sistermagpie @ 2004-05-21 21:43:00 |
(no title)
Mood: shocked
Uh, catfight in the library.
Hermione vs. Pansy. Place your bets.
Oh, and Ron and Ginny were both agree it was hot. Go Weasleys!
Update: Pansy explains it all. But who won?
saltroseortopaz @ May 22 2004, 02:20:00 UTC |
[giggles in a distinctly un-PG manner]
"I was studying"
"Me too"
"Not me, I was watching!"
<3333333333 Ernie.
portkey @ May 22 2004, 02:23:10 UTC |
Hahaha, I was so about to comment on that. For the longest time I wavered back and forth on the Hufflpuffs, but now I love them. :D
(parent)saltroseortopaz @ May 22 2004, 02:28:47 UTC |
I <33333333 Ernie, but mostly I <333333 Narcissa and Pansy and Millicent (and Severus. And Lucius. And Draco's best in small doses). (But I am wondering why the hell teh Hufflepuffs are building a fort...that's really a WTF moment, or possibly a 'what the hell did I miss?' moment.)
(parent)portkey @ May 22 2004, 02:34:06 UTC |
Boo, hiss, Slytherins! :P Just kidding, Draco and Millicent are alright. ;) And Severus when he was with Remus. And Narcissa can be tolerable every once in a while. :p
I can't believe I mistyped "Hufflepuffs" up there. *headdesk*
And I think it may just be that revision stress got too high and they needed a quick, inconceivably silly way to relax for a while. ;)
saltroseortopaz @ May 22 2004, 02:36:59 UTC |
I have a terrible fondness for Slytherins. ^^
Severus was with Remus? Christ, I need to pay more attention...
Looks like everybody just wants to know who won -- Ron suggested they should go again and Draco wants to know who was on top in the end...
sistermagpie @ May 22 2004, 02:44:55 UTC |
Ron's hormones are cracking me up: Are you sure you don't want to fight again? Maybe you and Ginny should go shopping together so I can fantasize about girls trying on clothes. And then fighting. And rolling around on the floor. And trying on clothes. And fighting some more. He's so het up everything's turning him on! ((((Ron))))
Also ((((Draco)))) for offering Pansy a towel and a shoulder rub.
saltroseortopaz @ May 22 2004, 03:00:21 UTC |
Bad, naughty wicked Ron. [snicker]
Oh yes, ever the concerned boyfriend our young Master Malfoy. You know. In between betting on her and such.
sistermagpie @ May 22 2004, 03:04:58 UTC |
Oh yes. Enterprising and altruistic, that's our Mr. Malfoy.
(parent)saltroseortopaz @ May 22 2004, 03:07:13 UTC |
Such a gentle, caring soul. Wow. I actually managed to type that with a straight face.
sistermagpie @ May 22 2004, 02:23:34 UTC |
Yeah, make up for Crabbe's lack of confidence in his house! (Naturally, since Hermione always wins, I am rooting for Pansy. Otherwise every Slytherin's nose will just be a moving target!)
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hezzabeth @ May 22 2004, 09:37:13 UTC |
Also because Pansy has well done questionable things to people in the past who've made her unhappy..
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 22 2004, 17:42:11 UTC |
Yes--I hate to lose my picture of Pansy the Polite Assassin.
(parent)saltroseortopaz @ May 22 2004, 02:30:48 UTC |
<333333333333 Pansy. [places own bet on Miss Parkinson]
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chez_caillou @ May 22 2004, 02:28:12 UTC |
Haha and Ernie with his omnioculars. <3333
And Ron: "GOOD CALL!!!!" and "REPLAY!!!"
babbled @ May 22 2004, 03:04:06 UTC |
I find it rather interesting that Crabbe put two galleons on Hermione.
(parent)babbled @ May 22 2004, 03:09:17 UTC |
Maybe leftover fear of the slap Hermione gave Draco in their third year? Or... o____o;;;
(parent)babbled @ May 22 2004, 03:13:06 UTC |
Do we know if Crabbe was in the library?
... Crabbe. In the library. I amuse myself.
saltroseortopaz @ May 22 2004, 03:14:53 UTC |
'Crabbe' and 'library'...two words I never thought I'd see in the same sentence.
(parent)portkey @ May 22 2004, 03:51:50 UTC |
Hahahaha, "untamed stallion". Oh man, how could I have ever been annoyed by Ernie? He's BRILLIANT.
(parent)lazy_daze @ May 22 2004, 09:16:41 UTC |
I LOVE Ernie. Recently, especially, I think he's my new favourite. Although I adored him way back when when they were doing all the codes, remember? Oh, good times, man. Hee. Ernie is my man. <333
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Anonymous @ May 24 2004, 17:26:25 UTC |
I think he's still doing codes... the color of the ink seems to mean something between him and Hermione... He freaks out when she mentions blue or green. Put your dirty minds to work, people.
(parent)snackbreak @ May 22 2004, 08:05:29 UTC |
Ha, I love how it's "unfortunate" that a book was damaged in place of people getting hurt.
I'm not sure if she meant it that way, but it is amusing nonetheless and very Hermione-esque.
lazy_daze @ May 22 2004, 09:29:31 UTC |
<33333333! The're all cracking under the strain of exams. And I adored Ron and Ginny's conversation about how hot it was *dies* Oh Ron! Oh the flying hormones everywhere! Even Hermione discarding revising in favour of more, uh, interestng activities. I do feel a little for Hannah, but, meh. It's not like Ernie can be expected to be subtle about his relationship just for Hannah's sake, who seems to have been pretty AWOL recently anyway. <33333 Ernie <33333
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hezzabeth @ May 22 2004, 09:59:15 UTC |
I'm curious about what Hermiones going to do with the ink.
(parent)quixotic_sense @ May 22 2004, 12:48:41 UTC |
Maybe Ernie would be so kind as to provide us with an account. :D
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jacay @ May 22 2004, 16:08:08 UTC |
I'm reminded of sherant's so not worksafe femslashy picture of Ginny and Hermione, and ink, and a bed.
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ex_lev195 @ May 22 2004, 14:50:49 UTC |
Am incredibly amused by Ernie and Ron being... male. XD