rsiobhan @ 2003-04-13 14:11:00 |
(no title)
They disowned him.
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luleh @ April 13 2003, 13:32:29 UTC |
Well, now I def. don't think Draco set up missing the duel. I don't know if it's as simple as him just not getting woken up cause he doesn't mention it in his post about going to libray but later mentions it when Crabbe reminds him of it. Perhaps some sort of obliviate charm that is removed when a certain word is mentioned?
Very, very odd.
Also, will very interested to see the reaction of the school. Am sure most of them will be quite happy, can't say I blame them, as much as I love potterstinks, I don't go to school with him.
Is it wrong of me mention that I think this opens up new avenues on the H/D front? Oh well, did it anyway.
*worried for potterstinks*
karabou @ April 13 2003, 13:23:58 UTC |
Oh no! Poor Draco... this is so weird... I wonder how he's going to handle it.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ April 13 2003, 13:24:24 UTC |
Oh dear.
(*Prods just_harry* Comfort, comfort!)
kat99999 @ April 13 2003, 13:25:31 UTC |
Waaah, okay, I'd suggested this on an earlier thread but - *whines* Poor ickle Draco!
(parent)tropes @ April 13 2003, 13:26:57 UTC |
Poor little muffin.
That said, maybe he can do something with himself now that he's out from under daddy's thumb.
notapipe @ April 13 2003, 13:30:23 UTC |
Lucius is such an ass.
Is it a bad thing if want to reach through your computer and strangle a fictional character (bonus, if he can't breathe, he can't Avada Kevadra me)?
kat99999 @ April 13 2003, 13:41:58 UTC |
Well, if I help you hold him down then he won't be able to curse either of us! I'm sure we could employ more help within the community...
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luleh @ April 13 2003, 13:42:36 UTC |
This is really OT and terribly insensitive of me, but I am very amused by the fact that Lucius uses kitty icons for his moods.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:21:08 UTC |
It does sort of undercut the intimidation factor, doesn't it.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 13 2003, 13:49:05 UTC |
Oh dear- poor Draco. What an idiotic thing to be disowned over. But I can't help but think that good can come of this. Sometimes hitting the absolute bottom is the only way for someone to realize they need to make some changes. *holds out hope for potterstinks and just_harry*
(parent)shusu @ April 13 2003, 13:50:00 UTC poor Draco! |
Called it.
Played it two weeks ago in our own rpg.
Agog and amused with coincidences.
Cannot wait to see what happens!!!
shusu @ April 13 2003, 13:55:42 UTC hmmm. |
However... upon rereading, it's a temporary disowning... probationary? It's not like his inheritance is cut off, just his allowance and his TLC. *wibble*
What worries me is that he'll be even MORE under Lucius' thumb.
chapstickmess @ April 13 2003, 14:00:55 UTC |
I was wondering what Narcissa was going on about. I do feel bad for her, as I think she really does care for her son. At least, as much as she can. Lucius is an arse. Poor Draco! This will not do much for his self-esteem.
shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:07:35 UTC *hugs you* |
Oh gods... don't let it be the last of his snarkiness! PLEASE!
....did he get through the entire list of girls?
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luleh @ April 13 2003, 14:09:12 UTC |
Oh, and Mother, I do wish you'd send me some of those biscuits from the kitchens at home. Just leave me a reply here and let me know if you're going to.
shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:14:44 UTC |
The irony is horrible! WAAAHHH!
Oh nono he's refusing outside help. Accckkk!
kat99999 @ April 13 2003, 14:16:09 UTC |
*bursts into tears* Poor, poor, poor, poor baby Dracoooooo.
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:18:41 UTC |
Oh God, that's just so Draco.
Professor Vector needs to take a page from M.B.'s book. Go get the spellotape.
kat99999 @ April 13 2003, 14:28:35 UTC |
Waaaa, he is so in denialllll..
shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:33:42 UTC |
I think he's just posting that because he's in his hole in the wall crying.
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:37:28 UTC |
Aw...he knows she's pulling an M.B. with the pastries. But he showed he's tough by being prickly about it. She's ready for him. Go Professor Vector!
(parent)kat99999 @ April 13 2003, 14:47:06 UTC Re: |
*sniffles* Now he wants to know whether to go and see Snape first or Vector.. the poor boy is all overwhelmed!
(parent)kat99999 @ April 13 2003, 14:23:10 UTC Re: |
Heeh, she's being demanding now-
You will see me in my office, Mr. Malfoy, right now, or there will be consequences to pay.
I hope he goes, he needs the comfortttt! He cannot deny himself helpppppp. *coddles him*
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:41:52 UTC |
Oooh! And it looks like she's going to be tough about it. She knows what she's doing.
I wonder if this means he'll let up on the dating? He's got an easy out--no money for proper dates.
kat99999 @ April 13 2003, 14:52:07 UTC Re: |
I'm personally hoping that he falls into the arms of a certain Harry Potter... I mean, surely he doesn't have to worry about his parents frowning on it now. He is free! *hopes*
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luleh @ April 13 2003, 14:17:43 UTC |
I just saw!
I reposted the "Support Malfoy" banner in my lj.
