a_player @ 2004-08-11 07:36:00 |
(no title)
Mood: hot
Hello! I am Molly's player. We are probably going to do a couple of these a day so it isn't a huge amount of spam. However, you can still go on commenting to the previous ones, so this doesn't mean Hermione's is done or anything. Just jumping in because I am pumped to do this.
I think the mods are going to make a general Q&A post for formatting of the game in the end, so if you have questions about stuff like that, there should be a place to answer them.
Anyway! Ask away!
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kinderlijk @ August 11 2004, 07:00:13 UTC |
Okay, I don't have a question.. I just had to tell you that I love you. *LOVES*
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 07:03:34 UTC |
*laughs* I don't expect people are going to have burning questions for me, since Molly is not really mysterious, but I wanted to do one anyway. Thank you! *loves back*
(parent)portkey @ August 11 2004, 07:10:38 UTC |
How much fun did you have when you first entered the game? I fondly recall the hilarity of it all, so I'm curious how it was on your end. ;)
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 07:34:03 UTC |
Absolutely! I love Molly and I had wanted to play her for a very long time. Arthur was so fun and hilarious. I have great Weasley love, and finally getting to play Molly with such a great Arthur just increased it tenfold.
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 08:02:28 UTC |
Weasleyish, I guess! Very fun. All of the Weasley players were tight-knit, so we really thought of each other as the Weasleys, I think, sort of. I made Ron and Ginny's players horrified quite a lot and I was very delighted by it. Arthur's player and I were always talking about the others as our children. I loved doing Weasley threads. It was especially fun to try to put bits of the Weasley kids into Molly, so that all of the Weasleys were similar.
(parent)doubtful_salmon @ August 11 2004, 07:15:16 UTC |
Was it difficult to keep the same journal as Arthur?
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 08:04:19 UTC |
I'm not sure how you mean, for Molly or me? Do you mean was Arthur annoying, or was it just difficult to share an LJ?
For me, at least, no, it wasn't difficult. The only thing difficult would be when Arthur and Molly would comment to each other, because we would often not think to mention it, and we wouldn't receive the comment alerts because, of course, we were commenting on our own journal.
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 08:15:06 UTC |
I think the cream looks like butter, and it kind of grosses me out the more I look at it.
Yes, we were/are! I knitted something maroon for Ron's player at Christmas this year. That AIM Weasley chat log was just a result of us sitting around and doing it randomly, it wasn't really planned. The Weasley kids especially were very familyish, and then Arthur's player and I on the other hand were close in a separate way, I think. At least for me, I felt like one of my children was gone, when George died, and we had to discuss what would be done with his body and things like that, and it felt sort of like parents shouldering the responsibility that no one wants to talk about. I also think I put Arthur's player through the ringer with Molly's angsty posts, but that's all right.
Speaking for Molly at least, she didn't say anything during the attack because her family was okay. After F&G&C, that was honestly the only thing that mattered to her anymore. She didn't really care if the entire world went to hell (and sort of expected it) as long as nothing happened to her children. She also knew that she had no place in comforting the friends and family of the dead when she hadn't known the people at all. She wanted to knit something for Harry, but she realised that it wouldn't mean anything.
And I loved assuming the role of a mother! The Weasleys were already close-knit before Molly and Arthur joined the game, so I was very happy to be the mother hen over them. I loved embarrassing them and sending howlers and such.
It was definitely hard during the Diagon Alley attack, though. Especially because Molly had so much guilt over it, and part of me blames Molly. It isn't her fault, and I know that, but because Molly blamed herself, I do too. It was so horrifying to think about Molly going into their shop to clean things up without realising they were there. Afterwards I kept feeling like such a horrible mother, particularly during Ginny's birthday.
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 08:44:14 UTC |
Well, I don't intend on becoming a mother, full-stop. If I were to be a mother, I don't think I'd be anything like Molly, because we have next to nothing in common. I certainly wouoldn't mind being like Molly, though. However, I think Molly is very much a mother of seven children, which is so much different than being the mother of one. She never gives any of her children an exceptional and individual amount of attention unless she thinks they've done something wrong or something has happened to them. Which is understandable, especially since you cannot choose favourites, but it's a less personal relationship than I would want with my own children.
She's also a bit judgmental and hasty, and a bit immature in the way she holds grudges. But Molly's flaws are some of my favourite parts of her.
