a_player @ 2004-08-18 00:02:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
I suppose, as have my most illustrious predecessors, I too must submit myself to your scrutiny. I am Lucius' player, and will gladly answer any questions I can.
babbled @ August 18 2004, 05:11:34 UTC |
What are your opinions on canon!Harry and canon!Draco? Do you think your opinions were effected by playing Lucius?
What about your opinions on fanon!Harry and fanon!Draco? Again, do you think your opinions were effected by playing Lucius?
Whoops. I'm not being very lucid tonight. =___=
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:35:30 UTC |
Good questions! I'd already formed my opinions on canon!Harry and canon!Draco before NA came along. So I don't know that playing Lucius had any effect on that. However, playing Lucius did give me a lot of insight into the Slytherins as a whole. It also made me think about the nature of evil. Lucius certainly is evil, but playing him helped me to see that people aren't all black and white--Harry isn't all good and Draco isn't all bad. There are layers and we all struggle with the darker parts of ourselves--some more than others. Lucius is very dark, but he is capable of kindness. He, however, is very content (or was very content) with being evil, even if he would not describe himself as evil. He'd say he was doing what he had to do to take care of himself and his family, and get ahead.
Fanon!Harry and fanon!Draco? Fanon Harry isn't as different from canon as fanon!draco is. In the books, Draco is very, very one-dimensional. However, that is just because that's how Harry sees him. So we're handicapped because Harry isn't an impartial narrator. I think Draco's main purpose in canon is to impart information and to act, at times, as a sort of Greek chorus to Harry. However, I have to admit, I do love fanon!draco, snark and all. And playing Lucius made me see that there's a lot more to Draco than meets the eye.
*grin* You were perfectly lucid.
bookofjude @ August 18 2004, 05:13:40 UTC |
Well, I have been directed to you! Was there any significance in the Silver Mine?
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:38:27 UTC |
There was. Lucius was going to try to corner the silver market, a la the Hunt brothers in the 80's. He was buying properties bit by bit, and putting them in Narcissa's name (and Draco's, had Lucius lived). That way, the properties couldn't be confiscated were there any questions of improprieties. He was beginning to see that backing Voldemort was not going to be a winning proposition, and also that it was quite conceiveable that the Malfoy fortune might be taken over by the Ministry. The silver mines were an attempt to bring in legitimate income and assets.
(parent)sylvertongue @ August 18 2004, 05:17:44 UTC |
Hiiiii Lucius' Player! Just sharing the love!
Was it hard to reconcile Luc's "chummy" times (the wedding, etc) when he would interact in a relatively friendly way, with the times he was just out-and-out obnoxious? (And boy, did you do obnoxious well! <3! I have never wanted to kick a characters so much! He was fantastic!)
Did he ever feel conflicted about whether he liked these people or not? How did he really feel about Sirius?
<3! Miss you!
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:43:02 UTC |
Hm. Lucius was rarely chummy, but at times he could be civil, even with Arthur (esp. at the wedding). But he always did it for a reason, even if he himself didn't always know what the reason was. And, too, the Veritaserum made him verbalize some truths that he never had before. He envies the Weasleys--they are such a happy family but that's all he envies him for--and he knows Arthur's got a lot of parenting and husbanding experience, so that came through when he was civil to him.
Obnoxious? Easy as pie. It was far, far easier to be evil than it was to be "nice".
As to Sirius, it's complicated. He really did care for Sirius, a lot, albeit in his own way, so when Sirius turned on him (in his mind) it was a huge betrayal and he wanted nothing more than to hurt Sirius as much as Sirius had hurt him. He nearly lost Narcissa over Sirius, if that tells you how much Sirius meant to him. And remember, his last act was to exact revenge, or at least try to. Remus just got in the way.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:43:48 UTC |
Neither I nor Lucius has ever vomited on anyone's lawn. Interesting question, though...
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Anonymous @ August 18 2004, 05:22:46 UTC |
Would you ever consider wearing these pants (http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/content/Pod/02/53/14/p025314sq01.jpg)?