*cries more*
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:31:11 UTC Re: putting the newest down here |
Yeah, when I see somebody who finds it amusing to see a child yelled at by his father until he looks like he's going to cry or wet his pants or burst into flame my first thought is that they should be a teacher and thus deal with kids all the time!
Isn't this the same person who got j_h drunk?
And Draco describes the whole thing as a "long talk" with his father. Hisprideissostrong!!
kat99999 @ April 13 2003, 14:32:12 UTC Re: putting the newest down here |
*cries* That is so .. sad-making. Lucius is so the unholiest bastard, ever.
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luleh @ April 13 2003, 14:34:54 UTC Re: putting the newest down here |
*does NOT love sinistra*
wednesday_tea @ April 13 2003, 14:35:26 UTC Re: putting the newest down here |
Oh, it's all so sad...
shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:46:42 UTC Next Newest: potions_master |
Snape has abandoned him.... "but I will show none of their mercy to the destructive fiends what left that room in such disarray. Their punishment shall be swift and virtuous."
Draco doesn't know where to go ;_;
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:48:27 UTC Re: Next Newest: potions_master |
But I have a feeling Snape just meant Terry and Dean.
(parent)shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:50:42 UTC Re: Next Newest: potions_master |
Oooh good point.
My inner weeping fangirl has gotten the better of me.
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:16:13 UTC |
Of course he's disowned not over anything actually bad, just for not really caring enough about a duel for Millicent.
I do hope this will be a Good Thing. Professor Vector, hopefully, shall take him in hand, for one thing. I'm reminded of reading about that period when England was ex-communicated and how this turned out to be not all that wise a move on the church's part because England realized it wasn't all that bad. Hopefully it will be the same with ps. I'd like to see him get used to making decisions for himself based on what he really wants...
shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:18:27 UTC |
Well from a Malfoy point of view it IS a huge sin... they went all the way to Hogwarts and were basically publicly humiliated in front of the whole school, i.e. all the children of the UK Wizarding World.
And it seems like he's resisting Vector.
See above thread for more cloth-rending.
tropes @ April 13 2003, 14:20:23 UTC |
I like the religion analogy. Because to Lucius and Draco, being a Malfoy has its own incontrovertible rituals and beliefs. Malfoyism? I really hope Draco learns something... :(
(parent)shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:25:26 UTC |
Also as I said it's not a full disowning. They haven't cut off inheritance...
If anything Draco will be STEEPED in Malfoyism. Lucius may micromanage his every last word.
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:32:50 UTC |
Buy they are cutting off contact so he may not be able to do much micromanaging!
(parent)shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:36:15 UTC nitpick |
Ah, no, *Narcissa* is denied contact. There will be no owls, either, but this does not preclude Lucius coming to school and/or berating him in public on LJ.
Gotta think evilly.
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:39:34 UTC Re: nitpick |
Ah, you could be right. I read "he will receive no owls from home" as meaning they were cutting off contact--which I thought Vector thought it meant too. Lucius, I assumed, would be too busy researching Wizard Military schools for contact!
**laughs at idea of Draco at military school...*
shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:42:07 UTC Re: nitpick |
Ohhhhh. Silver lining!!!
Draco in a uniform.
*drools at the idea of Draco at military school...*
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:45:08 UTC Re: nitpick |
He'd have that whole "Hitler Youth" thing goin' on for sure. (Hums "16 Going on 17")
(parent)shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:49:03 UTC the Sound of Potterstinks |
...throwing pebbles at the Lupin-Black manor's windows....
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:54:17 UTC Re: the Sound of Potterstinks |
Delivering telegrams to j_h...
(parent)shusu @ April 13 2003, 15:00:47 UTC Re: the Sound of Potterstinks |
....dancing in the middle of a rainstorm...
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 15:17:33 UTC Re: the Sound of Potterstinks |
Wearing laderhosen.
Wait, that could be a plus.
(I have a feeling I misspelled laderhosen.)
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:47:26 UTC |
Note that ps considers himself one of the "people responsible" for destroying the computer lab that Snape mentions when Snape didn't link to him.
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:53:05 UTC |
Okay, that's a new thing. I specifically looked for a link on "The" the first time.
And now McGonogal wants to see him too. I'm preparing for another snotty remark from ps...
shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:55:01 UTC he's just the wanted man, eh? |
So which shall it be, Sinistra, Snape, or McGonagall?
Harry, SAVE HIM.
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luleh @ April 13 2003, 14:57:19 UTC Re: he's just the wanted man, eh? |
Ignore them all, potterstinks! Seek out
just_harry and run away to Bora Bora! If you're going to go down, go down in flames!
sistermagpie @ April 13 2003, 14:58:07 UTC Re: he's just the wanted man, eh? |
Is this a big conspiracy to just drive him completely batty? Snape's threatening to owl Lucius? The only thing Lucius can really do at this point that he hasn't done is just show up and Crucio him!
I think he should just go hang out with j_h. Of course.
shusu @ April 13 2003, 14:59:45 UTC Re: he's just the wanted man, eh? |
WAaaah it's a tug of war!!!
kokopoko @ April 13 2003, 18:22:28 UTC |
Oh poor Drakiepoo. :( But I think it's good. He needs a swift kick in the butt.