sistermagpie @ 2004-06-14 13:18:00 |
Patronus Potterstinks
Mood: curious
Draco posts about leaving school, keeping in touch, the correct place for women without servants and tea with Finnigan..err, Seamus.
Am I the only one dying to know what his Patronus is, and why he seems so down on learning it? (He brought it up in Harry's entry too-jealous that Harry can already do it, or just having trouble with it?)
steph_hime @ June 14 2004, 17:30:26 UTC |
What's betting his happy memory is to do with Harry? That's why he doesn't want to think of it.
(parent)laurac0re @ June 14 2004, 17:42:23 UTC |
That's what I thought too.
I especially enjoy that fact he said he wouldn't go to Azkaban unless Harry was there (even if it was only to tease him)
sistermagpie @ June 14 2004, 17:45:56 UTC |
Yeah, it seems like he'd be terrified to have to try to show joy in front of others. It's an emotion he seems to so try to stamp down in himself it's not surprising he's decided this lesson is useless.
I don't think it's a reach to say his memory would have to do with Harry-his favorite object was the golf clubs, after all. I hope he comes through though, because dammit, I want to know what the Patronus is! Harry might help him, if ps would allow it.
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Anonymous @ June 14 2004, 18:53:04 UTC |
I'm sorry if it was something really trivial, but where exactly does it say that the golf clubs are his favourite objects? I'd love to know!
sistermagpie @ June 14 2004, 18:57:13 UTC |
If you look at the posts from "Love Your Neighbor" week, it was when everybody was partnered with someone, and you knew who your partner was because your favorite object in the world was magically transferred to them. So you had to find out who had yours and whose you had. Draco had a scrap of paper with song lyrics on it, which he posted a scan of. Lisa Turpin, his partner, was annoyed at his posting her note from Morgan for all to see, so threatened to be careless with HIS favorite object, his golf clubs. And then there was reference to him having to lug them around at the banquet when they got their objects back.
But definitely look at those old threads, if only to see a scan of Draco's angry e-mail to Lisa telling her not to dammage his club. I believe it was titled, "Listen here!" Hee!
frozen_jelly @ June 14 2004, 19:33:26 UTC |
Because I am a NA geek, I saved the email. the title is 'LISTEN HERE' and all you can read of the text is
'Take care of my golf clubs or I will ensure you never again see the person-'
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jacay @ June 15 2004, 03:05:37 UTC |
Maybe he doesn't have a happy enough memory to base it on.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 13:49:26 UTC |
I definitely get the feeling this is anxiety-producing for him in some way--and everybody seems to get that, including Narcissa who explains she couldn't do it until she as 21 and that perhaps makes her superior.:-)
The thing is he does like being able to accomplish things so I think he'd like to be able to do it, but at the same time this is an incredibly revealing charm so I can see it freaking him out. First he has to produce a happy memory (and I can see that being a problem for him because he'd probably attach some kind of bad thing to all his happy memories, you know? Like even if he was thinking of Harry he'd think about how Harry would eventually reject him or he wouldn't want to let himself feel that happy because it was dangerous and wouldn't last). It's hard for him, and that alone makes it something he hates.
Then he has to see what his Patronus is which I can see being kind of scary for him--it really says a lot about you, after all, doesn't it? It makes me wonder if that's what drove him out of the animagus seminar. Everybody says it's because it was too much work and I can believe that, but if it was something he really wanted he'd have done the work, like the way he drives the team at Quidditch. I don't know, it's just that he's a pretty good student so I don't think it's just a case of having to work hard, more like he'd also be scared off at the prospect of failing in front of others or maybe being afraid his animagus form (which seems like it could be related to the Patronus form) would be embarassing. He hasn't said anything like, "Well, obviously my Patronus will be something stunning and noble, I just don't think I need it." Instead he's more like, "I don't care what it is. Who cares? Why would anyone care? It doesn't mean anything. It could be a frog in a bowler and I wouldn't care." That makes me think he does care and thinks it might be even worse than a frog in a bowler.
