a_player @ 2004-08-11 23:43:00 |
(no title)
Mood: Remus
Hello, I am Remus's player.
Ask me a question.
I can't promise I can answer them all (so use your best judgment and discretion), but I shall do my best.
Thank you!
portkey @ August 12 2004, 03:52:04 UTC |
Uh, this isn't actually a question, but I'd just like you to know that I just squeed. In real life. I am such a fanboy for your Remus. Sorry! I don't mean to be this way. But I always adored lupercus.
Erm, that out of the way: What did Remus think of Severus, even after their relationship had ended?
What was Remus's lowest point in the game? His highest?
Obviously, Remus and his little family (he, Sirius and Harry) were very close; how difficult or easy was that to convey? Were you close with the others' writers?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 04:04:47 UTC |
Thank you. :-)
Let's see...
1. Remus respected Severus greatly. He understood the things that he'd had to do, the risks he'd taken, and naturally he had a great deal of appreciation for the man's intelligence. His bedside manner left much to be desired, and occasionally it'd rub Remus the wrong way (especially when it was designed to injure rather than just to annoy), but generally? He liked him. A lot.
2. His lowest point in the game? The end(s) of his relationship with Sirius. Those were particularly hard, because there was just no reason for them to be like that.
3. As far as Remus's relationship with Harry is concerned, that was simple because they have way too much in common not to get along. It was harder with Sirius, because of all that was going on, but eventually it sort of came back around. It does help to 'click' with the people you play against, because if there's no spark there then no amount of talent as a writer or an actor can hide a lack of chemistry.
Thanks! Hope that helped.
sylvies @ August 12 2004, 03:53:03 UTC |
I just want to say that you're awsome and brilliant. To the max.
How did Remus feel about Harry and Draco, and can you tell us a bit about what happened between Remus and Sirius to bring them back together. Also, were Remus and Snape ever a couple?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:21:37 UTC |
Oh, thank you. *blushing* Not necessary, but very sweet.
Well, Remus believed that inter-House friendships are very important. So let's just leave it that that.
As for Remus and Sirius - a great deal of growing-up had to be done on Sirius's part before Remus could accept him again. Remus too had to develop a bit more understanding, but in truth the brunt of the work fell to Sirius.
Finally, Severus and Remus were not a couple in the traditional sense, but they were very fond of one another.
Thank you!
chinae @ August 12 2004, 03:59:57 UTC |
1. What did Remus think of Harry/Draco budding relationship?
2. During his time as a woman, what did he like, what parts did he not like being a woman?
3. Why did Remus buy Snape a cat? What where his reasons behind it?
4. What is Remus most prized possession?
Overtime Nocturne Alley Remus became in my mind Canon Remus, you made him three dimensional, you made me care for him and I still miss him dearly. Thank you for sharing your Remus with us your loyal fans.
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:26:29 UTC |
1. See above.
2. Aha! Well, Remus discovered very quickly that he could appreciate a woman's sense and sensibilities. Not to mention, the multiple orgasms were quite fun as well. ;-) What he didn't like was the utter crap women have to put up with on a daily basis - particularly the crap doled out to them by men. Personally I think ever fellow ought to be a girl for just one day. The world would be a much kinder place for it.
3. Considering that the desire for a kitten was a 'truth' of Severus's during the Veritsaserum fiasco, Remus thought it might be nice if at least one of Severus's wishes in life came true. He also figured it would give the man companionship that he could not otherwise find in humanity. And finally? Lilitou was cute!
4. Harry, of course. And Sirius, though he doesn't consider them possessions. In that respect? Cake-server. (Which I actually have, incidentally - not THE cake-server, unfortunately, but a cake-server. It sits on a shelf in my bedroom.)
You have no idea how it feels to be told that, about my character. Thank you. That's high praise, and very appreciated. :-)
Thank you for reading.
chinae @ August 12 2004, 16:33:42 UTC |
You made him come alive and alive in such a way that how can one not resist but just fall in love with him. I adore that fact that he always tried, whether it'd be that he tried to be a better friend, lover, professor and that now and then he let the wolf slip in ... sigh. I felt the death of George because of Molly but I think I felt Lupin's death becaue it tore my heart.
(parent)silveryouko @ August 12 2004, 04:03:19 UTC |
I have to let you know that I thought Remus was absolutely amazing, and he was the journal I would always go to check! I think everything Remus felt you made me feel simply because it was so good and real.
But I wonder...If there was one thing Remus could have done differently, what would it have been?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:28:12 UTC |
Goodness! Thank you.
I really don't know. Part of me wishes to say he wouldn't have gone through all the crap with Sirius, but then again, everything happens for a reason, so perhaps he would merely consider that a character-building experience. It's difficult to say, honestly.
Personally though? I don't think he'd have allowed Severus to do what he did after the discover of that Inhibition potion, whatever that was. That never quite set right with me, or Remus.
Thanks for reading!
doubtful_salmon @ August 12 2004, 04:12:20 UTC |
Issues with casting and such made you have to struggle with your PB for Remus. What measures did you take to try to keep him from conforming to any particular PB, if you follow me?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:30:44 UTC |
...I'm not sure what 'PB' means, but I'll give this one ago.
I did what I had to do, whatever it was and whatever the result. That's all anyone can do. I thought over what Remus would do (WWRD?) in every situation. Sometimes I'd even speak out loud what I'd planned to write, to see if I could hear it in Remus's 'voice'. If it felt clumsy in my mouth, then it wasn't something Remus would say. It was hard a lot of the time, don't get me wrong, sometimes so difficult that quitting was an option I entertained more than once, but I stuck it and I'm glad for it, because I wouldn't trade my NA experience - good and bad - for anything in the world.
Thanks for reading!
doubtful_salmon @ August 12 2004, 17:35:23 UTC |
Thanks for answering! (Yeah, PB is Played-By, as in, the guy in the icons. It took me forever to figure it out; my friend thought it meant "peanut butter" just for the longest time.)
And it really turned out, so I'm glad you didn't quit. <333
luthienlupin @ August 12 2004, 04:21:14 UTC |
My brain has been on !!!!!!!-mode since seeing this post. I ADORE YOUR REMUS! THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH FOR PLAYING HIM AS EXQUISITELY AS YOU DID :x!!
Okay... um, questions... Think, mind! Think!
What were some of your favourite/most memorable moments, both in-game or out? Can you share some of Remus' favourite things about Harry and/or his relationship with him? What question/s do you wish someone would ask you during this? (Then pretend I was clever enough to ask it here! :D)
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:35:35 UTC |
Oh, thank you for reading!
Let's see - oh, so hard to choose! I loved every single moment with Harry, because I have so much respect for anyone who could play a character so believably. And the werewolf lessons, because those were long and difficult and so much fun to do. Of course, the homage to the Buffy Musical in Snape's journal was a riot, as were the threads with Arthur Weasley regarding Remus's ex-owls. There's too many good moments to really list them all, but those are the first that come to mind.
