nannyo @ 2004-06-10 11:35:00 |
umm, squeeeeeeeee
Mood: nerdy
See Harry's entry by Draco! Ah, my love for P_S and J_H knows no bounds, actually, I think I have a crush on all of Nocturne Alley.
After Seamus' post and then this, there is a surprising amount of love around... this makes me paranoid and happy all at once, I think I may be thinking about this all too much *F5s again*
steph_hime @ June 10 2004, 10:48:20 UTC |
Draco's added some new user pics for Harry as well. Check out the keywords ^^
(parent)loverly @ June 10 2004, 14:11:44 UTC |
OT: Could you tell me where I can find the original picture of your icon? :[
(parent)steph_hime @ June 10 2004, 14:56:40 UTC |
I can't remember, but the picture orginally has Ron and Dumbledore in it.
(parent)loverly @ June 10 2004, 15:05:16 UTC |
one last question, was it recent? and thanks anyway :)
(parent)steph_hime @ June 10 2004, 15:06:06 UTC |
It was about a month ago, search on if you can't find it.
(parent)black_dog @ June 10 2004, 10:49:14 UTC |
You beat my post by a minute!
I'm just taking a step back from the joy that is PS updating JH's journal, to wonder exactly how it is that PS knows how Harry slept. And who was "worried." And how it happens that Harry is telling him about his dream, first thing in the morning before they go off to class. :)
Interesting that even in a moment of triumph, PS can't resist taking a few shots at Ron. I hope he's teasing.
nannyo @ June 10 2004, 11:01:45 UTC |
It looks like a whole lot of H/D going on...well, close friendship if not anything more, I never shipped these two before Nocturne_alley. I do like McGonagall's resigned tone as well...she's seen it all before and more.
sistermagpie @ June 10 2004, 16:03:25 UTC |
My big question is:
WHAT DOES THIS KEYWORD MEAN: "Although that's not very often."
Isn't that Draco's favorite picture of Harry's? It sounds like that's something Harry said to Draco at some point, or perhaps ps said to Harry. And my first thought was something complimentary, like perhaps how Harry really liked ps when he wasn't being a total prick, although that's not very often.
Anyway, it sounds like it somehow references something kind of tender or affectionate one said to the other, even if it was disguised as a joke. Any other thoughts? Is that phrase something I should know for sure but don't?
allthat_jazz @ June 10 2004, 16:06:15 UTC |
I thought it went with the picture labelled "I do actually move my face" as in: "I do actually move my face. Although that's not very often."
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 10 2004, 17:09:48 UTC |
Ah--I think perhaps you are right. Because that picture does get him back into Harry of the non-moving face. Good call.
(parent)black_dog @ June 10 2004, 17:32:07 UTC |
I think strictly I'd have to agree with allthat_jazz, that the label plays off the immediately previous one, "I do actually move my face -- Although that's not very often." But both could be true, because it really does sound like a private catchphrase, and it's interesting that he uses it for PS' favorite picture. I think it's interesting, too, to look at the kind of pics PS has added, especially in view of Seamus' comment. Harry dishevelled, Harry smiling, Harry being silly. It's such a nice way of PS mirroring Harry back on himself, telling Harry things about himself, letting him know what PS appreciates about him.
sistermagpie @ June 10 2004, 17:42:42 UTC |
Yes! I that I'm reading Seamus' further comments I guess I'm not sure if he was really teasing ps, but he could be doing more than one thing. He's using the picture to press, as he usually does with Harry, that he should own his sexuality. I think on one hand that's good advice but also it's in line with Seamus' usual fix-it, where he assumes there's a correct way for Harry to be when it comes to sex and his not being that way needs to be fixed.
It's true that ps' pictures show more personality, more movement--Seamus zeroed in on that picture of Harry's as being sexy, but that doesn't mean ps put it there because he was thinking that. He may have just thought it was a nice picture because in it Harry looked nice, like he looked like the way he did when they were relaxed and having a good time together and Harry was thinking about something. If that's the case he might be made uncomfortable by Seamus' comment as well, I guess, because he wasn't consciously aware of the undone tie and sloppiness as being sexy, but just Harry.
It's like when Seamus took Harry shopping. He was correct in saying Harry didn't have to hide, but also assumed that the clothes Harry habitually wore had negative connations. ps, by contrast, was upset by Harry's changing his clothes. Seamus might have thought it was because he was intimidated by Harry looking sexy or just doing something ps didn't foresee, but ps' own explanation was that he liked Harry's other clothes because they were POTTER, a phrase that Harry may actually now understand and appreciate.
I wouldn't be surprised if ps described both types of pictures as POTTER, though. The ones he put in might represent Harry more as he is in life, the other ones might represent Harry's bad taste in userpics. Both would be POTTER and so good, but in different ways.
frozen_jelly @ June 10 2004, 18:01:09 UTC |
I remember the clothing expedition, but not Ps' reaction to it. Very interesting!
(parent)black_dog @ June 10 2004, 19:00:58 UTC |
We've got so many threads going that I almost missed this one!
it's in line with Seamus' usual fix-it, where he assumes there's a correct way for Harry to be when it comes to sex and his not being that way needs to be fixed.
What's always fascinating about Seamus is that he's never just right or wrong, he's never just on or off the point, and you have to kind of carefully sort out your reaction to him. I'm not willing to back off my suggestion that he's teasing PS -- it's too obviously provocative for him to raise this whole issue on PS' post in Harry's journal. But I agree that he's also revising an old line of conversation with Harry, and I think it's going in really interesting directions.
Seamus is making a distinction between "just sex" and "not just sex" that Harry also makes, but the distinction cuts in different places for the two of them, and the difference is kind of fascinating. For Harry, it sounds like there's random fantasy and there's serious sex, but he's not into actually acting out a fantasy for the sake of the sex. Seamus seems to make that distinction more about actual kinds of sexual encounter. I don't know how much of this is Harry's less extensive experience (which itself is only an assumption, I guess) and how much a real matter of temperament.
Harry just replied with a comment about how he was more comfortable talking about "just sex" with Ron and "not just sex" with Seamus. Which is an interesting partial rebuke to Seamus -- don't assume you have all of me. But then he goes on to describe that kind of talk as something he did in his more confused days -- when it was likely to be about Cho and Fleur -- and backs away from the whole experience as "horrible." He insists that there have never been any other boys he wanted to talk that way about. So if that's true, it makes his attraction to PS even more singular and special. It's like girls may be for idle fun but boys are for serious romance. Which I think is pretty realistic for a certain kind of sexuality.