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 10:43:27 UTC |
Oh, I don't think I emphasised them at all. I wish I'd put them in more, actually.
Probably for them all to stay at home and never get jobs or anything. Molly doesn't dream of a life where she and Arthur finally have some time alone.
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 11:29:47 UTC |
Oh, unfair! She doesn't have one, of course! They are all her favourites in different ways.
Bill is her favourite because he was such a fine student when he was at Hogwarts and did exceedingly well at everything that she never did anything but average at. He was her first child, of course, too. (I find I do not have much to say about Bill because he was rarely in the game.)
Charlie is her favourite because he was so brave and innocent, and he would speed home from Romania if something really awful happened to threaten his family. He was funny and he made her worry so much, but then he would come home and love kittens.
Percy is her favourite because the others (with the exception of Bill, on occasion) don't really understand Percy, and she is often the only one who knows when he is upset by something. He is frequently delicate, and he always makes her proud of him.
Fred is her favourite because despite all pretenses he is somewhat insecure. It hurt to look at him after George died, but she couldn't even imagine what it must be like for Fred to look in the mirror. He is good-natured, and even in the face of tragedy he can put on a light-hearted front.
George was her favourite because he loved his family immensely, probably moreso than one might gather from his posts and comments. During the Veritaserum, when Draco got George to say that he wished his father was more like Lucius (because the Weasleys are poor, that is), George was absolutely sick about it and hated himself for it.
Ron is her favourite because he has such a loyal and loving heart and he is so fiercely protective of everyone he loves. She is secretly proud of him in a huge way for everything he has done and credits him to things like the Chamber of Secrets more than she credits Harry.
Ginny is her favourite because she is her little girl and she still calls her Mummy sometimes. Ginny is funny and sometimes wicked and she can hold her own with her brothers. Molly likes knitting and crocheting with her. She loves how close Ron and Ginny are and the way Ginny loves her brothers unconditionally.
sistermagpie @ August 11 2004, 13:45:21 UTC |
She is secretly proud of him in a huge way for everything he has done and credits him to things like the Chamber of Secrets more than she credits Harry.
For some reason this makes me happier than everything else. Molly is such a mother.
(And I love scones with clotted cream and jam and your icon is making me crave one something fierce...)
doubtful_salmon @ August 11 2004, 07:25:49 UTC |
Also! I just wanted to say, I really loved the entry you wrote when George died, it was really very touching.
Was it emotionally distressing for you to write it?
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 08:17:53 UTC |
Thank you! I spent a lot of time writing and rewriting that because I wanted it to be perfect without sounding over the top.
It definitely was. I wrote it in pieces, because every time I wrote it I cried. I wanted to cry while I was writing it, though, so that I could get the voice right. The hardest part, I think, was writing about George's body being burnt, because the thought of anyone I love being cremated makes me really, really upset. When I was little, my mother told me she was going to be cremated and I screamed and cried because I didn't really understand, and so I've always carried this complete horror at cremation. I can't stand the thought of there being nothing left of a person, and it was hard to write about that because it was such an upsetting thing to me personally. And of course, the guilt was just tremendously hard to feel and get through.
doubtful_salmon @ August 12 2004, 02:47:21 UTC |
It really showed; it seemed to me very genuine. I hold great admiration for the fact that you put so much work and poured yourself into such a thing. I really believed it, and your efforts paid off.
Thank you!
aome @ August 11 2004, 11:01:43 UTC |
*points up* What s/he said. That entry nearly drove me to tears. I come from a family that lost a child, and a friend just lost her brother two weeks ago. For someone who isn't a mother, you really captured a lot of the frenetic guilt and agony over losing a child. The entire storyline was crushing, and your overall responses and comments were brilliant, but that post just about did me in.
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 11:20:15 UTC |
I am sorry to hear that. I have lost people in my life as well, and I think that even when it isn't your child, the guilt is sometimes overwhelming. I also tended to think about how I thought my mother might react to things. Then again, I personally felt very guilty about George and Charlie on Molly's behalf, so I think that was probably just instinctual. Thank you so much, though; I was really worried about how I was portraying Molly at the time.