Or maybe I'm reading too much into it and he's just being superficially snarky because it didn't work for him right away. But it seems like something he's interested in. Especially since in canon he really is bothered by Dementors. His own plan of handling them (making sure he never meets one) is not exactly dealing with the problem!
black_dog @ June 15 2004, 16:08:16 UTC |
Hooray for Narcissa, by the way, for actually being perceptive about what's bothering Draco and saying something that helps him. (Although she wanders off into self-regard at the end of the comment.) :) And PS is quick to thank her, directly to the point and without any pretense. He was feeling sorry for himself for not being able to produce a patronus. I think their relationship is getting better, no?
I love the idea of N having a stronger patronus as she gets older. The whole patronus thing is just saturated with sexual symbolism, don't you think, as well as identity issues, just sort of a swirl of things that PS is anxious about. I think you're completely right that, of course he's only pretending not to care, and he's sort of afraid of what he'll reveal (or even discover) about himself.
sistermagpie @ June 16 2004, 03:27:34 UTC |
I admit, I loved Narcissa's response--and her second one too. Even if she's listening, "amused," her "That's my boy," just seemed great to me.
I do get a sense that their relationship is getting better--which they've certainly earned after all they went through last year. This is part of what I love about NA-so often people fight or whatever and it's tempting to see it patched up, for so-and-so to make things easier, but it seems like because these two muddled through so much garbage together they did end up with something stronger. I'd say that's probably true about most of the relationships.
laurac0re @ June 14 2004, 17:44:28 UTC |
I bet it's a lion or some kind of Gryffindor/Harry-ish animal
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 14 2004, 17:46:40 UTC |
Dare I suggest a ferret? His player will pick this well, whatever it is.
(parent)dragynville @ June 14 2004, 20:20:35 UTC |
It'd be really funny if his patronus was a figure of Harry, which would also explain why he wouldn't want anyone else to see it. XD
(parent)slinkhard @ June 15 2004, 14:00:33 UTC |
Wouldn't that be an image associated with pain and/or humiliation; for him, though?
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 16 2004, 03:05:28 UTC |
True--I was just thinking it was a totem animal so the Patronus itself wouldn't have to be something he liked. MB was humiliated by hers! (I'll bet it's adorable. Imagine a Dementor being driven off by Draco waving his fists!)
(parent)laurac0re @ June 14 2004, 21:26:54 UTC |
according to Ernie he can't produce a Patronus at all
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 14 2004, 17:36:22 UTC |
I was quite struck by the line "When I have children..."
..wonder what Harry will make of that?
Aslo quite interested by his ending all about forgetting about friends at Hogwarts, especially after he seems to have made progresss with Seamus (although that's just me trying to could have gone horribly wrong and they've decided to never speak to each other again. Although if they were discussing after-school plans, that seems at least civil.) Maybe that diatribe at the end was even inspired by something Seamus was saying to him, or the whole concept of having to get on with Potter's friends and all that stuff...who knows. *rambles uselessly*
sistermagpie @ June 14 2004, 17:44:23 UTC |
Yes, it could be his usual pre-emptive defense: hey all you people I think are going to drop me after Hogwarts no matter what you say, I'm officially dropping you first!
I'm not sure about the tea either-it doesn't sound too bad. If Seamus lectured, hopefully that meant Draco listened. He's acting like he brushed it off (and is still acting like Seamus just decided to lecture him on a whim), but it sounds like he could also just be acknowledging the tea now that he and Seamus began to talk. Hope so.
It's interesting that the only thing he seems able to really focus on seriously is professional quidditch--he also spoke of missing being team captain. That to me sounds like the one thing Draco really is saying he felt good about, which is nice because it's got nothing to do with Voldemort.:-)
black_dog @ June 14 2004, 21:01:39 UTC |
Applying one's NA detective skills to the Seamus question: if it's true that PS jokes when he's only pretending to be irritated, then the stale biscuits and the fits and the manticore are all good signs. Also, possibly, the fact that MB is sulking.