You raise a really interesting point, that PS may feel the same way about any attraction he feels for Harry. It's something singular and uncategorizable, so that "Potter" becomes an adjective, that sort of transcends "sexy" or "not sexy." If that's the case, maybe they're even better matched than we thought!
I love the little glimpses of backstory you get in this conversation. "Thinking about sex in Herbology" Quick! Which house do the Gryffindors have Herbology with? Isn't it Hufflepuff? Ugh, would that be Justin or Ernie, then? Or Seamus' description about their conversations: you and I end up talking about all this lovey dovey relationship stuff and "what-do-you-think-he-meant-by-that" and we never talk about "look at the package on that guy." You'd think we were a couple of girls. (What makes me think Seamus doesn't know girls?) I love the image of Harry and Seamus poring over Draco's latest behavior, trying to figure out what it means. And I love the image of Harry deadly serious about love, unwilling to be distracted by mere horniness.
Finally, I can't resist pointing out Harry's latest comment: As long as we're not going to talk about my pictures being sexy, anyway. Now I can't stop looking at it. Maybe Seamus is getting through to him, after all!
sistermagpie @ June 10 2004, 21:55:26 UTC |
Yes, I totally agree on Seamus both teasing ps and speaking to Harry, and that they are drawing their lines in different places, though neither one is insisting the other conform to his way. It is a real matter of temperment and I think they both accept that in the other.
You raise a really interesting point, that PS may feel the same way about any attraction he feels for Harry. It's something singular and uncategorizable, so that "Potter" becomes an adjective, that sort of transcends "sexy" or "not sexy."
I do think so--think of how ps so hated Harry for years and yet also wanted to be friends with him. I doubt he consciously knew he wanted to be his friend, yet was obviously up for it when it was offered. Harry was more straightforward in naming it an attraction, but ps just knew he had to keep chasing Harry which led him to figure it out. He doesn't really analyze things the way some people do, so I feel like he's been subtly adding to the meaning of the word "Potter" for years. It can be good or bad, depending on the circumstance.
Oh, and if Harry can't stop staring at his picture I wonder if he's wondering what ps sees in it as well?:-)
I love the image of Harry and Seamus poring over Draco's latest behavior, trying to figure out what it means.
I'm amazed at the later posts where Harry is openly talking about Draco. He's spoken about him before, but I loved to see him explaining to Seamus that Draco is capable of being really angry and that it was different from him being irritated and surprising when it happened. Like when he said flat out he thought he was getting along with Ron but was wrong, then explained he gets "kind of offended." It seems like in any relationship with ps knowing when he's really angry is an important thing.
Also I like the way Harry is obviously the bf here--Seamus has his fix-it ideas about it not being good for ps to wall himself up and it's good for him to spend time with people he doesn't like. It sounds very reasonable, but Harry is right to say no, it's not that simple. Harry's sad about how difficult it is, but when he tries to explain how ps feels it makes me think of all their conversations when they didn't understand each other. They do learn about each other, slowly.
Also I would like to point out that ps' entry in Harry's journal has inspired probably some very pleasant commenting for him. Minerva may not give any credit for letting somebody else do it but I'll bet she sees that this isn't just a case of slacking off. Harry is right that ps has acted as if he knew they were being graded because he updates so regularly. He has, I guess, a natural talent for lj. He has here used his talent for Harry, writing his lj like his own by creating this super-version of jh that's better than everyone but also lampoons the real boy underneath, and he's tailored it to Harry with the winking at the mirror and threats of violence. It's obviously ps writing, but it's also entertaining, fun, enjoyable to read whereas Harry's natural entries, as great as they are, show the struggle it is for him to do them. Instead of all the, "I don't know what I'm supposed to write in this thing..." it's OTT. Plus he FIXED HIS CHUDLEY ICON THAT IS SO CUTE AND RON IS SO SADLY CUTE ASKING WHAT HE DID TO IT BECAUSE THAT'S HIS AND HARRY'S ICON AND NOW THEY'RE DIFFERENT AND PS WAS MEAN TO RON WAH!
It's like...when Harry says how ps didn't use half the stuff he asked him about I can imagine ps just wanting to force Harry to talk about his entire day for fun, but also this is a lot of what you do with a story (or I do at the magazine where I work). You interview the person and get tons of details and then shape your story out of it.
sistermagpie @ June 10 2004, 22:10:53 UTC |
Oh, and when Harry suggests he'll play "the wall" in West Side Story do I detect a reference to The Fantastiks?
Yes, I played the wall.
black_dog @ June 11 2004, 00:11:58 UTC |
I doubt he consciously knew he wanted to be his friend, yet was obviously up for it when it was offered.
Is it just me, or do you imagine PS following this whole conversation, silent but fascinated? I think you put your finger on the fact that PS doesn't really know what he wants until he experiences it, and even then he sort of has to get over a sense of fear and unfamiliarity before he can accept it. Which makes progressively passing milestones with him so fraught and risky -- it may suddenly prove too much, and he regresses with a spectacular explosion. Whatever other criticisms I may have of Seamus in this thread, I think he knows his PS, knows PS is watching, and I think he's finding ways to draw PS in, to reconcile him to the accepting way that other people are talking about him.
if Harry can't stop staring at his picture I wonder if he's wondering what ps sees in it as well?:-)
Oh I bet he's thinking exactly that. And good for him, and go Seamus for making him think it, and maybe feel a little more confident in himself!
I'm amazed at the later posts where Harry is openly talking about Draco . . . Like when he said flat out he thought he was getting along with Ron but was wrong . . . Harry is right to say no, it's not that simple. Harry's sad about how difficult it is
I like the toughmindedness of the whole conversation. It's beyond happy or sad, I think, it's just determined. And part of that is that Harry is letting the chips fall where they may with Ron, as well. I can easily see Ron feeling hurt by the PS-JH reconciliation, after the things PS said about his family. Also, PS takes some shots at Ron in his Harry-post, though not necessarily crueler ones than his shots at anyone else.
The modification of the cannons icon is a sensitive thing, though -- I think it has a potential double meaning, in that PS is showing his respect for the relationship but also putting his mark on it, straightening it out and putting a border around it. And which of those things you emphasize depends on what you mostly want to see. On the other hand, I think Harry has said some very frank things about Ron that Ron might choose to take offense at. I think Ron is being remarkably subdued in his reaction to all this. This may be the new Grim!Ron, or it may be that his relationship with Parvati has taught him about the way love can trump friendship.
I don't quite know what to make of they way Ron is trying to join in the sex conversation, later. The stuff about his thighs -- he seems oddly physically insecure for someone who's just successfully started out in a relationship. There's a melancholy to him whose origins I can certainly guess at (the murders, losing Harry to Draco, growing up and leaving Hogwarts) but that I still don't understand specifically.
