a_player @ 2004-09-09 14:02:00 |
It is hard to make your post sound different from the last ten.
Mood: nostalgic
Peter Percival Patterson had a pet pig named Porky.
This pet pig named Porky loved pie,
He loved pizza pie, pumpkin pie, pineapple pie, pizza pie... mince tarts.
And Peter Percival Patterson's pet pig Porky loved
Pie for breakfast, pie for lunch, pie in the afternoon and pie before he went to bed.
Peter Percival Patterson's pet pig Porky ate so much pie,
That, do you know what he did?
He popped.
akimbie @ September 9 2004, 13:18:22 UTC |
Was it hard to play somebody like Percy? - considering he was mocked and accused and just plain disregarded by some people!
How did he feel with Harry and Hermione accusing him of helping pettigrew escape?
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a_player @ September 9 2004, 13:21:34 UTC |
Was it hard to play somebody like Percy? - considering he was mocked and accused and just plain disregarded by some people!
This is very funny. You have just described me. So, no, not at all, although it was difficult to come up with boring things to write about after a while.
How did he feel with Harry and Hermione accusing him of helping pettigrew escape?
Devastated, very betrayed and horrified.
nannyo @ September 9 2004, 13:21:16 UTC |
I was one of the people who continually thought Percy was evil, I even doubted him post attack on the twins.
So thank you, I loved being both bored and enraged by Percy. I particularly liked his relationship with Ginny, and how you managed to be both loving and patronising at the same time.
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a_player @ September 9 2004, 13:23:05 UTC |
I am glad that you continued to doubt him after that. It is not fun to be a red herring if no one thinks that you are actually evil.
I also enjoyed his relationship with Ginny, so thank you.
ursamajr @ September 9 2004, 14:06:26 UTC |
Headquarters man. Headquarters. You so rock for the Monkee reference! YAY!
(parent)ursamajr @ September 9 2004, 14:14:15 UTC |
yeah. dude. that should be PAC&J ltd. w00t for being a true geek and getting too excited!
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a_player @ September 9 2004, 14:17:58 UTC The four kings of EMI are sitting stately on the floor. |
I envy your ability to knit socks. On the other hand, I am very grateful for your one true pattern.
(parent)ursamajr @ September 9 2004, 14:32:29 UTC There are birds out on the sidewalk and a valet at the door. |
Alas, I cannot take credit for the socks, that would be vlamidala though I am the maker of the replica Ron-Hat from PoA.
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a_player @ September 9 2004, 15:22:34 UTC |
I thought so, but I suspect that you also can knit socks.
(parent)sistermagpie @ September 9 2004, 14:24:43 UTC |
*throws arms around Percy*
I'd love to hear how Percy dealt with the attack on his brothers--even before he was devestated by Harry and Hermione's suspicions he must have been incredibly upset by it. It seemed like his throwing himself into his work was even part of what was held against him--how did Percy comprehend the attack?
Did it color his memories of George at all? He and the twins were always battling, after all.
I loved Percy's relationship with Ginny, but also with Ron. How did Percy think about Ron? They were so different but I got the feeling they were rather close and respected each other at heart.
What were Percy's feelings on his parents? How did he feel about Arthur as a fellow Ministry worker (and was that a contrast to how he felt about him as a father)?
Anything you can share about Percy's love life? I loved him and Penelope--did the decision to marry the way they did come out of the attack at all?
I particularly remember Percy stepping in on Ron's behalf after his attempt to protect Harry's territory when he thought Seamus was honing in on his boyfriend. Percy's feelings about Malfoy seemed pretty clear (never liked him; no reason to start now), but things like that make me wonder how Percy thought of Harry (who didn't respond to Percy's post). Seems like Percy and Harry, while not enemies, didn't exactly click either. Was that something you decided or would even agree with? Did it just come out naturally?
Err. You were great.:-)
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a_player @ September 9 2004, 15:33:57 UTC |
Percy was definitely crushed and horrified by it. When he is upset, he throws himself into his work. He started becoming very unkempt, forgetting to cut his hair and not shaving twice a day as he usually did. He is the type who does not discuss something like that that has happened, and instead sort of ignores it and keeps it to himself.
I think that the fact that he and the twins argued so much was something that made him feel even worse. In fact, they argued right before the attack, though at this point I cannot even remember what they were arguing about, only that it was quite serious. Percy always felt that they were extremely unfair towards him and so his thoughts of the twins were usually filled with bitterness, which led to quite a bit of guilt after the attack.
Ron is Percy's favourite brother. I cannot speak for Ron of course but I do know that Ron respected Percy. I think that they were closer when they were younger and it was Percy who taught Ron to play chess. Percy was very proud of Ron which was why he was so hard on him. He also hoped that Ron would follow in his footsteps and admire him.
Percy felt that he was much cleverer than Arthur but looked upon him fondly as you might do a friend who you secretly know is nowhere near as successful as you are. He was more fond of Molly than Arthur, mostly because she seemed to understand him best when he was younger, but I think that Percy took after Arthur heavily and perhaps this is why he was often sighing at him.
Percy and Penelope had already decided to get married prior to the attack. They had a meeting with someone in regards to it in Diagon Alley during the week that the twins and Charlie were locked in the shop. After the attack they did not feel that it would be appropriate to bring it up and so left it as a surprise for the future. I am not sure what to share of their love life, really! Penelope was pregnant at the end of the game, but Percy and Penelope told Arthur and Molly that over dinner the very night of the attack on Hogwarts, so unfortunately it got lost in game shuffle. It seems that all of their pleasant life plans happened during attacks, actually.