(parent)aome @ August 11 2004, 11:47:19 UTC |
You know, it was occurring to me after I typed my comment that it's unfair to you to reduce your entire stint as Molly down to one post. It's just that it stood out *so* much, and was recent - still, I've been in a RPG for 10 months now, myself (seen_unforeseen), so I recognise that it's good to be appreciated for the overall presentation, and not just for one thing. And you did pull off Molly exceedingly well. My apologies for not highlighting other great moments - I'm rather short on sleep right now and my memory is not functioning at all.
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 11:50:59 UTC |
Oh, no, that's certainly fine! People keep asking for my favourite moment and things like that, and I instantly think of things that were very recent when there are things from two years ago that I loved just as much. So I completely understand.
(parent)black_dog @ August 11 2004, 08:58:21 UTC |
You're making me realize how much I miss the Weasley-love! I hope you stick around when Ron and Ginny and various other Weasleys have to answer questions. Might as well keep them on their toes. :)
It's true that Molly wasn't actually mysterious, but I had a few questions that maybe get into behind-the-scenes stuff, so I hope you can answer.
If I remember right, Arthur and Molly were almost the last major characters to join the game, right around the outing stuff, almost a full year after the start. It was a pretty inspired addition! But can you share anything about the decision to add characters at that point? We were hearing more about Narcissa and Lucius right about then, and Sirius and Remus were getting married, so I wondered if the players deliberately wanted to explore a family/parent theme or anything like that, or if people just thought it would be fun.
Speaking of Narcissa, what did you really think of her, as one mother sizing up another?
The Diagon Alley incident was heartbreaking, and maybe the strongest impact came because of the way it was reflected through your character. I thought it was a wonderful NA touch to take a basically comic character like Molly and suddenly put her in a tragic role like that, and your long memorial post was brilliant. I'm wondering -- can you talk about the decision to make that particular bit of plot (the murders) happen? In a way, it seemed more deliberate and less "inevitable" than a lot of NA plot developments, and I'm wondering if it was intended to bring out that side of Molly, or maybe to foreshadow the ending of the game. I'm just really curious about the kind of player thinking that went into adopting a major plot event like that one.
Finally, a shorter question: how could you have been jealous of Arthur and Pansy? Really!
Thanks again for coming to answer questions, and for playing such a quirky and compelling Molly.
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 09:19:03 UTC |
Oh, I will! :D
I had wanted to play Molly in NA since -- wow, since probably April of 2002. When I asked about it, though, no one really saw a place for Molly, so I just sort of grumbled and gave up on it. Later we found out that someone was an extremely awesome Arthur and loved RPing him, so I just sort of screamed, "I WANT TO PLAY MOLLY SO BADLY!" and we pondered how to do that. We didn't want the Weasley parents to become an overwhelmingly large part of NA, which is why we decided on a shared journal. I suppose it was mostly because the opportunity presented itself again. It didn't have anything to do with timing, plotwise, though.
You know, I really love Narcissa in NA very, very much. I think she truly loves Draco in a way that she didn't always get credit for, but I do think she often used him as a weapon with Lucius (as did he). I don't think this is something she did intentionally, but I did feel like that happened. She would often surprise you, though, because just when you thought she wasn't paying very good care towards Draco, she would do something very thoughtful.
Partly the decision for that came about with the fact that, obviously, someone was going to die, and that it needed to be someone of consequence--not someone like Soblessa. I think that a lot of people are convinced one of the Weasleys will die in canon, and what we suspect will happen in canon often influenced the way we chose to do things in NA. We couldn't kill Percy, because he was meant to look suspicious, and we were against killing Ron because he so often gets killed in fanon that it seemed predictable and common.
It wasn't really meant to bring out that side of Molly or really out of anyone (although I do remember someone mentioning that it would be something good for Fred to work with), rather when plots were built in NA it was strictly from a plot standpoint, and the character reactions came later. I actually can't remember why the decision was made to have Molly so involved -- mostly because we thought, "If the twins are not around, why hasn't Molly checked on them?", and so she had gone to the shop a few times. I would say inevitability was the highest factor in that.
Pansy is a vixen! She was always sending him scones and flirting with him! Poor Arthur is just a bit clueless to it, but Molly was not and assumed he wasn't either. She felt really old and ugly in comparison to Pansy.