Anyway, back to the thread . . .
sistermagpie @ June 11 2004, 01:32:57 UTC |
I think he knows his PS, knows PS is watching,
I think so too. In fact it makes even more sense they'd all think that since this is actually ps' entry. With regards to Draco not knowing what he wants and what it means to be Potter, I was thinking about how Draco said that he thought he and Harry were actually friends throughout PS/SS. So if that was kind of friends to him, it shows how odd his view on relationships are in general. Now Harry's somehow not his boyfriend, but then he was his friend. But he knew there was something between Harry and himself, that they were *something.*
It's funny, but I can't really see how ps *could* comment on these entries because he sort of has to pretend the Gryffindors can't sit around and dissect his personality, that they don't have a nickname for him, that anything's going on. Answering it would blow his own cover in some way.
I can easily see Ron feeling hurt by the PS-JH reconciliation, after the things PS said about his family.
Yes, and that whole thing with the icons is really interesting-I think Ron is being a good friend there. Harry obviously sees ps' gesture as a positive one and thanks him, and Ron doesn't want to mess it up, though his asking what was wrong with the icons before is pretty symbolic. Saying he can't see the difference in the icon while ps claims it was so hideous before is just so Ron and Draco. I can see how Ron would see the frame and the square as a reminder of how things changed, that now their special icons are about the three of them, or that Harry is now part of a couple. At the same time, though, I didn't really think Draco was trying to put a mark on them, primarily, but correct something that had bothered him aesthetically and include Ron because he knows these icons are a pair.
I think Harry was probably really pleasantly surprised when he suggested ps do one for Ron and Draco said he already did and showed him with a pout. It reminded me of the BADGE he made for MB and Pansy.:) I'd say Ron gets some nice shots in at Draco as well, threatening that he'll feel "unfairly treated" by Harry and asking where Malfoy is when he needs a coward to test his hands on. Btw, when Ron was first worried about his thighs I seriously thought he'd been spending too much time with Lavender!
black_dog @ June 11 2004, 09:46:54 UTC |
Most of the development of Ron's "thighs" issue happened after I posted this reply, and I was going to post a reply to your reply focusing on how stressed and upset Ron seemed. But then I decided to sleep on it, and when I woke up Ron had cut off his hand. Which sort of pushes things into another realm, I think.
What is going through that boy's head? I mean, I suppose the deepest layer is maybe some suppression of his feelings about George's murder, which is only coming out as a grim determination to ace his NEWTS. But I think he's also desolate that Harry has gone back to PS, after the unforgivable things PS said to his family. He doesn't even protest it to Harry, just accepts it with suspicious silence.
So he's worried about his standing with Harry, but I also think he's worried about his standing with Seamus and Dean. He seemed desperate to get into that conversation, desperate to be one of the group, in a way that Neville, for instance, didn't bother to be. Is he afraid of being marginalized like Neville? He seems newly sensitive to people's "Oh, Ron"-type remarks, as though he's newly self-conscious about being classed as a clown or not quite taken seriously. His comic act was in the past always backed up by supreme self-confidence, but that seems to be gone and it's very sad.
And I thought it was odd that he had body issues when he'd just started a relationship with Parvati, but then he goes on to deny that they were actually dating, pretends to Seamus that the relationship is supposed to be secret. What's up with that? So he's having romantic/sexual issues too and has no one to talk with about them?
He doesn't deserve this abuse! And I bet he's been getting very little support from within his house, with Harry preoccupied with Draco and Seamus and Dean preoccupied with each other and Neville representing social defeat. It's a poor payback for all his past loyalty and effort and I feel sad for him. But it's also part of the unthinking cruelty of strong people, maybe, and I think his meltdown is going to be a disaster for him.
I feel bad, though, because it's like he's been crumbling inside, behind the scenes, and no one has noticed, and now the PS-JH reconciliation, at his expense to some extent, and the way Harry and Seamus are bonding over it, is just the last straw for him. He's cracked. And I love the way that even PS is sort of shocked, and declines to tease him about his thighs once he realizes how far off the deep end Ron has gone.
Amazing NA -- the way it can take the wonderful conversation from this afternoon and evening, introduce a little disturbing ripple, and then modulate suddenly into something grotesque and awful. I hope he hasn't lost the hand. I'm fascinated to see what today's developments bring.
sistermagpie @ June 11 2004, 14:16:08 UTC |
But then I decided to sleep on it, and when I woke up Ron had cut off his hand.
That sentence is a keeper, innit?
I can't tell if this is supposed to be a sign of any real disturbance on Ron's part, though, oddly enough. I mean, one of the strange things about it is that ps is, in a weird way, the person who is...well, not supporting him, but seeing his pov. He really did, apparently, notice years ago that his hands were crooked and not say anything and he seems to find the idea as awful as Ron does. That's why I thought, half-jokingly, "Is this a Pureblood thing?" Though ps thought Ron knew about the hand and was either too vulgar to care or just couldn't do anything about it.
But really it's Ron's friends that teased him into this...which is bizarre because it's like a little condensed version of the way girls tend to get body images. I said before when he mentioned his thighs I thought of Lavender, but again Ron claims he's worried about his thighs for years.
It could be that the stress of NEWTs, particularly with the added stress of losing his brothers, might make him focus on stuff like this. Maybe he wants to be perfect? Maybe the hands need to be twins too, like Fred is now lopsided (yeah, right). I think the actual loss of the hand seems awful to us but isn't necessarily as much--he took it off with a detachment charm and he knows where it is (unlike Goyle's finger) so I don't think it will be hard to get it back. As he said, he wasn't in pain and there wasn't any blood. I think he's genuinely confused about why it's a big deal...when you think about it, is this really so different from the things people do to themselves through plastic surgery? Imagine how breast implants would seem if we didn't accept them as normal--you cut open your breast and stuck a bag of saline in it because you thought they were too small? ARE YOU INSANE??
Lupin's kind of interesting, though. His teasing of Ron was obviously just teasing and I think his teasing of ps is too, but given that he's doing that *after* what he's seen happening to Ron it's a lot darker. And he didn't stop when Ron was getting more and more freaked out. Plus he really is attacking ps personally in a way that's totally out of line for a teacher to attack a student (telling him he's ugly and that he should get a refund on his nose? Has he been taking lessons from Snape making fun of Hermione's teeth?). His claim that ps isn't his student is just silly.