I like the way Seamus and Draco characteristically visit over tea. I don't think tea is a scheduled meal in the Great Hall, so they have to put a little effort and ceremony to it, presumably in their own rooms or outside somewhere. It just seems very Seamus-PS. You wouldn't expect the two of them, for instance, to be lurking in dusty holes-in-the-wall at all hours.
sistermagpie @ June 14 2004, 21:11:55 UTC |
Hee! They're just one Irish gentleman and one English gentleman that appreciate a good cup of tea. I can relate! (My college had tea every Friday at four-freshman had tea duty, iirc, which meant wheeling it out.) Good taste.
It does sound like what he's saying are jokes-and I somehow expect Seamus to defend himself on the half-stale accusation. I wonder if they spoke first and then decided to have tea, because when you're furious at someone you might be less focused on what to eat while yelling at them. So they may have gotten some things out of the way, and then had tea and discussed the future.
Though this being Seamus and ps that might not be the case. I can totally see them being like, "You behaved like a vicious bastard to me. Were you raised by wolves? You're indecent! Do you want Earl Grey or Darjeeling? No, you're not getting Margaret's Hope. You don't deserve it!"
"Oh bit rich coming from somebody who steeps for 3 and a half minutes. Philistine."
black_dog @ June 14 2004, 21:47:34 UTC |
I can see it! Never quite losing their sense of theatricality, no matter how agitated they become.
No Seamus yet, but I'm delighted to see Dean come out and play. I like the way he handles PS. There's no pretense of them being fond of each other, but it's not grubbily nasty -- Dean pokes at PS with impunity, and for his own amusement, much as PS does to everyone else, and I think PS grudgingly respects it.
Less respect and love for the Hufflepuff, though. Although I think the potency subtext is wasted on Ernie, who is clearly a studmuffin.
Does PS seem to you to handle Luna relatively gently? It's as if he doesn't quite know what to make of her.
Nice to see PS in stereo, so to speak.
sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 01:01:01 UTC |
Well, we've got Seamus now! (Apparently Draco sloshes his tea and doesn't dip!) I wonder what Seamus point is there, about which people to keep in touch with. Who all have Seamus and ps seen over summer hols?
Oh and yes, I do think he handles Luna relatively gently, as if he doesn't know what to make of her. And Luna is somebody who says she couldn't pick him out of a lineup, but finds him interesting (though not always in a good way--right on, Luna!). I'd love to see if the two of them could form a relationship. In a weird way ps is one of the few people I can imagine having a real connection to her.
black_dog @ June 15 2004, 05:16:24 UTC |
I'm not sure what to make of Seamus' remark either. It seems not unfriendly, but subdued, and of course there's no reply yet. This is really going out on a limb, but maybe they talked about whether they had a friendship post-Hogwarts, and PS was either noncomittal or negative. On the other hand, Seamus-Harry and PS-Harry both pass the summer hols test, so that means they'd at least be in the same circle.
Luna-PS, I don't know, I see that as PS private hell. ;) She's not intimidated by him, and she can stop him in his tracks, but she also sort of deflates all his whimsical energy, by being odder than he is without really being playful about it. I can see them having interesting encounters from time to time, but if you locked them in a room together I think PS would hang himself.
This was a wierd thread -- each conversation feels sort of incomplete, don't you think, like a bunch of not-quite-made connections. Not sure what to make of it.
sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 13:52:58 UTC |
Yeah, even with the reply I'm not sure what to make of it. ps seems somewhat respectful, at least. He and Seamus did see each other over Easter hols, at the party. Plus Seamus would want to encourage the idea that he and Harry can still be together, so it may be Seamus' way of soothing some anxiety he sees in ps about Harry.