Thanks for asking!
saltroseortopaz @ August 11 2004, 08:58:46 UTC |
Er, I don't really have any questions. Just lots of fangirlyness and, "OMG YOU WAS BEST MUM IN THE WORLD"-ness (but with better grammar). [shuffles feet]
saltroseortopaz @ August 11 2004, 09:21:02 UTC |
You're welcome!
Oh, I did have a question but it's a silly one that I think you've said before (the fun of sending howlers).
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 09:24:47 UTC |
I loved, loved, loved sending howlers! I sent one before Arthur and Molly joined the game, probably around July of 2002, and I was so tickled by it. I wanted to send howlers more than I did, but my microphone broke and so I wasn't able to again until they introduced the phone posts.
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unknownwisdom @ August 11 2004, 09:03:53 UTC |
All right, question(s): What was the most difficult part of being a parental figure during this game, for you? Did you ever feel slightly helpless, seeing things on the journal you knew Molly would care about yet not be able to say anything? (I guess this probably applies more toward the very end of NA, but were there times when love life's and such spilled over that Molly felt especially helpless?)
Thank you so much for doing this! ^_^
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 09:23:35 UTC |
I wouldn't say helpless is the word, so much as if Molly were really breathing down everyone's necks, it would make a lot of the plots impossible because she would be able to stop them before they happened. So it was difficult to find a happy medium between Molly reading too much and not reading enough. I am sure this is a problem that the professors and other parents had as well, though -- coming up with reasonable ways for figures of authority to avoid seeing that the students/children were doing something they should not.
Aside from the obvious, Molly felt especially helpless when she found out that Harry and Hermione thought that Percy had let Pettigrew out of Azkaban, that they thought Percy had a hand in killing his own brother. It hurt Percy probably more seriously than was made apparent by his comments, and it wasn't something Molly could really say, "It's all right!" about.
Also during the Veritaserum. You know, I can't actually even remember exactly what she said to Fred and I'm too lazy to look it up, but I believe it was something about wishing they'd had another girl and Fred thinking she meant him. She felt so awful that she'd insulted her child that badly. She felt like that when she found out that Ginny was gay, too, that she had done something to make Ginny that way.
jocondite @ August 11 2004, 09:49:14 UTC |
Hmm, I don't really have much to say, apart from OHMYGOD so much love and fangirliness.
I loved your Molly. And dear lord, the Howlers!
Actually, am also rather fond of Molly serving Harry celery after discovering his [and Hermione's] suspicions about Percy. Heh.
Are you planning to "come out" as a player?
Do you/did you/will you write fanfic?
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 09:54:43 UTC |
1. Love for you, too!
2. Thank you!
3. I was fond of that, too! It always made me laugh really hard when Hermione got the tiny little egg from Molly in GoF.
4. Nope! I take my anonymity as a blessing, because if people knew those howlers were me, I would be really embarrassed! When I was recording them I remember saying, "Thank god no one knows this is my voice."
5. Yes, I do!
jocondite @ August 11 2004, 09:59:19 UTC |
No fury like.. a mother defending her young. Argh, am mixing my aphorisms.
Thank you for answering the questions!
[Although your anonymity does prevent me from tracking down your fics!]
Another [quick] question: Was it difficult entering N_A so much later?
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 10:04:00 UTC |
I don't write much, and besides, for all you know my fics might be awful!
Not at all, but I had been in NA before I was Molly, so I am probably not the person to ask that.
jocondite @ August 11 2004, 10:06:17 UTC |
Really? Who?
[If this is Top Secret, Unable-to-Be-Divulged Information of the most Sensitive kind, I will understand].
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 10:07:05 UTC |
Oh, I'd rather not tell, because I've found that when that happens, people tend to read the other character looking for similarities.
(parent)jukajong @ August 11 2004, 10:36:48 UTC |
Molly! <3!
I just have to say that your howlers were breathtakingly funny. Did you do those yourself? Do you still have the older ones?
Your posts during the whole Diagon Alley ordeal were amazing. God, those really made it real to me. Just to hear a mother's pain, how you had to burn him... just, wow. I was pretty upset before, but when I read that I just started crying.
I generally dislike Molly, but you made her seem... more vulnerable, in a way. Like, she could be so over the top and hilarious and also so sincere and break your heart. All the dysfunction was still there but I just really loved your Molly.
Hahaha this is so sappy.
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 10:42:03 UTC |
Yes, I did! The older ones should be on NA.net, but I'll check for them. I do have them all and the outtakes, but they're not on this computer.