I guess it's part of the trend in Lupin people have been noticing that he's more aggressive and seems to be taking out that anger on people (I guess because he's frustrated over Peter). Maybe he wants to just be joking, but his mood is bleeding into everything, because his teasing of ps definitely sounded like it was based on a real desire to insult, something one would think a teacher would avoid directing at a student.
Ron's response to the other boys is hard...I don't know what to make of it. I mean, everybody's gay except Neville and he and Neville don't really talk about that kind of stuff. I don't really know how he thinks about the reconciliation in his mind--he's open about saying how he told Harry that ps was insane but Harry (Sorry, Harry)'d anyway. And he was quick to yell about Harry not getting half as mad at Seamus for using the word "boyfriend" as he was at Ron.
I think Ron is often just generally frustrated by what he sees as people acting perversely for no reason. When people say, "Oh, Ron," I think he's just genuinely like, "What? Why Oh, Ron?" because maybe as far as he can see he's being sensible and everyone else is being crazy.
the_plebe @ June 10 2004, 11:14:47 UTC |
*squees* but joins you in your paranoia. When things seem to go well, something's bound to go wrong sooner or later. *meeps*
Plus at first I looked at the entry and thought it looked kind of weird for j_h, but then when I read it I realised that PS had posted for him. *facepalms* Hee, but PS never fails to crack me up! XD
nannyo @ June 10 2004, 11:21:36 UTC |
*hands you corner of blanket to hide under* *passes popcorn*
I know, me too, and then a second after I thought waiiiit....sound of penny dropping.
the_plebe @ June 10 2004, 11:33:44 UTC |
*hides under blanket* *bites nails* *gives in to the fangirling*
OMG *squee!* PS is replying to the post, and j_h's answer to him = XD. All is right in the world when I can watch NA instead of revising.
nannyo @ June 10 2004, 11:36:22 UTC |
Hey I should be working, but no, here I am refreshing after every paragraph I write... having to restrain the squee so my colleagues in the next office don't think I'm on crack!
*fangirls madly* *while worrying*
nannyo @ June 10 2004, 11:34:12 UTC |
Such a flirtatious exchange!
I caught a live thread...*is proud*
tabiji @ June 10 2004, 11:30:04 UTC |
I love that ps is so incredibly detail-oriented. I am enjoying picturing him taking the time to count out exactly how old j_h is in years and days.
I really love that he managed to get an "alot" in there! <33
tabiji @ June 10 2004, 12:45:12 UTC |
Randomly: the 'stupidest keywords' icon should be re-titled as 'lick here' ;)
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 10 2004, 11:54:18 UTC |
OMG THAT IS THE BEST THING EVAH. *dead from teh squee* oh oh I laughed so much! oh oh love love love <33333333333333333!!!!!
I slept fitfully last night, which was rather worrisome.
My little fangirly heart has EXPLODED with love.
jupistrahan @ June 10 2004, 16:39:07 UTC |
*glomps you* You have summed everything up right there. *hearts them both many many times*
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 10 2004, 19:12:04 UTC |
:D :D *dances around* and all the so-not-so-subtle H/D in Seamus' conversation with Harry and oh Teh Loff, it killses me <333
(parent)chinae @ June 10 2004, 16:44:22 UTC |
Seamus/Harry discussion...does Seamus have a deathwish? Draco is so going to kill him.
(parent)laurac0re @ June 10 2004, 16:47:01 UTC |
I was just going to mention this!
I know Seamus is a flirt but it seems so...blunt and...just weird sounding.
black_dog @ June 10 2004, 17:03:12 UTC |
I think he's really teasing PS here. After all, Malfoy picked out the picture.
I'd love to see PS figure out how to react to Seamus' comment. Or even Harry, for that matter.
polina_slosvau @ June 10 2004, 17:09:41 UTC |
Hahaha! j_h's answer is so cute! "This is awkward".
Indeed. ;)
black_dog @ June 10 2004, 17:45:35 UTC |
He really is flustered, isn't he? And Seamus keeps trying, rather aggressively, to help him out. Poor Harry! It's the last thing he wants to talk about, but I kind of agree with Seamus that he needs it.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 10 2004, 17:11:39 UTC |
That's exactly what I thought, that Seamus was pointing out that when ps did Harry's entries Harry looked a lot sexier in the picture and gee, what do you think of that?
Seamus' gaydar should be registered at the MoM. If there's any subtext there he's going to be all over it.:-)
black_dog @ June 10 2004, 17:48:48 UTC |
I wonder how much of Harry's discomfort is on his own behalf, or precisely because of the context, that he's afraid of over-exposing PS. But PS was asking for it, and Seamus is being reasonably discreet in detail (apart from the whole tossing-sexuality-with-a-big-thump-into-t
![]() |
Anonymous @ June 10 2004, 17:57:02 UTC |
I'm just popping in... I've been noticing a lot more overt sexuality in the journals recently. Ginny's rather frank talk with Ernie about G-spots, Ernie and Hermione (and Ron and Parvarti) rather openly talking about and expressing affection, all that. I wonder if this is some sort of through-line that we're all missing... and now Seamus is being almost blunt about it all.
Maybe I'm just reading too much in all this happy canoodling happening at the same time. It seems like ever since the excursion, and Peter's escape, people have been a lot more... well.. together (and more open about it) than usual. Maybe it's stress. Maybe it's NEWTS. Maybe Hermione's little Desires potion is still hanging around. There just seems to be something going on. No wonder Harry is uncomfortable.
black_dog @ June 10 2004, 18:14:16 UTC |
I wish I knew more about how NA worked behind the scenes, but I've always suspected they set their story lines up in parallel, with multiple applications of the same theme among different people. I would bet that you're right, though, that this spring's theme (or at least one of them) is sex. Hey, even Percy is getting married. I'd still like to hear more from PS!
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 10 2004, 18:39:25 UTC |
I love how Harry gets so noble and is old-fashioned about certain things like this. And also it's so interesting given the secrecy of the whole ps/jh relationship. I think both of them probably do like having a secret. It just seems like something they agree on, that they don't discuss that aspect of themselves willingly.
Not that Harry's saying Seamus is shallow or anything. I think he's just really saying he's a different person and this is how he relates to the subject and yes, he's had thoughts about sex of course but that's not the same. And then he just sums it up by saying that's not what he wants right now.
They're talking at cross-purposes, because as Seamus explains he knows there's just sex and then there's sex and you don't really talk about the latter kind...although of course Seamus does because he just did by explaining how great sex with Dean is now. I thought it was interesting how Harry said it was easier speaking about that stuff with Ron when it was about girls. That makes sense to me somehow.