Ah, Harry - precocious, darling boy. Remus loved his awkwardness and his honesty about most things. He loved how Harry wore his heart on his sleeve when it came to him and Sirius. It made him happy that they could talk the way that they did, that they weren't just family but friends as well. They drank together, smoked together, talked together, slept together (not like that, thank you) and lived together. It was great.
Er - I don't rightly know what question I'd like asked, I haven't read all the ones that have been asked so far! I'll get back to you on that.
1anonymous1 @ August 12 2004, 04:39:55 UTC |
1.)I love you. Will you do me the honor of giving me your hand in marriage?
2.)What was your favorite bit about NA?
3.)Were you upset about your character dying? I mean, of course you were, but did you think that was not the best thing to happen or anything? But not like were ther problems, I mean...were you as sad as me? lol Am curious, you dont have to answer.:)
4.)If we cant get married can we at least do the nasty? Also, were you surprised by the amount of people who thought you were sexy as hell?
Much, much love.
1anonymous1 @ August 12 2004, 04:41:57 UTC |
I still love you all! I just, I cant deny someone my hotness can I?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:39:37 UTC |
1. Oh goodness. That's very flattering, but I'm afraid I'm not the marrying sort. Also, Molly's player can hit really hard. ;-)
2. Being in it. Period.
3. I was upset, of course. To be perfectly honest I was shattered by it. Cried for days, and even now I can't go to his journal without feeling a little wonky. It may sound ridiculous, as he was a fictional character and not even MY fictional character, but it was as though a great friend of mine had gone, and the grief is the same. However, I think it was necessary, his death. It was not wasted. He did the things he had to do, and then he was done. In the end, he lived a good if difficult life, and he died defending the ones he loved best. You can't ask for anything more than that.
4. Hahahahahahah! Well, I think you mean Remus, because he is by far the sexiest werewolf in the world. ;-)
Thank you1
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:40:26 UTC |
Apologies for the moment of plebe, there. I've only just woken up!
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:50:12 UTC |
Neither do I!
I do want your scones recipe, however.
1anonymous1 @ August 12 2004, 16:00:37 UTC |
1.)Does that mean we cant do the nasty? Also, Im not leaving Mollys player out or anything, I love her very much as I do Hermiones player. You see, Im just trying to share my love. Wouldnt it be wrong to deny someone my hotness?
3.)Were you and Sirius's player tight like dis*crosses fingers*?
4.)But you bring the sexiness into is character.;;)
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:49:42 UTC |
Sorry, already went through this with Sirius. ;-)
Sirius has changed players on different occasions. I was friendly with them all, at one point or another.
Hahaha. *pats you on the head*
1anonymous1 @ August 12 2004, 20:11:08 UTC |
So you were "friendly" with them all, were you?*runs*
I am haunted by the pat you should not have given me.
taradiane @ August 12 2004, 04:42:27 UTC |
Being part of a family with Harry and Sirius...was that not the greatest thing ever?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:41:27 UTC |
Absofuckinglutely. At the end, Remus was the happiest he'd been in decades.
(parent)woo2step @ August 12 2004, 04:53:47 UTC |
I've wondered for ages, actually, what the reasons were behind the scenes for ending the relationship between Snape and Lupin, and whether the decision was at all based on the fact that so many nragers are fervent Sirius/Lupin 'shippers (even though you all weren't playing to an audience).
Your posts as Lupin are greatly missed. Sometimes it was difficult for me to choose N_A favourites, but when it wasn't, Lupin was always among them.
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:44:08 UTC |
I'll be honest here, I was extremely torn when it came to the Remus/Severus/Sirius triangle. I'm a die-hard R/S shipper, and it broke my heart that we could not make the R/S work in NA for so long, but at the same time I loved the dynamic between Remus and Severus. I was sad to see it go. In the end we did what we did for various reasons, but I can honestly say that the opinions of Nraged had nothing to do with any of it.
Thank you, so much, for reading.
hardlyacting @ August 12 2004, 05:07:51 UTC |
I've been an avid lurker since almost forever and I just.. I need to say
Really. Just Guh.
And I have two questions!
1) Who was your favorite character to play off of/with?
2) Did you feel as much a sense of loss when Remus died as your fans did? I can only imagine that losing something (someone, really) that you have obviously invested so much love and engery into would very hard.
3) Is there a character you wish you could have had more interaction with?
Yes I know thats three but oh well, my love is not very good at math. <3!
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:47:44 UTC |
Your icon is strangely mesmirising. O_O
Also: thank you.
1. I loved playing off everyone, and that is the honest truth. Sparring with Severus, flirting with Sirius, snarking playfully with Harry, attempting to retain some semblance of sanity when dealing with any given Weasley - all of it was enjoyable.
2. As I said earlier to someone else, losing Lupercus was as though a great friend of mine had gone. Fictional as he is, the grief was very real and continues to be. I miss him.
3. I would have liked more interaction with Myrtle.
moocow1985 @ August 12 2004, 05:19:54 UTC |
How far in advance with Remus's death planned? Did it make it hard to play him, knowing he was going to die? And was it difficult to write his last post?
Was there anything that he wanted to say to any of the characters but didn't?
On his relationship with Snape: did it go sour just because of Snape's discovery of Hermione's botched potion, or were other things going badly?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:50:02 UTC |
I would say about two, maybe three weeks in advance, the idea was first brought up, but it wasn't truly finalised in I believe only a few days before it actually happened. It did make things difficult, and his last post was the hardest thing I've ever had to write. I still have it saved on my harddrive, though I have not read it since I wrote it.
He had a thousand things he'd wanted to say, to so many people. But as is the case with things unsaid, you never do get to hear them, so we'll just leave them to Remus.
As far as I know, it was the potion, and Severus's reaction to it. Otherwise, everything was fine.
Thanks for reading!
aquagia @ August 12 2004, 06:14:28 UTC |
Seriously, so much love to you. You'll be hearing that a lot, but still. I feel like I should either bake you cookies or buy you puppies. Or some clever/creepy mixture of both.
1) I realize that your Remus does not exactly promote promiscuity, but could I please be the shameless, shameless exception?
2) Did your relationships with the seperate players influence the way your characters interacted?
This isn't a question, just a comment: Your interpratation of Lupin reminded me sooo much of Aziraphale from the book Good Omens. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but now whenever I read it I picture David Thewlis.
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:52:51 UTC |
Cookies made from puppies? Woof. ;-)
1. Hahahaha!
2. Sometimes, yes. It shouldn't, but it does. You cannot hide poor chemistry, no matter how well you write or how good an actor you are. And it's difficult to keep outside influences from infiltrating the game sometimes. We're only human.
And re: Aziraphale - I admit to being heavily influenced by that book sometimes. Whenever there's not enough canon!Remus for me to go on, I'd have to turn to the angel for a bit of extra inspiration. Heh.
aquagia @ August 12 2004, 21:21:04 UTC |
2. I find this very very interesting. I couldn't do it, if I was placed inside your shoes. Because the moment somebody pissed me off in RL, I'd be on the RPG talking some serious smack about that character. "Oh man, did you see Severus in the Great Hall today? Because all I saw was that fat ass! Man, just because the food appears automatically in front of you doesn't mean you have to eat it ALL." And then I'd be banned, and it would be all bad. So kudos!