I would certainly agree that that is accurate about Harry. Percy often frowned upon his behaviour. He was very unimpressed by Harry during that row and it coloured his opinion of him permanently. He was very protective of Ron and so a bit blind to the feelings of others.
Thank you.
luna_lg @ September 9 2004, 18:01:14 UTC |
...tell me he actually did it with her before the wedding!
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a_player @ September 9 2004, 21:15:01 UTC |
Of course he did. They have been doing it for years.
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nyxforsythe @ September 10 2004, 10:11:49 UTC |
Percy despite my undying love for Ron, I must confess that you are my favourite Weasley.
I think the way that Percy handled the loss of one of his brothers was really poignant. It was good to see a different way of coping than the 'expected' response. People are different and react to things in different ways, there is no right or wrong way to react. I liked that Percy was different to everyone else.
I loved the interaction between Percy, Ron and Ginny. Infact all the Weasley threads were great. They must have been fun to do.
Hmmm no real questions just observations and thanks for playing such a great character in a great game.
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a_player @ September 11 2004, 16:31:43 UTC |
Percy is my favourite Weasley also. This works out nicely.
It was hard for me to see Percy as someone who would express his grief loudly or even publicly. In the books there are times when you know that he is upset but no one else seems to observe it. Besides, Percy is always different from the rest of his family.
They were definitely fun to do.
Thank you.
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hezzabeth @ September 10 2004, 10:29:16 UTC |
Ok first I'd like to say that I thought Percy was perfect and I look at your Percy as the real one as apposed to book five ignoring his family Percy.
My question is what did Percy love about Penelope?
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a_player @ September 11 2004, 16:33:32 UTC |
Thank you, although I should tell you that I really enjoyed reading about Percy in book five.
Percy loved the fact that Penelope was as nerdy as he was. She enjoyed reading books and arguing about cauldrons. She was a lot more easy-going and mellow than Percy, which he loved because it was something he aspired to be. She laughed at his few and pathetic jokes. She did not laugh when his brothers made fun of him.
slinkhard @ September 14 2004, 19:15:24 UTC |
Ha, you have answered my question which was going to be about OotP!Percy (I loved him, myself - his letter!)
So, I don't have another, just wanted to say I loved the way you played him. So :)
bookshop @ September 10 2004, 10:43:12 UTC |
Hi, Percy. :)
What is Percy's favorite bit of trivia? I suspect that it is something he has never told anyone but privately knows all about and is very proud of.
For you as a player, which of all the knowledge-filled and exhaustively researched entries you wrote for Percy was the most fun, which was the one you felt was the hardest or actually learned the most about?
If you yourself were Percy, in what direction would you take his career at the Ministry?
I have always wanted to ask those things.
bookshop @ September 10 2004, 10:44:09 UTC |
ooh ooh ooh! And!
What is Percy's favorite piece of music?
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a_player @ September 11 2004, 16:38:52 UTC |
Percy does not listen to Muggle music whatsoever and does not particularly have time for wizarding music, so he has none.
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a_player @ September 11 2004, 16:38:21 UTC |
Percy's favourite bit of trivia is thus: Avada Kedavra is Aramaic for 'let the thing be destroyed' though the context was in relation to illnesses and psychoses and the like. I say this because it is my favourite bit of trivia and does not require me to make something up about the magical world!
I really liked the entry about Percy's favourite country. It is arrogant but I could not stop laughing when I wrote, People often ask me, 'Percy, what is your favourite country?' The very idea of it just made me laugh and laugh.
The hardest one was the one about the Mooncake Festival because it is not something that I know about personally. One of the players in the game did, but they were not around so I wrote the entire entry based on things I googled. Then she came online and told me that they were all completely incorrect so I had to start over.
I suppose that I learnt the most about padomancy, cauldrons and wands because I wrote them from books that I owned instead of googling.
I would definitely take his career to the Wizengamot. I am enamoured of the Wizengamot, and so I decided that it was where Percy wanted to work.
hachi_08 @ September 11 2004, 22:15:09 UTC |
So, what was the purpose to Percy's hairstyle? I always wondered whether he intentionally grew it out for a specific purpose related to the sekrit work he was doing? Or maybe he just new it would make him hot. :)
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a_player @ September 12 2004, 12:28:30 UTC |
Percy did not grow his hair out on purpose. He threw himself into his work so much after George died that he did not remember to get his hair cut and so became slightly unkempt.
(parent)hachi_08 @ September 12 2004, 16:40:06 UTC |
Thanks a lot! In the re-read, it's interesting to see how Percy has changed throughout the game. By the end, he is still wonderful Percy as we know him but also with a touch of unbelievable coolness! Thank you so much, and I really did love how he grew out his hair. :)
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 18:14:21 UTC |
I think that getting married definitely relaxed Percy a bit. Thank you.
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jgoreham @ September 14 2004, 18:35:13 UTC |
Who are Percy's favorite people? (amongst the other characters in NA, anyway) Does he secretly hate anybody?
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 18:15:35 UTC |
It is not very surprising. Percy likes Professor Binns quite a bit (he was at the wedding). Otherwise his favourite people are just his family and people at the Ministry. He hates the Malfoys, but that is not very secret.
(parent)tabiji @ September 23 2004, 11:02:01 UTC |
Hi Percy's player!
If I'm not too late:
Does Percy have a favorite kink? :D
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?
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a_player @ September 23 2004, 11:21:58 UTC |
You are not too late, but he does not.
Percy said something along the lines of, 'Ronald, >:O is not even a word.' once. I do not remember when or where though and that is probably not precise.
I do not think that I could pick just one quote from anybody else.