 3 2004, 04:43:02 UTC |
Why is Narcissa calling Lucius 'Edwardus'? because that is his father's name?
(parent)nabiki @ May 3 2004, 05:25:27 UTC |
hehe I kinda thought she was messing up till she got it right...I am wondering just how many martinis that girl can down in one sitting...Hats off to you, Narcissa, from one lush to another ;)
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Anonymous @ May 3 2004, 05:48:19 UTC |
Edwar Lucid Lucius clearluy you did nlot procure enought voidka or Kikii iks impertineant as she is refuiksking to give mje f anythnik g else to drinki and so i am off to myki chamb ners i lvoe youi
She said I Love You.
But I'm kind of wondering if she's really drunk, or over exaggerating her drunkeness? Hm.
hated_and_loved @ May 3 2004, 06:12:57 UTC |
I think it might be that his player's computer is down because of a virus.
(parent)magickslash @ May 3 2004, 06:25:27 UTC |
Okay, but that was a week ago. And he could have easily borrowed someone else's computer. Or used one in the Hogwarts library, or staff room if any are there.
(parent)billywig @ May 3 2004, 08:38:14 UTC |
and what about sirius? we've heard of him, but he hasn't posted so much as a comment recently (that i've seen)...
(parent)magickslash @ May 4 2004, 06:13:46 UTC |
True. Didn't think of him.
Perhaps I subconsciously prefer the Snupin after all?
slinkhard @ May 3 2004, 16:31:48 UTC |
One of these days we're going to have to demand Shiny!Harry and/or Draco...
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 4 2004, 00:39:40 UTC |
Remember, though, that neither Lucius nor Narcissa saw what happened to Dacey. From Narcissa's post I gather she and Tinka were in the next room chattering nervously, trying to drown out some frightening sounds from the room where Dacey and Draco were.
It's very interesting this has brought stress on their marriage--though I wouldn't count on divorce. They've been through a lot together and seem to love each other.