And yes, I agree Luna would be ps' private hell-that's probably why I like to see the two of them together. It's all about the interesting encounters for me.:-)
black_dog @ June 15 2004, 15:40:24 UTC |
Plus Seamus would want to encourage the idea that he and Harry can still be together
Of course. I'm so thick sometimes. I've been thinking that PS/JH had come to some real understanding if they managed to get back together, but PS is always going to worry that everything will change once Hogwarts is over. So I can see Seamus reassuring him by saying, "Yes, you're right, you won't care about 99% of these people in six months. That makes it all the more satisfying to pick a few that you will care about."
Hard to know how to react to PS here, though. The sad thing is, if Hogwarts were just a high school, he'd basically be right. But since Hogwarts seems to serve more of the social function of a university, for a tight little community, it might be more natural to assume these people's paths are going to be crossing for their whole lives. This is one of the ambiguities in JKR's world, I think.
sistermagpie @ June 16 2004, 03:32:52 UTC |
Yeah, it really does seem like Hogwarts represents the people you're going to know later in life-sort of like that old saying about the playing fields of Eton? The WW seems very small-Snape's life is still dominated by the Marauders, Remus and Sirius are still friends, etc.
It will be a challenge for ps, though, because does he really want to just go back to the Manor? A lot of kids by his age are used to having summer jobs and such, but usually during holidays he's just at home. He did start going off by himself so it's not like he's a child, but he really does have to find some way to just get together with people without relying on their being thrown into the vicinity by lessons etc.
I wonder if Seamus isn't also stressing something he said to ps in his "lecture." The main point he seemed to be making to him was that one owed a certain amount of effort to a friend, since he didn't appreciate ps just turning him into an enemy again because he was angry. So he may have been coaxing him about that too-that people weren't disposable, and just as he wouldn't want to be rejected, he shouldn't reject others. Or something.
black_dog @ June 16 2004, 04:00:03 UTC |
It will be a challenge for ps, though, because does he really want to just go back to the Manor?
Well, that's maybe where the quidditch comment comes in. I mean, it was kind of interesting that this came up in a discussion with Snape, who does not seem to be a quidditch fanatic. So if Snape brought it up, it was most likely in the context of PS finding something independent to do with himself, something to get him into a new circle of associates, something to preclude his dependence on his father's money until he comes into his grandmother's inheritance. If Snape is secretly counseling PS on how not to become a death-eater, this would be one logical approach. Of course, PS says he might wait a few years "to recover." But that might just be his way of generating some fog about something he's seriously interested in. Last time, with the Cannons, it was a joke -- but this time, on second thought, it might be a real option.
I like your point about Seamus reminding PS that friendship takes effort on both sides. And maybe his reference to "summer hols" is an antidote to PS' focus on "Hogwarts," a reminder that, after all, people have already been making efforts when they invite people to visit over the summer, already selecting who they really want to spend time with, out of the set of people they passively mix with at Hogwarts. Just a reminder that there is really nothing new or unusual about keeping up with people when school is out. Again, it's very elementary stuff, but perhaps PS needs it.
sistermagpie @ June 16 2004, 13:48:27 UTC |
Yeah, it's interesting that Harry's now posting about training to be an Auror, so that he and Ron would be then studying together, while ps still hasn't really decided on anything. It's weird because I don't really know about him as a professional Quidditch player. In some ways I can see why he'd like it but in other ways I feel like he wouldn't, somehow.
I like that Snape is speaking to him about it. It's of course difficult because Draco doesn't need to work like other students do, but if left on his own to get bored he just kind of causes trouble. If he was left doing nothing while Harry etc. all had careers I think it would just make him feel more useless or left out, which he'd then have to cover up by pretending he's above work. Idle hands are the devil's plaything, they say, and there's a certain devil that would be all too happy to oblige him. Otoh, if Narcissa is honest about her own drifting, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad for Draco to take some time off if he was really going to use it to figure out what he wanted to do.
Also there just seems to be something symbolic in his possibly going out in the world without a Patronus, like he's still not able to protect himself on his own.
Again, it's very elementary stuff, but perhaps PS needs it.