I mean, if Harry were straight and Seamus was a girl I can't imagine any woman not seeing, "Let's just go out for some beers and we can talk about technique!" as "Let's go out and get drunk and fool around and I'll pretend it was an accident because I just want you to know how sexy you are because I'm your friend!" so I don't know how ps will respond to it, if at all. I don't know if that comes across differently with two guys.
black_dog @ June 10 2004, 19:20:48 UTC |
They're talking at cross-purposes, because as Seamus explains he knows there's just sex and then there's sex and you don't really talk about the latter kind...although of course Seamus does
Yeah, they are talking at cross purposes, and it's interesting to watch them partially sort it out, and partially fail to. I thought Harry was getting through to Seamus a bit but then the whole idea of a big public "I have never" party is precisely the wrong idea. And yet, he may have an excellent point about public "I love you's" -- or maybe half a point, since if JH can't actually do this for tactical reasons it's been clear in the past that he could do more to reassure PS about how he feels. I think Seamus has gotten through to Harry a little bit -- the business about how Harry can't stop looking at his own icon is really funny -- and Harry has gotten through to Seamus a little bit -- with Seamus at least paying lip-service to the idea of privacy and showing some respect for Harrys' comfort zones. I think Seamus is right to continue pushing Harry to some extent but I don't quite trust him to calibrate it correctly. I'm fascinated by the idea that Seamus would welcome "your ghost writer" to join in on that kind of conversation -- that makes sense if he's trying to create some wider space, if not a completely public space, for PS and JH to acknowledge their relationship. Serious work is happening here, even if it's not all precision engineering.
if Harry were straight and Seamus was a girl I can't imagine any woman not seeing, "Let's just go out for some beers and we can talk about technique!" as "Let's go out and get drunk and fool around and I'll pretend it was an accident
I'm not quite sure how I feel about that whole subtext. Seamus brushes it off, but Harry, at least, seems to take it seriously enough to go out of his way to tell Seamus that it's not an option. It wouldn't totally shock me if Seamus and Dean had talked, maybe not quite seriously, about inviting Harry to a threesome just to "help him out." (Wait! Wrong RPG!) So I don't know what the real boundaries are for Seamus here. I'm maybe more confortable with the idea that Seamus is deliberately, playfully trying to make PS feel jealous to provoke a reaction out of him. Again, this feeds into what seems like Seamus' grand strategy of firming up the PS/JH relationship by extracting some kind of semi-public acknowledgment. Not sure whether that strategy is wise or not.
sistermagpie @ June 10 2004, 19:46:29 UTC |
I think Harry's got tons of issues about both forcing people to do things in public and sharing things with the public...which ps does too, only in a different way. It's nice that Seamus moves into the more straightforward territory of public declarations of love, which I think is something Harry is probably very supportive of. There's many people he would admit to loving, certainly. The thing with Seamus is that he certainly would announce he loves Dean from the tower, but I don't believe that would seem as intimate to him--he'd announce many things from towers Harry wouldn't.:-)
The thing with Seamus is he has a history--as he himself admits--of kind of playing with fire. That is, he says he thinks he can just have sex but can't. So here I think Harry's perhaps not completely paranoid to just say he doesn't think he and Seamus should go down that road of discussion. It's not that there's a danger of something happening exactly, but Seamus and Harry are like opposite sides of the spectrum. Seamus saying, "It would never happen" only means it's not his intention--I mean, sure it probably wouldn't happen but when you've got somebody whose personality includes a lot of openness about sexual expression of course it doesn't mean the same thing as it would coming from someone else. They do seem to be striking a nice balance, finally.
I like the idea of putting "him" with the Hufflepuffs just to see what would happen, especially with Harry bringing up his problems with the Hufflepuffs and asking Seamus about whether he's ever had a problem with them, being gay himself. There's something kind of sweet imagining Harry wanting to see ps left alone with them knowing that he would probably not only be amused by ps but that ps would behave towards the Hufflepuffs in ways JH wouldn't dare to, like the way he torments Ernie with flossing his teeth etc.
Hey...this just made me you think ps' treatment of Ernie in general is informed by Harry's feelings about him? Because based on Harry's comment to Hermione he really does see Ernie as somebody who's a bit of a problem to him, and it sometimes seems to me that ps is more hostile towards Ernie than I'd expect, even for him. He doesn't out and out attack him, but I have gotten used to him smacking Ernie down whenever he comments to him. Ernie often ends up saying, "Hey, man!" or whatever. There's the Mudblood thing too, of course, which is tied to Hermione and all of ps' bad ideas, but I wonder if ps doesn't have Ernie and Justin on at least some kind of black list. Hard to tell when he's nasty to everyone, but I wonder.
I can imagine Seamus' conversation about celebrities being something that would be really funny with ps added, actually. Because you know he'd have comments on any celebrity Harry found attractive (even if he needed to see a picture first). It somehow reminds me of him and Seamus and the paper dolls.
black_dog @ June 10 2004, 23:50:44 UTC |
Just tearing myself away from the live thread to reply, with the caveat that things keep changing. This really is the greatest conversation.
The thing with Seamus is he has a history--as he himself admits--of kind of playing with fire.
Nicely put. As is the observation that for Seamus, "it would never happen" means "I don't particularly want anything to happen, at this moment." I was going to say that they'd settled into a nice equilibrium, but then Seamus let loose with that "boyfriend" thing. Part of me doesn't believe it was entirely accidental.
I have to say, thought, that I liked the more discreet, less hysterical way they all handled it this time compared to last, though perhaps that's because PS was not in the conversation to freak out. Still, there's almost a continued teasing to the perfunctory way that Seamus covers up "his boyfriend" with "(Sorry, Harry.)" And Dean complains about having to repost. And Harry himself makes a point of apologizing about (presumably) stamping on Seamus' foot. No one's kidding anyone, here. Plus, I notice a slightly more discreet reference a little further down (Seamus: "you're conspiring with my boyfriend about dressing me, but I guess I've done the same to you") is left alone. They're all sort of playing with the boundary, I think, or at least realizing how inimical the boundary is to the kind of relaxed, friendly chat that they're all having right now. I wonder if PS wishes he could be part of something like this?
I like the idea of putting "him" with the Hufflepuffs just to see what would happen
I like the way it expresses the pleasure they both take in watching PS, their confidence in his ability to strip the bark off annoying Hufflepuffs when that is called for. I think this whole exchange is very flattering to PS, and maybe they all have half an eye toward his reaction.
do you think ps' treatment of Ernie in general is informed by Harry's feelings about him?