Ahahaha, I knew there was some concious Aziaraphale-ness put into him!
That sounded terrible.
But you know what I mean! Good Omens is one of my favorite books, but Thewlis has overtaken poor Aziraphale. Between Remus, Aziraphale, and Prince Einen, David Thewlis is just spreading to every awesome thing ever.
black_dog @ August 12 2004, 06:47:40 UTC |
I loved your Remus -- thought he was one of the main emotional centers of the game, someone who connected with everybody, influenced everybody, reflected everything that was going on. I guess because he had a hand in so many different story lines, I wanted to ask a couple of questions that let you confirm or explode some wild nraged-type theories that I could never quite figure out.
1. The Sirius/Remus breakup was realistic because in some ways it was hard to simply take sides (although as a spectator I tended to be pro-Remus.) Some thought Remus was excessively judgmental about Sirius, others thought the Lucius thing crossed a bright line and Harry's emotional health was at stake. What were Remus' motives in being so unforgiving, and how do you, stepping back as a player, judge Remus' behavior here?
2. Even before the breakup, I sometimes felt there was a tug-of-war between Remus and Sirius over Harry. Remus always seemed so thrilled to spend quality time with Harry, and Sirius was certainly a more prickly companion for Harry -- yet ultimately Harry's bond with Sirius seemed stronger than his bond with Remus. Was Remus jealous about this? Did it affect his behavior during the breakup?
3. What did Remus really think of Narcissa and her loyalties? Was he consciously trying to win her over as an ally against Voldemort? During Remus and Narcissa's big fight, I had trouble believing Remus really thought she was just an airhead -- was that the anger talking, or was Remus' judgment off, there?
4. I'm almost afraid to ask this one, because if I'm wrong you might be offended, but if so, chalk it up to another extravagant nraged theory and just blow it out of the water. I thought that toward the end of the game, Remus was being played in a way that suggested the DE torture took more out of him than he admitted. He seemed diminished, quicker to rage, more clinging and possessive of Harry, less careful in his judgment (I sensed some boundary issues with Seamus that he was getting careless about, and he seemed, again, to lose perspective on Narcissa.) Was I hallucinating, or were you doing something with his character here that reflected how badly he'd been hurt?
5. Finally, a narrower question: I loved the thread where Draco approached Remus to ask about Harry's nightmare. It had an almost fairy-tale feel, with Remus as a sort of gatekeeper testing the purity of Draco's motives. Were you actually probing Draco, here? Were you satisfied about his feelings for Harry?
Thank you, again, for coming here and taking all these questions!
rain206 @ August 12 2004, 13:28:50 UTC |
5. Finally, a narrower question: I loved the thread where Draco approached Remus to ask about Harry's nightmare.
Do you by chance have the link to that? It doesn't sound familiar and I can't believe I missed it!
sistermagpie @ August 12 2004, 14:56:34 UTC |
The Sirius/Remus breakup was realistic because in some ways it was hard to simply take sides (although as a spectator I tended to be pro-Remus.) Some thought Remus was excessively judgmental about Sirius, others thought the Lucius thing crossed a bright line and Harry's emotional health was at stake.
Actually, I don't think "judgmental" was really the issue anyone had with Remus there (the whole mess would probably require paragraphs on each person to get it right!). I don't have a word to substitute for it, but I don't think that's what it was.
black_dog @ August 13 2004, 00:36:19 UTC |
I don't mean to put words in anybody's mouth! I thought it was fair to say that in general, some people felt R was being unreasonably harsh toward S, however one might specifically account for his attitude. I fondly remember the ins and outs of our debate over this. :)
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 13 2004, 00:57:48 UTC |
Good times.:-)
It's just I remember at the time being frustrated by the idea of anybody thinking Sirius' behavior wasn't wrong, because I don't think anybody disagreed with that. It was the same thing as the outing--figuring out what was going on with ps wasn't about playing down what he did etc. Obviously, that's always a thing with me.:-)
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 14:59:41 UTC |
Oh, I expected something long and detailed from you. ;-) *cracks knuckles*
1. That whole fiasco was so difficult, because it seemed so clear to me - as Remus, and as his player, not to mention a human - that Sirius was in the wrong to have any sort of relations whatsoever with a known Death Eater who had repeatedly attempted to kill Harry. It was so, so frustrating sometimes to read Nraged and see what the 'Sirius Apologists' kept saying to try and rationalise the things Sirius had done, when I could see no possible way it COULD be rationalised. To me it was akin to a parent having an affair with their child's kidnapper, and then expecting the child to be comfortable with that. And Remus could not forgive that any more than I could.
2. I don't think Remus was necessarily jealous of Harry's relationship with Sirius. He knew that Harry should be closer to Sirius, because they are godfather and godson. The bond SHOULD be there, and it SHOULD be stronger than that of a boy and his professor. However he was wary of such a bond existing at a time when he suspected it was very one-sided, and when he thought Sirius not only could not handle it, he could not appreciate it either. And yes, it affected his behaviour because as much as he could forgive Sirius for his offensive, Harry was by far the priority. Harry came first. He did what was best for Harry and forced Sirius to realise the impact of the things he had done.
3. Remus never thought Narcissa was a complete airhead. He thought perhaps she might not have been aware of the situation she was in, or perhaps it was merely blind hope. He genuinely liked her, and thought she had some redeeming qualities (her love for her son, for example), but in the end he always knew she was a Death Eater's wife, and always would be.
I think I have to continue this in another comment!
black_dog @ August 13 2004, 00:23:34 UTC |
I expected something long and detailed from you.
Ha! Well, you know, thought I'd indulge for old times' sake.
That whole fiasco was so difficult, because it seemed so clear to me
I put the question neutrally to try to be fair (*winks at Magpie*) but yeah, it really seemed pretty clearcut to me. I wanted to confirm what was in your mind, as a player, so thank you for spelling it out so forcibly.
he was wary of such a bond existing at a time when he suspected it was very one-sided, and when he thought Sirius not only could not handle it, he could not appreciate it either.
That's really fascinating, and it's different from jealousy in a subtle and important way. I remember the "Atta boy!" comment that caused so much flak, but Harry's self-respect (and maybe more) was really at stake in the potential one-sidedness of the bond with Sirius, so I could relate to Remus' feelings here, that Harry was standing up for himself and demanding accountability from Sirius. I guess the key is whether R was hoping for a final break between Harry and Sirius (which I don't believe) or whether he was hoping that Sirius would recover a sense of his responsibility to Harry.
He thought perhaps she might not have been aware of the situation she was in, or perhaps it was merely blind hope.
There is no end to the mystery of Narcissa. I hope she does a Q and A too!