Thank you. I don't think I really cried until I wrote that post, either.
Thank you. <333 I like Molly's vulnerabilities, though they are probably just in my head.
susan_voight @ August 11 2004, 10:48:37 UTC |
Hi! Thanks for doing this. These are fascinating, and I quite admired Molly as a character.
I've read the comments so far and I don't think these, my planned all-players questions, are too repetitive, though feel free to not answer if someone else sneaked them in when I wasn't looking:
1) What was your favorite in-game moment?
2) What was the hardest in-game moment? (You've mentioned that the post after Diagon Alley was very hard--was that the hardest?)
3) Would you do anything differently if you had to do it all over again?
4) I see you've said you write a little fic--did it affect at all your play?
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 10:53:58 UTC |
Thanks for asking! I don't think they're repetitive. I was preparing when you asked Hermione's player, actually.
1. I have this memoried, actually -- let me log out and get it.
2. Yes, definitely that post was the hardest to make. Though I was pretty miserable when Molly had left the Burrow as well.
3. I always wanted Molly to be untrustful of Sirius but I never really got an opportunity to put that in as much as I would have liked to. I did get to spill it a bit during the Veritaserum, but since Sirius and Molly rarely interacted I never got to show it as much. As you can imagine, I was tickled when she was cold towards him in OotP!
4. Not at all. If anything, the opposite. I found it very difficult to write fic after I started RPing, not because of influences in characterisation, but because of a simple inability to write and a lack of time.
susan_voight @ August 12 2004, 01:34:40 UTC |
That's quite interesting about Sirius--I can definitely see it now that you mention it, but I wouldn't have made the association otherwise, I think.
And those favorites are great--I started reading the game pretty late so a lot of those were new to me. The AIM log was extremely funny, just what I needed on a busy day.
Thanks again!
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 11:15:59 UTC |
1. I have a tonne, but here are a few!
I will always be very fond of the the Weasley AIM log, because we were cracking up while we were doing it.
Arthur during Remus's duel was one of the funniest things ever.
Arthur's poem to Molly. As sad as it was I really enjoyed all of Molly and Arthur's argument because I loved making Molly's posts about it.
This probably seems insignificant, but I loved this thread immensely. It just made me really happy.
Other stuff I'm too lazy to look up: One time Remus was angry and said something like, "If you do that, I WILL EAT YOU." I laughed for about fifteen minutes. Ron's hand was one of the funniest things that I have in my life witnessed, and the whole thread before that where Remus told him. Ginny and Ernie's conversation about g-spots, Percy's complete lack of a sense of humour (example -- Ron: >:O Percy: Do not be ridiculous, Ronald, that is not even a word.)
darththalia @ August 14 2004, 02:16:14 UTC |
Arthur during Remus's duel was one of the funniest things ever.
I'm jumping in late, but, yes, it was. When the Weasleys got stapled together, I just about killed myself laughing.
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goth_the_goat @ August 11 2004, 11:00:42 UTC |
WEASLEY LOVE! >333333333333
Was it difficult for you to type the way Molly types?
Also, what is your favorite non-Weasley post?
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 11:18:08 UTC |
Oh, not really! I have a mother too, and she types very much like Molly. I just put commas in the wrong places and didn't correct my typoes.
I don't think I could pick just one post, but off the top of my head, I would say the entry Draco wrote for Harry and especially all of the Gryffindor boy comments on it. Those comments had me laughing for hours!
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goth_the_goat @ August 11 2004, 11:37:56 UTC |
The sex discussion will forever be my most memorable Harry entires. And there were 397 entries!!!
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 11:39:44 UTC |
I loved the comments about Seamus's fat head and Harry's eyebrows and Ron's thighs best out of that, actually. And Dean. My love for Dean is great.
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goth_the_goat @ August 11 2004, 11:44:40 UTC |
Let's not forget Dean's big red front "DIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" for somebody.
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clouditall @ August 11 2004, 12:27:48 UTC |
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm leaving my house in like.. 3 minutes so I didn't have time to read all the questions over but.
What was the hardest thing for you about NA? Thinking up plots, or making Molly in-character, etc.
Sorry if that is a dumb question, haha. :O
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 12:34:45 UTC |
Hm. I'm not sure, actually! That's a good question, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head.