I don't know. I hadn't thought about that. It's an interesting point, but I think you cover the pros and cons pretty well. It's hard to separate how Draco reacts to Ernie and Justin from how he would react to anyone like Ernie and Justin. They really are just irresistible targets. I'd like to see PS being protective of Harry, but I just don't think it's that clearcut, here. I'm trying to think of parallel cases that might confirm a tendency here. Colin doesn't really count, because PS has his own grudge there. Who else has hurt Harry, lately? Who has Draco not been mean to? Maybe it's an insoluble problem.
I can imagine Seamus' conversation about celebrities being something that would be really funny with ps added, actually.
LOL, I would love to see Seamus and PS comparing celebrity crushes, or just admiring "packages" together. I had a slightly different take on this -- I thought it was never-say-die!Seamus struggling to find one thing that Harry would talk about in public that might make PS jealous. The boy has his goal, and his method for getting there, and he just doesn't give up!
sistermagpie @ June 11 2004, 01:24:11 UTC |
This thread has really just been amazing. All the boys are totally bonding! Even the Hufflepuffs are coming over with porn! MB and ps are not commenting that much but MB at least says she's listening.
It seems especially...something...that ps did this entry but doesn't seem to be want to hog the response to it or anything; he so far hasn't responded to any of the joking references to himself. I think he may feel very satisfied that his post was just as successful as he thought it would be. We maybe ought to think about this being sort of a Slytherin thing--because Pansy and MB have also flirted with being open while still maintaining this straight facade. The Slyths don't seem to see anything odd about not saying the "b" word.
I liked Harry's bringing up the idea of hanging out with Goyle because while Harry isn't exactly doing that it really is the general thought most people have, I think. It's like yay, now he can be friends with the canon characters!
I can't imagine what would happen if the Hufflepuffs and the Gryffs and ps got drunk and played I Have Never. I mean, could ps do that? It seems like exactly what he couldn't do, plus he doesn't like to drink. Would he come up for just a get together with a bunch of guys? I've no idea. Maybe he would bring MB.
. I wonder if PS wishes he could be part of something like this?
Not necessarily. I think he enjoys his own chats with Millicent and Pansy. The Slyth and Gryff dynamics are very different and I think they all feel more relaxed speaking with each other. If you compare the way ps speaks with Seamus and Ron, for instance, there's a level of friction between them. Like, when Seamus jokes with Dean they banter the same way, while with ps it's more Seamus is teasing and ps is fake-angry. When ps speaks with MB the insults are still there but there's obviously more of an understanding, just as there is when the Gryffs tease each other. I mean, if we ask if ps would want to be part of this I'd also ask if Harry would want to make a candle or bake a big cake and climb inside it. To me they seem like two believeable sets of friends but it's clear who is mostly friends with who. Harry and Draco then form a special set of their own, with Seamus and MB sort of orbiting their boy protectively. Even Pansy's relationship with the Weasleys is different than it is with Draco the same way.
Seamus is eventually going to make his plan work!
black_dog @ June 11 2004, 10:08:09 UTC |
It seems especially...something...that ps did this entry but doesn't seem to be want to hog the response to it or anything
Yeah, it does. :) I like your point on the other thread, that ps can't possibly acknowledge the things that are being said. So he has to maintain the fiction that he hasn't read the comments, depsite Harry's probing him for a response. But I don't believe him, I think he's eating it up. I suppose one could criticize him for the lie, but in a way it's maybe more significant that he's looking for a way not to react, not to have to engage in some great public denial of the boyfriend thing or of some of the other things people said. It's his own, odd, way of accepting what people think of him, maybe.
I respect your point about the different styles within Slytherin and Gryffindor, but I wonder if treating those styles as fixed things doesn't neglect the whole issue of Draco's emotional development. I think he really does, or did, get something from his long, relaxed, flirtatious chats with Seamus that he didn't get from anyone in Slytherin. I think he clearly does get a lot of things from Harry that he gets from nowhere else. So while I don't mean to suggest that he's craving the chance to abandon his Slytherin ways and join the Gryffs and Hufflepuffs for popcorn and porn, I still do think that the kind of direct, intimate conversation we saw this afternoon between Harry and Seamus and Dean has to have it's appeal for him. I think it presents him with a picture of emotional openness and security that challenges and tempts him, a little bit. He'll eventually put his own spin on it, make it part of the mix that is uniquely PS, but I really do think he feels a fascination for these people, and a curiosity about what they have that's different from what he has.
If he didn't feel some of that, I don't think he'd ever have been drawn to Harry. Just the way hanging out with PS and MB gives scope to an aggressive and even cruel side to Harry that Seamus feels a little distant from. (Seamus still can't figure out how Harry can stand to be around MB, for instance.) I still think these two -- JH and PS -- are discovering something about themselves in each other, that they had trouble figuring out in any other way. I think it's what makes their relationship so fascinating.
Just to go off on a tangent -- how about Harry defending PS against Remus last night? It's true love, I tell you.
sistermagpie @ June 11 2004, 14:55:40 UTC |
On one hand I didn't think ps was lying about noticing Ron's hand in second year, because he seems very adamant about it. It's possible hebegan to read the thread (which is long) and Ron came over. It seems like his answer would have been a little different if he'd actually read the thread when Harry asked him if he'd read all the comments then-something either more defensive or more coy. However, he could have just meant he hadn't read the comments about Ron's hand which were lower in the thread.
However, he then says smugly to Neville that none of his friends are carrying on the way Neville is, so we might take that as proof he has read the thread and has noted that he's being spoken about in a relatively kindly way. I don't think he'd feel the need to defend himself on the boyfriend issue, since it seems like his main thing is he can't be called Harry's boyfriend. Being called (Sorry, Harry) might be acceptable to him. Seamus has said a lot of things he says about ps to Harry before, and sometimes a version of them to ps himself, and he doesn't usually answer them I don't think. I believe he would file them away just as he always proves to have filed away everything everybody says about him, though.
He'll eventually put his own spin on it, make it part of the mix that is uniquely PS, but I really do think he feels a fascination for these people, and a curiosity about what they have that's different from what he has.
Oh, I agree. I think the Slytherins have their own versions of direct conversations--Ernie appeared to stumble upon a heart-to-heart between Draco and Pansy after the Quidditch game. When something goes wrong they want to see each other. I imagine Draco might be both fascinated and frightened by the kind of jolly-bullying way the Gryffs draw each other out.
I think it's better he learns to deal with that kind of dynamic as well instead of just sticking with the familiar in Slytherin where his friends are all supportive but at times shouldn't be. He needs the challenge of the other boys just as, I think, there are times when people need the challenges the Slytherins offer.
