quixotic_sense @ 2004-06-25 19:28:00 |
Mood: shocked
McGonagall posts. She is furious at Dumbledore. And the plot thickens, courtesy of Ernie.
*F5s repeatedly*
nannyo @ June 25 2004, 09:16:41 UTC |
aaargh! I have to go to a meeting and all I want to do is f5 and cry...how, how oh wonderful NA players have you got your hooks into me so well... I love you all...
black_dog @ June 25 2004, 09:17:25 UTC |
Is it selfish of me that my first reaction is, "more plot, more story, Yay!"
Traitors in the Ministry, traitors at Hogwarts, Dumbledore missing. Please let this take a couple of weeks to work out!
orpheusinjapan @ June 25 2004, 10:14:20 UTC |
I think you just might get your two weeks. She does say she is going to contemplate it in a fortnight, so it sounds like there might still be two weeks worth of things to be played out.
(parent)ewacat @ June 25 2004, 09:22:19 UTC |
Lisa said Dumbledore was with the Head Boy the other day.
And Head Boy could have... nah.
I'm going to randomly connect strands of ideas until I come up with something because I'm still on a megawibble and it's dizzifying unless I'm trying to sort out the plot.
This comment was brought to you courtesy of Tea, Being Late For Work and EwaWibble. :D
the_lady_lily @ June 25 2004, 09:34:44 UTC |
A student? Under the Imperio, or something more dastardly? I've been thinking the Polyjuice Potion for most of this plot-line actually, it must come into it somewhere. Any bets on the possibility of Tom Riddle?
And the reason, Minerva, that he's not come forward earlier with the information is that he's been laid out after a Cruciatus. Honestly...
lostuponme @ June 25 2004, 09:50:09 UTC |
Mr. Weasley about Perkins
Um. So Percy aquired Wormtail through Perkins then... Uh. Aurther hasn't yet connected this together, I take it.
the_lady_lily @ June 25 2004, 10:00:07 UTC |
Arthur hasn't yet connected this together, I take it
Not by the look of things, but judging from the shouting, Ron has...
nannyo @ June 25 2004, 10:02:31 UTC |
I can't believe Arthur is so dim... maybe it's grief or something... It's almost Fudge like behaviour.
mordororbust @ June 25 2004, 10:04:01 UTC |
hahaha, this is so typical of Ron XD I love that he can still make me laugh hysterically. Just spit it out already, Ron!
(parent)the_lady_lily @ June 25 2004, 10:05:51 UTC |
He seems to have got it now...
Hello, son. Perkins gave you your evil rat, I do not think this is good.
It was a probably a combination of shock at hearing about the attack & worrying about the children & just wanting to get out of the Ministry and therefore not wanting to hear about any of this. Thank goodness he's finally put two and two together...
And I now want to poke Percy with a stick. Just for being... Percy.
nannyo @ June 25 2004, 10:08:49 UTC |
I know...
WAy to go to blame Draco while his girlfriend is dead, not the most emotionally sensitive sort really.
the_lady_lily @ June 25 2004, 10:11:03 UTC |
Especially the hint contained in there is no reason to believe that Mr Perkins did so intentionally - how the hell can you not kill someone intentionally?? Wake up, Percy!
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 25 2004, 18:09:57 UTC |
And so wonderfully Percy--and also realistic. He can't have done it--he was so charming when he signed the guestbook! People are really like this. It's like I met someone once who was saying they knew someone who had known Kim Philby (of the Cambridge 5 spies). The guy I knew gave spy tours and he had this guy on a tour and he still insisted Philby had to be innocent though it was a known fact this guy was a Communist spy, one of the most notorious. Finally when he asked why this guy was so adamant he said, "Dammit man, he was IN MY CLUB!" You know, he was a proper Englishman I can't believe he was a spy!
And Percy is so tied to the Ministry and so looks up to the people there, especially if they look kindly on him and flatter him. I'll bet he's been taking orders from this guy for a while.
