dr_jekyl @ 2004-06-27 14:43:00 |
Casualty Update
Mood: wibbling
Seamus posts another update, and from it we have the legendary good news and bad news.
The good news is that, from the list, we can surmise that there have been no additional casualties. Everyone who has been posted on that list is either still on it, or has been moved off after spending time in the observation ward. The sole exception to this is Ernie, who appears to have released himself.
To date, there are six people still left on the critical list (down from thirty) and eleven on the 'severe' list (down from fourteen), with the total number of people still in hospital now down from sixty-eight thirty-two, and roughly half of those still remaining should be let out tomorrow. Terry Boot should be one of those.
The bad news is that Snape (Effects of Cruciatus) and Luna (Head trauma, severe lacerations) remain on the critical list, along with an additional member of each House. Likewise, Hooch (Effects of Cruciatus and severe lacerations), though she has been downgraded from 'critical' to 'severe', remains on the severe ward. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw still have the most people in hospital.
As you might surmise, I'm particularly worried about Snape and Luna now. Given the staggering are with which everyone else is recovering (three days from 'critical' to release in some cases), this implies that, despite the healers' optimism, their recovery is going to be a long time coming... if they ever do recover fully.
lindra @ June 27 2004, 07:44:31 UTC |
I'm worried as well. Luna's strong, but she's not that strong, and Snape's not, to be frank, going to have much to come back to. I'm more worried about Snape - he's lost his position and probably his 'purpose', as well, and if he does wake up, I'm concerned that he'll wake up bitter.
I'm not sure that Snape will ever recover fully - who knows what the effects of the backlash of a Dark Mark are? - but I have more faith in Luna. It begs the question, though - why her, and not some other student?
dr_jekyl @ June 27 2004, 08:04:39 UTC |
You mean he's not bitter already? *g* You're right though - he's just lost his primary purpose for hanging in there, particularly if his injuries prevent him from working (or potions-making). He has no family, really, one of his closest friends has been badly hurt and a man I think he still harboured some affection for has been killed, not the mention the death of Lucius and the injuries/deaths among his students. What's he going to do?
Poor Snape. Someone go visit him, would you? Even just knowing if he's conscious or not would be wonderful.
Why Luna? Perhaps it's because, in many ways, they're opposites, and have very different strengths and weaknesses.
I actually have less faith in Luna's recovery than Snape's... Snape, I think is a lot more likely to recover physically - he's a tough bastard. If Luna does wake up, I think she's got a better chance of making a psychological recovery than Snape (provided that there's no brain damage affecting her behaviour etc), if only because she has a much better support network. Her general outlook, also, has always been better, though it's possible that this incident will ruin that for her. That would be a true shame indeed.
lindra @ June 27 2004, 09:03:48 UTC |
Who's the closest friend? [My first reaction was: 'Snape has friends?' *facepalm*]
What's so terrible about all this is that no-one seems to sparing a thought for him at all; he's made many, many sacrifices during the course of his lifetime, and the way he protected those Slytherins... give him some credit, would you? I would imagine that a side-effect of extended Cruciatus would be trembles or shakes, given the form of the punishment and the reactions that the victims have; that would interfere, wouldn't it? He's lost his position as a spy, and that's probably, along with his potions, driven him for the past - what? fourteen? sixteen? - years, and now he's lost that. In a sense, he's lost his usefulness, and I can't imagine that watching a group of idiots butcher the art that you profess to love would be particularly motivating. [I've been there. It's awful to watch them, and you just want to shriek and drill it into their heads the the importance of it, the necessity of it, the beauty inherent in the form, the creation, the results... Absolutely awful.]
... They are opposites, aren't they? Snape would recover physically better, but his mind probably wouldn't... and her mind would recover better, but her body probably wouldn't... Hee! I wonder what will happen in the ward when/if they wake up in each other's company; you know how Snape disapproves of Luna, and I suspect that Snape's a stodgy, unpleasant bastard to Luna. But of all of them, she's the one who would understand the most. ...Man, that will gall him!