[continued below . . . ]
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:06:07 UTC |
4. I believe this is where I would use a gold star. Well-spotted. Remus came away from his experience with the Death Eaters far more wary, far more worried. It deeply affected him to the point where keeping things in (which he did, more often than not) was just too exhausting, too difficult. He knew something was coming, and it shook him deeply, and his personality suffered as a result. The glimpse of his own mortality made him keenly aware of everyone else's, and gave him a sort of paranoia that it was very unlikely that they would all live through this. In the end, he was right.
5. Remus was wary of Draco, to be honest, and given the circumstances one really can't blame him, but he knew how much it must have taken for Draco to approach him, and he could respect that.
Whew! Thanks for the good questions!
black_dog @ August 13 2004, 00:30:00 UTC |
[. . . continued]
He knew something was coming, and it shook him deeply, and his personality suffered as a result.
I really thought this was a wonderful touch. You know, I had this sense, in the end, that Remus' death was right, if tragic, because of the damage he had undergone. You wouldn't want this formidable character to be staggering along in his bookshop, half of what he'd been. He really earned his heroic death, and I'm glad it was Remus who finished off Lucius!
he knew how much it must have taken for Draco to approach him, and he could respect that
How characteristic of Remus, that nobody was ultimately excluded from his sympathy.
Thank you for the wonderful answers! And for creating such a memorable Remus.
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:08:03 UTC |
Goodness, I saw that when you posted it before, and I am amazed.
It's not a lame question! Sometimes it was what I was listening to, but a lot of the time it was something pertinent to whatever the post was about. And I admit to having him listening to swing music after the film, because oh my God, how cool was that? ;-)
But yes, Lupin's musical tastes were, for the most part, not far from mine.
elyciel @ August 12 2004, 06:57:53 UTC |
OMG! I love you! I'll have you know I'm in public right now and had to bite my tongue to keep from squealing. <3333333
Were there any characters Remus found himself growing unexpectedly closer to over the course the game? And which of these new relationships was your personal favourite to play out and why?
elyciel @ August 12 2004, 07:00:03 UTC |
Oh, and also! Towards the end of the game, there seemed to be some sort of reconciliation with Sirius. Did one happen behind the scenes that we didn't get to see?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:09:50 UTC |
Hahaha! Ouch!
Yes, as a matter of fact, Remus found himself growing closer to Seamus rather unexpectedly. That was quite enjoyable, as I am quite fond of his player and we had great fun playing the two of them against each other.
And for your second question below - a lot of talking, a lot of apologising, a lot of wibbling and a lot of growing up on both sides. And then some really lovely make-up sex. :-)
elyciel @ August 12 2004, 15:54:23 UTC |
Thank you for your answers! Especially the second one. Ah, you players, you read our minds. :D *fangirls*
If you don't mind, could I squeeze another one in? *sheepish* You know when Remus started telling Lucius "Someday, I will kill you.", over and over again? By that time, were you aware that Remus was indeed going to kill Lucius eventually, and that his own death was impending? Something about that comment always felt very... fatalistic to me.
Thanks a squintillion. I adore you. <3333333
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:51:52 UTC |
Actually, I wasn't aware at that point that he would in fact kill Lucius! It just seemed like the sort of thing Remus would swear to do, and perhaps he would have eventually, even if we had gone with a different ending to the game. I like to think that Remus would manage to keep a promise like that, especially if it means the demise of someone who has hurt one of his own.
After a while though, I did know that he would kill Lucius, so I used the comment more often. Foreshadowing!
Thank you.
dexstarr @ August 12 2004, 07:05:45 UTC |
Ah! Much love <333333
What were those notes that Remus found regarding the Wolfsbane in Severus's quarters about? What plans were they?
Do you know why Remus was named twice by Sirius on the Veritaserum thread?
How did you (as a character and as a player) feel about the whole thread that sparked Ron's severed hand?
dexstarr @ August 12 2004, 07:12:52 UTC |
Oh! And what was the whole thing behind that cake server?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:11:50 UTC |
Erm, let's see - those notes were on changes Severus was making to the Wolfsbane Potion to make it into a cure.
Remus was named twice because as far as I know, Sirius was naming people in the order of... appearance, so to speak. They were lovers in school, and then again after school.
OH MY GOD, THE HAND. That was the funniest thing in the world, Ron's hand. I wish the bits with Draco had gone differently, but the hand! The HAND!
And finally: it's a really nice cake-server!
saltroseortopaz @ August 12 2004, 07:08:48 UTC |
Your Remus was absolutely one of my favourite characters.
Um, I can't really think of anything to ask that hasn't already been asked above (re: Narcissa, and re: Severus)...so, just, fangirlness for your Remus. (NA annoyed me very much, because it went and made me like characters I'd previously disliked very much, Remus among them. Bah, I say, bah. But omgna.)
Just so I actually have a question, feel free to ignore this:
Remus, man. Boxers or briefs?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:13:04 UTC |
Hi! Thank you!
I have to say, if we made you like characters you didn't like before, then that's a very nice thing to hear. :-)
And as for your question, hahaha. Boxers.
evieangelique @ August 12 2004, 07:34:09 UTC |
First, I have to congratulate you on your fabulous Remus. ♥ I too don't really have much to ask that hasn't already been said, so just general fangirling on my part. You were the first NA character that I discovered and just came to love the whole of the NA world through Remus' perspectuve. I just loved him and his relationship with everyone, especially "the boy" and his dogfather. ^_^ Thank you. So much. ♥
Dev <333
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:13:36 UTC |
Oh, thank you. That's incredibly sweet of you to say.
Thanks for reading us. :-)
nannyo @ August 12 2004, 08:37:56 UTC |
Umm, yes, collecting myself, an aspect of Remus that I loved (loved loved) was his kindness towards some of the other inhabitants of N_A who were not 'popular' at Hogwarts at the time... You always had a gentle word and a serious comment for Lavender, Neville, or even Colin. I saw that as very teacherly, and a very good teacher at that. Do you think Remus every felt he had to work twice as hard as a non-werewolf might have done to be thought of as a good role model, or was that kind warmth just a part of him that had to be expressed?
I loved the friendly and sarcastic interactions between Remus and his family, and between Remus and Seamus.
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:15:53 UTC |
Yes, he did feel that way. All his life Remus felt as though it was something he should apologise for. He felt that it was something he needed to make up for, be twice the human to make up for the fact that he wasn't one, not completely anyway. And he was so eager to be liked, to be accepted despite of this thing that held him apart from the rest of the world, it made him rather easygoing (and, to be fair, a bit of a doormat at times). As open and honest as he was about being a werewolf, he certainly felt bad about it.
It was only later that Remus learnt to stand up for himself a bit.
Thank you, for such a good and insightful question!
nannyo @ August 12 2004, 16:10:16 UTC |
I loved the strength that your later Remus had, because it still had that quality of warmth and kindness that is so needed in a good teacher.
Thanks for a good answer.
paragonish @ August 12 2004, 08:46:21 UTC |
Like everyone else, I have to say that I absolutely adored your Remus and want to thank you so, so, so so so so so much for putting all the time and effort into playing him so well. :> THAT WAS A JUMBLE OF WORDS I KNOW.