Yes, and it also gives him a nice way of covering his anxiety, acting like of course he's right and you don't want to desperately think you're going to keep in touch with everyone, just the people that count.
black_dog @ June 16 2004, 21:10:48 UTC |
If he was left doing nothing while Harry etc. all had careers I think it would just make him feel more useless or left out, which he'd then have to cover up by pretending he's above work . . . Otoh, if Narcissa is honest about her own drifting, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad for Draco to take some time off if he was really going to use it to figure out what he wanted to do.
For a member of the leisure class, though, he has an impressive work ethic. Quidditch captain, outstanding student, prolific journal-writer . . . And that's on ten hours' sleep! I think he's too restless to drift; he would go nuts. He's more likely to try any random stuff; if not quidditch then something to do with his shop in Diagon Alley or his talent for decorating. :)
And actually, his membership in the leisure class might be an issue if he became estranged from his father over the DE thing. Not in the long run -- he has his grandmother's money and property at 21 -- but in the next two and a half years, when he'll be making his big decision on that issue anyway. Hence the usefulness of a quidditch salary.
Also there just seems to be something symbolic in his possibly going out in the world without a Patronus, like he's still not able to protect himself on his own.
Just a random thought on his Patronus -- and maybe someone else has made this observation. Maybe he can't produce one because he's not being honest with himself about his happiest memory?
sistermagpie @ June 17 2004, 14:10:08 UTC |
For a member of the leisure class, though, he has an impressive work ethic.
Exactly, though I can see him creating something on his own terms more than having a job. Like with Quidditch he enjoyed being captain and mentioned that even more than just playing. I think he really does enjoy a feeling of accomplishment, particularly when he pulls off something spectacular like Harry's b-day entry, or the entry he wrote for Harry, or Pansy's cake. I think he was as much pleased by the whole secrecy and drama of announcing he'd been asked to be Seeker on the Cannons as anything else.
I admit, I'd love to see him writing a column or something. It's the type of thing he could do on his own schedule (he'd have deadlines but he wouldn't have to work 9-5 and he's obviously good at regularly producing stuff in writing), it would be a performance of sorts, it would make use of his "persona," he could make fun of people and comment on them. The Walter Winchell of the Wizarding World.
Just a random thought on his Patronus -- and maybe someone else has made this observation. Maybe he can't produce one because he's not being honest with himself about his happiest memory?
Oh, I totally agree-we were talking elsewhere about how his happiest memory is a very young one, and perhaps not adult enough to sustain a Patronus, like how getting on a broom wasn't quite enough for Harry, it had to be something as meaningful as finding out he was a wizard and so different from the Dursleys. It made him independent. ps' memory is still, imo, about connecting with his mother, something he loved because it was so rare, so it's not independent enough, somehow. It's still too much about his parents, and it's tied probably to all the times he *didn't* get that kind of attention.
MB's memory is interesting in that context, because even though Draco knocked her teeth out (!!!) it still seems to be a memory like Harry's where MB somehow felt powerful.
As to what his real happiest memory would be...well, I'm not sure. Of course it's tempting to say something about his first kiss with Harry, but again it probably needs to be something where he felt happy with *himself* even if Harry made him feel that way. So I'm not sure-it could be the kind of Harry-memory that would surprise Harry himself, just as MB's memory didn't make sense to ps.
oneminutemovies @ June 14 2004, 22:35:09 UTC |
Your tea party scenario is so, so funny! I love it.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 00:58:18 UTC |
Thanks-though I'm sure it would be much better if they were doing it themselves, though.:-)
(parent)moocow1985 @ June 15 2004, 01:47:10 UTC |
(Sorry - very off topic)
Tea's the best part of the week.
sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 02:15:22 UTC |
Tea is totally the best part of the week! Here I was worried they didn't have it anymore or something. That and Thursday night candlelight dinners.:-D
moocow1985 @ June 15 2004, 02:25:51 UTC |
OF COURSE THEY STILL HAVE TEA!!! And we have candlelight dinners on Thursdays too, provided someone in the kitchen remembers to put them out. Though they're consolidating dining starting next year which will SUCK!!!
