karabou @ 2003-04-17 23:25:00 |
Big trouble in Malfoy Manor... Narcissa has left Lucius.
chapstickmess @ April 17 2003, 20:32:00 UTC |
Wow. This is big. But, I can't say how proud I am of Narcissa. It's about damn time. Move in with Remus and Sirius. And take Draco with you, Narcie. I'm sure he'd love to be with Harry all summer. They're v. good friends, don't you know?
(parent)karabou @ April 17 2003, 20:35:24 UTC Re: |
I'm proud of Narcissa as well.
I can't imagine the effect it will have on Draco, though.. whether he shows it or not. I mean.. he obviously looks up to his parents so much, and it's always hard for a kid when their parents break up no matter how old they are.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 20:37:21 UTC |
Yes, I think Remus can be partly credited for this wonderful news. He has always thought of her as a person who can do things for herself (who remembers the bad haircut?)and treated her with respect.
karabou @ April 17 2003, 20:43:18 UTC |
Yes, I think Remus and Narcissa's friendship is lovely. :)
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 20:33:15 UTC |
But for how long? Lucius likes to have everything his way; this doesn't make him look very good.
In the plus column, Draco will need someone to talk to. Someone should find Harry.
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luleh @ April 17 2003, 20:42:37 UTC |
Oh, fine, if you're too lazy to use an owl.
Poor you, potterstinks. Have to put up with
just_harry being lazy....
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 20:46:36 UTC |
Have discovered genuinely good thing about Draco!
He luvs his mummy.
non_inferno @ April 17 2003, 20:44:55 UTC |
I'm worried about this too. Lucius just isn't the type to just let Narcissa have her way. Ever. And she's already said that she gets distracted by shiny things.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 20:55:19 UTC |
But she has stuck by her feeling that Lucius shouldn't be treating her Baby like he does. No one being at the station to pick him up was The Last Straw. Maybe this will give her the strength to over-come anything that Lucius throws at her in an attempt to change her mind.
(parent)pink_faerie @ April 17 2003, 20:41:17 UTC |
I weep for them. I weep for ickle Dracikins. But wow, Lucius is so hot when he's being all commanding and... Lucius like. Still. Thumbs up to Narcissa. I wonder how long she'll survive without a steady income of MILLIONS though...
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 20:45:47 UTC |
I wouldn't think that Lucius married a poor woman. Maybe Narcissa comes from Old Money so her life-style wouldn't have to change that much. But we shall see.
(parent)pink_faerie @ April 17 2003, 20:52:33 UTC |
I would assume she came from Old Money too. But I wonder if it's still around for her to run to and all. Seems so with all this Grandmother business. Mm Good.
(parent)karabou @ April 17 2003, 20:46:08 UTC |
Lucius is so hot when he's being all commanding and... Lucius like.
I wonder how long she'll survive without a steady income of MILLIONS though...
Good question.
pink_faerie @ April 17 2003, 20:53:20 UTC |
The constant talk of obeying together with that cane in the icon should be not be legal. u.u;;
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 17 2003, 20:45:27 UTC |
Good for her, it's really about time the woman finally took a definitive stand on that man's treatment of her family. Hopefully this is what it is, and not merely an empty threat that will be relented by the end of the weekend. PS's reaction is breaking my heart, though.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 17 2003, 20:51:31 UTC |
And this to a woman who left him standing at a train station and then after the fact suggested he call his grandmother if he wanted to come home from school. Yet here he is worried about how she's feeling.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 17 2003, 21:03:57 UTC |
The poor dear. This is going to be very difficult for him to accept, I think, given that he still seems to be in a bit of denial that he has even been 'cut off' in the first place. At first I was debating as to whether his pretending nothing had happened was merely part of his putting on a brace face to the world on his journal, or if he had really convinced himself of it, but I think the fact that he actually went to the train station and waited confirms the latter theory. *heart breaks for him*
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Anonymous @ April 18 2003, 04:47:38 UTC |
She told him that she wasn't allowed to pick him up. I think that it was hard enough for her to go behind Lucius's back sending those packages; it probably was too risky for her to actually go out and get to King's Cross without Lucius's finding out about it. Reading her following post about going to her mother's house, perhaps she was suggesting that to Draco thinking she would be staying at her mother's for the holiday and that she could spend it with her son.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 18 2003, 07:06:40 UTC |
True--although to ps (To Goyle: ps=Potterstinks or Draco Malfoy, who often does put one in mind of PMS, it's true!) who is usually such a superbrat you'd expect him to just be angry at not being met no matter what the reason.
