darkflame173 @ 2003-04-17 23:58:00 |
Mood: shocked
I never thought I'd say this, but...
Poor Narcissa!!
xnera @ April 17 2003, 21:07:17 UTC *hugs Narcissa* |
*sobs* Poor Narcissa! God, do I feel for her! I just broke up with my boyfriend a few days ago, because I felt I couldn't truly be myself if I was with him. The difference is, I had the support of both him and my family... they didn't think I did anything wrong. Poor Narcissa. She's trying to stand up for herself but she's just getting negative messages everywhere. Be strong, Narcissa! You can do it! *hugs*
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 17 2003, 21:18:48 UTC Re: *hugs Narcissa* |
I wonder if she'll come and stay with Remus and Sirius?? Her mother is just like you'd expect. Poor Narcissa! Go stay with Remus! (Although--and this is a good thing characterwise--she still manages to be unthinkingly bad about dealing with Draco, telling him that she's in a bad way for his sake. He really just never has any control over anything in that Manor, does he.)
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 21:37:17 UTC Re: *hugs Narcissa* |
She is: http://www.livejournal.com/community/noc
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 21:19:43 UTC worried... |
Narcissa's told Draco:
He really worships/respects his Father.
As much as boys love their mothers, they tend to take them for granted. Especially boys with one who spoils him as much as Narcissa does.
I am worried for Narcissa... we don't not the customary ps insensitivity here.
Here is where we will see what the boy's made of.
moonlitpages @ April 17 2003, 21:24:09 UTC Re: worried... |
Hrm, I'm also interested to see how PS is going to react to this. Because in order to accept that Narcissa left because his father was mistreating him, PS will first have to accept that his father was mistreating him, which I don't think he seems to be ready to do. Also, could you imagine the consequences for him if he openly sided with his mother against his father, only for her to reconcile with Lucius not long after for a shiny bauble or two?
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 21:28:27 UTC Re: worried... |
Yes. I think Draco will insist that his Father's treatment is in no way unjust. Look at all his journal entries addressed to Lucius. Look at how his memories include "notes to my Father" (but none to his mother).
Perhaps he will try to make peace and desperately pretend it's all a big misunderstanding.
sistermagpie @ April 18 2003, 07:18:00 UTC Re: worried... |
Yeah, there are years and years of behavior in that family that are going to be hard to break. Lucius wants to "make Draco a man" and Draco seems to want to live up to his expectations. I can definitely see him siding with Lucius even though he loves Narcissa. Because remember love is probably considered a weakness. I imagine Lucius will make it clear that Draco is too old to need a mother at all and that he shames the family name by going to her.
But Lucius may not be that open about it. Up until now what's worked in the family is that Lucius gives the orders and both Narcissa and ps knew their place. I can imagine Lucius ordering Draco to do all kinds of stupid things and Narcissa objecting with it all really being a battle over who really gets the kid. It's exactly what parents should never do with a child, which is a good reason to think the Malfoys would do it! It'll be like the fight with the teachers (over who got to punish Draco) all over again. The only time most of the adults want him is when they're proving a point to someone else.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 21:25:41 UTC Re: worried... |
As of right now, he's in denial.
"Perhaps you can wait until you and Father both feel better and return to the Manor. I think that would likely be the best idea for everyone. I'm sure Father is just having a busy week at work."
The poor dear. Where is Harry?!
ishuca @ April 17 2003, 21:29:54 UTC Re: worried... |
but he's obviously worried, posting to know if she's still in the pub.
and then he suggests going to the houses of their acquaintances. he's trying to put up a front, but i wonder what'll happen if narcissa continues to have no place to go.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 21:30:07 UTC Re: worried... |
Harry is probably either visiting Sirius to talk about vacation or on his way with the book.
sistermagpie @ April 17 2003, 21:30:26 UTC Re: worried... |
PS is so in a panic. He really just wants Narcissa to get into denial with him and for god's sake get out of a Muggle pub where she could be hurt. When Harry shows up he'll be a mess. "My mummy's in a muggle pub! My mummy's in a muggle pub!" He's like torn between on the one hand totally not wanting to confront the situation (here he's worked so hard to avoid his own mistreatment and she's made it impossible) and take care of it by getting her somewhere safe.
(parent)ishuca @ April 17 2003, 21:35:35 UTC Re: worried... |
yes, he is.
but the longer narcissa stays there the closer PS is going to get to having to make some sort of decision. i wonder if j_s will get to him in time to make a difference- j_s has been having good rapport with ps recently, but now that ps is under this type of stress...
i just hope lucius doesn't jump in and flatly forbid draco to do anything.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 21:39:52 UTC |
Will probably be staying with Remus...
just in time for vacation with the boys.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 21:44:30 UTC |
... and it was Snape that delivered the message (and the earlier one to Harry). This may imply that Snape's been hanging around his bedside.
Are we heading towrads everyone being just one big happy family?
moonlitpages @ April 17 2003, 22:02:00 UTC |
Hmm, not very likely, I'd say *laughs*. Even if this current plotline did manage to work out somehow with Draco ending up staying somewhere with Narcissa, 'homosexuality does not exist in her family', remember? If PS did ever feel so inclined to lean in that direction, I believe we'd have an emergence of a Fake Draco on our hands ;-)
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 22:05:21 UTC |
All true, but depending on how serious/permanent this split with Lucius is, Narcissa will be forced to re-evaluate many things.
Also, friendship with Lupin may soften her on the subject of homosexuality in her own family.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 22:10:51 UTC |
"This is not over, O Mangy One."
Lucius can be nasty when he wants to. I doubt he'll let this slide.
Watch out lupercus!
Don't do anything stupid jadedsirius...
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 22:19:59 UTC |
Can the vodka and Dacey be trusted?
Am I being overly paranoid?
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 22:23:36 UTC |
I had the same thought. I should think the answer would be no. This is Lucius getting a hand over his wife.