I'm in Duckett! Where did you live?
sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 02:43:42 UTC |
Consolidating dining? What does that mean? Where do you eat? I am suspicious and fear change...
I was first in Cutter (where we shared the dining room with Ziskind and Sessions) and then in Martha Wilson!
sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 03:28:37 UTC |
Oh wait--I think I got an e-mail about this. It's just that there won't be meals in every house, right? Not that this will make it any less annoying. I suppose Duckett won't get meals, because it's one of the smaller houses.:-(
(parent)moocow1985 @ June 16 2004, 01:58:01 UTC |
Actually Duckett will keep dining because it's attached to the Chase-Duckett dining hall (that was built in 96, I think - I don't know when "after your time" would be) which is the third largest on campus. But we're going to have about half of Lower Elm eating there which will SUCK due to lack of seating and lines for food going out the door.
Best part (being sarcasm, of course) - Northrop-Gillett is going to have one kitchen for the two dining rooms. So they're going to be running food across the open air porch in the snow. Real smart guys, real smart.
sistermagpie @ June 16 2004, 03:14:23 UTC |
Oh god, that does sound ridiculous. The dining hall is a few years after my time it turns out-I didn't realize how long it was now! But waiting for food...see, that was the good thing about living in Cutter was that it was so close to Davis. I met my current roommate at Smith and we were just trying to picture exactly where all the houses in that area were on the campus. So we had sort of a virtual visit.:-)
(parent)moocow1985 @ June 16 2004, 23:00:02 UTC |
We don't use Davis anymore - we got a whole new campus center this year that unfortunately rather matches good ol' Cutter-Z. I've heard it described at Ikea meets the Jetsons.
I figure that the dining changes are going to go over so badly - especially the Northrop-Gillett stupidity and the fact that they're starting specialty dining (Hubbard is going vegetarian, Chase-Duckett is going to have "What's Hot" three days a week [I'm guessing this may mean Atkins? Ugh.]) - that they're going to have to rethink some stuff after next year. I'm pretty mad about it. I don't think it's saving enough money to justify it.
sistermagpie @ June 17 2004, 02:21:23 UTC |
Oh no! I mean, one of the good things about the place was the CONVENIENCE of the food. There was usually some alternative you could scrounge up if you didn't like the food. Why make everything this complicated? Oh wait--it's probably like a house meeting where everybody offers suggestions and it goes on and on until you fall asleep and when you wake up you're voting on which hours you're allowed to shower with your boyfriend/girlfriend. (At least we voted on it in my house!)
I just have no patience with planning your meal program around fad diets. How long until you graduate?:-)
moocow1985 @ June 17 2004, 23:51:38 UTC |
Your house had rules about showering with SOs? Weird. My roommate just went ahead and did it without permission. I laughed at her.
I personally don't see the logic of having an all-vegetarian house when they usually have more vegie options than meat options at dinner as is.
What I'm really afraid of is that they seem to be pushing the idea of themed housing. I suspect that they actually do it, Duckett's going to be taken over since it's so small.
I actually just finished my first year (I would say "rising-sophomore" except that I irrationally hate that term) so I've got a while still. I've discovered that Smith food is changing my eating habits. I've been craving potatoes so badly ever since I've been home.
vassilissa @ June 15 2004, 05:19:33 UTC |
Though this being Seamus and ps that might not be the case. I can totally see them being like, "You behaved like a vicious bastard to me. Were you raised by wolves? You're indecent! Do you want Earl Grey or Darjeeling? No, you're not getting Margaret's Hope. You don't deserve it!"
"Oh bit rich coming from somebody who steeps for 3 and a half minutes. Philistine."
That is all.
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Anonymous @ June 15 2004, 01:32:37 UTC |
it's got nothing to do with Voldemort
But remember the mysterious goings-on on Walpurgis night with Draco, Nagini and the house-elf. We don't yet know what ramifications that will have for ps, he may have been locked into a binding magical contract that requires him to work for Voldemort and the DE's or something.