I can't think of anything to ask that hasn't already been asked, but I do have two questions. One is useless and one isn't about Remus.
i. Is he fond of mufflers? :>
ii. Did you ever anticipate that NA was going to be this huge?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:17:20 UTC |
Goodness, thank you!
1. Er?
2. NO. When I joined, it was completely by accident, and I'd NO IDEA it was so popular. As the popularity grew, I was gobsmacked. I still am. I always will be, I think.
jiffy_spiffy @ August 12 2004, 09:34:02 UTC |
I had to think up something to ask Remus, as you were always one of my favourites. I see I'm not alone here, so - question!
Something that I was wondering about, and I really hope this wasn't answered in the game ... because then I'd be horridly embarrassed. What did Narcissa give to Remus at their last tea just prior to the attack on Hogwarts? Was it merely a red herring? It probably was. But I had to ask that because, well, I was highly suspicious of it for ages. *g* I tried to find the relevant link, but alas, it went and hid from me, so I hope you know what I'm referring to.
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:47:46 UTC |
She gave him a book on alchemy, and a bottle of Odgen's.
Which were left for Severus and Sirius, respectively.
jiffy_spiffy @ August 13 2004, 07:43:03 UTC |
Why, thank you! I shall wonder no more. And thanks for not laughing at my ridiculous question ;)
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dry_your_eyes @ August 12 2004, 10:14:39 UTC |
*bounces like a madwoman* thank you for doing this Q&A, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this post. Remus was my favourite character in NA and he was the one that made me love canon Remus even more. You did amazing job and re-reading his posts will always brings me pleasure! (and I often do. just a random entry to refresh my memories).
umm so many questions have already been asked, but I have two more:
1)did you change anything in your playing strategy after OotP? There's a lot about Remun in the book, for example his stronger side when he deals with Sirius.
2)I didn't follow the game from the very beginning, so I didn't have a change to admire the picture battle back in 2002. In this and this posts for example. Could you maybe post the pictures again here? I'd love to see them!
(I'll be asking Sirius' palyer the same, especially about that Poncy Werewolf picture, and I hope Remus won't have me neutered :D).
Thank you for doing it, and much love!
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:23:26 UTC |
Oh, thank you. Okay, this is all making me get really weepy-stupid, you know. I'm glad I'm home alone right now or someone'd be laughing at the dopey look on my face. :-)
1. I WAS affected by Book 5, and yes, it did affect my play a bit. I loved the additional peek at Remus's personality, and seeing how he dealt with Sirius made me more confident in his handling of the Sirius situation in NA.
2. I would love to post the photographs again, but unfortunately I'd have to find them first! I'm sure they're around here somewhere... But it'll be a while before I can get to them. Sorry!
susan_voight @ August 12 2004, 10:49:31 UTC |
Oh, hooray; I'm going to be away for a few days and will miss some of these, but I'm glad I was here for this one.
And your icon makes me sniffle.
I see someone's already asked favorite in-game moment, so on to the rest of my questions:
1) Hardest in-game moment--was it something _other_ than, ummm, dying?
2) Would you do anything differently if you had to do it all over again? (As a player, not a character.)
3) HP fanfic: yes, no, decline to answer; and if yes, did it affect your play (or did your play affect it)?
And a specific question: if Lupin were sitting up in the afterlife right now, looking down on the other characters--what would he be saying about Sirius, and would it include "yes, I love you very much and I'm not sorry, but please don't gloat next time"?
(Sorry if that's just too wrong--major sleep deprivation, but I *do* wonder.)
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:30:25 UTC |
Yeah, this icon's really depressing, isn't it? I should have gone with the cake-server.
1. Other than dying? Writing his last post. I hated that.
2. As a player? Too many things to count, honestly. :-)
3. No, not at all. Fanfiction and RPing are two seperate entities to me.
Your last question, hahaha! Actually, I think if he could say anything, he'd be saying what he said to Harry: I'll be waiting for you here.
Thank you!
susan_voight @ August 12 2004, 15:37:03 UTC |
Re: dying--Did y'all do out the attack on the Hall in-character, or did everyone just sit down and decide, "okay, this will happen, and then this?"
It was a very good last post. And you just made me sniffle again with "I'll be waiting for you here."
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:54:20 UTC |
It wasn't really a "just" anything. We angsted about this for quite literally months, a bit like plotting out a screenplay. It was horrible, and draining, but I think it went off very, very well.
susan_voight @ August 12 2004, 19:20:30 UTC |
Didn't mean to belittle the process! I was trying to draw the distinction between getting all the characters together in chat or something and just seeing what evolved, or planning it out piece-by-piece out-of-characters--the second, from your answer.
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goth_the_goat @ August 12 2004, 11:09:13 UTC |
Hello! :) I love the way you play Remus.
Question: Was it difficult to play a character that has so many major interactions, with such as Snape, Sirius, Harry and the Malfoys?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 15:32:03 UTC |
Hello! Thank you!
It was INCREDIBLY difficult at times, and at others it was rather easy. Remus came naturally. It sounds a bit pretentious to say that, but he did. He was so easygoing most of the time, so calm, that it was sometimes like a present just to get to be him.
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goth_the_goat @ August 12 2004, 16:03:40 UTC |
You are so sexy, do you know that?
</big> >33333333333333333</big>
aome @ August 12 2004, 13:05:29 UTC |
I love you. And your Remus, too. <3
I'm reiterating the question about Narcissa: What did Remus really think of her - and why did he keep up his friendship with her (yes, I know they were cousins) - it seems that, like Lucius, he kept taking her back, and I wondered why.
How did Remus feel about being a sort of gay-mentor for Seamus? When did Remus himself know he was gay, and how long did it take him to be comfortable with that?
When did Remus find out about H/D, and how?
I started reading in spring 2003. Top moments in my mind: The werewolf lessons, Remus-as-woman, the wedding (including how he and Sirius camped out on Harry's doorstep when he got all upset that night. I choked up at that), the Breakup, Snape/Remus, his injuries, the Italian advertisements (and, really, any interaction with Harry), and *cries* his death. Name a highlight for you.
spiderine @ August 12 2004, 13:51:41 UTC |
Just popping in to say how much I adore your icon. :)
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dragonelle_fics @ August 12 2004, 13:21:02 UTC |
Hrm. Now that the little pop-up text box is in front of me, I'm not sure that I have a question. I came to the game pretty late, and mostly just wanted to say that your Remus consistently surprised and intrigued me.
Oh, heck. I can't be the first one not to ask something, so here goes. Feel free to ignore/revile me if this a stupid or insensitive question, but do you think Remus had any major regrets about his life, in retrospect? What would he have done (or not done), if he could have gone back and changed things, and how did that regret affect the way you played him?
Was there anything interesting to the "dog and pony" questions Seamus wanted to ask Remus, toward the end? (It's not something I need to know, and I guess it's possible I'm just being dense, but the allusion piqued my curiosity).