(parent)bookofjude @ August 11 2004, 13:13:43 UTC |
Uh, well, the questions I was going to ask've been already asked and answered, therefore I shan't ask them, I shall instead think up other more fascinating questions! Which I can't right now! But I want to express utter adoration for your voice! Because the howlers were absolutely perfect. I do always have to wonder though, when recording the howlers, were you actually screaming into the microphone/phone (I recall you saying that you didn't have a mike when doing the Percy one, and had to do the phonepost one)? And therefore, did anyone hear you or express interest as to why you were screaming about this?
Questions are terribly weird I apologise, but I've actually been wondering about them ever since I sat listening to the first howler over and over and over again for about three days at a time. I also want to say that Molly is a wonderful mum and I wish my mum was a little bit like her!
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 13:26:50 UTC |
*laughs!* I hate my voice. That is a good question, though, just because I like to share my pain with the world. Yes, I was completely screaming at the top of my lungs. The first ones I did with the microphone built into my laptop, which was at the top of the screen, so I had to hold it up to my mouth really closely. I did one when I was living with people, and I kept waiting for them to go out but they wouldn't, so I took my laptop out to my car and recorded it in there. I am sure I looked great, screaming in my car. The Percy one was worst because it was really hard to scream for the phonepost and I had to redo it a bunch of times. Then I realised the window, which is adjacent to my neighbours', was wide open.
And thank you, I am glad to know that Molly isn't a terrible mother!
bookofjude @ August 13 2004, 13:30:03 UTC |
Well, I've listened to that MP3 hundreds of times until I lost it! And then I saw the Percy one and I was just like omgyes another howler because I absolutely adore howlers. And thank you! I now feel enlightened about the matter! >:D
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 11 2004, 13:21:52 UTC |
1.)Do I know you?:D
2.)What did Molly think when she would read about the erm, sex lives of her kids on lj? I think I might of had to wash out my eyes if I were her/you.
3.)Was there anyone on the RPG that you had a crush on? Other than your husband or Gilderoy?
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 13:27:31 UTC |
1. I don't think so!
2. She just delicately avoided them.
3. Nope! Molly is happy with Arthur.
1anonymous1 @ August 11 2004, 13:29:58 UTC |
You were excellent as Molly.:)
2.)LOL, for some reason that makes me laugh. Maybe the mental picture I got of Molly just knowing not to go on certain threads.:D
Another question, will you marry me?
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 13:30:49 UTC |
Thank you!
That depends. Can I be a stay at home housewife?
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 13:32:57 UTC |
In that case, I'd say yes, but you have already asked Hermione's player! I am your second choice.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 11 2004, 13:35:23 UTC |
No no, I want to marry you both equally. We will be a special family.:D
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 11 2004, 13:38:36 UTC |
I shall buy you one of those islands that Hawaii owns. They dont need them all do they?
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 11 2004, 13:40:53 UTC |
Anyway, Hermione is taken during this lifetime so I have to wait until the next anyway. Let us be married.<3
(parent)comava @ August 11 2004, 14:37:59 UTC |
Don't be silly, that's not even a word.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I kept thinking of that Percy/Ron convo!
1anonymous1 @ August 11 2004, 18:24:42 UTC |
Im still waiting! Just...with some company. You know I loves you, bebe.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 11 2004, 14:02:40 UTC |
It's funny how each character who comes on reminds me of how NA was great in totally different ways. Like, Hermione was Hermione-like, but then the Weasleys sort of occupied totally different territory, the way they were both so funny and so sad.
I loved your Molly--particularly when you were scolding Ron and Ginny about their underpants and monthlies, respectively.
My favorite moment, though, which I think has been mentioned, was serving Harry and Hermione celery at the wedding. OMG, so Molly. Because she's the hostess, she's got to feed everyone, but YOU TWO WILL JUST GET CELERY! HA HA HA HA HA!
It's true there aren't a lot of mysteries about Molly...I felt so awful for her when she blamed herself for not realizing her children were in trouble. I know she just kept going over it in her mind. Even I couldn't see a way for her not to blame herself, even though I didn't think it was her fault at all.