I can't imagine ps watching any conversation where Harry is bonding with people without wanting to be able to do that too, but I think I might see it more as secondary. Like, the bantering could more likely be something he learned to appreciate rather than something he'd seek out for its own sake. He's attracted to it because it's like Harry, rather than liking Harry because he represents this other type of communication. Not that the two can really be separated--it may be a big lump to him. Harry is part of this Gryff dynamic, that makes it "Potter" and so valuable and important to him. By which I guess I'm agreeing- in coming to understand what he likes about Harry he sees a value in something he might not have admitted to before. At the same time there are things about it which repel him, which is why he's in Slytherin. Seamus and MB continue to hate each other, each represent the extreme while Harry and Draco are in the middle. I wish I knew exactly how they felt about each other, besides just hating each other.
how about Harry defending PS against Remus last night? It's true love, I tell you.
Though I also think it was Harry just generally weirded out. I mean, it was very odd, particularly after Remus had just accidentally teased Ron into cutting off his hand, and he does seem to want to insult ps when he parries back. He used the same words he used to Hermione when she jumped into their fight: What are you doing? It's not even really a defense of Malfoy, it's like, "What are you playing at?" There's that territorial vibe to it and Draco himself is quiet once Harry steps in. When someone is fighting with ps Harry usually stays out of it, but these two situations, I think, were times when he saw people up to something he didn't like. It wasn't just that they were insulting ps-as he says, this is what Ron and Draco do: but what is he doing?
I also love how MB and ps both take the same tack with Lupin as well. The way those two houses view each other is just becoming so clear.
black_dog @ June 10 2004, 18:05:59 UTC |
Actually, on further thought, as I watch JH and Seamus talk, I'm thinking I've been too cynical. I'm having one of those "Oh! The w00bie!" moments. This sounds like he's not squeamish about sex, but rather that he finds a focus on sex to be a frightening distraction from love, something frighteningly unserious. He "hasn't felt that in a while," which sounds like an allusion to the time of his friendship with PS. He seems to be asserting very strongly that his attraction for PS isn't just about lust. He may have a number of tactical reasons for saying that, but it also sounds sincere. That doesn't sound like someone who's innocent about sex, but someone who's alarmed by its power to distract and disrupt and to sham more serious emotions. And yet it is innocent, in a way, since it suggests he really hasn't put love and sex together in a relationship in a satisfying way. He's still a bit haunted by Sirius' unruliness, maybe, and hasn't yet found the balance in whatever relationship he has with Draco. So Seamus is off the point, just a little, but perhaps they will both come to a better understanding of each other if they are serious about the conversation. Very, very interesting.
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 10 2004, 19:46:46 UTC |
OK, my love for just_harry? Knows no bounds. That whole thread, OH my god I love him so, my little w00b <33333 *hugs him* <33333! And, you know, that icon is indeed sexy.
Also, hee!! Draco fixed Harry's Chudley icon! <333
And I just noticed Ron doesn't have his any more as his paid account has expired :(!
tabiji @ June 10 2004, 20:08:53 UTC got milk? |
PS' denial about pressing j_h for his daily details is too cute. I cannot wait to see what he has to say about the thread with Seamus. Also, I cannot say how much I would love to see them all play "I Have Never"!
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chez_caillou @ June 10 2004, 20:30:06 UTC Re: got milk? |
Perhaps they would play "I Never" on Seamus' lj? Or not. But still, I can hope. <3333
As long as they give us some of the details, I'll be happy. :D
laurac0re @ June 10 2004, 20:23:55 UTC |
Lupin joins in! (and tries to reassure Seamus that he has a very nice head.)
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malafede @ June 10 2004, 20:50:43 UTC |
Draco Malfoy is a veritable god, and even my heroic glow is dulled in his presence.
Harry/Draco Stu is my new otp, omg.
anjaliesque @ June 10 2004, 21:23:39 UTC Draco is a mighty wordsmith. |
Man, the whole sex conversation is just the greatest. It's like getting inside a teenage boy's head. *takes notes* You can see it concerned Harry at first to be discussing this in public, but now he's going gung-ho. And my, is he good at it.
Lupin made me crack up. Er, even more. :))
I do hope Draco is reading. *smirk*
tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 22:17:34 UTC |
Draco's back!
Now we wait for him to read the rest of the posts. :DDDDD
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Anonymous @ June 10 2004, 22:23:35 UTC |
And Ron's here ( too.
tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 22:41:33 UTC |
*cracks up* Does anyone else find it funny that the guys are discussing and complaining about their appearances??? XD
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ex_lev195 @ June 10 2004, 22:47:35 UTC |
Your icon is very amusing. XD
tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 22:59:55 UTC |
They definitely sound like a bunch of chicks! XD More so than the teenaged girl at high school!
(thank you! :DD I adore this icon to pieces!!)
chinae @ June 10 2004, 22:38:48 UTC |
Seamus called Draco Harry's boyfriend!
onthehillside @ June 10 2004, 22:41:15 UTC |
He should stop all this now. Like Sistermagpie and Black_dog said, he's playing with fire.
(parent)laurac0re @ June 10 2004, 22:41:20 UTC |
I was just about to post this!
I am really interested to see the reactions of Harry and Draco to this...I mean. There's no beating around the bush now. It's out there.
<3 Seamus!
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Anonymous @ June 10 2004, 22:43:41 UTC |
And Harry didn't even say anything about it!! (
(parent)laurac0re @ June 10 2004, 22:48:16 UTC |
he also used the 'sexy' icon when he responded to Draco!
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ex_lev195 @ June 10 2004, 22:45:08 UTC |
;aslkdjfa;sler;awlerkj DUDE.
Wow. I'm. Wow. XD *dies laughing*
tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 23:36:22 UTC Re: is it just me? |
Since you can't edit comments, I think Seamus deleted it and then reposted again with different wording. ^^;;
slinkhard @ June 11 2004, 08:21:22 UTC |
Aaannnnd 'hisboyfriend' shall be my new AIM name!
*dead from squee*
tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 22:47:25 UTC |
Deleted post!!!!
It's Seamus's comment about Draco's being Harry's boyfriend- they changed the comment!!
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ex_lev195 @ June 10 2004, 22:49:52 UTC |
Ooh, and Dean actually mentioned it, too, so it was kind of a... "meant to slip up" sort of thing instead of an "oops I didn't meant to do that" thing. At least I will tell myself that. And squee about H/Dness.
