tabiji @ 2004-05-31 17:19:00 |
A couple of updates
Mood: listless
Draco still hasn't slept and seems determined that he never will. Even though he can't find his shoes.
Sirius posts details of his bike ride with Harry and teasing of Remus.
dragynville @ May 31 2004, 22:54:48 UTC |
something about holding on for dear life
And teasing Harry too, yay! :D
![]() |
hezzabeth @ June 1 2004, 00:52:06 UTC |
They need to sleep before they'll wind up dead, cant some one slip a sleeping potion into their food?
(parent)xnera @ June 1 2004, 06:41:23 UTC |
Having just read over the Q&A again, I squeed when Remus mentioned knitting. Yay continuity!
And Sirius is getting worried about Draco and M.B. I am glad someone is. It really did surprise me that the teachers were letting it go so long. Yeah, they probably weren't in any physical danger, but it really could screw up their grades, and that alone, I think, would be reason enough for a teacher to step in.
vassilissa @ June 1 2004, 06:44:40 UTC |
I posted something similar *one minute* after you posted that!
And I think they are in physical danger - 24 hours of wakefulness acts on your judgement like a blood alcohol count of .05. By this stage I wouldn't trust them with a spoon, let alone wands, eating knives, moving staircases and hot wax.
xnera @ June 1 2004, 07:00:36 UTC |
I bunnehed you!
24 hours of wakefulness acts on your judgement like a blood alcohol count of .05.
So that means I've been drunk a few times in the past couple weeks. This amuses me, as I have never been drunk from alchohol in my life.
Actually, you have a point. I had a conversation with tabiji earlier in which we concluded that they weren't in too much physical danger, which is why I mentioned it here, but if I'm honest with myself, I really am worried about them. Heck, I get terribly queasy if I don't get enough sleep in a night, and they've been up for days. It really can't be that good for them.
vassilissa @ June 1 2004, 06:42:20 UTC |
And Sirius is worried. Can't find anything to say but "aw, aw, aw, aw, aw."
Oh, and that I'm glad some of the staff (Sinistra too, I noticed) were keeping an eye on their self-destructive recreation plan.
hermione_like @ June 2 2004, 05:09:34 UTC |
Do you remember when you and James decided to see who could go the longest without needing the loo? That was the best Quidditch match ever. Minerva still looks nervous when you come around, and I swear she keeps an umbrella under her desk.
*dies laughing* And Sirius with a jaunty hat! I <3 them. :D
exhaledeeply @ August 30 2005, 18:27:35 UTC |
They remind me so much of shoebox! R/S. *lovey sigh*
(parent)dragynville @ June 2 2004, 08:22:04 UTC |
I only pretended to understand so that you would snog me after James and The Rat Bastard had gone to bed.
Yay for puppy flirting! :D
exhaledeeply @ August 30 2005, 18:26:17 UTC |
"I am coming." "Play your cards right, and you will be."