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:45:04 UTC |
I would, but Lucius wouldn't. I'm a t-shirt and khakis kind of girl.
Lucius, on the other hand, feels that khaki is a tool of the many circles of hell, although he will admit that a man in a WWII army uniform is rather tasty.
jupistrahan @ August 19 2004, 23:57:05 UTC |
=D Well, that answers my question; I wondered if you were a boy or a girl. and thus, I must ponder more on my next question...
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Anonymous @ August 20 2004, 04:10:21 UTC |
Lucius, on the other hand, feels that khaki is a tool of the many circles of hell
Really! I imagine he must be something of a revolutionary. The good young aristocrat is rarely seen without them.
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Anonymous @ August 18 2004, 05:29:12 UTC |
How many toga parties have you been to and, if any, have you ever duct-taped a mattress pad to yourself?
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:45:50 UTC |
I've been to about four or five in my life, and have never duct-taped a mattress pad to myself. I lay down on the floor like everyone else when I gator.
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Anonymous @ August 20 2004, 04:12:18 UTC |
I was actually asking Lucius. I see now how my wording was unclear. Sorry!
(parent)dexstarr @ August 18 2004, 05:55:52 UTC |
What was your favourite NA thread, both one you participated in and one you didn't.
How did Sirius compare to Severus?
Are you shiny? Do you have hands?
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:48:13 UTC |
My favorite thread that I participated in was the wedding and the Chronicles of Lucius the Shiny. I'd say, of the ones I wasn't in, it would have to be the one where Remus was turned into a woman. That was just wrong and oh so funny.
Sirius and Severus? No comparison. Severus is very controlled, even during sex (at least, that's how I see it) but Sirius is wanton, wicked, and quite creative. And very responsive. Plus he can growl, and Lucius thinks that's pretty hot.
I am not shiny, and of course I have hands, else I wouldn't be able to type my reply.
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hezzabeth @ August 18 2004, 06:14:45 UTC |
Ok my question.
Was it difficult creating a character who was so..well..evil?
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:49:32 UTC |
Not at all. Lucius was the easiest character I've ever played. He (and Tom Riddle) are also the easiest for me to write. I don't know why that's so, but there it is. It's so much fun to play a character that's just nasty and evil and revels in it. I don't know if I should be worried about that or not.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:55:45 UTC |
Awwww... thanks for the fangirling!
Lucius wanted Draco to be happy. Ideally, that would mean Draco becoming a DE--that would serve to validate Lucius' decision to become one and also carry on the family tradition. However, towards the end, Lucius (like Judas) was beginning to wonder if he'd backed the right horse by following Voldemort. He couldn't ever verbalize those doubts, although he hinted at them to Narcissa and Sirius.
He loved Narcissa dearly. But he learned that he had to show her more often, since she needed that, and when she left him for a time he was utterly devastated. He was lost without her. Sure, they both know where the bodies are buried, but he genuinely loved both her and Draco. Even if he didn't know how to show it.
Motivation for riling Harry? Eh, he was just feeling contrary.
The only time it ever got uncomfortable playing him was after the Sirius/Remus breakup, when people were posting here about the various and often quite graphic ways they wanted him to die. On one hand, the fact that he's hated means I did my job well, but on the other, it was getting a bit creepy. Okay, a lot creepy. But not difficult to play at all. I really don't have a reference that I used for him. He just is a creature of my imagination, although some traits I based on my father.
I had a lot of fun putting in literary and historical references. My thinking is that many of the great thinkers were wizards, only we muggles don't realize it. I'm a lit and history nerd. Well, I'm a nerd in all things, actually, but I had a lot of fun and I'm glad you did too.
jiffy_spiffy @ August 18 2004, 06:27:56 UTC |
Oh, it's Lucius! Hurrah, you were always fantastic, jsut so you know. And question:
Was Lucius a favourite character of yours before you played him in NA, and if not, do you harbour any sympathetic feelings towards him now that you've effectively been him?
Also. This question sucks, bu Jude stole my question too *g*
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:58:13 UTC |
Thanks for the compliments! Flattery will get you everywhere, you know.