My questions: Was there anything Molly ever really wanted to say to a character but didn't because she was a lady?:-)
The second one is sadder. What's Molly's relationship with Charlie now? Presumably she visits him regularly and takes care of him as best she can. Obviously she still considers Charlie her son, but how has she had to adjust in what that means since the attack?:-(
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a_player @ August 11 2004, 15:36:53 UTC |
Thank you! I enjoyed scolding them myself.
I think definitely to Lucius and Narcissa, though I can't think of anything specific. She mostly avoided them, although she really would have liked to give them a piece of her mind!
Molly has a lot of guilt over Charlie, not only because of what happened, but because she was more crushed over George than him and for that she feels awful. So she feels like she has a lot to make up to him. Other than that, though, he is still her son, and it still means the world to her.
black_dog @ August 11 2004, 20:25:37 UTC |
Another question (if it's not too late, and if this is not too contrived) . . .
Tell us something Molly thinks about each of her kids, that she wouldn't normally share.
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 03:27:25 UTC |
Oh, gosh. It is never too late! I hope you don't mind if I skip Bill -- with him not in the game, it's very difficult to think of things to say about him! I could make something up, but it seems a bit silly.
She read about Ginny kissing Luna and was disappointed in her for acting so wildly.
She thinks that Ron doesn't try hard enough to make friends and tries too hard to make enemies.
This is so awful and I shouldn't say it at all! George was her favourite twin before he died.
She thinks that Percy needs to lighten up, but she isn't alone in that one!
Sometimes she thinks it might have been better if Charlie had died. Then she feels like the worst person in the world.
black_dog @ August 12 2004, 05:57:49 UTC |
Re: Ginny, yeah, her character arc was from innocence toward a certain coldbloodeness about love, I thought, or at least a mild cynicism about how fickle love could be. I could see that alarming Molly a little bit. I loved one of Molly's comments (I think it was on the "clit girl" thread) where Ginny protested that she was old enough to talk about sex, and Molly said something like "I'm older than you -- do you want to hear about my sex life?" Go Molly! Still, it's nice to know that the kids occasionally got their own back, in the embarassment department. :)
Really interesting observation about Ron. I never thought about him quite that way, but I definitely see it.
I wonder if Fred's sexuality made her more comfortable with George -- but I see someone else has asked about how Molly felt about having (at least) three gay kids, so I'll watch down there.
Poor Percy. But I loved his moments when he showed he was more sympathetic, and more insightful, than he seemed. And whatever Percy's flaws, you still gave Harry and Hermione celery! Yay for you!
Oh, and I'm heartbroken by the Charlie thing. That makes so much sense, but it's the sort of feeling a mother would torture herself over.
Thank you again, this is wonderful! And it's been an excuse to reread the wehaveseven journal, and remember lots of little things that were so funny or so moving and were played so well. :)
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 06:29:09 UTC |
Oh, they definitely did!
I would say George more because he was a bit more quiet; in my mind (and thus Molly's) Fred was the more callous of the twins in regards to other people, though I would understand if this is a distinction that I fabricated.
There was a lot more to Percy than I think people observed, but I'll leave that for Percy's player's Q&A. Suffice it to say, one of my favourite threads that I linked up there when Ron was in Percy's flat going through stuff is my favourite for a reason!
It's really how I personally felt about Charlie, because it was difficult to grieve for George and Charlie at the same time. With George, you just wanted to grieve entirely, but then you'd realise that there was still this other son who was still alive but wasn't, and it was hard to grieve over that more than George, but you wanted to grieve there, too.
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 03:28:37 UTC |
Although, now I am recalling something to do with Fred and thinking, "But wait! Fred was her favourite then!"
(parent)yamapea @ August 12 2004, 01:01:49 UTC |
Oh, gosh, I feel totally useless at this. I've been reading everyone else's questions, but I really don't have one myself. I just wanted to let you know how much I loved Molly. You did an amazing job with her. <3333
(parent)moocow1985 @ August 12 2004, 04:59:14 UTC |
I don't think I have much of a question, but I just thought I'd tell you that the Weasley family interaction was one of my favorite parts of NA, and that your post after George died was the only thing on NA that actually made me bawl like a baby.
