dayafternext @ 2003-04-17 21:47:00 |
Mood: excited
Point One: Draco is "stranded" at Hogwarts.
Point Two: Harry is going to Remus and Sirius's house for the break.
Point Three: Narcissa is probably going to Remus and Sirius's house for the time being.
Conclusion One Draco will most likely join his mother.
Conclusion Two: Draco and Harry will be in the same house for about a week.
Conclusion Three: ...make your own conclusion. Mujah! XD
dayafternext @ April 17 2003, 21:49:51 UTC |
I am so happy right now I can't even tell you.
<3333333 NA SO MUCH.
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luleh @ April 17 2003, 21:53:13 UTC |
The possibilities!!!! The wacky hijinks! The H/D (hopehopehopehope) love!
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 21:58:03 UTC |
"I've got to get off of the computer, Mother, as the demands here never seem to cease, "
I think Harry has arrived w/ book.
pink_faerie @ April 17 2003, 22:00:46 UTC |
Do the players plan everything to work out so well or is it the magic plot fairy?! It's so...intricate. W00t.
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princess_draco @ April 17 2003, 22:24:05 UTC |
I think they plan everything out, wouldn't that be what their community is for? I imagine they discuss all their goings-on there, since non-players can't join it...
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Anonymous @ April 18 2003, 01:03:59 UTC |
the community IS the game. non-players can't join because they are just that, not players. only character journals can join and post and if others could do that then the whole game would be just chaotic wouldn't it
it's no different than a stage, and like in a play what you see is what you get, there are the actors on the stage acting and the viewers in the audience viewing. and there areloads of other rpgs besides na out there that are run just like it.
pink_faerie @ April 18 2003, 07:31:16 UTC |
I didn't mean it like that. ^ ^; Obviously they plan everything out but sometimes it just scares me how it all works out perfectly, including the order certain characters post in giving a little bit of information at a time. It's amazing watching one thing lead to another and another and another and another and another that sometimes I have to stop and wonder if the 50th result of some little plot twist was planned before hand because who can be that endlessly creative?!
shusu @ April 18 2003, 07:56:15 UTC |
It's truly amazing how spontaneous plots can arise, though. If the character voice is strong -- and it is for every single NA player that I've seen -- the characters often take over and dictate their own plots. Serendipity is a far more powerful force in top-flight RPG than most people think.
(parent)karabou @ April 17 2003, 22:08:03 UTC |
Hmm... I think Draco will likely just stay at school. After all, he is scared of Lupin now, and completely dislikes Sirius... but who knows.
I think it's very nice that they're letting Narcissa stay over, though! And find it very amusing that Snape is playing messanger. :)
dayafternext @ April 17 2003, 22:13:34 UTC Re: |
It would be nice if it all worked out though, neh?
(parent)karabou @ April 17 2003, 22:15:13 UTC |
Someday in the future... I can just imagine the family get-togethers... XD
(parent)shusu @ April 18 2003, 07:57:31 UTC |
Still disagree that he's scared of Lupin, and hold that he was scared *for* Lupin.
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Anonymous @ April 17 2003, 22:11:21 UTC |
i don't think it's so obvious as that tho. NA has never been obvious before. draco doesn't like sirius at all. he was terrified of lupin just last night. why would he willing go to their home whether his mother's there or not? we don't even know how he's going to react to his parents separation whether he even accepts it or not.
it just seems too easy and cliche for draco to wind up at the same house as harry and NA is not cliche. i just don't think we should get our hopes up for anything because NA always supprises us.
dayafternext @ April 17 2003, 22:14:45 UTC Re: |
but it would be happy if it did happen!
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Anonymous @ April 18 2003, 00:09:57 UTC |
De-lurking to make comment on cliches: sometimes things can fall into place without being cliche, because in real life sometimes things fall into place. As long as it doesn't happen too often (and I haven't seen anything -this- perfect, should it happen, spring up in NA ever), it can be perfectly in character and original. I agree with the first anonymous person up there it would be unlikely for Draco to volunteer to go to Sirius and Remus' house because of all the issues listed, but if he did (because we all know how things at NA can change in a heartbeat), I don't think it'd be cliche at all because it's those little coincidences that bring things together in the real world and make real people who they are. Why can't it happen once in awhile in NA too?
The inadvertant defender of the cliched situation and horribly shy lurker,
notapipe @ April 18 2003, 02:01:05 UTC |
Why can't it happen once in awhile in NA too?
Because apparently the NA players are all sadists, and we love them for it.
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Anonymous @ April 18 2003, 10:15:04 UTC |
You do have a point there, I've noticed that trend myself :P. But that's what makes it so great! ^^ I just wanted to point out that such a situation isn't always cliche.
kat99999 @ April 18 2003, 04:57:57 UTC |
Lol, that was my thought as soon as I read Narcissa's entry, and I got all excited lmao. But reading over these thread posts about Draco and his dislike for Sirius/fear of Lupin's wolf-ness/etc then maybe not...
But oh wouldn't it be soooo nice? And I think Narcissa would benefit from having her Little Dragon so close by too. It is her we are thinking of. *nods*
And just -oh the possibilities!
sistermagpie @ April 18 2003, 07:27:29 UTC |
It's hard to believe they wouldn't have any contact at all, though. While I don't imagine them moving in together and having picnics on the grounds all week (pauses for fluffy/smutty images of that) I wouldn't rule out any interactions. After all, Harry and Draco do have to work on this Gulf thing (you can't learn to play just by reading about it!) so I'm sure ps could be persuaded to spend at least an afternoon there.
I think he could do that and still make it clear he dislikes Sirius...but what about Remus? I don't think ps would be too afraid to see Remus again now that he's in his human form (especially with Harry there setting a brave example), but it would still be difficult for him with the bad memories plus the knowledge that Remus knows just how scared he was. He witnessed something very intimate in Lupin and I think any kind of naked intimacy like that frightens ps. However, with Harry there to smooth things over this could be a good thing--we've already seen how Harry has the ability to calm Draco down to a low growl when he's been hissing and spitting. Lupin might even enjoy having the opportunity to spend some time with Draco in a small group--surely part of the lesson is being able to acclimate Remus' tranformation with the man himself. If Lupin got a chance to ease Draco's nerves class might go a little easier next term.
shusu @ April 18 2003, 08:00:09 UTC |
Yes, he was positively falling all over himself to make sure that Narcissa was okay. Well. In his own way ^^ I can't see how he wouldn't visit at least once.
What I want to know is... how are Remus and Sirius going to handle having Narcissa over? She already said their house was... ack. I need to find that quote. In any case it won't be up to her usual standards :)
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flyby @ April 18 2003, 10:22:42 UTC |
Harry and Draco do have to work on this Gulf thing (you can't learn to play just by reading about it!)
Damn, you just sent my mind right back into the gutter.
anjaliesque @ April 18 2003, 08:16:31 UTC |
*sigh* I can just imagine it. How lovely. I know it's not very probable, what with NA being so very sneaky, but surely a little visit to see his mother would be possible. Remus might still be exhausted and Sirius would be doting on him, and Narcissa would eventually retire to her room bemoaning her situation, and then the boys will surely be told to amuse themselves. Perhaps they could go into the yard and play golf. I wonder who will take a club to the other's head first? ps may seem more likely, but I wouldn't put it past sweet j_h to knock him out and keep him all for himself. :D
(parent)non_inferno @ April 18 2003, 16:39:07 UTC |
It would most definitely be just_harry taking a club to
potterstinks' head.
anjaliesque @ April 18 2003, 16:47:01 UTC Re: |
O_O Your...your...icon... <3333 And whoever could be holding the club? *sniggers*