Thanks for giving us this opportunity to pick your brains, and thanks^100 for infusing lupercus with so many precious, endearing flaws and so much love and strength.
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:29:23 UTC |
Oh, thank you. :-)
I'm not sure he had many regrets. He might have when he was younger - regretting being a curious child, regretting trusting his mother as much as he did, regretting allowing Sirius to treat him badly - but as he grew older he began to understand that every experience, good and bad, shaped the person he became, and as he was rather comfortable in his own skin most of the time, he really came to not regret much of anything.
Though, he will always regret the events of that Hallowe'en night and everything that led up to it.
Oh, Seamus only had a few questions that a boy like him would want to ask a man like Remus. Nothing Earth-shattering, in the least. :-)
Thanks for reading!
rain206 @ August 12 2004, 13:37:31 UTC |
I love your Remus so much. He was one of my favourite characters in canon and NA only made me love him more, especially his interactions with Harry and Sirius. <3<3<3<3
1) Who came up with the whole paper cranes idea? Why Snape? Why cranes? The paper crane thing was going on when I first started reading NA and I always wondered what exactly it meant, if anything.
2) It seemed like Sirius and Remus got back together shortly before the end of NA. How did that happen?
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:32:21 UTC |
Oh, the cranes! That began as a joke, that Remus was trying to find Severus a new hobby other than picking on Harry and Neville. He suggested everything from knitting to macrame before settling on origami, and thus: cranes. I suppose also it was his rather grade-school method of flirting, because really, if you want the boy to notice you, annoy the hell out of him. ;-)
Imagine my shock and amusement to see a paper crane in PoA!
Remus and Sirius: Following Remus's abduction and injury at the hands of the Death Eaters, he and Sirius had great discussions about the importance of being honest, and saying the things that have to be said, because life is too damn short for this kind of thing, and it's a very real possibility that neither of them would come through this alive, and so it was time to talk. And they talked. Which was really what they had to do before anything could be put back together again.
:-) Thanks!
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Anonymous @ August 12 2004, 14:49:15 UTC |
'Scuse me for being anonymous but I've always cmmented to nraged that way cause I'm not in the "fandom" and I'm shy! I wasn't going to ask any questions but I'm really curious now. Someone asked this on Hermione's post, I think, or mentioned it. What did you think about the teachers' love lives basicaly being splattered on the journals for all the students to see? Didn't that ever strike you as unrealistic in it's unprofessionalism? It's just one of the little things that sort of got under my skin about NA (it bothers me about most RPGs actually) and I'm curious to know if you ever thought so too. On that note did you ever think too many of the characters were gay? It seemed like Lupin was a sort of gay mentor for Harry, Seamus, Dean, etc, which is why I ask.
I really hope you don't miscontrue these questions as NA or character bashing. I've always been genuinely curious about them and I think you're the best representative to ask (so far at least).
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:36:11 UTC |
You know, it always bothered me a bit when the adults seemed to behave worse than one might expect the children. Though, really, it reflected the affect that these online journals have when put into unsuspecting hands. How often do our own friends-lists reflect the same sort of madness and immaturity? The too-much-information, drama and angst that you'd expect from fourteen year olds, but is actually coming from people well old enough to know better?
It did seem a little outrageous at times, and once in a while we'd try to reign it in a little, but it never really seemed to work. NA was always sort of a soap opera anyway, so. A little suspension of believe never hurt anyone. ;-)
And really, it's an English boarding school. Perhaps not ENOUGH of them were gay. :-D Kidding - you have to remember that NA was a very small represenation of a very large school, and while it seems like the majority of the students and faculty favoured the same gender, in the grand scheme of things it was probably about average.
xnera @ August 12 2004, 15:54:16 UTC |
Hi. Can't think of any questions. I blame work for making me braindead. But just wanted to say that I absolutely loved Remus' interactions with Harry. It was one of my favorite aspects of the game. So much genuine warmth for each other! <3!
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:36:38 UTC |
Oh, thank you! They were my favourite moments as well!
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corrupteddreams @ August 12 2004, 16:38:38 UTC |
Your character has always been one of my favourites - and NA (as well as you) only added onto this. I was just wonderin what the most frustrating part (if there ever was one) of being in NA was, and what you think Remus' biggest fault might have been. Much love to you!
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:38:47 UTC |
Well, the most frustrating part of NA was most often to me when LiveJournal would crap out! And almost ALWAYS when we were doing critical threads. Maddening. And then there's the usual things: miscommunication, spats, lack of inspiration.
Remus's biggest fault was his lack of a backbone, for so long; his eagerness to be liked overshadowed his self-respect, a lot of the time. He sort of began to come out of that before he died, and I'm glad of it.
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a_player @ August 12 2004, 17:43:56 UTC |
1. I had complete say in how he died. It was how I wanted him to go, the ONLY way I could let him go, defending the people he loved best as well as keeping a promise. It was wrenching, but in the end I am very proud of Remus.
2. I wish that I'd had time to incorporate some of Thewlis's interpretation of Remus into Lupercus. Thewlis was brilliant. Utterly brilliant. If Lupercus had lived, he would have eventually reflected as much of Thewlis's Remus as I could have managed.
3. Absolutely nothing. He did what he had to do. No more, no less.
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canicula12 @ August 12 2004, 18:59:40 UTC |
2004-08-12 11:58 (link)
Comment Posted Successfully
I remember this journal from a year or two back. You played lupercus just amazingly.
Just two questions:
1. Did Remus forgive Sirius for the Lucius thing? Because I thought it seemed they got back together at the end of NA and I read the comment above about them talking but did things mainly work out between them?
2. Do you miss playing NA?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 20:43:37 UTC |
Hi, and thank you!
1. Remus did forgive Sirius, but only after he could see that Sirius had definitely sorted out why what he'd done was wrong (i.e. its effect on Harry). Thing were on the mend and going very well when Remus died.
2. Like a son of a bitch. :-)
eponis @ August 12 2004, 19:42:13 UTC |
::cries just to see you here::
Um. Yes. You know how much I love Remus, so I won't embarrass us both by going into another puddly, rambly squee.
. . . I hope these aren't too many questions . . .
1) There were definite strong hints of a Remus/Severus and Remus/Sirius dynamic from the very start of the game. I believe it's been established that Remus and Sirius had something when they attended Hogwarts. (Yes?) Did Remus have any kind of similar history with Severus - did he have a crush on him, and did he have any idea that it was requited?
2) The Remus/Seamus interactions were some of my very favorite in the game, so general <33333 for them! I have to ask, though: was there ever any element of sexual tension (at least on Remus's side)?
3) You said in a different thread that the end of the Remus/Severus relationship was caused solely by the potion revelation. If there weren't deeper cracks in the relationship already, why didn't Remus try to pursue him or mend it with the same patience that he granted Sirius? Was he, at that point, already thinking "At least if I was with Sirius, he wouldn't be _____"?
