lazy_daze @ 2004-06-02 20:50:00 |
(no title)
Mood: worried
PS finally flips.
Although, this is starting to move beyond funny into really quite alarming :/
Although it is funny too :D
imochan @ June 2 2004, 19:57:01 UTC |
That was the best post I have ever seen PS make. Even tops the Birthday Story. Oh, man.
sistermagpie @ June 2 2004, 20:03:08 UTC |
Oh my god.
Even Lucius and Narcissa are worried. Or at least confused. I think my funniest/saddest part was Draco being unable to tie his tie. No, maybe it was his helicopter story when he was ten, after he was a god.
Yes, I did look up some stuff about sleep deprivation because I'm a loser. I think the record was something over 230 hours, though I remember one guy started taking things after 135 hours because he couldn't stay awake.
It does lower your body temperature, which is why they're both freezing. Also, you don't go entirely without sleep, because your body starts having "microsleeps" that get longer and longer--don't ask me exactly how those work, but it's the reason people can go this long without actually sleeping.
Dear god, I'm such a loser. I just happen to like things about sleep disorders. For a while I was really into night terrors.
xnera @ June 2 2004, 20:45:11 UTC |
Heh! I was so busy typing up my reply below that I totally missed the new comments from Lucius and Narcissa. Why does it worry me that they are going to Hogwarts? I fear they may pull him out of school in concern for his health, but then something will happen to Hogwarts. I am such a Hufflepuff about NA.
People can have microsleeps anytime. Basically, you sleep with your eyes open for a few seconds. I've had them when I was driving while very tired. It is freaky. I was just driving along, and then I suddenly snapped to attention and realized I was too close to someone and had to slam on the brakes, but I had NO CLUE how I had gotten so close.
Also, microsleeps are common amongst those who have sleep apnea, or some other sleep disorder. But you probably know this if you are into sleep disorders.
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Anonymous @ June 2 2004, 23:13:02 UTC |
It's usually around the fifth day that you start having hallucinations, or at least this is what I read from one of the guys that stayed up for the records, so I assume this is what the reference to the "white cat" scratching him is, as well as talking to Marcus Flint the other day.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 3 2004, 00:44:28 UTC |
That's what I thought--I thought the toothpaste coming out of Millicent's nose and Draco's moustache were hallucinations as well. That is, if it was even Draco who had the moustache. It could have been Millicent.
I am both horrified and fascinated. Worst of all, I sort of hope they'll say something really revealing before it's over. Though I love the way their recent lives have all become one big soup with the goblins and Draco being ugly and odd vs. even in a continual loop!
vassilissa @ June 3 2004, 02:12:18 UTC |
I am both horrified and fascinated. Worst of all, I sort of hope they'll say something really revealing before it's over.
Oh good, I'm not the only one.
Mind you, that hope is weakening in favour of the hope that some kind person will sneak up behind them and cast a stupefication spell to save their lives.
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kearie @ June 2 2004, 20:11:08 UTC |
Ha! <3
Of course, I do hope that PS goes to the infirmiry to have his nose looked at. Them Mme. Pomfrey will surely keep him there and make him SLEEP!
vassilissa @ June 3 2004, 02:18:17 UTC |
Do you think some subconscious, survival-oriented corner of his brain is hoping that too? I hope so, because at this stage I don't think either of them *can* deliberately stop, any more than Lavender could have stopped starving herself on her own. Long-term, it's not as dangerous to their health as Lav's anorexia, but still.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 3 2004, 02:34:22 UTC |
The real danger from this kind of thing usually is from the impaired judgment, so I suppose anything could happen on that score. Hopefully they won't go flying. At this point they don't seem to be able to do anything too much anyway, so unlike sleep-deprived muggles they at least may not be getting behind the wheel of a car.
Of course, hallucinations could always cause one of them to get hurt somehow. That's the thing with this game--you can never be sure things will turn out to be funny or turn out to be tragic!
xnera @ June 2 2004, 20:38:23 UTC line by line, part one |
Okay, so it is obvious that he is having a conversation with M.B. and is typing all his answers (while probably saying them out loud). *goes through line by line*
I've no idea where the moustache came from.
I'm guessing Draco has not been shaving, and has grown a moustache.
Did your cat just scratch my leg? Yes she is. She's right there. You moron. She's clear as day. It's rather hard to miss her. She's white.
Pins obviously isn't white. Neither are Crookshanks, Mrs. Norris, and Lilitou. Scabbers, then?
Isn't it odd that Binns is a ghost? Well, he needn't be.