(parent)laurac0re @ June 10 2004, 22:52:55 UTC |
I thought that or maybe stepped on his foot accidentally on purpose
(parent)laurac0re @ June 10 2004, 22:52:01 UTC |
I love the way he just removed "his boyfriend" and put "sorry harry" instead.
nice save Seamus. really.
tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 22:55:45 UTC |
Apparently, Harry stepped on Seamus's foot to make him change the post!! ^^;;;;;
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ex_lev195 @ June 10 2004, 22:51:02 UTC |
I think it was exactly the same except the "(Sorry, Harry)" was "his boyfriend."
(parent)tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 22:51:03 UTC |
Made one too late! >_O!!
All I remember (word for word~!) is that Seamus said:
"I try to get Harry to dress different and his boyfriend pitches a fit"
heliopath @ June 10 2004, 22:56:26 UTC |
I hope that link works okay, but it's exactly the same anyway, except the Sorry Harry was originally "his boyfriend"! Eee!
*shifts eyes; relurks*
onthehillside @ June 10 2004, 22:58:49 UTC |
Yay! It's nice to have such things immortalized and all that. Your nraged skillz are to be applauded!
(parent)heliopath @ June 10 2004, 23:04:36 UTC |
Agh! I'm so st00pid about this sort of thing, sorry!
Try this instead? If that doesn't work, then I have nowhere else to upload it :\
heliopath @ June 10 2004, 23:14:38 UTC |
Haha, not that y'all needed one to find it! Chalk it up to brand new photoshop and incredible squeefulness :D
(parent)tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 23:06:04 UTC |
It worked, it worked! :DDD
Thanks so much!!
onthehillside @ June 10 2004, 23:13:12 UTC |
I've made a very simple one, but I'm sure that others will have a more creative approach to it.
(parent)tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 23:34:16 UTC |
So Harry has thick eyebrows and knobbly knees, Seamus has a round face, Ron has big thighs, Sirius has skinny chicken legs... and Remus has a big butt? XDDDD
tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 23:37:32 UTC |
I guess I should feel lucky that it's only 4:30 here? ^^;;;
onthehillside @ June 10 2004, 23:44:14 UTC |
Ron said something similar about Draco and Harry last year, and got in big trouble for it. I'll try to find the link.
(parent)onthehillside @ June 10 2004, 23:56:02 UTC |
These were all found through historic_alley.
This is the actual thread, and these are the Nraged discussions that followed: One, Two, and Three.
tsukishirou @ June 10 2004, 23:44:19 UTC |
It refers to the last time Ron accidentally called Draco Harry's boyfriend, right? And everyone (or at least both Harry and Draco- Draco, especially) got really upset about that.
But then, Seamus also mentioned that Harry's "more confident about the whole thing". That's why he didn't overreact too badly to Seamus's insinuation. ^_^;;
onthehillside @ June 10 2004, 23:40:47 UTC |
Shit, Ron's getting angry. I've been sitting here all nervous for the past hour, liking all that was being revealed, but knowing that it might turn out badly. *bites nails*
(parent)chinae @ June 11 2004, 00:06:58 UTC |
seamus again makes reference of Draco
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chez_caillou @ June 11 2004, 00:22:31 UTC |
On one hand I'm all SQUEEE <3333 H/D!!! :D But then, I don't know how Draco will take this. Or his parents. I mean, if we can figure it out, I'm sure Lucius will. :\ *wibble*
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ex_lev195 @ June 11 2004, 00:25:31 UTC |
I love NA so very, very much.
I'm also hoping Lucius will refrain from wading through all the comments. x_x
laurac0re @ June 11 2004, 00:10:26 UTC |
oh Justin.
I wonder if he'll respond to the discussion of the I Never game and leaving Draco alone with the Hufflepuffs...
chinae @ June 11 2004, 01:25:43 UTC |
Narcissa has arrived
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neveth @ June 11 2004, 01:29:24 UTC |
Completely random, but this made me squeal.
If I am correct, Knuts Cauldron = Fruits Basket. <3 I love!
lestrange @ June 11 2004, 08:35:11 UTC |
Ahahahahaha, anime reference in the wizarding world?!
lindra @ June 11 2004, 01:32:42 UTC |
.... whoawhoawhoa! p_s is commenting. Look at the times! He's probably going to jump in on the other threads. XD
(parent)chinae @ June 11 2004, 01:39:48 UTC |
This made me laugh, Remus finally answers Ron's question about what good is big hands
lindra @ June 11 2004, 01:41:26 UTC |
laurac0re @ June 11 2004, 01:46:14 UTC |
I think he's going to show Draco his hands...further down he was plotting with Harry
(parent)chinae @ June 11 2004, 02:04:33 UTC |
Harry translates Draco "talk"
lindra @ June 11 2004, 02:13:45 UTC |
the cuteness of it is beyond words. It's just so utterly *SQUEE* that Harry knows Draco that well... *warm fuzzies*
I love N_A. *beams*
laurac0re @ June 11 2004, 02:17:35 UTC |
I Know!
This whole post is giving me such warm fuzzies!
It's such a nice break from all TEH ANGST!
lindra @ June 11 2004, 02:21:41 UTC |
Oh, yes. *beam* And it's so nice to see Harry and Ron get on together. And see Ron and Draco have a half-way decent conversation. They haven't really pulled out the insults yet, too! *beam* The entire post is just one big ball of happy warm fluff. *beam*
...if I smile any more I'm going to crack.
breze @ June 11 2004, 03:28:22 UTC |
I come back from classes to find 303 comments to the long awaited Draco ala Harry post.
The post alone is priceless, but 303 comments?
303? Lemme dwell over that for a second... has there ever been that many comment in a N_A entry before?
lazy_daze @ June 11 2004, 09:45:39 UTC |
(Sorry, Harry) is the greatest thing evah.
OH my heart when I opened the page to see 304 comments :O :O I nearly died :O that was possibly one of the best threads evah.
laurac0re @ June 12 2004, 00:02:35 UTC |
Draco responds to the post again- this time to Ron about his relationship with Parvati and again about the get togetehr wit hthe Hufflepuffs.
He hasn't said anything about the (Sorry, Harry) comment though :)
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dragonelle_fics @ June 12 2004, 04:48:25 UTC |
This probably calls for a "Potter's handbag" icon.
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dragonelle_fics @ June 12 2004, 05:13:38 UTC |
I change my mind. Draco's much too sullenly sweet there to be iconized.
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lonelyspade @ June 13 2004, 02:32:09 UTC |
What happened there? Did they talk? Where are they? *fidget* *fidget* *fidget*
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lonelyspade @ June 13 2004, 02:30:29 UTC |
SOMEONE? ANYONE? *fidgets*