vassilissa @ 2004-05-31 21:34:00 |
I'm scared of Percy.
Mood: worried
His preparations are nearly complete.
In other news, Luna's sweet, and I'm anxiously hoping MB and PS have gone to sleep.
Edited to add: Lavender's back! And she's... happy. *wibblewibblewibble* Padma updated too. She's planning on not getting married just yet, sharing a flat with Parvati... and they hadn't planned on Lavender coming too.
lazy_daze @ May 31 2004, 14:20:45 UTC |
Percy worries me too :/ I have no idea wtf it could possibly be about.
I am v. pleased to see Lav with a much better attitude to her diet now. I feel a little sorry for her though, trying to cling to the past with wanting to get a flat with Parvati when it really isn't going to work out like that... :(
frozen_jelly @ May 31 2004, 15:07:53 UTC |
Lavendar really reminds me of people I know, that have stayed in the same mental place they have been for the last few years while everyone around them has moved on. And they just don't see it, I supposed for Parvati its as hard as for Lavendar, they haven't really been all taht close recently, what with the extreme!dieting and everything else thast been going on, and although she has been visiting Lav every day in the hospital wing, its not all she's been doing. Whereas to Lavender its all there is.
(parent)vassilissa @ June 1 2004, 07:43:02 UTC |
I am v. pleased to see Lav with a much better attitude to her diet now.
Oh man, I don't think she is. That line "I'm not fat, I'm statuesque!" when we can't see her, but she's surely more like a wire sculpture than anything of the kind. It's hard to tell, because these things are so difficult to recover from, but... Lavender hasn't struck me as being as self-destructive as some people with eating disorders can be - she doesn't want to thin herself away to nothing, or to make herself perfect as measured by numbers on a scale, or to win some sort of competition by being the skinniest one.
Lavender wants to stay a child and keep everything the way it was and stop her parents from breaking up. So under Madam Pomfrey's care everything was perfect: she got looked after and not expected to make tough choices, and her parents came to visit her. And that's why she's so happyhappy now (well, that and it's her natural state of mind.) And it *saved* her *life*, so I'm glad, but I think that once her parents stop visiting or start fighting again and she has to face things, she's going to get worse again.
sistermagpie @ May 31 2004, 15:49:34 UTC |
Poor Lavender. I just love her. I love the way she's still just as difficult as she always was. People wish they could just be her friend but she makes it kind of impossible. It's just so sad that Lavender says how Parvati is her best friend and they used to be and now they just can't be. And Padma is there being firm about Lavender not living with them, which is probably a good thing. Might as well nip it in the bud. Parvati is on one hand, imo, genuinely concerned about Lavender and correct in thinking she's not ready to move out on her own, but she's also probably horrified of having her in their flat.
(parent)frozen_jelly @ May 31 2004, 16:32:04 UTC |
Horiffied is a strong word to use, I would say more uneasy, Parvati knows how much work is going to have to go into keeping Lavender on the path to healthiness. Also, I think an element of her telling Lavender to stay at school an extra year is to avoid the flat issue completely.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 31 2004, 18:07:26 UTC |
Horiffied is a strong word to use, I would say more uneasy,
True. It's difficult to live with someone who lives in complete denial. Parvati would be walking on eggshells all the time. It would almost be more of a job. Lavender still needs professional help, imo, so I can understand why Parvati would be nervous about being alone with her.
We love you Lavender!!!
tabiji @ May 31 2004, 21:32:10 UTC |
I feel bad for both of them. Lavender's going through so much, and while it looks like her best friend is abandoning her, Parvati is really just moving ahead with her life, but she seems to have Lavvie's best interests at heart. I hope Lavender will realize that.
And WOW about Padma's comments about "not saying the same for Parvati" (about remanining single), and anticipating a third roommate...(RON?)!! How cool would it be to see another NA wedding! :)
vassilissa @ June 1 2004, 07:32:57 UTC |
I missed it the first time, and I think you're right, Ron's meant to be the third flatmate!
I think it'd be even cooler if they didn't get married yet, because it's such a big deal even for Padma not to get married right out of school that it'd be really cool and brave of Parvati to live with her boyfriend.
tabiji @ June 1 2004, 22:12:20 UTC |
You know, I read the not single as "married", but it could very well mean "taken". Marriage is such a major step...I bet you're right and they'd live together.
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Anonymous @ June 1 2004, 14:52:18 UTC |
anyone else find it troubling that percy is using lucius-esque terms/phrases?
tying up loose ends..[business]associates....
mimulus_arbutus @ June 2 2004, 03:04:24 UTC |
man, yeah, i'm getting more and more convinced of EVIL!percy every time he posts.
and lav worries me too, she seems TOO happy, you know? some of her comments to parvati seem very passive-agressive: "Fine, thanks for letting me know like this, it was really best friendish of you ^_^"
and she's not concerned about school or her future at all, just looking cute and moving in to her pink and purple apartment with parv that they imagined when they were 12. it's all just so out-of-touch with reality, which, is how she tends to operate. this seems like it's a big part of her eating disorder that has obviously not changed.
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Anonymous @ June 3 2004, 23:52:37 UTC |
Something to think about: people don't commit suicide while in the depths of despair/depression, they do it when they start to seem "better"--because they've decided what they're going to do about it.