He wasn't really a favorite character of mine, no. I hadn't really given him much thought, but then one night out of the blue I got an IM from one of the NA mods asking me if I'd like to play Lucius. I'd written some fics with him in it, and found him very, very easy to write, and said sure, I'd love to play him. And I did.
I would say that yes, I do have sympathy towards him and all "evil" characters. See my answer to the first question above.
vassilissa @ August 18 2004, 06:29:02 UTC |
*throws bouquets*
So, what music are you listening to at the moment?
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 18:58:50 UTC |
At the moment, none. Just the air conditioner. *grin*
(parent)discordia @ August 18 2004, 07:56:43 UTC |
I don't have a question, I'd just like to tell you that I love you and you are my hero :x
(parent)saltroseortopaz @ August 18 2004, 08:03:08 UTC |
Hm, I'm not sure if I have a question.
Generic LuciusLove, of course. Not one of my two first-equal favourite characters, but pretty close.
What was the NA moment which was most, in your view, Classic Lucius. Like, "Dude, this just defines you" moment.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:00:07 UTC |
Classic Lucius... well, the whole Shiny thing certainly made me give him some thought. But his defining moment? His last act on earth. Oh so Lucius. Yes and oh so evil.
(parent)black_dog @ August 18 2004, 10:56:35 UTC |
Just came from posting a question to Narcissa. God, what a family. The three of you players are just amazing. And you know how I love Lucius -- he's got that sociopathic vibe down just perfectly. Such a brillant villan!
I have only one question for now, but I will definitely come back later today for seconds.
The series of posts that I think of as "opera week," where Lucius and Narcissa conspired about . . . something, and that climaxed in a scary scene for PS and the death of N's house-elf -- that week had to be the most elaborately wound-up and ultimately unrequited cocktease in the entire game. (And I include the whole H/D subplot in that comparison.) Bravo! But can you tell us, please -- what the hell was going on? Just a little bit? Was the central event intended as some kind of initiation for Draco? What were Lucius and Narcissa disagreeing about? Was some sort of sacrifice being demanded, such that Lucius was genuinely considering some sort of martyr-style grand gesture?
If you won't answer this, beware! I will hang myself out of sheer frustration, and then I will come back and haunt you, horribly.
Much <3 to Lucius' brilliant player!
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:03:57 UTC |
Should I worry that I find sociopaths so very easy to play and to write? You're a smart one--what do you think?
I believe Draco's player answered your question on Narcissa's thread. Draco was to meet Voldemort--just a meet and greet, nothing more--and both Malfoy parents were quite on edge. Lucius wanted to be sure that Draco performed adequately, and was found to be a credit to himself, and Narcissa... well, Voldemort kills people for the hell of it and what if he killed Draco? Ah, it was all a cocktease, I admit, but oh we had fun that week, and as for us three Malfoy players, one of the best times I've had in NA. The three of us just had this... vibe. I could throw something out there and either Draco or Narcissa would pick it up and run with it. Brilliant, brilliant RPers and I often told Narcissa's player that if she, for whatever reason, left NA, I likely would too. I couldn't imagine playing Lucius against any other Narcissa.
black_dog @ August 19 2004, 21:50:27 UTC |
Should I worry that I find sociopaths so very easy to play and to write?
Nah. It's probably a sign of excellent health that you can take those urges and channel them away so readily. Sort of like having good plumbing, I think! :)
PS' player did indeed answer my main question, and a satisfyingly chilling answer it was! But if your own ground rules permit, I would love some clarification on some other points:
Lucius' posturing in the week before the meet-and-greet (wonderful application of the term!) seemed to hint at possible defiance, possible self-sacrifice. Was there anything to that?
And I'd like to ask you some questions similar to a few I asked Narcissa, about the backstory "real" relation of Lucius to the DE's. Sure, there was a political affinity. But did he really enjoy hanging out with these creepy people? Was he a little ashamed of his allies, or even disgusted by them? Was he participating under coercion, at all?