This struck me odd. Does he mean Binns shouldn't have died, or that he shouldn't have become a ghost, or something else?
I cut it off, you moron.
Guessing this means he cut off his moustache.
Then throw the feather at the rock. Do it. It will be destroyed.
*baffled* Have no clue on this.
I want one of Pansy's pastries. Well, we've lost her. Where did you put her?
I'd say this confirms that Pansy hasn't been spending time with them, but whether she is snubbing them or they are snubbing her, I don't know. Also possible that she's just too busy.
I left it in the dormitory. Well, I don't need it. It would just be hanging there. I can't tie it anymore, actually, something seems to be wrong with me. Yours is in a knot. Oh, I am wearing one. Who tied this?
So he originally thinks he isn't wearing his tie because he can no longer tie it, realizes he is wearing it after all, and then wonders who tied it for him. Harry?
What? No. On Tuesdays. Three.
So, so cryptic. Wish I knew what this meant. What happens on Tuesdays?
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Anonymous @ June 3 2004, 00:24:41 UTC Re: line by line, part one |
I've no idea where the moustache came from.
I'm guessing Draco has not been shaving, and has grown a moustache.
Hahahahahaha. PS with a moustache. Hahahahahaha.
vassilissa @ June 3 2004, 02:22:59 UTC Re: line by line, part one |
I'm guessing Draco has not been shaving, and has grown a moustache.
I'm guessing one of them drew a moustache on something - the computer screen? - then forgot they'd done it.
I don't think PS grows much facial hair.
Pins obviously isn't white. Neither are Crookshanks, Mrs. Norris, and Lilitou. Scabbers, then?
Eek. I thought Draco was hallucinating. I would like to believe that he still is. *wibble*
I'd say this confirms that Pansy hasn't been spending time with them, but whether she is snubbing them or they are snubbing her, I don't know. Also possible that she's just too busy.
Maybe she had class, or went for a meal. I don't know what time that post was, but I think PS and MB have lost track as well.
tabiji @ June 3 2004, 07:15:08 UTC Re: line by line, part one |
I've no idea where the moustache came from.
Maybe M.B. had a toothpaste moustache?
Did your cat just scratch my leg? Yes she is. She's right there. You moron. She's clear as day. It's rather hard to miss her. She's white.
Ghost? Hallucination? Probably a hallucination since only Draco seems to see her?
Isn't it odd that Binns is a ghost? Well, he needn't be.
I read that as ps thinking it's odd that a ghost is a teacher and Hogwarts shouldn't have teachers that are ghosts (or werewolves, etc...)
I cut it off, you moron.
His tie?
Then throw the feather at the rock. Do it. It will be destroyed.
Is the rock still Goyle? Are they playing the wizarding version of rock-paper-scissors??
I want one of Pansy's pastries. Well, we've lost her. Where did you put her?
I'd say this confirms that Pansy hasn't been spending time with them, but whether she is snubbing them or they are snubbing her, I don't know. Also possible that she's just too busy.
Hmm...saying they lost her implies they were with her at some time. Maybe Pansy recognizes that they are a bit out-of-control and has ditched them?
What? No. On Tuesdays. Three.
Referring to when they have Potions?
yamapea @ June 3 2004, 16:58:26 UTC Re: line by line, part one |
Maybe M.B. had a toothpaste moustache?
For some reason, I invisioned her having toothpaste on her upper lip and it getting transfigured into an actual moustache, by one of them. But I'm not sure why. I think I'm just naturally as insane as they are sleep deprived.
xnera @ June 2 2004, 20:39:15 UTC line by line, part two |
Nott gave it to me, isn't it odd? He thought I really burnt the body. Well, of course I'm cleverer than him. I told him I burnt the body and the glasses were all that was left. Yes, he called him a zombie.
Well, at first I thought they were talking about a voodoo doll, and of course anytime I hear "glasses" I think Harry, but now I'm not really sure. I don't think Nott would call Harry a zombie, unless that line was referring to something else.
There's a wolf staring at us. Don't move. If we close our eyes it won't be able to see us.
Lupin? Are they in the library again?
First I have to stop by the infirmary to have my nose fixed. I'm sure it's broken again. After the Quidditch match. That was an hour ago. It was. What are you talking about? That was last month.
So, did Harry break his nose again "an hour ago"? If so, why? Did they have another argument?
How do you know? He did not. I quite like that. Perhaps I shouldn't have laughed. I didn't think it was insensitive.
Okay, so maybe Harry said something and Draco laughed at it, for whatever reason, so this made Harry mad and he punched Draco.