Plus, what I love, is NA taking on the sad fact that nice is not the same as good. On the surface it does make sense to suspect the word of a Malfoy since Lucius was who he was, but in this case the Malfoy kid is telling the truth and Percy's nice friend (the guy who was kind to them after George died instead of a nasty brat) is the real bad guy.
lostuponme @ June 25 2004, 10:08:52 UTC |
Big sharp pointy stick. Percy has gotten on my nerves lately with his movements. But Ha! Aurther is calling him Percival!
Hello, son. Perkins gave you your evil rat, I do not think this is good.
:snicker: Hah! Now slightly amused, yet still morose.
nannyo @ June 25 2004, 10:12:27 UTC |
ARe we certain Percy and Arthur weren't in Hufflepuff? This is very Hufflepuff suspicion...
Oh and of course being polite in a guestbook means you can't be evil!
nannyo @ June 25 2004, 09:59:20 UTC |
HE gave Percy HIS PET!!!...too stressed to link...argh!
nannyo @ June 25 2004, 10:16:32 UTC |
I love Ron so much in this thread, he's defending Draco, forcing Arthur to see what's going on, telling Percy what's what, and look, Arthur just told him to STFU. Amazing!
hermione_like @ June 25 2004, 10:19:53 UTC |
and look, Arthur just told him to STFU.
Characters just died (Remus! *woe*) and I'm sitting here cracking up at Ron and Arthur. Maybe not the best reaction lol but...man, I love this RPG.
lilychick @ June 26 2004, 02:53:44 UTC |
Hee, I know what you mean. Last night I did nothing but cry, and then I hop over and read this conversation...as soon as I saw Arthur's "STFU" I cracked up, and almost felt guilty in a weird way.
But that's how life goes, I guess. (*loves n_a*)
the_lady_lily @ June 25 2004, 10:23:33 UTC |
The only appropriate reaction seems to be 'he WHAT?'
Although that post does make me wonder how much Sex Ed got taught at Hogwarts.
kaffy_smaffy @ June 25 2004, 10:33:48 UTC |
Ron's reaction seems to be to laugh at the lack of scar on Harry's head.
His constant mentioning of how Harry's forehead looks so big now brings back memories of when Seamus was freaking out about how big his forehead was. *sigh* back before the N_A world exploded into a big mess of wibble
Arthur's suggestion to draw it back on makes me laugh though. Gotta love the Weasley's.
orpheusinjapan @ June 25 2004, 10:51:26 UTC |
I seem to remember reading somewhere that the last line of book 7 was about Harry's scar being gone.
Feels like the end is nigh.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 12:17:58 UTC |
Damn, SPOILER much?! >:I
Some people don't WANT to know stuff like that. God.
jiffy_spiffy @ June 25 2004, 12:40:49 UTC |
It's only a rumour though, no one knows for sure obviously.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 13:50:11 UTC |
Of course we don't -- but some people (hello.) work their asses off to avoid hearing anything about it, because most rumors start with a bit of truth, you know? One doesn't expect to read potential spoilers for book 7 in a random nraged thread!
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ June 25 2004, 14:24:18 UTC |
I know, I was just trying to assure you that there is very little chance it was based on fact. JKR isn't likely to give away such a crucial fact though, is she? It was probably just some random fan who decided to spread the rumour.
(parent)orpheusinjapan @ June 25 2004, 14:31:49 UTC |
What? How is that a spoiler? Just another theory. The last line of the series is pretty much common knowledge in the fandom. I know I've read it on more than one site.
I think you're taking your chances even being online if you call this a spoiler.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 16:26:47 UTC |
Well, maybe it's because I've only been around for a year and a half, but I've never heard that before because, as I said, some people work specifically to avoid stuff like that.
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Anonymous @ June 26 2004, 00:17:37 UTC |
That isn't true. JKR said that the last word of book seven was "scar", that's all. Some people have SPECULATED that it meant he would lose his scar, but JKR has never said anything about book seven but the last word. I am sorry to spoil you with even that much, but I thought it should be clarified.
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Anonymous @ June 27 2004, 01:38:58 UTC |
I think that is a spoiler too. Please don't post stuff like that again.