How would you describe his feelings for Voldemort? We've established, on Narcissa's thread I think, that V occasionally threatened Draco to secure L and N's obedience. Did Lucius ever actually consider rebelling against him? Did he hope to outsmart him at some point in the future?
Did Lucius want Draco to be a DE, or was he afraid of that fate for him?
And finally (for now!) we know that by good fortune Draco wasn't in the Great Hall during the attack, but did Lucius have any plan or understanding with V about protecting Draco?
These are plottish and backstory questions, I know! I will probably greedily bother you again for more character-oriented questions later but I'll wait for now to see what other people ask.
Damn, so much twisted Lucius-love. I would say RIP, but I think the P would bore him. I prefer to think of him matching wits with the Adversary. ;)
black_dog @ August 19 2004, 22:02:58 UTC |
[Continued, because I am such a question-hog . . . ]
oh we had fun that week, and as for us three Malfoy players, one of the best times I've had in NA. The three of us just had this... vibe.
That week was just a joy to watch, too, for me as a spectator, as I think you know from all the absolutely shameless fanboying I did over Lucius' return at the time. :D The drama! The megalomania! The vast emotional panorama of a life in review! The woah and angest! It was sublime. And it was a way, way cool mystery to wonder about. I had chills at the time. And I believe I also laughed at some of my innocent fellow commentators who were breathlessly waiting for "Friday" when "all would be revealed." I mean, it's not as though the rack wears out when you leave someone on it!
Off to read your other answers!
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goth_the_goat @ August 18 2004, 11:07:40 UTC |
Anyway, what was your thoughts on Lucius the Shiny?
I love you for ever and ever and ever. . . .
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:06:25 UTC |
The whole Lucius the Shiny thing really caught me by surprise. I see people calling themselves "shiny" and think whoa, I started a fandom trend. The whole thing was a TOTAL brainfart. I knew he'd get into Narcissa's cramp medicine and be loopy, so I typed the post and added "feel shiny", because that's how I feel when I'm, well, shiny. And it took off. Then I told Sirius to google it--another random brainfart off the top of my head--and quite enjoyed the results.
And thank you for the love. As Zorac would say, it's not easy being evil.
paparazzi_colin @ September 2 2004, 10:15:28 UTC |
Hey I was meaning to ask, there was this episode of just shoot me where Elliot was doped up on something and he said he felt " shiny" have you seen that episode? :) because I found it pretty funny at the time.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:09:57 UTC |
Awww! Huggles! Thank you!
Let's see... the thread that made me laugh the most? It'd have to be either the Buffy thread (we all were having an absolutely hysterical group chat while we were doing it and at times I was laughing so hard I wheezed and scared my cats) or the whole shiny thing, because player reactions to Lucius' shinyness were just hysterical. And it was completely unplanned which made it all the more fun.
As to Pansy, he noticed that she was trying to worm her way into Draco's good graces again, so he felt it prudent to remind her that, try though she might, she had been found lacking and would never be suitable for the Malfoy name. As to Harry, Lucius never allowed himself to actively give that matter any thought at all, though in private moments he did wonder.
comava @ August 18 2004, 13:05:05 UTC |
Squee, it's Looshie!!! Oh, how we loved to hate him...
That checkmate post really scared the hell out of a lot of people, you know. For some reason I'm remembering that now!
How would your Lucius react if PS had told him about the nature of his relationship with Draco? What would be the concequences and has Lucius never been a bit suspicious of them?
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:12:54 UTC |
It was so much fun to be evil and dastardly. You have no idea how much fun.
Checkmate? bwahahahaha (evil laugh)
Lucius himself has dallied with men (Severus and Sirius among others) so he certainly wouldn't have a problem with Draco doing so, as long as Draco did his duty and married a suitable girl and produced an heir. His main objection would be the fact that Draco was seeing Harry Potter of all people. Consorting with the enemy, so to speak. However, he was getting suspicious of them, though he never voiced it, and was adopting a watchful waiting sort of attitude, plotting ways that he could use Draco's relationship with Harry to get close to Harry and get rid of him once and for all.
comava @ August 20 2004, 09:10:16 UTC |
Egads, that could have gotten messy!