4) Narcissa was clearly quite intelligent when she wanted to be, and she was just as clearly dabbling with or associated with some very nasty DE stuff. Although I agree with your/Remus's reasons for reviling Sirius's relationship with Lucius, do you think it was hypocritical for Remus to associate himself so closely with Narcissa? Or did he see it as an "evangelistic" relationship?
5) The job that Remus had near the end, working in the library, honestly felt to me like a pity position, something to allow him to stay at Hogwarts without doing "real work." Did Remus ever feel like that? Was that what he wanted (a break from teaching to relax), or was it ever frustrating?
6) Okay, I have to ask. There are certain *cough* events in the course of NA that I would give my firstborn child to see (or, uh, read). Is there any chance whatsoever that they'll ever see the light of day as chat transcripts and/or fanfiction? (The wedding gift is at the top of my list, but just about anything would make me unendingly happy . . .)
7) Can I have your babies?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 20:50:50 UTC |
*hugs* Hi, you.
1. Remus and Sirius did have something as students - they were together from sixth year on. Remus's history with Severus is spotty at best - they spoke occasionally, worked together in lessons, but generally did not associate. Remus had some feelings for Severus when they were young, and it was requited but neither had any idea.
2. I should think that would be fairly obvious. :-)
3. The end of the Remus/Severus relationship is more complicated than I really want to get into, but Remus was just so wounded by the notion that Severus caring for him was nothing but the result of a potion that he did not want to pursue the issue. He was, to be honest, really quite tired of being jerked around and walked on and abandoned by everyone he cared about.
4. I think sometimes it was hypocritical of Remus to be involved with Narcissa, though for the most part she was NOT a known Death Eater and had never made an attempt on Harry's life. It was also a non-sexual relationship, and he never tried to hide it.
5. It was not a pity position but a method in which Remus could be present in the castle along with several other very important members of the opposing forces, because of the increased threat of Voldemort after Pettigrew's escape.
6. Probably not. Some things need to be left to the imagination. ;-)
7, Hahahaha! Aw. <3
tjstein @ August 12 2004, 20:34:03 UTC |
I just want to say that I greatly enjoyed your portrayal of Lupin and your sense of humor.
Nearly everything I wanted to know has been asked so could you tell us something that you've always wanted us to know about your character, gameplay, behind-the-scenes, whatever?
Many thanks!
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 20:54:16 UTC |
Wow! Hmm... I can't really think of anything, to be honest! I really can't. Remus was such an open person that he really didn't hide anything from anyone. He'd done enough of that when he was younger.
Sorry! I'm lame!
comava @ August 12 2004, 20:40:46 UTC |
Doesn't it make you feel warm and mushy inside to see how we all love you? Because we really do. And while I can't claim to know you by just reading your answers to these comments, it seems as if you've got a bit of lupercus himself in you. You seem a bit like him. Am I completely wrong?
One of the things I liked most about your Remus is the unlikely friendships he struck up - with Seamus and Narcissa, for instance. I love that it was even considered, as it's really not canon, and that you then all managed to make it seem to natural. It was flawlessly pulled off.
I kept wondering about what Neville asked Sirius after Remus' death - if Remus had seen his comment on Remus' last post. Did he? And is there any other character you would have liked to play?
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 19:32:52 UTC |
It's to be honest a bit disconcerting! I feel as though I am a thief of sorts, as Lupin is not really my character but JKR's creation and all the praise should go rightly to her for giving us this man that we all just want to love so very much. I mean, that's why took on the part - I love Remus so much I wanted to give him a life he wouldn't otherwise have in books focusing on Harry Potter, you know? So I feel a bit like I've stolen him. Or just borrowing, though now I cannot give him back. :-(
I'm glad you enjoyed his more oddball friendships. Remus enjoyed them as well - he was a great collector of people, you see, as he was no fan of loneliness.
Yes, Remus saw Neville's comment to him. He hadn't a chance to reply, however, as he was busy doing other things. It's a bit like when I lost someone dear to me - I said things to them, but never knew if they heard me or not. You just have to assume that they did, because in real life there's no player to tell you.
Thank you!
anjaliesque @ August 13 2004, 04:28:17 UTC |
Oh oh oh, the Professor's player! I can't believe it is really you! *awestruck* I don't know what to say. Other than that Harry's "gimp" icon always gave me such a warm feeling in my tummy. Most everything did, actually. If I didn't know the power of Nocturne Alley, I'd be checking for heartburn.
If you absolutely had to describe it in one word, what was Remus feeling as he ran Lucius through? And what do you think he'd have thought of Sirius and Harry in Amsterdam?
Did he, and you, enjoy the cake server?
Ever so fondly,
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 19:36:49 UTC |
You know, I loved Harry's 'gimp' icon, myself.
What was Remus feeling as he killed Lucius? I don't know if he felt much of anything, your mind goes a bit blank when you're running a sword through someone's chest! He might have thought something ridiculous, such as "I'll never get the blood off my shoes," or something more rational, such as "Is Harry all right?"
However, I am absolutely certain he thinks Harry and Sirius in Amsterdam is a very good thing, indeed, and that he hopes they have a lot of fun there.
bookofjude @ August 13 2004, 13:27:00 UTC |
First: love. Second, considering someone else asked the question I was thinking of asking about the paper cranes, I shall ask another question related to paper cranes: do you know how to fold paper cranes?
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 19:37:14 UTC |
I do not! That was me living vicariously through my werewolf.
Someone could teach me, mayhap?
morganmuffle @ August 13 2004, 23:53:02 UTC |
Eep. I had a whole heap of questions to ask and then I started reading all your respnses to other people and now my brain has melted <3 I forgot just how many brilliant Remus moments there were, the Remus as a woman stuff, Remus/Charlie, every thread with Remus and Harry in it, every thread with Remus and Seamus in it... the Buffy thread, the occasional Azriphrale mentions <3<3<3 Just thinking about it makes me tear up again, you realise you destroyed my lsat couple of days at universoty because I could hardly bear to leave the computer and was irrationally emotional at everyone! ;-)
um.. questions... right... What did you think/feel when you read about the cakeserver gift?
Other than Sirius, Snape and Charlie have I missed any big Lupin loves?
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 19:39:35 UTC |
Hahaha, I'm sorry!
The cake server event was brilliant, I was floored by it. Pleased, of course, because it was for a good cause, but utterly and completely gobsmacked. Cheers, to everyone who participated, Remus would be very proud of you all.
Lupin cared for several people in his lifetime, those three among them. I don't really want to get into anyone else because if you didn't pick up on it during the course of the game, then it's best not brought up at all.
Thanks! :-)
digitalmeowmix2 @ August 14 2004, 06:47:04 UTC |
thank you for everthing
were you emotional when Lupin was killed off?
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 19:40:02 UTC |
You're welcome.
And yes, horribly so. I was inconsolable for days, and even now I cannot read his journal.
aeiriz @ August 14 2004, 08:01:58 UTC |
I'm not sure if someone already asked, but...