Hmm. I seem to remember that at one point, perhaps the Veritaserum (or however that's spelled) that Molly said she was upset that so many of her kids were gay. Did that really bother her a lot, and how did she deal with it?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 05:44:49 UTC |
Yes, it did bother her. This wasn't so much in a way that she was homophobic and hated the idea of her kids being gay. It was more of the idea that three of her kids were bisexual or gay made her feel like she must have done something wrong. (Obviously this isn't entirely homophobia free, but she was fine with, say, Harry being gay.) She asked them directly if she'd done something wrong and they said no.
hardlyacting @ August 12 2004, 05:35:12 UTC |
Molly was absolutely fabulous. I adored her underwear and monthly comments and how much she loved all her children and I felt so terrible whenever I saw Pansy flirt with Arthur because I could just imagine Molly's heart cracking a little bit.
Okay, so my question is: Who was you favorite character to play off/with? and is there someone you wish you could have had more interaction with?
(I hope they haven't been asked before, because I'll feel like an ass if they were... ><)
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 05:53:29 UTC |
Thank you! At last someone understands the pain of watching Pansy flirt with Arthur.
Well, I guess I should say Arthur, but it's hard to pick one person, really. I would say Arthur and Ron, probably, because Ron got so shrieky over Molly embarrassing him. And I liked that Molly and Ron often sounded the same while yelling at each other.
I wish Molly'd had more interaction with Remus and Sirius. Oh, and Harry, actually. I wanted to dote on him and his eyebrows more, but there was rarely the opportunity.
hardlyacting @ August 12 2004, 05:56:33 UTC |
Arthur and Molly were so cute together :D:D I loved it.
HA! Yes they did sound the same!
ps: Much love for your howlers!!!
paragonish @ August 12 2004, 09:41:24 UTC |
KJFSEADL WEASLEYLOVE. Sorry, I just had to say that. :D
It might have been asked, but did you ever get a sore throat from recording Howlers? ;D
Lord, I just can't think of anything. You were so, so hilarious and sweet. :>
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 09:55:14 UTC |
Yes, but not for terribly long! I wouldn't have if I hadn't recorded them a bunch of times.
Thank you! And I like your icon.
lunastarr @ August 12 2004, 10:29:52 UTC |
Hi!!! I love you :D What is your favourite Molly moment?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 11:01:35 UTC |
Hello! Love to you, too!
I don't really know, but my favourite post to write was this one. I was really proud of it because it made me realise all these things about Molly from when she was a teenager. Then I had all of this Molly background information that I didn't really get to use.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2004, 15:12:06 UTC |
Sorry for being an anonymous comment. I'm always anonymous on nraged. I was wondering about when Molly temporarily left Arthur. That must have been so hard for her. What made you decide to have Molly leave? Can you tell us more about what was going on with theWeasleys then? Did Molly feel bad about leaving the kids?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:21:51 UTC |
I didn't plan that terribly far in advance. We were in a chat discussing the plans for the party and individual character plots and things like that, and I can't remember exactly what happened, but someone asked if anything dramatic was going to happen, and I said, "Actually, Molly is going to walk out on Arthur." It only occurred to me right before I said it, but it made perfect sense to me. She had been so bothered by Pansy before that, and so finally she had had enough. I was really very interested in developing what Molly was like as a person, not just a mother or a wife, and while I didn't get to put it into her journal as much as I would have liked, that had a lot to do with it. I liked the idea of playing up her insecurities.
Yes, she felt badly for leaving the kids, which is why she eventually moved into the shed so she could still mend their clothing and things like that. The shed had one of those half doors (I am not sure of the technical name!) that swung open at the top but stayed shut at the bottom, and so the kids would go out there and complain to her about Arthur's cooking.
tabiji @ August 12 2004, 17:38:25 UTC |
I love those doors!
I only have one question: Will you adopt me?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:49:08 UTC |
I would, only I'd have to rename you, because naming kids seems fun.
(parent)tabiji @ August 12 2004, 17:58:57 UTC |
Excellent! *starts packing* I do not really care for my current name, I've never thought it suited me.
What shall my new name be?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 18:01:41 UTC |
Oh, that I don't actually know. I'm fond of the name Cyril, but you aren't a boy.
(parent)tabiji @ August 12 2004, 18:19:35 UTC |
Cyril Weasley?
Mom, I will get beat up every day after school!
tabiji @ September 23 2004, 10:39:13 UTC |
If you check back, I have another question:
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?
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a_player @ September 23 2004, 11:22:49 UTC |
No one else found it as funny as I did. "No, Ronald. No lunch. No love, Mum."