Thanks again for doing this!
sistermagpie @ August 18 2004, 15:55:14 UTC |
I second B_D. God, what a family! Please read everything I said to Narcissa's player re: L/N. They were such a fabulous couple. I totally believed their romance at all times.
Actually, I guess I would ask if you could share anything about how Lucius loved Narcissa, why he may have thought he loved her so much? Now that we know their marriage was arranged, did Lucius feel like he really lucked out? How did he feel about Narcissa when they were betrothed?
Despite the love, sometimes Lucius would be pretty mean to her too! How did Lucius feel about those kinds of comments, like when he'd suggest she was looking a little old. What kind of thing would make him say things like that?
Did Lucius ever feel on the ropes during the game? Like, when he would challenge Harry, did Harry surprise him or strike a blow that Lucius felt he had to scramble a bit to recover from? (Not that he'd ever admit it.) Did Draco?
Lucius as Yum-Yum: Your thoughts?
Lucius once confessed he worried Draco would grow not to love him, as Lucius was distant to his own father. Could you give us some insight on how he felt about Draco in that regard, like, how he wanted Draco to feel about him and what kind of father he wanted to be?
Did Lucius feel like he was being a good father introducing Draco to the DEs and such, or was there pressure from him from outside to do that?
Narcissa said Lucius died for things he truly believe in. Would Lucius agree?
How did Lucius feel about Sirius? Did he get something out of their affair other than hurting Remus and Harry? Also, did he feel Remus "helped" him in that regard, since it seemed like Sirius slept with Lucius partly as a rather childish reaction to Remus?
Arthur's player said while he hoped Ron would be a great Auror, he worried he wasn't clever enough. What were Lucius' thoughts on Draco's limits--did he have any?
What do you think the fallout would have been had Narcissa truly been adopted? Did the scare make Lucius rethink his thoughts on blood? It seemed like Draco showed hints there that he was a true believer in the Pureblood Superiority idea there. Did that please Lucius? Did he worry about the consequences of that should Narcissa's blood not be pure (thus making Draco's impure as well)?
I have asked you a million questions. I will shut up now.:-)
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:21:29 UTC |
Let's see... questions. I'll go down the list. *grin*
Lucius really did love Narcissa, more than he's ever loved anyone. However, he loved her but in his own way. He didn't really know how to show it, and when she left him, he was utterly lost. He was just learning how to meet her needs when he was killed. Alas. He didn't love her at first, but certainly knew her and her family, and got along with her well enough. He was glad Edward chose Narcissa--there were some pretty dreadful candidates out there. Lucius grew up with the notion that women were submissive to their husbands--as he had seen with his own mother--so he was threatened when Narcissa started standing up for herself. He knew her weak spots and didn't hesitate to use them, as a way of reminding her who was in charge. He later realized that her self-actualization was in no way a threat to himself, but it took a while.
As for Draco and the DEs, well, he thought he was doing the right thing by becoming one--thus ensuring power and prestige for himself and his family, not to mention following the family tradition, so Draco was raised with every expectation of doing so himself.
He felt on the ropes quite a bit, but he'd never admit it. Remus, Narcissa, Harry, Draco, and once even Millicent caught him off guard. He grew up having his every whim obeyed and when people didn't respect that, he didn't much like it. Made him feel powerless and that, above all else, he could not abide.
Lucius as Yum-Yum... well, there are a few parallels, besides the snippet of song I posted for him. Both are trapped in a situation that they played a very small part in, but that have grown beyond anything they ever imagined, and both feel powerless at times. Yum-Yum's song was a way of reminding herself who she is, and that she has the power to get through the trials she's facing. The same sentiment Lucius was feeling when he quoted that song.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:30:02 UTC |
And I'm continuing on here...
He did love Draco. He wanted Draco to have everything he had, and by introducing him to the DE lifestyle, so to speak, he thought he was ensuring a prosperous future for Draco. Much too late, he realized he wasn't doing that at all but by then he was nearly dead. He could only hope, in that last instant before he died, that he'd taught Draco to land on his feet. But Lucius certainly died for things he believed in, although they aren't the things that would seem apparent.