What was your favorite post to write? Was there a post made by any of the other members that you particularly liked?
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 19:42:20 UTC |
Goodness! A favourite post... I highly enjoyed the one Remus wrote about walking with Charlie through the Hogwarts grounds, and any posts that detailed a bit of Sirius, Harry and Remus's home and family life (Christmas, for example - the Snitch shorts!).
I always liked reading Draco's posts - more often than not I was left howling in my chair. Arthur's as well! And, naturally, Ron. We have some extremely funny, talented players in this game, and it was always a treat to see them shine.
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Anonymous @ August 17 2004, 06:12:28 UTC |
Hi. Um. I'm a little late in asking this, but I haven't been checking nraged much. Reading these questions actually made me tear up several times, and I do not know why. NA will stay with me forever, I think, and there is this small hole in my heart that will never be filled because NA was so, so dear to me in the relatively short time that I followed it. So. Um. On with the questions.
1. Did Remus have a will?
2. Who was Remus's favorite student?
3. Were there ever any alternate endings planned?
4. Does NA still play a part in your life? If so, how large a part, and in what ways does it still influence you?
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a_player @ August 20 2004, 18:09:50 UTC |
Hi! Aw, thanks. From all of us, certainly.
1. He did have a will. Despite immortality he was quite aware that he could in fact be killed, and when he came to inherit his grandmother's estate he drew up a will that he would occasionally take out and update. It wasn't a traditional will either, as it was a series of letters written to loved ones to be owled on the occasion of his death. Sirius and Harry got Dogear. Seamus got the flat in London and most of the money. Narcissa got a few precious mementos and family heirlooms. Severus got his books.
2. He didn't really have a favourite, though he would have been lying had he said he wasn't particularly fond of Harry.
3. Yes, though I don't want to get into them because the ending we had was quite sufficient.
4. It does, in a way. I'm INCREDIBLY picky about any RPGs I become involved with and I have some rather irrational standards for RPGs that are, sadly, rarely met. People react in an interesting way, as well, should I mention who I was in NA. It's something that will likely follow me around in fandom for a very long time. It's also affected my view of Remus, and the other characters I played, so that it's a bit difficult NOT to think of them in that vein. You know?
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Anonymous @ August 19 2004, 23:12:53 UTC |
Hi there, hope I'm not to late to ask a quick question. Got into NA a few months before the end, sadly. (Love your work, by the way. Best Lupin ever!)
I'm rereading the old posts from 2003 and I'm thrilled by the werewolf lessons. I have to ask - when Lupin refers to going "below," and getting a message from the rat, is he talking about London Below as in Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere? Now, that's a crossover I'd like to see...
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a_player @ August 20 2004, 18:12:24 UTC |
Hi! Thanks. :-)
Very good observation, full marks! That is a reference to Neverwhere. Crossovers were discouraged in NA but once in a while I could not resist tiny references here and there - and it seemed to fit so perfectly in that it would be a place for Remus to go in those twelve long years between the death of the Potters and Harry's third year. So yes, Remus spent over a decade living beneath London, reappearing only when Dumbledore sent for him in the wake of Sirius's escape.
I'd like to see a crossover like that myself! Wish I could write it. :-D
elizzy @ August 20 2004, 20:51:13 UTC |
Oh dear. I hope that I'm not too late to ask this!
The thread between you and Draco (and a few others whom I can't remember, I think Harry and Hermione) where you replicated that priceless scene from The Breakfast Club was without a doubt the awesomest thread ever to me since that's my all-time favorite movie. So first I want to say how totally genius it was and that I love you forever for it. Secondly, the question, which is kind of a lame one: did you and the other players plan it for a long time or was it just sort of on a whim? Because it was SO AWESOME.
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a_player @ August 25 2004, 06:08:47 UTC |
It was on a whim! I think it was Draco's player who came up with it initially, but it was just one of those things we decided to do because we could, haha.
Same with the Buffy homage. Spur-of-the-moment. I loved those kinds of threads.
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a_player @ August 25 2004, 06:17:44 UTC |
I liked that post too, actually. The bit about someone so skinny hogging all the bed, haha. Nothing can sprawl more magnificently than teenaged boy.
On a basic level I suppose Lupin did regard Lucius as a rival. Remus knew Sirius loved him, of course, that was never in question, but it was a constant blow to Remus's already lacklustre self-confidence that Sirius could and would go trotting off at the first shiny thing that passed by. He didn't like that someone could turn Sirius's head more often than he could, it seemed. Especially someone so ugly on the inside, where Remus always thought beauty counted for most. You know? And I think that even though Remus's primary concern was how it all affected Harry in the long run, he was not unaffected by Sirius's infidelity on a personal, selfish level. Not at all. He was only human, after all.
And yes, I read the threads on Nraged and it was a hard thing to do. It actually baffled me that people could excuse Sirius's behaviour, and I recall being furious about that. It frightened me actually, because sometimes the arguments sounded as though they thought Remus was at fault for wishing Sirius wouldn't fuck around on him with a Death Eater who'd tried to kill Sirius's godson on numerous occasions. Like he should have just put up with it for the sake of the Great And Canon Love, or something. It was very much as though people were wishing battered-wife syndrome upon Remus, and it made me so angry, but mostly sad, because what's that say about people, that they'd preserve a relationship despite it being unhealthy? Is that how they are in real life? Yikes.
And I want to take this moment to say that I MISS the Lupin/Snape dynamic like a son of a bitch. Thank you.
Hm. Well, you asked. ;-)
linuial @ August 29 2004, 18:26:28 UTC |
Hi, I'm probably far too late and you won't see this but I just want to say how much I loved your Lupin. He was everything I saw in canon!Lupin and more. Thank you so much for bringing him to life and making me love him more than I thought it was possible to love a fictional character.
Getting to the point though, after my gushing...
After George died, Remus seemed to be completely dissilusioned with Narcissa and repeatedly picked on her and Lucius. Then all of a sudden she calls on him to meet with her and have tea so that she can explain, and as soon as he does Remus has a total reversal of feeling about her. What on earth happened at that meeting? What did she say to make it alright between them?
Please excuse me if this has already been asked, or if it was explained in NA canon and I missed it. I am just a poor confused fangirl. Pity me. *makes puppy eyes*
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a_player @ September 4 2004, 03:16:22 UTC |
My goodness, thank you.
Remus was furious with Narcissa for the thing she's said to the Weasleys, and her apparently support of Lucius when he was quite obviously the fiend behind it all. He suspected she did know exactly what she was doing and felt completely foolish in trusting her. Hence his reaction to her.
Then it became apparent that Narcissa had reasons for her actions, and she told them to Remus and he understood. He was, after all, a parent of sorts. He could understand a mother's duty.
I can't really get into much detail on that, but hopefully you can grok the rest on your own!
tabiji @ September 23 2004, 10:43:12 UTC |
Hello, Remus' player!
If you check back, I'm asking this:
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?
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a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:20:02 UTC |
I'll be waiting for you here.
And the Gladrags jingle. :-)