It was... what was it? Luna's always had some form of her Mother's rose-tinted glasses - remember them? - it would be a shame if she lost them permanently. Luna's positivity has always been a bright spot in N_A; there's something about that combination of wisdom and naivete that's wonderful to see. If that was lost... Luna's going to wake up [if she does] older, I think; she won't lose that combination, but it'll have matured, in a sense, if you understand me.
dr_jekyl @ June 27 2004, 10:26:48 UTC |
Who's the closest friend? [My first reaction was: 'Snape has friends?' *facepalm*]
*snerk* Hooch.
I believe that Sinistra has been in to see both Hooch and Sevvie, given that she made the first reference to their condition to date (she also probably has Lilitou). And I suspect that the Slytherins a a group are concerned, given what Vector said in her post . I was somewhat surprised that there was no comment from Narcissa, but she does seem to be out of the loop somewhat. Given that Draco and M.B., who are the two most frequent posters of the Slytherins, are pre-occupied with the deaths of Lucius and Pansy, I doubt we'll see any updates from anyone but Sinistra or the medical staff. Maybe, at the outside, Hooch if she's well enough to post, or Sybil.
I think you're right about the side-effects of extended Cruciatus - shakes and poor motor control would be, to my mind, a logical result of nerve trauma, possibly in addition to increased or decreased sensitivity. Potions work requies a steady hand, and if he's suffering from these symptoms, he would be effectivly barred from work.
I also wonder how he'll take the realisation that he failed. He didn't seem to know the attack was coming and couldn't do anything to prevent it. I think that will be the hardest thing for him to stomach.
doubtful_salmon @ June 27 2004, 17:39:09 UTC |
But remember Alice and Frank Longbottom.
They lived, but they went mad.
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jacay @ June 27 2004, 18:20:33 UTC |
I imagine they were tortured longer than Snape was, though.
(parent)doubtful_salmon @ June 28 2004, 01:01:52 UTC |
I just thought I would point that out.
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jacay @ June 27 2004, 17:00:31 UTC |
I can't imagine that watching a group of idiots butcher the art that you profess to love would be particularly motivating.
What about Hermione? She was helping with Remus's potion; maybe she'll become his apprentice. You're right about him losing so much. He really just has Hooch and Lilitou now. I think Draco, at least, should be visiting him. They were somewhat close, weren't they? And he probably is visiting him, as are other students who just aren't in the journal project. I think Snape has more support than we might think; certainly the teachers should feel obliged to visit him and help all they can. If Snape lives, and I'm having my doubts, then I don't think he'll be anywhere near the same person, and that makes me unbelievably sad.
As for Luna, I think she'll pull through. I imagine Ginny saved her rose-tinted glasses and is just waiting for her to wake up so that she can give them back.
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Anonymous @ June 27 2004, 08:14:22 UTC |
I'm more worried about Snape - he's lost his position and probably his 'purpose', as well, and if he does wake up, I'm concerned that he'll wake up bitter.
His position?
lindra @ June 27 2004, 08:50:06 UTC |
His position as a spy. He probably lived for it and his potions.
(parent)noirenails @ June 27 2004, 09:43:07 UTC |
This is horrible: I check N_A daily and many times during a sigle day and Snape's still on top of the list. Wah!
(parent)eponis @ June 27 2004, 14:49:48 UTC |
Yeah. I'm really worried about Snape and Luna.
The one thing I'm hoping for is that Neville's post was a foreshadowing, and Snape will only get better when Neville overcomes his feelings for him and goes to sit with him.
But when Snape learns about Remus (if he didn't know already) . . . . .
sistermagpie @ June 27 2004, 15:36:53 UTC |
You know, I wonder if the reason Luna isn't waking up has something to do with not wanting to--that she lives in "other worlds" so frequently that if she does wake up she'll describe "the other side" and explain how she just wanted to spend more time with her mother and the others or something. It just seems like Luna that she's doing some traveling now.