He really did care about Sirius in his own fashion, and I discussed it some depth a few answers above. Did Remus help him? Well, sure, Sirius came back to him, and it was good, but it wasn't as sweet as if Sirius had come freely and on his own accord. Lucius doesn't like being a consolation prize.
Lucius was certainly aware of Draco's limits, just as he was aware of his own. However, he hoped he'd taught Draco enough cleverness to get by and be successful at whatever he did. He wanted Draco to be happy (though his definition of happy might not be what you think it is) and he wanted Draco to remember him fondly, and not with the dark emotions he associated with his own father. He did realize that Draco's bragging and airs of superiority were merely his way of whistling past the graveyard, so to speak, and hoped he'd grow out of some of it.
As to the adoption fallout... Lucius never really allowed himself to think what he'd do were Narcissa not pureblood. However, it did make him realize how integral she was to his life, and how much a part of him she was. Sure, she knew where his bodies were buried, and he hers, but there's a certain comfort in having someone around who knows you at your absolute worst, and still stays. That's why he was so lost when she left him.
black_dog @ August 19 2004, 22:16:22 UTC |
Lucius certainly died for things he believed in, although they aren't the things that would seem apparent.
You surely don't think you're going to slip that past NrAged! :) So, what were those things he ultimately died for, if not the things we would expect?
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a_player @ August 22 2004, 02:44:46 UTC |
Let's just say Lucius and Raskolnikov had a lot in common.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 19 2004, 23:02:36 UTC |
You know, I had a feeling Lucius wasn't allowing himself to really think of the consequences of Narcissa not being a Pureblood.
Also thanks for the hints about Lucius and Sirius. As weird as it sounds, you can see why they'd be a sort-of couple!
aome @ August 18 2004, 20:07:28 UTC |
The master of veiled messages and subtle clues! *applauds* I never did figure out what the hell he was referring to until it was too late. ;)
I apologise that I do not currently have time to read everyone else's questions, so I'm sorry if I duplicate things.
What did he love about Narcissa?
Why did he keep going back to her?
What did he think about her friendship with Remus?
Did he know about H/D, and what did he think about that?
What was his prized possession?
Does he have any regrets?
RIP - you did a fabulous job with him.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:37:37 UTC |
*curtsies* Thank you, Plu!
What did he love about Narcissa? Well, she made him look good. She played her role, kept her cards close to her chest, and didn't hesitate to warn him or tell him to back off if she felt he needed to hear it. She wasn't a syncophant. She understood him, and she'd seen him do some pretty dastardly things, and yet she was there by his side, head held high. She was a lady, and an honor to the Malfoy name. She wasn't a good mother, but she tried to become one (just as he was trying to become a good father). She was his life.
As to Remus, deep down, he admired Remus. In another world, they would have been good friends, he thought, because they did share a lot of commonalities. He admired Remus' loyalty and bravery. He couldn't ever understand why, of all people, Narcissa had to be friends with the damn wolf, but it made Narcissa happy and there was no harm in it, so he watched the whole thing, rather bemused by it all.
He didn't know for sure about H/D but he was pretty suspicious, and was on the verge of calling Draco home and confronting him when he was killed. He was in the process of getting someone to spy on the two to confirm his suspicions. Had they been founded, he would have regarded it as a youthful dalliance (though most unsuitable) but he was plotting to use Draco to get close to Harry and thus bring about Harry's downfall.
His prized possession? His pimp cane. And his wedding ring.
Regrets, he's had a few, but then again, too few to mention... sorry. Played a Sinatra song on my show today! Yes, he had regrets. He regretted not being a better father and husband, and for setting in motion the events that led to his death. Among other things.
I will miss him sorely. I'd love to play him again but since he's dead, well, not gonna happen!
black_dog @ August 19 2004, 22:20:27 UTC |
Apologies for jumping in (*waves at Plu*) but I was struck by this:
but he was plotting to use Draco to get close to Harry and thus bring about Harry's downfall.