Finnigan. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Unless Draco was talking about Seamus.
I worked quite hard on that badge, you gigantic frog.
Which badge was that? A new badge, or one of the old ones?
It was different when we got married.
Okay, over my shock now. I honestly think Draco is just being loopy here, and that he hasn't actually got married. Who would he marry? Not Harry--I don't think those two are ready for that kind of commitment. They have too many problems communicating. Pansy? Very doubtful, as she hasn't been around and Lucius has said she's not a suitable match for Draco. Sally-Anne? When on earth would they have gotten married? M.B.? Okay, I could see Draco and M.B. getting so out of it from sleep deprivation that they had a "wedding", but still, unliking. So I have to conclude that this was just loopiness.
I should know this name. Remind me again who Eglantine is?
I was going to commit child suicide.
This is such odd phrasing, though. To me, it doesn't sound like Draco was thinking of killing himself, but more like he was thinking of killing someone or something--a child? Or, again, could just be loopy. Very odd phrasing, though.
When I was fighting manticores in the forests of Transylvania, no one treated me this way.
Hmm. I'm currently rereading all of canon, and am on CoS, so I immediately thought of Lockhart. But that's unlikely, as Lockhart is in St. Mungo's. Suppose they could have been reading aloud from one of Lockhart's books. Or this is just Draco being over-dramatic, as he is wont to do sometimes.
I was a god. I am not lying. There was a helicopter. I nearly ran into it. I was ten. I am not. It happened.
Pretty sure Draco mentioned this in the Q&A; did a quick browse for the link, but could not find.
akimbie @ June 2 2004, 20:44:03 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
Eglantine is Millicents mother I think
(parent)xnera @ June 2 2004, 21:11:48 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
Oh, maybe that was it, then. I knew I just read it somewhere recently. Canon and fanon, they get mixed in my head.
(parent)nabiki @ June 2 2004, 22:35:51 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
when I read the "marriage" train of thought, I thought that was directed at Millicent in some bizarre childhood marriage trope...Eglantine seems like she would be the type to try something like that, and I feel like some time in the RP they've mentioned something about almost being married when they were little or something...and the "I was going to commit child suicide" is in reference to that
*shrug* theories :P
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Anonymous @ June 2 2004, 23:13:35 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
Wasn't there a thread a little while ago in which Draco and Millicent discussed Englatine? If memory serves Millicent made a post about getting a letter (something?) from her mother which Draco responded to. Millicent said something about Englatine always having liked Draco and then said something along the lines of "well, you marry her" which then set them both off.
I got the feeling from the "marriage" train of thought that Draco was in part referencing their previous conversation and was in fact talking about being married to/having married Englatine. :S
sistermagpie @ June 3 2004, 00:40:49 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
Wasn't there a picture of little Millicent in a wedding dress and a tiny, crying ps next to her in formal wear? That's what I thought it referred to.
(parent)nabiki @ June 3 2004, 03:06:18 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
Hmmm yes I think so! If only I could remember when that was @_@
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Anonymous @ June 2 2004, 23:23:40 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
So, did Harry break his nose again "an hour ago"? If so, why? Did they have another argument?
Hmm, I sort of saw this as PS referencing the last Qudditch match, and the reference to an hour ago is just indication that in his sleep deprived state he is unable to remember time. I think PS and MB are so sleep deprived that it wouldn't surprise if they started confusing earlier events as having happened now.
And if Harry did break his nose again I'm pretty sure PS would have more to say on it, even in his sleep deprived state.
fluffers @ June 3 2004, 02:08:05 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
I worked quite hard on that badge, you gigantic frog.
Which badge was that? A new badge, or one of the old ones?
If I recall, Millicent at one point shared in conversation a badge Draco made her when they were little, his first badge. I wish I could remember what it said. I'm guessing here she makes a crack about it, and he's shooting back, telling her how hard wee-Draco toiled over it.
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Anonymous @ June 3 2004, 02:12:40 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
i think draco's first badge said badge. or am i making that up?
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 3 2004, 02:36:20 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
ROTFL. Yup, that's what it said. I figured that's what he was referring to as well.
(parent)fluffers @ June 4 2004, 01:12:08 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
Badge! Thanks! How on earth could I have forgotten that! Must be the pressure of finals.
vassilissa @ June 3 2004, 02:34:30 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
Nott gave it to me, isn't it odd? He thought I really burnt the body. Well, of course I'm cleverer than him. I told him I burnt the body and the glasses were all that was left. Yes, he called him a zombie.
I think Nott gave him the tie. They are both in the same dormitory.