Surely it's significant that Lucius arranged that so soon before Draco would be leaving Hogwarts.
Melissa :-) (too lazy and uninteresting to actually get an lj but have been following na for far too long now)
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lonelyspade @ June 14 2004, 19:21:05 UTC |
Psh. Of course he wants babies. Harry's babies.
lazy_daze @ June 14 2004, 19:23:18 UTC |
NA MPREG :DD! Now *that* would be a good way to end the year with a bang ;D
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hezzabeth @ June 15 2004, 04:19:19 UTC |
Except Snape pointed out in the Q and A that theres no such thing as NA Mpreg
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hezzabeth @ June 15 2004, 09:28:36 UTC |
Its hard to tell :) lots of people wave the Mpreg flag.
(parent)slinkhard @ June 15 2004, 13:51:03 UTC |
Prft. Snape, Schmape.
Harry and Draco are going to get married and have 85903857934 babies.
*rest of nraged flees, sickened by rampant squeeage*
Muahahah! Now all the gold stars shall be mine, all mine!
slinkhard @ June 16 2004, 07:08:35 UTC |
Lots of wizard babies needing homes, as Tom Riddle could attest!...
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hezzabeth @ June 16 2004, 09:24:55 UTC |
Exactly if they adopt 8,0000 babies they'll never have to worry about another darklord again.
(parent)vassilissa @ June 15 2004, 05:20:51 UTC |
*imagines, just for a moment, the children they'd make*
*runs into the night*
onthehillside @ June 14 2004, 17:41:10 UTC |
I got all wibbly when I read about that. Like the DE's are planning something with Dementors. Then again, I automatically assume the worst with everything involving NA.
I'd also very much like to know what PS's happiest moment is! I don't know if we'll ever get a chance to find that out though. It's not like he going to suddenly get all emotional and spill his guts to lj.
laurac0re @ June 14 2004, 17:46:32 UTC |
I vote that we kidnap the players once it's finished (*wibble*) and torture them until they tell us all the NA secrets that have been tormenting us.
(parent)vassilissa @ June 15 2004, 05:21:42 UTC |
I vote for mercilessly feeding them chocolate and good comic books. Torture just doesn't seem right.
(parent)lunadeath02 @ June 14 2004, 17:46:22 UTC |
What's the link to the part where he brought it up in Harry's journal?
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 14 2004, 17:49:28 UTC |
In this post.
He just has Harry say how he knows everything he needs to know in Charms because they're doing Patronus. It stuck in my head because I though oh yeah, this is a 7th year charm and interestingly one of the last they'll learn. And of course Harry knows it already.
lunadeath02 @ June 14 2004, 17:54:03 UTC |
Oh, that part! Ok. I was thinking it was a comment made. :) I'm guessing that Harry must have been called up to do a demonstration, like when he took his O.W.L.s ^___^
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a_player @ June 14 2004, 20:21:59 UTC |
The Gryffindors and Slytherins don't take Charms together.
(parent)laurac0re @ June 14 2004, 17:56:33 UTC |
I can't imagine that going over well with the Weasleys...
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Anonymous @ June 15 2004, 03:02:21 UTC |
Um, I don't know if we're supposed to see it or not, but I found the guestbook that the people who attended the wedding used, and Hermione and Harry did pen down their best wishes.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 14 2004, 17:58:30 UTC |
Sorry, the idea just frightens me after what he said to Molly. I think if Harry brought Draco to the wedding Draco wouldn't make it past the door and Harry might be thrown out for being so insensitive.
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hezzabeth @ June 15 2004, 04:14:11 UTC |
Can a patronus be a person? I always assumed they were animals like you know a witches familiar or something like that.
If I'd have one I'd want it to be a cat.
slinkhard @ June 15 2004, 14:11:39 UTC |
A Platypus would be a wicked Patronus!
"...when I told it to shut up it only cried more."
Bwhahaha! So we can rule out nursery nurse, then?