I asked Narcissa's player about this and she declined to answer, but I thought it might have been because she thought it was more your territory. Did this have to do with the mysterious plan that Narcissa and Lucius were debating, that sort of fell apart when Harry and Draco fell out over the Diagon Alley incident?
jheaton @ August 20 2004, 19:06:05 UTC |
He regretted not being a better father and husband, and for setting in motion the events that led to his death.
Did he regret setting those events in motion because they resulted in his death and/or the death of his Master, because the events caused Draco a great deal of pain, or some combination of the three? Or something else entirely?
Incidentally, did Lucius know that Pansy would be killed during the attack?
1anonymous1 @ August 18 2004, 22:52:25 UTC |
I know you...right? Or maybe Im behind the times, lol.
Anyway, I must say that you were EXCELLENT at playing an evil bastard, but at the same time having some moments of good in him. Although I really really disliked him, I dont think he was all bad (especially with stuff having to do with his family...except that time he cheated on his wife, that was sorta fucked).
That brings up a question. Ded he do stuff with Sirius as like a task for Voldie or was it just cause he didnt like them? Or both?lol
And am I right about him really loving his family and not just keeping them around because he likes to control things? Does that make sense?
Again, I love you. Let us be married...if none of the other players kill me first.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:40:52 UTC |
Oh, baby, you know I'd marry you! You're my drinking partner!
Lucius did stuff with Sirius for several reasons: because he wanted to, because Sirius was just hot, and to hurt Remus.
He did love his family. Throughout the course of the game, he did learn that he couldn't control them, but that the fact that they wouldn't let themselves be controlled didn't mean they didn't love him. Growing up, Lucius equated love with total obedience. But Narcissa and Draco often did their own thing, despite his wishes, and he had to learn, gradually, that yes, they were their own people but they didn't love him any less. He knows Narcissa loved him. He hoped that Draco did too, but he wasn't sure, and died wondering just that.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:53:05 UTC |
He did? I never knew that! Now I am saddened. Of course Draco loved Lucius and still does.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 19:59:44 UTC |
He did wonder. He himself couldn't really show love, so he doesn't know if he ever showed Draco. He regrets not being able to, but alas. Things happen.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 19 2004, 23:00:20 UTC |
He knows Narcissa loved him. He hoped that Draco did too, but he wasn't sure, and died wondering just that.
And now Lucius becomes even more worthy of somebody writing an opera about him...because I totally believe this is true. God, what an ending to a great character!
mlle_skeetre @ August 19 2004, 22:31:46 UTC |
Completely useless comment, but I cackled with glee over each of Lucius' posts. Just - thank you for him. Lots. Favorite NA character, joint with M. B.
Oh! Have thought of something. What did Lucius dislike most about Narcissa and Draco? Like, his pet peeve for both of them?
susan_voight @ August 22 2004, 14:11:58 UTC |
I can't believe I forgot to comment here in my catching-up yesterday! If you're still checking this, thank you for doing this.
I didn't _like_ Lucius, but he was a really interesting character to read because, like Narcissa, he had to walk a really difficult line.
As a player, would you do anything differently if you had to do it all over again? And is there anything you wish we'd ask and we haven't
Oh, and randomly, what was up with the MacNairs and their accepting a Lucius proposition in the last few months of the game?
Thanks again!
pink_faerie @ August 22 2004, 14:17:36 UTC |
Dearest Looshieface,
Why, oh why, are you not mine?
With Love,
I adored your Lucius. His death was an international tragedy. >O He was always so intelluigent with his evil, which is such a brilliantly drool-worthy change from 11-year-old-player!Lucius.
Player, I salute you.
slinkhard @ August 28 2004, 11:44:40 UTC |
Hey! I feel I should tell you my favourite Lucius moment.
I also loved this this thread.
tabiji @ September 23 2004, 10:50:48 UTC |
Hello Lucius' player!
I'm terribly late, but if you check back I was wondering:
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?