Besides which, it's still her responsibility to have him met at the train even if she can't go. This is waht I love about Narcissa here: even as I feel sorry for her and admire her for doing a correct thing she still remains a far from perfect mother. She's much more focused on her own plight here than she is on her son's--look how manipulative her posts from the pub are just torturous for him ("I'm probably in danger on your behalf. Somebody better save me. No, I'm not going to do any of the things you suggest. But I really am in a bad way. But don't worry about me.") This is what's so brilliant, imo, about how this character (and many others) are played.
luthienlupin @ April 17 2003, 20:55:37 UTC |
::sniffs too::
Oh this is breaking my heart.
::hugs PS::
sistermagpie @ April 17 2003, 20:49:11 UTC |
That's just what I was going to say. He's really really breaking my heart with that last post: "Mother?"
How does he do it? He can be the most awful person in the world one minute and then turn into a Hello Kitty doll.
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flyby @ April 17 2003, 21:01:48 UTC |
Considering his parents/upbringing, it is probably no surprise if he is stunted or immature where expressing emotion is concerned, but well-taught in the art of being a bastard. So when he lets himself feel emotion (which Lucius would no doubt have seen as weakness and severely discouraged) he doesn't know how to express it in an adult manner. Thus his mannerisms become more childlike/he becomes more vulnerable at such times. Does that make sense at all, let alone fit? Am not much of a psychiatrist.
(parent)primroseburrows @ April 18 2003, 05:34:51 UTC Quick OT |
OT, but can you tell me what painting your icon is from? I used to have a litho of it that got ruined, and I'd dearly love to get another.
*scurries off*
moonlitpages @ April 18 2003, 07:16:38 UTC Re: Quick OT |
Sure- it's from Miranda and the Tempest by John William Waterhouse. I believe you can order such things from this website, but I can't quite remember. :-)
(parent)anamirza @ April 17 2003, 20:46:33 UTC |
Haven't they got this far (towards separation) before though, only to get back together (on the same thread, no less)? One wonders what will happen this time...
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flyby @ April 17 2003, 20:55:01 UTC |
Big ikes on Draco's behalf here. Mostly that if she actually does go through with it and this ends up being permanent, what will potterstinks do? Will they force him to choose between them? Will he stick with his heritage and inheritance despite Lucius' bastardness to him? Will he stick by his mother and risk being disinherited for real this time? From the standpoint of an H/D relationship, I would think Narcissa would be the better choice, not that she probably wouldn't be anyway.
Damn. Someone should go and find Draco and give him a cuddle.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 21:04:33 UTC |
It seems that Narcissa's mother is siding with Him.
moonlitpages @ April 17 2003, 21:14:17 UTC |
Oh dear, and Remus is most likely in no state to come to her aid. I hope she doesn't cave without his immediate support *sigh*
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 17 2003, 21:26:35 UTC |
Draco's killing me with his asking her to come to Hogwarts and yet still trying to pretend like nothing's wrong, preferring to chalk it up to Lucius having a "bad week at work." He's all, "Oh, he was cruel to me too, Mother. If you pretend it's not happening it's not as scary. We can do it together!"
And he's just terrified at the idea of her sitting in a Muggle pub. He's so sweet!
moonlitpages @ April 17 2003, 21:33:35 UTC |
Oh break my heart even more, why don't they? *sniff* He really is quite deep in denial, isn't he? Perhaps Narcissa coming to Hogwarts would be good for both of them...not so good perhaps for the budding h/d subplot but it can wait. My concern is only for his state at the moment. Wibble.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 17 2003, 21:38:45 UTC |
Actually, it could be interesting for the H/D ship. Remus has come through with the invitation to live at his house and won't Harry be staying there too? Surely PS will go to be with his mother. They'll all be under one roof.
I hope PS remembers to bring his Gulf clubs.
moonlitpages @ April 17 2003, 21:41:58 UTC |
Ooh, I just saw that. Well that certainly would be interesting. *grins madly* And how much do I love potions_master as messenger boy? *adores* Apparently he must be visiting the hospital ward enough to be in the position to run messages in the first place...
darkflame173 @ April 17 2003, 22:41:17 UTC |
I am becoming completely wibbly over potions_master during this! He's acting all put-upon, and yet he's there to get those messages! *wibbles*
*tries to stop sniffling over PS's and Narcissa's dilemma*
moonlitpages @ April 17 2003, 22:48:08 UTC |
Exactly. If you overlook potions_master 's adamant complaining and just look at his actions, he really is being quite helpful. If one didn't know better, one might say he *gasp* cared. ;-) *grin*
sistermagpie @ April 18 2003, 07:10:30 UTC |
That's potions_master all over! I love the way almost all the "bad" guys still manage to be bad even when they're being good, while all the good guys remain good even when they're being bad. If that makes any sense.
imochan @ April 17 2003, 23:05:33 UTC |
I hope PS remembers to bring his Gulf clubs.
I sincerely hope this unfolds as you forsee.