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neveth @ 2004-05-21 00:48:00 |
potterstinks explains the heat!
Mood: amused
... I died of laughter when I read this. Draco, you are amazing.
[EDIT] I love Hufflepuffs too.
lostuponme @ May 21 2004, 05:50:53 UTC |
There is no god.
Of course there is! MB. She must be to blame.
He must be getting flustered over Potter and his scar.
Yes, thats it.
lindra @ May 21 2004, 05:54:46 UTC |
Yes, because Millicent is Our God. From the Slytherin division, of course. *snerk*
Well, considering that he mentioned that Potter's scar may be responsible... *winks*
lindra @ May 21 2004, 05:53:08 UTC |
Oh, potterstinks, we love you.
*swoons in unfettered delight*
beadgalsarita @ May 21 2004, 06:49:59 UTC |
much love for Ernie and the other hufflepuffs. I'm also glad to see that Ernie finally changed his user interests to hermione focused instead of hannah focused. My inner shipper squealed with delight.
quixotic_sense @ May 21 2004, 08:02:11 UTC |
He did?! *runs off to see* "hermione granger's neck"! <3
(parent)lestrange @ May 21 2004, 06:55:47 UTC |
I am still swooning over this.
*f5* (Whoever came up with this *f5* thing anyway? Tis clever, though strange. *g*)
redbowties @ May 21 2004, 07:03:15 UTC |
2004-05-20 23:41 (link)
I dunno, probably wanking. Want to make a fort later later?
WTF???? LMAO!!!!!
bubblebee @ May 21 2004, 07:05:14 UTC |
You know the bad thing? I saw the "Let's build a fort" first, and when I went back to grab the link, I saw the "I dunno, probably wanking".
Wait. They're going to wank together!?!!!?!!? o-O
redbowties @ May 21 2004, 07:21:26 UTC |
bubblebee @ May 21 2004, 08:13:03 UTC |
Oh god... if I could write smut, that would be an interesting story... O_O
(parent)xnera @ May 21 2004, 07:06:31 UTC |
This made me laugh so loud I probably woke the neighbors. HA!
(parent)xnera @ May 21 2004, 07:25:28 UTC |
I hope his doesn't make it difficult for you to masturbate.
redbowties @ May 21 2004, 07:22:41 UTC |
hahaha, I like, DIED into my hands because everyone is asleep!
(parent)lazy_daze @ May 21 2004, 09:07:15 UTC |
I KNOW I LAUGHED *SO HARD* oh man {{{{{{Ernie}}}}}} <333333!
(parent)tabiji @ May 21 2004, 07:04:21 UTC |
But...I have to wank first :))
Freaking hysterical! I love the NA Hufflepuffs!
bubblebee @ May 21 2004, 07:05:45 UTC |
I think I just love NA :D
*sigh* I need an NA icon now. *skips off to find*
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greenanddying @ May 21 2004, 07:02:23 UTC |
I'm a bit confused about this.
Why is Malfoy telling this tale? Just to mess with Ernie's mind? Perhaps my brain is too tired to process this conversation. But whee, live thread!
redbowties @ May 21 2004, 07:04:53 UTC |
It's because Ernie said :erniemacmillan
2004-05-20 23:41 (link)
I dunno, probably wanking.
and then they started talking about Susan in bed. So Draco was like "wtf? you want gross, I'll give you gross ::tells about loose teeth::" apparently it's a pet peeve of Ernie's. Who'da thunk?
sistermagpie @ May 21 2004, 13:59:40 UTC |
Recently ps discovered that Ernie has a horror of anything involving teeth. So when the Hufflepuffs "took over" his journal talking about making a fort, he decided to bug him by telling a story he knows Ernie doesn't want to here, followed by more and more tooth stories. Saying he hoped this wouldn't make it difficult for Ernie to masturbate (as he said he was probably going to be doing later) was just the cherry on top.
Go ps! Go Ernie!
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greenanddying @ May 21 2004, 14:55:32 UTC |
Hey, thanks! I can't imagine how I missed that -- I already read nocturne_alley far too often as it is. 0.o
(parent)bubblebee @ May 21 2004, 08:15:18 UTC |
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chasingwhispers @ May 21 2004, 09:00:11 UTC |
Well, J_H is demanding to know where PS is anyway. I get the impression Draco's evading for the pleasure of keeping J_H's attention... ;)
(parent)lazy_daze @ May 21 2004, 09:08:38 UTC |
Oh man! M.B. gave Draco's broom to Harry so Draco would have to go get it :DDD she is so manipulative ::DD reminds me of when she got them both in the hole with the cake to make up :DD:d she is such a ps/jh shipper :DDD
(parent)lazy_daze @ May 21 2004, 09:30:01 UTC |
Ahaha! Icon loff!!! Broomstick jokes ahoy! <33333 *bounces around*
(parent)bubblebee @ May 21 2004, 09:32:25 UTC |
Well, I needed an NA icon!!
And I laughed very very much when I read that comment, so I thought! HEY! ICON! :D
I'm even tempted to make an animated one going through like, PS's last three comments on the Millicent thread :D
bubblebee @ May 21 2004, 10:00:01 UTC |
(i've posted too much in this post)
It's been longer than ten minutes
Do you think they're making out ? :D
bubblebee @ May 21 2004, 10:03:56 UTC |
Maybe Harry got frustrated with him, and killed him with his broomstick?
(yeah, most probably. But we can dream.)
sistermagpie @ May 22 2004, 01:15:46 UTC |
I would so love to get a look at the things MB wanted Harry to say, and to hear what Harry actually said.
I love J_H being all manly in his handling of his Malfoy, doing it his way, directly and all that.
pokethegeek @ May 21 2004, 10:46:26 UTC |
I hate timedifferences. I always miss out on the live threads! It sucks. but still...
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dry_your_eyes @ May 21 2004, 11:18:59 UTC |
there's nothing better than coming home and seeing there's a new pottrstinks' post with 113 comments featuring Hufflepuff hysteria, wanking reference and M.B. matchmaking. *grins*
(parent)luna_lg @ May 21 2004, 15:44:54 UTC |
Love the DM/MB deal...heh, heating charms... *snickers*
BTW: Where did you get your icon from? And could you post the HTML for it, please? :D
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neveth @ May 21 2004, 17:10:54 UTC |
Mine? Over at Potter Pals.
Lemmie find a link to the actual entry with the icon (isn't it WODERFUL?)
.. Ah! Here we go!
lestrange @ May 22 2004, 08:34:59 UTC |
You know you need sleep when you read this convo, and had these reactions:
HARRY: I have your broom, so you should probably come get it back.
HARRY: I have your broom. I don't want it. You can meet me in the library to get it back.
Lestrange: ...and here I thought only Harry likes to mess with my mind.
HARRY: Just come to the library.
Lestrange: That's twice he told Draco to come. Not that I keep count.
*hugs pillow*