The next bit I think was a sudden subject change: he's telling Millicent how Crabbe had asked Draco "Where's Potter?" and he'd replied "I killed him and burned the body. The glasses are all that was left," and Crabbe had *believed* him, and called Harry a zombie when he next saw him. I think Millicent got the name Rock from [Gar]Goyle.
I worked quite hard on that badge, you gigantic frog.
My guess is he's reminiscing. One of the old ones. Probably "Potter Stinks," since they were riffing on LJ usernames before.
It was different when we got married.
Maybe when they were kids Millicent and Draco played bride and groom, and he's trying to claim she was nicer then.
Oh! Oh! And somebody's mother attended (and maybe took incriminating photos?)
Yes, yours. Mine did not.
And Draco was so embarassed or indignant, or whatever, that:
I was going to commit child suicide.
sistermagpie @ June 3 2004, 03:04:04 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
I wondered if Draco's "Maybe I shouldn't have laughed" and "I didn't think it was insensitive" had something to do with Harry's breaking his nose on the train, since he'd just spoken about that. It's just rare Draco would think he shouldn't have laughed at something.
I was going to commit child suicide.
I wondered if he was talking about their child wedding, and saying that rather than be married to her he was going to commit suicide even though he was a child.
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Anonymous @ June 3 2004, 06:15:58 UTC Re: line by line, part two |
mamadeb @ June 2 2004, 23:18:04 UTC |
I'm just worried right now.'
Why isn't Snape doing anything?
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nyxforsythe @ June 2 2004, 23:39:41 UTC |
Ummm Snape sorta does know about it but I think he just thinks it is funny like most of the other teachers. But it is a bit freaky now I am worried about them.
(parent)vassilissa @ June 3 2004, 02:40:19 UTC |
I think it's not just that they think it's funny, they're actually reluctant to step in for some reason.
Sirius said:
There are more dangerous things they could be doing, and no wizard likes to have a duel ended on any terms but their own, but if this doesn't end soon I fear someone will step in.
I have a feeling that "no wizard likes to have a duel ended on any terms but their own" means something serious. Like PS and MB started this for fun, but got locked into a pattern that can only be broken by one of them winning; or that if it gets interrupted, something bad happens. *worries*
sistermagpie @ June 3 2004, 02:56:41 UTC |
It seems like in general Hogwarts allows people to duel things out to the death when they can. I love that Sirius is the one who's the most overtly concerned...why? It seems like there should be some personal reason to make him worry about Draco even though he "is what he is." I wonder if it reminds him of anything he got up to at school or if the lack of sleep insanity somehow reminds him of Azkaban. I could be going out on a limb there, it's just very interesting to have Sirius voicing concern for Draco when others aren't.
It's kind of a funny duel in that it's like a forced bonding experience. They'll have moments where they'll fight or say, "Victory will be mine!" but other times Draco's apologizing, asking if MB thinks he's ugly, saying, "there there" when MB is crying, MB says she's missed him, uses the term "brother" again. They seem to have entered their own world where everyone else almost has to avoid them because they make no sense to anyone but themselves, but inside the insanity they're, uh, getting along.
mxtape @ June 3 2004, 07:06:35 UTC |
It's kind of a funny duel in that it's like a forced bonding experience.
it's interesting you should say that - one thing this sleep duel makes me think about is the intensity of soldiers in a war situation. it feels almost like a (albeit a bit silly) microcosm or foreshadowing of events in the wizarding world. that sirius is concerned about it, and how it will play out, is intriguing in that vein as well. i imagine the man must have quite some ptsd issues. as you say, mb & ps have entered a universe where they make sense only to each other, and i wonder what that means in relation to "real life" events.
or maybe i'm getting overwrought with the forecasting, here. :)
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Anonymous @ June 3 2004, 04:13:30 UTC |
"I told him I'd burned the body and the glasses were all that was left." (or something like that)
Does this mean that PS has Harry's glasses? Perhaps an old pair, and Nott asked about them? Hmm.
lindra @ June 3 2004, 07:07:18 UTC |
... How longer can this go for.
I have been up for that long before.
Longer than that.
It is not funny. But it is at the time.
I understand how they feel. I hallucinated white panties on my head. If you can halluncinate white panties. You can hallucinate anything.
vassilissa @ June 3 2004, 07:31:08 UTC |
Lupin's being positively effusive in his praise of PS.
(parent)slinkhard @ June 3 2004, 13:58:40 UTC |
Jesus Malfoys, get your act together and show some concern. You're being outparented by Sirius and Lupin, for god's sake!